Monday, March 8, 2010

The Great Big Rapture Lie

I have found the following remarks on a post tribulation blog

Quote: Don’t beat yourself up - you both made valid points, I can see both sides of the debate and am undecided myself, but really need to hear this information. As you both said, its not a salvation issue, it should motivate us to study the scriptures more for ourselves. Well done to both of you. And yes, it would have been great to have a longer debate. End of quote

The timing of the Rapture is one of the greatest scams and frauds that has ever infiltrated the Christian movement; there is no point whatsoever in going into the entire history of it but I have done a little research on the subject matter and it seems that it does not go back hundreds and hundreds of years, but is only a very recent invention of about 150 years ago.

Right from the book of Genesis to the book of the apocalypse, the Revelation, the facts of the matter are that there is no where in the Bible that even mentions the word Rapture.

Those two facts alone should be enough to start bells ringing, but obviously it doesn’t.

All of this time I wondered what was wrong with the churches and those that make comments here and why can’t they see what is wrong. But now I have a finger on it it’s as clear as daylight -- Satan has designed a so called Rapture of the church to blindfold Christians to the real truth so that instead of looking for the day of the Lord, as they should be, they are looking for a Rapture that is never ever going to happen, not now or not ever. There will be no Rapture.

Those that are perpetrating this satanic handiwork known as the timing of the Rapture cannot be operating under a true Holy Spirit but can only operating under a form of sorcery that has been clearly designed to lead Christians astray.

That is why we are told in the book of the Revelation that in these last days men will be neither hot nor cold and for that reason I will spew them out says the Lord.

Common sense would dictate that if a so-called Christian is not prepared to stand up for the Lord at the end of the age and at the same time be martyred for his name but is instead is looking for  a way out through a Rapture, Christ is not going to stand up for them on the judgment day.

So our friend above is totally wrong when he says the Rapture debate does not have anything to do with salvation, it has everything to do with salvation. Even though I really do regret having to say this but those that have fallen for this one big Rapture lie may not inherit the Kingdom of God for the reason I have stated above.

So to those that are reading this who claim to be saved are you really as sure on your salvation as what you think you are? I really would hate to see you close your eyes after having had the death experience and then open them again to find out you are in Hell.  The very same verses that describe the resurrection of the dead are being used by those that are pulling off the Rapture lie and in most cases mainly for there own financial benefit.  

There are only 5% of Christians who do not believe in the Rapture. How easy is it going to be for the Antichrist to come forth and deceive the nations, certainly the Christians are not going to stop him when all they are thinking of is escaping?  

The doctrine relating to the Rapture of the Church is nothing but pure witchcraft, sorcery or another form of occultism and those that believe in it and preach it are nothing more than False Prophets and liars doing the works of Satan and may go to where they belong, Hellfire. 

There never has been nor will there ever be a taking away of the church so through that garbage out and concentrate on what the Bible really teaches, the resurrection  of the dead, but do not mix the two up together as the hypocrites and the harlot churches do.

So my message to anybody that reads this that your simply wasting your time and energy by even thinking of a pre, mid or post tribulation let alone bothering to waste time and energy arguing amongst each other about something the scriptures do not even teach at all.