I have found the following article at http://www.omegaletter.com/articles/articles.asp?ArticleID=6269 – and after having experienced a situation recently where I had returned to a local church after a long absence of regular church attendance and fellowship, I found myself in a very similar situation to the one described below, now read on…
Quote: If you are a Christian, and you believe that Bible prophecy is being fulfilled in this generation, then you are probably the oddball in your church.In fact, scratch 'probably'. It is pretty much a dead-bang certainty that you are. It is fascinating to me that a person can be pro-choice, anti-Israel, pro-gay marriage, and be labelled a 'Christian progressive'. But if you believe that God not only knows the future, but recorded it for us in advance, well, then you're a nut. Most Christians are ok with the idea that God created the universe. Whether or not they accept it as a literal 'creation' or some kind of modified evolutionary scheme notwithstanding, few Christians would argue that creation is beyond God's power? For reasons nobody has ever been able to logically articulate to me, Christians have no problem agreeing that the First Advent of Jesus Christ was prophesied. But prophecies pointing to His Second Advent are merely symbolic and not to be taken literally. If YOU do, then you are a nut. There are some churches, on the other hand, that are wholly given over to the study of Bible prophecy for the last days. If you are a member of a church like that, not only are YOU a nut, but you probably belong to a cult. If you wanted to draw a cartoon in which you wanted one of the characters to be instantly recognized as being a couple of sandwiches short of a picnic, the most recognizable way would be to draw a guy with a long beard wearing a burnoose and brandishing a sign saying, "Repent! The end is near!" And that's just the way the subject is treated by other Christians. To the world, if you study Bible prophecy, you are probably not just crazy, but dangerous. If you believe Nostradamus knew the future, you're a harmless eccentric, if you believe the Mayans calculated The End of The World As We Know It (TEOTWAWKI) you are an historian. If you believe St Malachy, you are a Catholic theologian. But if you believe that the God of the Universe has a Divine Plan that culminates with the judgment of mankind during the Tribulation Period, based entirely on a literal reading of His Word, then there's something wrong with you. The Mayan Indians, whose culture died out 1400 years ago, developed a complex calendar system that continues to fascinate scientists to this day. The Mayan Calendar divides the history of man into five distinct 'ages' and this present age is scheduled to end exactly at 11:11 am (Greenwich Mean Time), on 24 December, 2012. The Mayans believed that on that date and time, the world as we know it will end with the final destruction of mankind on the earth. Nostradamus is credited with having predicted the 9/11 attacks as kicking off the end of days. According to one celebrated 'quatrain' a King of Terror wearing a blue turban will attack 'the "Great City", etc., etc. Although his most famous quatrain makes reference to the 'King of Terror' "in the seventh month of 1999" and the 9/11 attacks took place in the 9th month of 2000, for Nostradamus fans, that was close enough. An 12th-century Irish priest recorded a prophecy in which he allegedly named the rest of the Popes in human history, from Celestine II (1143-1144) to the last pope at the end of the world. According to St. Malachy, there would be exactly 112 Popes. Malachy predicted the second last Pope would be called 'a Benedictine.' I wrote about St Malachy's 'Benedictine prophecy' in April, 2005, as the new Pope was being selected. Cardinal Ratzinger chose, as his papal name, "Pope Benedict the XVI". According to St Malachy, the Benedictine's reign will be short, (Ratzinger is in his 80's) and he will be succeeded by the last Pope, "Peter the Great." The various adherents of the Mayans, Nostradamus, St Malachy (and there are others) all share the same basic worldview that could be paraphrased thusly: let every man be true and God a liar. All the various secular 'prophets' prove is that Satan knows his time is short. There is a singular difference between secular prophecies and Bible prophecy that reveals the source of the information. Secular prophecies can only 'predict' events, not outcomes. Bible prophecy tells how they turn out. "I am God, and there is none like Me, Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done." (Isaiah 46:9b-10a) Satan is the universe's master deceiver. His ultimate goal is to be received as God. Only God is capable of prophecy. But Satan has a counterfeit plan of his own, and he has had six thousand years to develop it. Since he knows what he has planned, it is no trick to reveal the plan to some secular 'prophet'. Satan doesn't know how his plan will turn out, any more than any other created being, but he does know what he has in mind. From our dimension of time, it seems like prophecy. Remove the element of time, and what seem now to be prophecy would no more than the outline of a plan. Extra-Biblical prophecies, are part of that overall plan to counterfeit the miracles of God, so that, one day, " he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God." (2nd Thessalonians 2:4) If one examines the extra-Biblical prophecies for the truth they contain, rather than looking for the sensational, what what learns is that it isn't just prophecy nuts who believe in Bible prophecy. Satan believes it, too, or he wouldn't be trying to counterfeit it. What it does establish is that even Satan has an idea of the time of the end -- and Satan thinks it will be sometime around 2012. We know that, of the day and hour, no man knoweth, but we are told we will know that it is 'near, even at the doors.' And from that time, Jesus tells us, "Verily I say unto thee, this generation shall not pass, until all these things be fulfilled." (Matthew 24:34) TEOTWAWKI on December 24, 2012? I don't think so. But soon? No doubt about it. End of Quote
Three important areas of eschatology are those concerning the Antichrist Satan, and the nation of Israel and the Jewish people. Indeed, the three are invariably linked in the end-times panorama?
