There is literally dozens and dozens of websites on the Internet with a story to tell relative to the Shroud of Turin.
Nevertheless, it still needs to be remembered that the shroud itself lies in the hands of the Catholic Church to this day, and perhaps that is where it really belongs.
If it were indeed the real deal all that the Shroud really represents is the face or likeness of Christ as he appeared on the earth. However, it does not necessarily represent the image (or likeness) of what Christ may look like after having been transfigured up into Heaven.
The attached photograph represents an image graphically lifted from the Shroud. There is no one to this day that has been able to dispute, nor verify, the accuracy of the image on the Shroud as being the correct likeness of Christ.
As that is the case, there is then no real proof therefore to say that it is indeed genuine. That is not to say that I am making a judgement either way as to its authenticity, as I certainly am no expert on the Shroud of Turin.
However, the image of the earthly Christ on the cloth of the Shroud bears an uncanny resemblance, (or is indeed a twin) to the evil one who is going to impersonate, or be a substitute for him, here on the earth - the Antichrist. That is the allegation by so many.
Now, take a long hard look at the photograph, and note well that the right eye on the image.
Whether intentionally or unintentionally, the right eye on the image remains darkened.
As that is the case, and remembering what we were told in the scriptures of the Antichrist having one eye completely darkened, what we then maybe looking at it a one-eyed Christ, or an image of the Antichrist, lifted from the Shroud of Turin.
As an adjunct to the previous article relating to the timing of the Day of the Lord, it needs to be noted that even though I have stated the Day of the Lord can commonly be known as the Rapture of the Church the two events are one in the same.
Nevertheless, that statement still does not assume there is anyone who knows when the Day of the Lord is going to take place.
As that is the case, then there may be some that may still run with the pre, mid or post theories relative to the timing for what they may incorrectly call the Rapture, when instead what they really should be calling it is the Day of the Lord.
Notwithstanding the fact that the Day of the Lord and the timing for the Rapture is one in the same event, then the Day of the Lord cannot take place until all of the prophecies are fullfilled.
Accordingly, if the Lord were to return before all of the prophecies concerning the end times were brought to pass, (including the arrival of the Antichrist) that would make the word of God untrue, including his plan for the salvation of humanity.
Nevertheless, that statement still does not assume there is anyone who knows when the Day of the Lord is going to take place as I have said above.
Therefore, there then can be no one who can run with either of the theories relating to what they call the timing of the rapture. Simply, the Lord cannot return back here on the earth until the seven years after the signing of the covenant of Daniel, AFTER, all of the prophecies mentioned in the last book of the Bible, the book of the Apocalypse, were realized.
Nevertheless, that statement still does not assume there is anyone who knows when the Day of the Lord is going to take place as I have said above.
Accordingly, the idea of a pre tribulation theory relating to the day of the Lord is just so ridiculous to contemplate that it is not even really worth the mention.
However, as the correct identity of the Antichrist is revealed at the signing of the covenant of Daniel, 1260 days later he moves into a newly built temple and from there proclaims himself God reincarnate here on the earth, there still maybe something in the mid tribulation theory of the Rapture as the Lord destroys him at his second coming.
Nevertheless, that statement still does not assume there is anyone who knows when the Day of the Lord is going to take place as I have said above.
I use the term Rapture in this instance in place of the correct terminology, the Day of the Lord, for the want of a better word and because there are just so many Christians that have been brainwashed with this term that it is just not funny anymore.