The following statement is an analogy of the way that I see the state of the modern day church and those within those churches relative to the Bible prophecies. Thus, it should be taken the general theme of the way that it was intended. It speaks in terms of the broad-spectrum of those who say they are Christians and has not been intended to target or attack any explicit individual or group of individuals specifically. Now read on!!!!
There are events that are taking place in the world right now, just as there are events that have been prophesied to come to pass in the future, that men are claiming have been written in the word of God for centuries, when there is nothing at all that has ever been written in the word of God relative to those said same events.
There are blackbirds falling out of the sky in the U.S. There are dead fishes that are being washed up onto shores in New Zealand. There has been wild fires running out of control in the land where the Lord walked when he was here on the earth amongst men, (Israel) There is speculation that those who have their names written down in the Lambs Book of Life are going to be suddenly whisked off the face of the earth and into Heaven, without having to pass from the life to the death experience first. (this is known as the rapture of the church) There is even wild and fanciful assumption the world must be divided up into ten sections before the Antichrist can be revealed, to thus take over those said same sections.
The list of false explanations and prophecies could go on and on as men try to make excuses for their own failed misunderstanding of the word of God, and then try and fill in the gaps with their own flimsy excuses and list of rationalizations relative to those events; and then say that those same events are mentioned in the word of God, when there is nothing that is mentioned in the word of God relative to those current and future events at all.
Those who are engaging in this form of mass trickery are doing nothing more than to engage in a game of deception relative to the Bible prophecies relative to the end of the age, (usually for their own financial benefit) as they make up things as they go along that are not there to begin with.
Therefore, no matter how much searching one is able to do there are never anything, anywhere, in the scriptures comparative to any of the events I have made mention of above or the numerous others that I possibly have never even thought of.