Bilderberger Henri Spaak, secretary of N.A.T.O. 1957-1961 and planner of the E.E.C. (European Economic Community - EU) had said, many years ago that:
Quote: - We do not want another committee. We have too many already. What we want is a man of sufficient stature to hold the allegiance of all people and to lift us out of the economic morass into which we are sinking. Send us such a man and whether he be God or devil, we will receive him. End of quote.
Such a leader, the Bible teaches, will appear, and unfortunately for mankind, he shall indeed be satanically inspired. That is exactly what is happening now as the world is currently sinks into a recession/depression the likes of which the world may never have witnessed before and any efforts by the US government only seem to be make matters worse?
It is happening right now, with Sarkozy being the political side of the New World Order and Blair being the religious side of the New World Order what an ideal time to set up a New World Order and an economic government of Europe as Nicholas Sarkozy and Tony Blair are concurrently doing?
As Spaak had made the aforementioned statement so many years ago it seems like this whole scenario has been deliberately planned for decades before to bring down the current system and bring forth the Antichrist as the saviour of mankind and is further evidence that Sarkozy or Blair may be the Beast, with the emphasis here still on maybe.
The men that are behind the New World Order, (global elitists as they are commonly known as) are not necessarily evil as so many portray them as being.
It is just that they think it is the best way for the world to go. The New World Order equates to taking away the complete freedom and liberties of what they perceive as being the mass of cannon fodder that inhabits the planet.
The problem is that those behind the NWO are not Bible readers and they cannot see what the outcome of it all is going to be as it gives rise to you know who as he seeks the complete destruction of mankind.
As far as conspiracy websites relating to the New World Order this one is up there with the best.
However there was nothing there that really got me excited at all except for this quotation
Quote, Old thinkernews.com: The technological revolution that will re-shape humanity and our world is well underway. Cacophonies of crises, both real and manufactured, are being heralded as birth pangs of a new global order. Some analysts say that we can no more fathom the political, technological, and social world that will emerge as "...chimpanzees in the forest can comprehend what goes on among humans in a nearby village." End of Quote.
This article is also memorable from the Shofar Ministries website and needs repeating as I have done here. In the very least it is a good endorsement for the author of this article
You’re in trouble, big trouble. But there is good news.By Jerry Golden
If we Look around the world today and trying to come with some sort of rational conclusion on what is happening with the global economics and politics. It’s easy to blame this one or that one, but the truth is you are being manipulated by the CFR controlled media and the New World Order (Illuminate). Only a couple of years ago if someone said that he or she would be considered a conspiracy theory nut, but today it is being said by some very reputable people who are on top of what is happening. Some time ago there was a movie called “The tail wagging the dog” or something like that. It has occurred to me that we are witnessing that same event in reality. Every time we hear of the Trillions of dollars being printed by the US mint to bailout those who seemingly got you into the mess, the question should be asked how can they keep printing more and more trillions of dollars, what is backing it up, we know it is not gold and we know it is somehow being printed out of thin air, being done by the largest debtor country in the world, the USA. How long does anyone believe this can continue before it all comes falling down? It is said around the world that when the USA sneezes the rest of the world catches a cold.
Well folks the USA is not only sneezing but it’s seriously ill and the rest of the world is crumbling as a result. I know that what I’m saying is in general terms but you see I am not an economist or for that matter anyone that should be paid any attention, but I have eyes to see and ears to hear and daily in my prayers I feel an urgency to be about the Father’s business and not to be overly concerned about the world condition for the fact is there is absolutely nothing I or anyone can do about it. Because the bottom line is God’s Prophetic Word is coming to pass right before eyes, and God can use whoever He chooses and however He chooses. But for those who have been chosen for end time ministries in regards to the Apple of His Eye need to put their hands to the plow and keep their eyes on Yeshua and be led by the Ruach Hakoddesh (Holy Spirit).
