Friday, March 12, 2010

The False Rapture Doctrines of Alan Franklin and Terry James

Alan Franklin has co-authored another book with Terry James of Rapture Ready fame and those two with a couple of other False Prophets have written a book about a counterfeit doctrine called the Rapture of the Church; both of these men and the others involved in this satanic work have been deceived by lying spirits with their soul motivation involved obviously being money.

The Bible speaks of the resurrection of the dead and yet these cowards who choose to twist the word of God around for their own benefit by saying that God has written a so-called Rapture into his word that simply isn’t there may be in for one huge shock very soon when the treaty of Daniel is confirmed very, very shortly.

That is not to say if they manage to publish the book very quickly it may do quite well for the facts of the matter are that the backstabbing hypocrites that inhabit the Whore Babylon/Laodicean Churches have been fully indoctrinated into believing the Rapture garbage and will more than likely rush out and buy this piece of trash.

There is another book that has also been brought out called “There is no Rapture”. Even as the title suggests the author of this book is correct but sadly I would expect this book to would as well as the one mentioned above simply because 95% of the so-called Christian church has been brainwashed into something that is not even in the Bible.