Sunday, August 29, 2010

Oh No! my Internets under siege! Scientists are predicting a massive solar storm to hit Earth in 2012 with ‘force of 100m bombs’ - or so they say?

If you listen to the media on a regular basis as I do, including late night radio, you may have heard that Astronomers are predicting that a massive solar storm, much bigger in potential than the one that caused spectacular light shows on Earth earlier this month, is to strike our planet in 2012 with a force of 100 million hydrogen bombs.

Several US media outlets have reported that NASA was warning the massive flare this month was just a precursor to a massive solar storm building that had the potential to wipe out the entire planet’s power grid.

Despite its rebuttal, NASA’s been watching out for this storm since 2006 and reports from the US this week claim the storms could hit on that most Hollywood of disaster dates – 2012.

But let us be perfectly honest about this, if it were true, (which I do not believe it is) why would the elitists tell us, (the general public) about an event such as this and risk the general breakdown of the fabric of society unless there was some other ulterior motive attached?

Could it be that they are trying to create a crisis and then find the solution to the crisis ( an old trick of theirs) so that they may usher in a New World Order quicker; or haven't we learnt from the y2k fiasco - or are they going to continue to pull the wool over the eyes of an unsuspecting and gullible public?

The 2012 solar storm will not happen. Biblically, the mark of the beast (the microchip implant) needs the power from satellites to function properly so an event of the grandiose scale of massive solar storm force of 100m bombs hitting the earth above is not Biblical in any shape or form whatsoever.

Perhaps there may be a minor disruption but nothing really serious

Does the government believe it’s going to happen? NO! If they did, why would they be spending billions into tracking devices (eg. chip) and other technology that requires satellites and electricity to function properly?

2012 is an especially premeditated event designed to send citizens into a general state of fear and panic. Don’t believe a word of it and in any case if it were to happen your best defense has and will always be the Lord Jesus Christ, both now and forever.

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