When we take our eyes off the things of this world and place them squarely on God we find there is no confusion in our minds or spirit, that is not to say we should not be concerned about what is happening or not prepare, for we should but if our motivation is placed in the right place for Believer in Yeshua the storm and problems around us has little to no effect in how we feel inside and the peace of God will prevail.I am constantly asked how we will be able to sail boats across the Eastern Mediterranean Sea under war conditions with Jewish refugees, the answer is simply, God said we can and we will. It is also interesting to know that God prepares certain Believers for ministries not fully understood by everyone, but then we are all members of the same Body, Jew or Gentile bond or free. If God has called you to a ministry that others don’t understand, it is only for you to please God not men. You’ve heard that to understand where we are in prophecy we simply need to look at God’s Time piece “ Israel ”. Well if you look closely today you will see there are also terrible things happening here. It’s not only our hostile Arab neighbors but the corruption and political strife within the country. While the world’s media is reporting all the Arab lies about the recent war in Gaza , for example the exaggerated numbers of causalities caused by the IDF, the real problem here is much like the one in the USA , the liberal “Left Wing” parties want to destroy any resemblance of a Jewish State. As you have heard or read, the (Liberal) Kadima Party won the election by one seat. A seat represents one Member of the Knesset (MK) of which there are 120. So in order for someone to control the Knesset and form a Government they most have at least 61 seats. What has happened is the Right Wing led by Likud lost by one seat but won in terms of being able to form a coalition of more than 61 seats. The problem is a new mostly Russian Party called “Israel Beiteinu” led by Avigdor Liberman won 15 seats making him the so-called “King-Maker”. Neither Likud nor Kadima can form a stable Government without Liberman joining their coalition that is unless Likud and Kadima bury the hatchet and join together to form the coalition, who knows it could happen. Now we wait for President Peres to decide who he will ask to form the new Government, he should be making that decision with in days. Then the one he chooses will have a month or so to see if they can bring more than the needed 61 MK’s to the table. If not then Peres will have to ask someone else to try to form a Government. So you see this thing is far from being over and in the mean time Iran is preparing nuclear bombs to destroy Israel with, while doing all they can to re-arm Hamas and Hezbollah with the needed weapons to once again fight Israel . Daily we are sitting here watching the mounting instability all around us increase. You see it is very easy to take your eyes off of God’s calling for those who haven’t made a firm decision to be lead by the Ruach Hakoddesh (Holy Spirit). While so many are overly concerned about their finances and where to invest or what kind of currency to hold, they are being misled by the prince of this world. When they should be on their faces before a Holy God and asking “What would you have me do”. While denominational Churches are leading their congregation down a road to hell teaching false doctrine that not only does not prepare them but makes the Word of God of little to no importance. It’s time for every Believer to make the firm decision who their God is money, power, influence with others or other idles they have precious little time to get on their face before God and set things right in their soul. Those Pastors who refuse to preach what they know to be Biblical Truth for fear of offending their Denominational Leaders will have a very heavy price to pay.Once again I am asking everyone reading this to come before God asking what you would have me do. If your finances are hurting, thank God for what you do have and be about blessing others with a smile that only comes from knowing Yeshua Hamashiach (Jesus the Messiah). If you have finances and you’re concerned about the fall of the dollar or any another fear, invest while you’re still able in God’s Kingdom, for any other investment will perish in time. I don’t need to tell those who have been with this ministry for the past few years that we desperately need to purchase the larger boat, I can only ask you to pray.Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, for our son Joel and all the IDF soldiers. Pray for this Ministry and your part in it. Shalom, jerry goldenNOTE: CHECK OUT OUR NEW SITE AT www.goldenisraelreport.com End of quote
Quote: The 'Old' Consensus? [Excerpts]Did NASA scientist James Hansen, the global warming alarmist in chief, once believe we were headed for . . . an ice age? An old Washington Post story indicates he did.On July 9, 1971, the Post published a story headlined "U.S. Scientist Sees New Ice Age Coming." It told of a prediction by NASA and Columbia University scientist S.I. Rasool. The culprit: man's use of fossil fuels.The Post reported that Rasool, writing in Science, argued that in "the next 50 years" fine dust that humans discharge into the atmosphere by burning fossil fuel will screen out so much of the sun's rays that the Earth's average temperature could fall by six degrees.Sustained emissions over five to 10 years, Rasool claimed, "could be sufficient to trigger an ice age."Aiding Rasool's research, the Post reported, was a "computer program developed by Dr. James Hansen," who was, according to his resume, a Columbia University research associate at the time.So what about those greenhouse gases that man pumps into the skies?
Weren't they worried about them causing a greenhouse effect that would heat the planet, as Hansen, Al Gore and a host of others so fervently believe today?"They found no need to worry about the carbon dioxide fuel-burning puts in the atmosphere," the Post said in the story, which was spotted last week by Washington resident John Lockwood, who was doing research at the Library of Congress and alerted the Washington Times to his finding.Hansen has some explaining to do. The public deserves to know how he was converted from an apparent believer in a coming ice age who had no worries about greenhouse gas emissions to a global warming fear monger.This is a man, as Lockwood noted in his message to the Times' John McCaslin, who has called those sceptical of his global warming theory "court jesters." We wonder: What choice words did he have for those who were sceptical of the ice age theory in 1971?People can change their positions based on new information or by taking a closer or more open-minded look at what is already known. There's nothing wrong with a reversal or modification of views as long as it is arrived at honestly.But what about political hypocrisy? It's clear that Hansen is as much a political animal as he is a scientist. Did he switch from one approaching cataclysm to another because he thought it would be easier to sell to the public? Was it a career advancement move or an honest change of heart on science, based on empirical evidence?If Hansen wants to change positions again, the time is now. With NASA having recently revised historical temperature data that Hansen himself compiled, the door has been opened for him to embrace the ice age projections of the early 1970s.Could be he's feeling a little chill in the air again.("The 'Old' Consensus?", "Investor's Business Daily," 9/21/2007.) End of QuoteGlobal Warming. In view of the political, and more importantly, religious elements that drive this movement, this is an area needing watchfulness. Further, revelations that James Hansen received $720,000 in 2006 from leftist George Soros might be an indication that scientific consensus has a price.
A letter to an editor
Regarding the recent onslaught of publicity surrounding the ëglobal treaty', greenhouse gasses and the subject of global warming in general. Personally, I'm quite tired of pseudo-scientist enviro-zealots going completely overboard on a subject who has no scientific relevance at all - their assumptions regarding the theory of global warming do not remotely resemble science, whatsoever
I've read a great deal on the subject of global warming in the past few years. In fact, I started out with a very open mind on the subject, but quickly realized that this ëtheory' was nothing more than an absurd myth. It is absolutely incredible that an argument still exists on the subject - obviously it provides a great deal of job security for thousands of individuals. I'm certain that it would be much cheaper to place these well meaning dolts on unemployment rather than continue this ludicrous investigation.
