Friday, February 12, 2010

What Now For Tony Blair?

Even though Tony Blair did not win the approval of both France and Germany when it came to choosing the EU president there still remains some thing that is very out of the ordinary about Blair.

To be perfectly frank I am not entirely convinced that the French president Nicholas Sarkozy is the AC, and I still do not count Blair out of contention when it comes to correctly identifying the AC.

Even though I am now a middle aged man (and am now facing up to old age at a very rapid rate) I still tend to stick to the way I have been brought up in an ancient system of belief when it comes to the fulfillment of the Bible prophecies, and that is that we shall only know the correct identity of the AC by his confirmation of a seven year Middle East peace treaty.

I still believe that I am going to see that take place within my own lifetime and even though I cannot foretell the immediate future I still live in vain hope that we may see it take place very, very shortly.

The Middle East Peace Envoy for the Quartet (United States, European Union, United Nations and Russia) Tony Blair is optimistic. The former British Prime Minister said there is a great sense of hope and expectation in the Middle East after United States President Obama’s recent outreach to the Islamic world.

Blair says that if everyone would commit themselves to a two state solution, this peace deal could be in place within the year.

That Blair says there could be peace in the Middle East within the year is a page out of Bible prophecy for the end times”.