What that means is that for those who remain, their time here on the earth is now almost at hand, as they also must be wiped from the face of the earth. For the betterment of the remainder, the time for the great scaling down of the preponderance of the world's population is due to commence shortly.
There have been several conspiracy theories floating around the Internet (and other places) that seem to suggest the great culling is going to take the form of poisoning the food, or water supplies, or the medicines, or whatever. The only purpose this misguided dogma serves is to mislead those who take any notice of it. The result of this is that it causes a distraction that forces ones attention away from what is really going on.
All of the aforementioned may be correct, however, there is generally a lot more than that going on when it comes to reducing the world's population down to just a paltry 500 million.
Within the EU recently, there have been quite serious and troublesome economic times ensuing of late that have resulted in several bailout packages handed out to those nations in economic strife. There has been a massive 1 trillion dollars in austerity measures passed only recently after a meeting of the 27 combined member nations of the EU.
Even though this sounds like a massive amount of money, it is nothing in comparison to the financial difficulties that the EU is currently facing with the very survival of the Euro dependent on the success of these measures.
Nevertheless, the word of God tells us that these measures are not going to succeed. The result will be that all they will have created will be a slush fund for the Antichrist to take control of so that he can commence and win the Third World War.
May one then ask, has this been the plan all along. Create an economic crisis, in other words create the problem. Then create the solution to the problem, hand over everything over to the Antichrist, and then furnish him a trillion dollars with which to reduce the world's population down to a just 500 million?
It seems to me like that may just be the case, but only time will tell the outcome of all of this after all.