While I acknowledge that ground level temperatures on earth have risen about 1 degree Fahrenheit over the past hundred and forty years, I also realize that cities have sprung up and grown dramatically in that same period. What materials are these cities comprised? Let's see....trillions and trillions of tons of brick, mortar, stone, block, tar, concrete, asphalt, etc.
I do have a degree in mechanical engineering and I passed my heat transfer requirement with flying colours.....but I really don't need those credentials to understand that these cities are massive ëheat sinks' which have grown at an amazing rate over this period of time. I can watch the weather report every night and see that the temperatures in Baltimore and Washington, DC are often 4 - 7 degrees warmer than they are at my farm in Walkersville, MD. I often see differences as much as 10 degrees (or more) at night, when these massive heat sinks are dissipating the heat that they collected all day.
It's truly amazing that most global warming fanatics are too obtuse to realize this phenomenon, especially when they preach that the most noticeable increases in temperature are at night. There is one other crucial titbit of information that supports the idea that warming is a ground level phenomenon caused by urban sprawl - we've used satellite data for approximately twenty years to study atmospheric temperatures....and they have shown a slight decrease in global temperatures....remarkable, isn't it?
I've enclosed two charts which were provided in a recent Washington Post article - it is readily apparent that temperature fluctuations on this planet are a very normal occurrence....without our influence. Scientists (and pseudo scientists) are looking at data from the last 140 years - this is merely a blip in time and many individuals are jumping to ridiculous conclusions, including a couple of well known individuals located on Pennsylvania Avenue.
There is little doubt that in three hundred years we will look back at this atrocious episode in the same manner that we currently view the Salem witch trials of the 1600's. The fallacy of global warming is driven by a mob mentality, which lacks any semblance of scientific evidence - in fact, the scientific evidence that exists completely undermines this stupid theory. The arguments of the global warming faction are mind boggling - as each of their predictions fails to materialize, they are only momentarily swayed and revise their predictions accordingly. They are also great manipulators of the news of natural events after they occur. The zealots point at normal events and declare that most of these occurrences are obviously the result of global warming - warm weather, cold weather, hurricanes, hail, flooding, high tide, low tide, turbulent weather, calm weather, the sun rising in the east, the sun setting in the west, inflation, death and taxes - you name it, global warming is the culprit. Ironically, while these zealots are dying to tell everyone ëI told you so', they are continually stymied by bad predictions and repeatedly rely upon the occurrence of normal events to prove their counterfeit theory.
Meanwhile, the press has promulgated the myth since apocalypse makes compelling news, while evidence disproving global warming results in a very slow news day. The nay-Sayers are automatically shunned and branded as conspirators siding with the evil oil empire. I can honestly say that the only kick-back I receive from the oil industry is 6 cents a gallon at the gas pump on Thrifty Thursdays.
In conclusion, I'd like to make one very important point. I'm very pro-environmentÖ. But I'm also anti-stupidity. Global warming is a very stupid non-scientific myth. It's time for someone to stand up and say, "the King has no clothes." No, wait a minute, who are we kidding here? It's time for someone to stand up and say, "the King has no clothesÖ. And he's quite ugly too." Let's stop funding $2.1 billion annually on a fairy tale, and for God's sake, do not legislate the eradication, reduction, moderation, elimination, termination, dissolution, or regulation of anything based on something THAT DOES NOT EXIST!
The New Age Movement (NAM) is both a religious and a social movement. In fact, Western culture is currently experiencing a phenomenal, spiritual, ideological, and sociological shift. It is a religious world view that is alien and hostile to Christianity. It's a multi-focused, multi-faceted synthesis, in varying degrees, of the Far Eastern, mystical religions, mainly Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, and Western Occultism, adapted to and influenced by Western, materialistic culture. It sometimes appears in secularized forms.
Prominent expressions of the NAM were carried on into more modern times in Europe and America by Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772), transcendentalists like Thoreau, Emerson, and Wordsworth (early 1800s), and Theosophy introduced by Madame Helena Blavatsky (1831-1891) (The New Age Rage, pp. 22-24). The decade of the sixties witnessed a revival of Eastern mysticism as traditional values were being challenged. Zen, Carlos Castañada, the Beatles, Transcendental Meditation, and yoga all became popular.
The New Age Movement consists of an incredibly huge and well organized network consisting of thousands of groups, trusts, foundations, clubs, lodges, and religious groups whose goal and purpose is to prepare the world to enter the coming "Age Of Aquarius." A small sampling of only a few of the organizations involved would include: Amnesty International, Zero Population Growth, California New Age Caucus, New World Alliance, World Goodwill, The Church Universal and Triumphant, The Theosophical Society, the Forum, Planetary Initiative for the World We Choose, the Club of Rome, Church Universal & Triumphant, Christian Science, and the Unity School of Christianity. This list, by no means all inclusive, demonstrates the diversity of organizations operating in economic, political, and religious spheres of influence. The New Age movement is not a unified, traditional cult system of beliefs and practices, even though its roots derive from Eastern religions and the occult. It has no official leader, headquarters, nor membership list, but instead is a network of groups working toward specific goals. One of its main goals is to bring to the forefront a one-world leader who is called "The Christ" or "Maitreya." Nevertheless, it is estimated that there are millions of worldwide followers of various New Age practices and/or holders of one or more of the major beliefs of the New Age.
