The world economy is tittering on the brink of a total collapse. The United States can see no way out of the dilemma other than to print more and more money, but even as the dumbest economist knows this is no real solution. The only effect this can have is to cause rampant inflation!
Now the EU has decided to up the ante a little bit and change the Lisbon Treaty, even if it is ever so slightly. However, by doing so all they are doing is handing more and more power over to the president of the Council of Ministers, Herman Van Rompuy.
Remember what the founder of the European Economic Community, Paul-Henri Spaak, or the EU as it is commonly known as on this day, had to say when he said "We do not need another committee. We already have too many. What we want is a man of sufficient stature to hold the allegiance of all people and to lead us out of the economic morass into which we are sinking. Send us a man, be he God or the Devil, and we will receive him."
Most fundamentalists Born Again Christians believe the man they will receive will not be from God but will be from the Devil. That said same man will be the president of the EU and will be the Antichrist.
Interestingly enough, A GLOBAL MONEY CRASH is how I see the Antichrist being given more and more power for the complete control for the running of the EU, and then the whole globe -- and that appears to be happening even as I write this piece?
Paul-Henri Spaak was NATO Secretary General at one time and even though there are many that do not know this fact but there is a very prominent connection between Spaak and the current first ever full time EU president as both were Belgian Prime Ministers.
If my assertions are correct, both are mentioned in the book of Daniel and seem to follow each other and may well indicate that Van Rompuy was the man that Spaak was referring to?
Now here are those verses: the first one quite clearly refers to Spaak as it gives us a very vivid description of his physical appearance as having a look that is more stout than his fellows meaning that he is overweight or fat, just as Spaak was.
Daniel Chapter 7 and Verse 20And of the ten horns that [were] in his head, and [of] the other which came up, and before whom three fell; even [of] that horn that had eyes, and a mouth that spake very great things, whose look [was] more stout than his fellows.
This verse refers to the Antichrist and the three kings that he subdues were Greece, Ireland and Portugal, those nations that were in dire need of assistance as a result of the Global Economic Crisis.
Daniel Chapter 7 and Verse 24And the ten horns out of this kingdom [are] ten kings [that] shall arise: and another shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings.
There is news coming out of the EU that there may be changes made to the EU Constitution, even if those changes are ever so slight and ever so small, and that effectively by doing so the 27 member nations are handing more and more power over to the President of the EU Council of Ministers?
We are not in the end times, not just yet anyway, and the reason that I say that is because there maybe a little while to go before we see the first horsemen of the apocalypse ride the White Horse and rubber stamp a seven year Middle East peace treaty.
Revelation Chapter 9 and Verse 27And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.
But that is not to say that I believe that the aforementioned event maybe right around the corner.
However, there is still a little work to be done before that momentous event that heralds in the end of this age as we know it takes place, such as the Antichrist taking full and total control of the Revised Roman Empire, but it now seems that may be happening even as I write this little piece?
The Bible says that when the Antichrist arrives and takes control of the EU even the very elect themselves will be fooled. In other words, those that are in positions of power, such as the presidents and the prime ministers of nations right around the world, will not even be aware of what is happening right under their noses.
As a consequence, the majority of the world's population they will not even be aware that he is on the world scene and has taken over the complete running of the EU until it is too late.
That would seem to indicate that his rise to power will not be dramatic and startling something along the lines of say Hitler for example.
Instead, what the Bible is telling us is that the rise of the Antichrist will more likely slow and gradual like manner without too many people even realizing what is going on?
As a side note: I am a little bit flabbergasted there should be some Christians that should be beginning to suspect that there is something that is going on within the EU in respect to the rise and rise of the Antichrist, but somehow I suspect that those that are aware of what is taking place are not letting on to many people if they are beginning to smell a rat, as I am sure that some are?
If for a moment I may sidetrack a little bit -- there is a current online pastor named David C Pack that is quite good as he has mentioned that the EU as being started by the Jesuits, when I have named the current non elected full time president of the EU as being a Jesuit in other articles.
If you are able to read between the lines relative to the attached, below formatted article, one may easily read into it as seeming to infer there will be greater and greater powers that are going to be being handed over to the president of the Council of Ministers. That will effectively be done by making a changes to the EU Constitution, or the Lisbon Treaty as it was originally known as, even if those same said changes are ever so small and ever so slight.
Remember what I had said above slowly and gradually is the key to this?
Quote: Leigh Phillips of EuObserver reports on the EU Leaders Summit Of October 28, 2010: “Heads of state and government agree on the need for member states to establish a permanent crisis mechanism to safeguard the financial stability of the euro area as a whole and invite the president of the European Council to undertake consultations with the members of the European Council on a limited treaty change required to that effect,” the draft conclusions of a two-day summit in Brussels read.
Ms Merkel’s government, leading the economic powerhouse and top EU paymaster, is also confronted with a population averse to being left with the tab for further debt disasters elsewhere in the eurozone.
A set of clearly defined default procedures would signal to investors that they, rather than taxpayers alone, would be on the hook for at least part of the costs of the bankruptcy of a country. Such a mechanism would also be designed to deal with sovereign defaults without setting off a cascading panic in the markets similar to the Greek debt crisis that shook Europe in spring.
“No country is opposed in principle to a moderate treaty change but they want to know what the political and legal consequences of this would be,” said one source close to the discussions.
Two moves have been tentatively agreed. EU Council President Herman Van Rompuy is to be tasked with exploring whether such a limited change can be done via a simplified revision procedure, in which EU leaders can make the change without having to call a full Intergovernmental Conference (IGC) – involving negotiations between the governments, consultations with the European Parliament and the participation of the European Commission, which could open a Pandora’s Box of other new proposals.
Mr Van Rompuy would also explore whether legally this can be done without the tweak having to be presented to national parliaments for approval, which would almost certainly grind down the process, or even further, whether such a move would provoke referendums in some countries, notably Ireland, which maintains a constitutional requirement that any shift in powers from Dublin to Brussels be approved in a vote by the people.
He would report back to the European Council in December.
The European Commission meanwhile is to be tasked with fleshing out the details of the structure of a permanent bail-out fund and crisis resolution procedures – a ‘crisis management mechanism’. End of Quote