The NAM has gained significant influence, affecting almost every area of the culture -- sociology, psychology, medicine, the government, ecology, science, arts, education, the business community, the media, entertainment, sports, and even the church. The movement expresses itself in widely divergent and various mutated forms, from the blatantly obvious to the subtle. It is expressed in organized religious forms such as Christian Science, Unity, and even forms of Witchcraft. Yet, it shows up in secular forms as well, in various human potential seminars, and much in between, i.e., transcendental meditation, some alternative holistic health practices, and certain curriculum in public (and private) schools. The book Networking lists over 1,200 organizations, centers, cooperatives, groups, communities, and networks in fields ranging from health care and spiritual growth, through politics, economics, and ecology, to education, communications, personal growth, and intercultural relations. There is hardly any area of human interest that does not have some people somewhere exploring it from a New Age point of view. Due to the lack of a central organization and the diversity of emphasis adhered to by the various New Age groups, there are literally hundreds of publications. Some popular publications and journals are New Age Journal, Body Mind Spirit, Yoga Journal, Gnosis, East West, Noetic Sciences, and Omega.The major goal of the New Age Movement is to bring peace to the world upon entering the Age of Aquarius. This will be accomplished primarily through the leadership of "the Christ" (also known as "Lord Maitreya"), who will supposedly come to teach us to live at peace with each other. Some of the other stated goals of the movement are to establish a World Food Authority, World Water Authority, World Economic Order, and an entirely New World Order. It should be noted here that one of the requirements for a person to enter the New Age is that he or she will have to take what is known as a "Luciferic Initiation," a kind of pledge of allegiance to the Christ of the New Age and to the New World Order. The primary goals of the movement then, are to prepare the world to receive the Christ and to enter the Age of Aquarius, thus establishing the New World Order.The New Age Movement professes a broad-minded openness to all religions, but its basic underlying philosophy represents a carefully calculated undermining of Judeo-Christian beliefs with various combinations of gnosticism and occultism. [Gnosticism is an ancient world-view stating that Divine essence is the only true or highest reality, and that the unconscious Self of man is actually this essence. It is through intuitional discovery, "visionary experience or initiation into secret doctrine" (not the plenary revelation of propositional truth in the Bible), that man becomes conscious of this true Self (Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 10, 1968, p. 506; New Bible Dictionary, J.D. Douglas, ed., pp. 473-474).] It bears a remarkable resemblance to the apostate world religion that H.G. Wells claimed as his own and predicted would one day take over the world. It also fits the description of "The Plan" for establishing the new world government that is described in various psychic communications from alleged E.T.'s and ascended masters. There is one more connection: the New Age Movement fits the description of the Antichrist's religion -- a rejection of the Judeo-Christian God and the declaration that Self is God. (Source: The Seduction of Christianity.) Douglas R. Groothuis, author of Unmasking the New Age and Confronting the New Age, identifies six distinctives of New Age thinking: (1) all is one; (2) all is God; (3) humanity is God; (4) a change in consciousness; (5) all religions are one; and (6) cosmic evolutionary optimism. Norman Geisler details 14 primary "doctrines" of New Age religions: (1) an impersonal god (force); (2) an eternal universe; (3) an illusory nature of matter; (4) a cyclical nature of life; (5) the necessity of reincarnations; (6) the evolution of man into Godhood; (7) continuing revelations from beings beyond the world; (8) the identity of man with God; (9) the need for meditation (or other consciousness-changing techniques); (10) occult practices (astrology, mediums, etc.); (11) vegetarianism and holistic health; (12) pacifism (or anti-war activities); (13) one world (global) order; and (14) syncretism (unity of all religions). [HJB] The New Age also encompasses a wide array of notions: spiritualism, astrology, bioenergy, Chi energy, chakras, nirvana, Christ-consciousness, Native American Spirituality, Prajna, out-of-body/near-death experiences, reincarnation, and the occult disciplines, as well as unorthodox psychotherapeutic techniques and pseudoscientific applications of the "healing powers" of crystals and pyramids. Some commonly used New Age terms are: guided imagery, reincarnation; positive thinking; human potential; holistic; holographic; synergistic; unity; oneness; transformation; awakening; networking; communal sharing; one-world/globalism/new world order (i.e., one language, one government, one currency, one religion); cosmic consciousness; etc. (See New Age Dictionary below.)
It is important for Christians to recognize even the most disguised forms of the New Age Movement. Some New Age practices are: rebirthing; inner healing; biofeedback; yoga; I Ching; reflexology; black and white magic; fire-walking; trance-channeling; therapeutic touch; transpersonal psychology; witchcraft; parapsychology; Magick; Tai Chi; Shamanism; hypnotherapy; acupuncture/acupressure; TM; martial arts; Zen; Relaxation; Erhard Seminar Training (est); Silva Method (formerly Silva Mind Control); visualization; etc. Some prominent New Agers are: Alice Bailey, Alvin Toffler, Dr. Barbara Ray, Benjamin Creme, Levi Dowling, George Trevelyan, Fritjof Capra, Abraham Maslow, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Ruth Montgomery, Shirley MacLaine, J.Z. Knight, Marilyn Ferguson, David Spangler, Jeremy Rifkin, Norman Cousins, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, John Denver, George Lucas, and Norman Lear. Many New Agers attach great importance to artifacts, relics, and sacred objects, all of which can be profitably offered for sale: Tibetan bells, exotic herbal teas, Viking runes, solar energizers, colored candles for "chromotherapy," and a plethora of occult books, pamphlets, instructions, and tape recordings. Crystals are the favorite New Age object. These are not only thought to have mysterious healing powers, but are considered programmable, like a computer, if one just concentrates hard enough. Other New Age objects would include the rainbow; butterfly; pyramid; triangle; eye in triangle/pyramid; unicorn; Pegasus (winged-horse); swastika; yin-yang; goathead on pentagram; concentric circles; rays of light; crescent moon; etc. New Age music is a term applied to the works of various composers and musicians who strive to create soothing audio environments rather than follow song structures. Born of an interest in spirituality and healing in the late 1970s, it is often used as an aid in meditation. The defining features of New Age music are harmonic consonance, contemplative melodies, nonlinear song forms, and uplifting themes. New Age performers may use traditional ethnic, acoustic, electric, or electronic instruments, or even sounds from nature. New Age music is meditative, almost invariably instrumental style with roots in Oriental, jazz, and classical music; often derivative, New Age compositions can sound like minimalist music or like lush evocations of the natural environment. Prominent New Age musicians include electronic-music pioneer Brian Eno, multi-instrumentalist Kitaro; solo-piano artist George Winston, vocalist Liz Story; harpist Andreas Vollenweider, and electric violinist Jean-Luc Ponty. Athletes are using guided imagery. Graduate schools of business are invoking Zen, yoga, and tarot cards in teaching courses on creativity in business (e.g., Stanford Graduate School of Business). Stock market gurus employ Fibonacci numbers and "wave theory" in their forecasting, both based upon astrology. Even some churches teach that the best way to get to know God is to visualize Christ, ignoring that visualization is a powerful occult device. (Visualizing an entity, even God or Christ, ultimately puts one in touch with a masquerading demon.)
In summary, the term "New Age" is an informal term derived from astrology, which indicates that this earth, if not the cosmos, is on the verge of an evolutionary transition from the Piscean Age (rationality) to the Aquarian Age of spirituality, bliss, and harmony of all things. Even though it is undergoing a significant revival, the "New Age" is hardly new. In fact, it is very old. A better term would be the "Old Occult."
Keeping in mind that the myriads of New Age groups are quite eclectic, drawing from several religious traditions mentioned earlier, the following is a general description of the more prominent unifying themes of the NAM. i.e., the highlights of what New Agers believe concerning their source of authority, God, Christ, sin and salvation, good and evil, Satan, and future life:1. Source of Authority. New Agers claim no external source of authority -- only an internal one ("the god within"). They believe the individual is the standard of truth, saying that "truth as an objective reality simply does not exist" (Shirley MacLaine, It's All in the Playing) (cf. 2 Tim. 3:16; 2 Pet. 1:21; Matt. 5:18). [HJB]2. God. New Agers confuse the Creator with His creation and think that God is part of creation, not separate from it. They borrow from Eastern religions the belief in monism -- that "all is One" -- only one essence in the universe, everyone and everything being a part of that essence. Everything is a different form of that essence (energy, consciousness, power, love, force). But the belief in monism is really Hinduistic pantheism (all is God). New Agers view God as an impersonal life force, consciousness, or energy (M. Ferguson, Aquarian Conspiracy, p. 382; S. Gawain, Living In the Light, pp. 7-8) (e.g., the "Star Wars Force"), rather than a Person. They believe that every person and thing is "intertwined" with God (evolving spiritually to the state of "the Christ" being), and use Luke 17:21 ("the kingdom of God is within you") to support this idea (despite the fact that "within you" in this passage means "in your midst"). They claim every human has a divine spark within him because of being part of the divine essence. The state of God is called by various terms among different New Age groups, i.e., God-consciousness, Universal Love, Self-Realization, the I AM, Higher Self, Brahman, Nirvana, etc. New Agers are obviously part of a religion of idolatry and self-worship. [HJB]3. Jesus Christ. A major idea in New Age thinking is that of the "Christ Consciousness." In other words, Christ is an office rather than an individual, such as Jesus, whom Christians know to be THE CHRIST. This idea of "Christ Consciousness" asserts that Jesus was not the only Christ, but that He equipped Himself to receive the "Christ Consciousness" (i.e., He was a great "spiritual master" who attained Christ Consciousness), as supposedly also did Buddha, Krishna, and Mohammed. [This is an old occult Gnostic teaching which stems from the ancient Babylonian mystery religions. New Agers also reinvent the historical Jesus by claiming that he spent 18 years in India (during His "silent years") absorbing Hinduism and the teachings of Buddha.] New Agers believe that Jesus received the Christ Consciousness at His baptism, and that it left Him at His crucifixion.4. Sin and Salvation. There is no place for the concept of sin in the New Age. There can be no sin because there is no transcendent God to rebel against. There are no rules or absolute moral imperatives. New Agers have a "New Thought" view of sin, which knows nothing of a representative man (Adam) by whose sin all men sinned. Nor does New Thought teach that there is any original sin, but that man's true essence is divine and perfect. Indeed, it finds nothing which is of the nature of sin. Instead, it speaks of "troublesome desires" which appear to be natural human impulses which direct men from consciousness to their identity with God, and, therefore, are troublesome but hardly sinful. Since New Agers believe that each person is god, thereby having endless potential for self-improvement, sin is denied as the Bible defines it (man being inherently sinful and utterly depraved -- Rom. 5:12). Sin is merely ignorance of one's "inner divinity." Because sin does not exist, there is no need for repentance or forgiveness, and Jesus did not die for our sins. They think that any perceived lack that man might have is merely a lack of enlightenment, thereby eliminating the need of salvation or a Savior. [In fact, salvation is not even an issue for New Agers. The soul is part of the universe and never dies. It is reborn or reincarnated in different physical bodies in a succession of future lives. The good or bad "karma" earned in the present lifetime determines one's subsequent incarnation. Humans should seek to progress to higher states of consciousness and higher planes of existence. There are many different paths to the goal of spiritual perfection. No one path is the only correct path. The assumed cycle of reincarnation and karma presupposes a salvation by works, contrary to the principle of salvation by God’s grace through faith in Jesus Christ (Eph. 2:8-9).]
5. Man's Destiny. The salvation of the world depends upon human beings. When enough people harmonize their positive energy and turn their thoughts to peace, the world will be cleansed or negative elements and New Age ideals will be realized in an era of spiritual enlightenment. Since man is intrinsically divine and perfect, his only real problem is ignorance of that fact. Man has a perception of finiteness which is, in reality, an illusion (Ken Keyes, Jr., Handbook to Higher Consciousness, pp. 125-29). Salvation in the New Age is for man to become enlightened through experiential knowledge (gnosis). New Age groups offer various occultic techniques to enable individuals, and ultimately the world, to evolve into this oneness (unitive) consciousness (James Redfield, The Celestine Prophecy: An Experimental Guide, pp. 243-60). These techniques may include altered states of consciousness (often transcendental meditation), yoga, crystals, channeling (spirit guides), psychics, past-life therapy, acupuncture, etc.6. Good and Evil. Mimicking the Eastern religions, New Agers distort the distinction between good and evil. They believe that because "all is One," ultimately there is neither good nor evil. They think that a person can transcend his consciousness and go beyond the bounds of moral distinctions, so that even murder sometimes becomes an acceptable way of serving one's gods (e.g., Charles Manson). [HJB] 7. Satan. The traditional view of Lucifer as the devil or Satan is clearly absent in New Age literature. Rather, he is described as a mighty being of light and the "Ruler of Humanity," as Alice Bailey, foundational apostle and leading writer of the New Age Movement, puts it. As to the history and achievements of Lucifer, Benjamin Creme, a leading lecturer and proponent of the New Age, says, "Lucifer came from the planet Venus 18.5 million years ago; he's the director of our planetary evolution, he is the sacrificial lamb, and the prodigal son. Lucifer made an incredible sacrifice, a supreme sacrifice for our planet."8. Future Life (Reincarnation). New Agers believe in the ancient [Hindu] Eastern religious concept of reincarnation -- that through a long process of rebirths, man can eventually reach spiritual perfection (cf. Heb. 9:27). New Agers often place animal rights above human rights, because many New Agers believe animals are reincarnated souls. They also teach the Hindu principle of "karma" -- that what a person sows in this life, he will reap in the next life in his reincarnated state. This belief in reincarnation has led to believing in the power of "spirit guides" or "channels" -- those who allow spirits from another dimension to speak through their bodies. [HJB] These entities always seem to repeat the three-fold error: (1) There is no death, (2) man is god, (3) knowledge of self is salvation and power (Brooks Alexander, Spiritual Counterfeits Project). New Agers misrepresent church history, the doctrines of Christianity, and often twist Scripture to support the idea that original Christianity taught reincarnation. They wrongly argue that the early church suppressed the doctrine and censored its teaching (Kenneth Ring, Heading Toward Omega, p. 158).
President Obama Allowed Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu To Show His Voters Back Home How Tough He Is In Resisting the President's Calls For A Palestinian State.We (refers to the Cutting Edge Ministries website) have long envisioned that only a Prime Minister, who wears the label, 'Conservative', could actually persuade Israel to accept a Palestinian State. In his meeting with President Obama, PM Netanyahu was allowed to acted tough, 'Conservative', in order to persuade Conservative voters that he is watching out for their best interests.
Then, Conservatives will allow him to create a Palestinian State because they have the confidence that if a genuine 'hardliner' like Netanyahu thinks Israel will be safe, they will trust him.
NEWS BRIEF: ""Palestinian Authority hails Obama's call for Palestinian state ", China View News, 2009-05-19
"RAMALLAH, May 19 (Xinhua) -- The Palestinian National Authority (PNA) Tuesday welcomed U.S. President Barack Obama's call for creation of a Palestinian state. Obama called for settling the Israeli-Palestinian conflict during Monday's talk with visiting Israeli right-wing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Washington."
When the President of the United States calls for a Palestinian State, that represents the most powerful endorsement possible. You simply cannot get a stronger diplomatic push.
Yet, Prime Minister Netanyahu resisted Obama's call.
NEWS BRIEF: "Netanyahu stands firm against demands from Obama", Telegraph News (U.K.), 19 May 2009
"Israel stood firm against demands from Barack Obama on Monday to cease the construction of Jewish settlements and embrace the 'two-state solution' to achieving peace in the Middle East."
Thus, Israeli Mass Media could trumpet to their constituents the very next day that the "Conservative" Prime Minister had stood toe to toe with the new President to resist these insane calls for a Palestinian State.
The stage had thus been set for Netanyahu to reopen the door just a tiny crack, without most voters being aware of this fact; after all the first story appeared on the front pages while the second story was reported only in non-Israeli news sources.
NEWS BRIEF: "Netanyahu ready to 'reignite' peace talks with West Bank Palestinians", New York Daily News, May 20, 2009
"WASHINGTON - Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Tuesday that Israel is ready for immediate peace talks with West Bank Palestinians even as Hamas in Gaza renewed rocket attacks. Netanyahu said he is working with President Obama 'to reignite the peace process' without waiting for action against Iran."
What kind of "re-ignition" of the Peace Process between Israel and the Palestinians is possible? Surely every conceivable plan which could be tried has been tried, all to no avail. But, if President Obama could find a different plan, he could receive the Nobel Peace Prize!
Just such a plan surfaced immediately.
President Obama will present a brand new plan!
NEWS BRIEF: "Netanyahu: US intends to present new plan", The Jerusalem Post, May 19, 2009
"Following his highly-anticipated meeting with US President Barack Obama at the White House, and after a 30-minute press conference, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu gave a special briefing to Israeli reporters late Monday night, and told them that the president planned to formulate a new Middle East peace initiative which would be presented soon."
Netanyahu called Obama's plan "interesting" and stated that its elements were crafted with Israel's security needs in mind. That statement is going to resonate well with Jewish Conservatives.
"Speaking alongside Netanyahu at the Oval Office earlier in the day, Obama stressed the importance the US attached to Israeli security and its recognition of how the Jewish state perceives the threat from Teheran, even as he defended his policy of engagement ... The policy differences were clear, with Obama emphasizing the importance of a 'two-state solution' and an end to settlement growth even as Netanyahu made no reference to an independent Palestinian country. Instead, the prime minister spoke of the possibility of a 'two peoples to live side by side in security and peace' if the Palestinians recognized Israel as a Jewish state and agreed to an end of conflict."
As you can see, the differences between the two leaders is purely semantic, but the average Jewish Conservative voter is likely to not realize that Netanyahu and Obama are really talking about the very same thing - a state for the Palestinians.
Today, the plan which President Obama intends to propose took more concrete shape.
NEWS BRIEF: "Obama calls for demilitarized PA state", The Jerusalem Post, May 20, 2009
"Amid much speculation over US President Barack Obama's upcoming address to the Muslim world, reports published on Wednesday outlined the details of his Middle East peace plan, which are said to include a demilitarized Palestinian state."
Lest you scoff at this proposal, believing it would have no chance whatsoever to succeed, please take note of the next segment, which reveals that this plan originated with Jordan's (Masonic) King Abdullah II and pro-West Saudi Arabia.
"The US president's initiative, which was formulated in consultation with Jordan's King Abdullah II during the two leaders' recent meetings at the White House, reportedly does not significantly stray from the pan-Arab peace initiative proposed in 2002. Rather, it bolsters certain details within the Saudi-proposed plan."
How could the Palestinians be disarmed? While Abbas' Fatah faction might lay down their arms, neither Hamas nor Hizbullah are likely to disarm. An Israeli intelligence chief commented on the fact that Hamas was a genuine threat so large that its intransigence alone could derail any peace effort.
NEWS BRIEF: "Intelligence Chief: Facts on the Ground Ditch US Peace Plan", by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu, Israel National News, 05/19/09
"U.S. President Barack Obama has 'hit the ground running' for a new Palestinian Authority state since his election victory, but Yuval Diskin, head of the Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet), sees a steep cliff ahead. One day after President Obama told Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu that he is going full-speed ahead with plans for establishing a new PA state in Judea, Gaza and Samaria, Diskin told the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Security Committee that there is 'no chance for an effective peace process so long as Hamas rules Gaza'."
That is a strong statement, but is entirely true. For this reason, when Israel launched her 22-day war against the Gaza Strip last year, I truly believed that the primary purpose was to overthrow Hamas so that this peace plan could go forward. That goal did not materialize.
However, given the strong support of the 22-nation Arab Federation for this peace plan, is it possible that their forces might enter Gaza and disarm Hamas? Arab disarming Arab, now that would be a war worth watching!
We can only wait to see how this entire scenario plays out. Remember, Palestinian Authority President Abbas visits the White House next week. He very well might face a brand new "Peace Plan" which would be far different than anything he has ever seen, i.e., an American/Israeli/Arab Federation Plan.
Events in Israel may become very interesting very quickly.
When referring to the Antichrist from the KJV Daniel Chapter 9, Verse 27: And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.