Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Is there life after death—the Ian McCormack testimony?

Even though the subject matter of life after death is not a really a very healthy subject, yet, it still has to be dealt with in a manner that is sane and rational. As this blog is all about leading the readers of these articles on to eternal salvation by being washed under the precious blood of the Lord Jesus Christ through repentance, and even though it is not really all that wise to dwell too heavily on the subject matter of death, for the sake of this article, and for the specific reason stated above, it is my intention to do so here.

Before we continue on, you may come to a point of repentance, and thus salvation, right now, in the privacy of your own home, by simply clicking onto the How to be Saved page on the side of this site and then by reciting the believers prayer of repentance formatted therein, go on, do it now, before it is too late.

For those persons that are Born Again into the living spirit the prospect of life after death can be extremely exciting, for it is for certain, that after we do indeed have the death experience, we are guaranteed, that, even though the life has passed from our body, and the corpse will be placed into the ground, or incinerated, our spirits will still live on, and will be elevated up into Heaven to be with the Lord Jesus Christ for an eternity, and we will experience eternal life, or life without ending, and what a glorious prospect the thought of that is.

On the other hand, those that are not Born Again into the spirit the prospect of death is not so rosy. For those whose names have not been put down in the Lambs Book of Life the Lord cannot allow to enter into his kingdom, and even though the non believer may be shown the tunnel and the entrance to Heaven, the Lord has no other option other than to send them back down into the darkness of the tunnel, and into eternal hellfire - to there remain forever.

Most of these non believers are of the atheist, or agonist, variety and because they do not believe in the existence of a God, nor do they also believe in the existence of both Heaven and Hell.

Nevertheless, those that are of the aforementioned variety, atheist, or agonist, will not remain in their current state of non belief forever, for after having experienced death and they are sent into the burning Lake of Fire to there remain forever, and it will be at that point that they will suddenly become very interested in God.

Unfortunately, when that stage has been reached it is too late, far too late, for repentance, and there, in that state of eternal torment they must remain for a time without end.

For beginners, I have no doubts whatsoever that there is life after death, and here in a very concise manner is just how most would have described their (NDE’s) near death experiences

There really does seem to be a common denominator attached to near death experiences, and without going into all of the necessary details here, that common denominator appears to be the spirit of the dead person is lifted out of the body, and them most experience some sort of a tunnel experience, with a light at the end of the tunnel, and there at the end of the light is the Lord Jesus Christ, who either blocks the entrance to paradise that is clearly visible beyond the tunnel; or alternatively, allows the deceased persons spirit into paradise. That appears to be the near death experience very briefly, and of course there is a lot more detail attached to it than what I have mentioned here.

I have in my possession a tape called a Glimpse of Eternity, and describes how one man, a New Zealander by the name of Ian McCormack, had a death experience very similar to the one that I had described above, and I would highly recommend that you if you are able to secure this tape it is well worth the effort is having to do so, as I have personally watched it more than a dozen times, and will probably continue to watch it another dozen times well into the future. Ian has a website and it is http://www.aglimpseofeternity.org/ go to it now, and take a look you will not be disappointed.

I have reformatted the entirety of Ian’s testimony here, at the bottom of the page, in the hope that by doing so, you, the reader of this article, will do as I have suggested above, and click onto the Your Choice link as above at the top - and at the bottom of this page.

The supervisor where I work related to me a very similar experience to the one that Ian had, and it concerns both his mother, and his auntie who had both died for a time and where also drawn into a tunnel, with a light at the end of the tunnel, to be met at the end of the tunnel by the Lord Jesus Christ, who blocked their entrance to paradise, and told them to return from where they came, as it was not yet their time.

In summary: even if a person is an atheist, and does not believe a word that has been written in the Bible, then there is no doubting the similarity of both of these experiences, and the exact authenticity of both Ian McCormack’s, and my supervisor’s mother, and sister’s experience. There is no doubting whatsoever -- there is Life after Death.

Now here is Ian’s testimony
One night while diving for lobster on the small Island of Mauritius I was stung on my forearm by 5 Box-Jellyfish, which the local Creole fishermen called "invisibles" A sting from a Box-Jellyfish often proves to be fatal - as exemplified in Australia where 70 people are known to have died from their stings. Many books quote this particular type of Jellyfish to be among the most venomous creatures in the world.

By the time an ambulance arrived my body was totally paralyzed and necrosis had begun to set into my bone marrow. On route to the hospital I began to see my life flash before me. At this point of my life I was an atheist - but I knew I was nearly dead and I didn't know if there was life after death or whether there was just nothing. As I lay there dying, I saw my mother in a vision praying for me, encouraging me to cry out to God from my heart and He would hear me and forgive me (my mother was the only Christian in our family.) I didn't know what to pray and cried out that if God was real, could He help me to pray. Immediately God showed me the Lord’s Prayer, and for the first time in my life I prayed from my heart and gave my life to the Lord.

Death & Hell
The ambulance stopped and they placed me in a wheel chair and raced me into the hospital. The nurse took my blood pressure twice but could not find a pulse as my veins had collapsed. The doctors tried to save my life by injecting anti-toxins and dextrose into my body, but seemingly to no avail. Within a few minutes I seemed to slip away (apparently life ceased from my body for a period of approx. 15 minutes).

During this time I found myself in a very dark place, not realizing where I was. So I tried to find a light switch, thinking I was still in the hospital - but as I reached out into the dark I couldn't touch anything. Reaching to touch my face I found my hand go straight through it. It seemed so bizarre, as I knew I was standing there but couldn't touch any part of my physical body.

As I stood there I began to sense that this wasn't just a physical darkness but that there was something else there. I could feel a cold eerie feeling as though something or someone was looking at me - a spiritual darkness. From the darkness I began to hear men’s voices screaming at me telling me to "shut up" - "that I deserved to be there" - "that I was in Hell". I couldn't believe it, but as I stood there a radiant beam of light shone through the darkness and immediately began to lift me upward. I found myself being translated up into an incredibly brilliant beam of pure white light - it seemed to be emanating from a circular opening far above me (I felt like a speck of dust being drawn up into a beam of sunlight).

The JourneyI entered this opening to find myself inside a long narrow passageway or tunnel - at the far end of the tunnel I could see the source of the light - it was so radiant that it looked to be the centre of the universe. As I continued to look towards this light it seemed to draw me towards it at an incredible speed - I wasn't walking but was being translated along this tunnel towards the source of this light. I watched as a wave of light broke off the source and moved up the tunnel towards me - as it passed through me I could feel a wave of warmth and comfort flood my soul … it was incredible. This light wasn't just physical, but was giving off a living emotion … Halfway down another wave of light - this time it gave off pure peace - followed by another wave - of pure joy. Coming out of the end of this tunnel I found myself standing in the presence of awesome light and power - it seemed as though even the constellations in the universe must find their energy source from this focal point.

As I stood there I wondered to myself if this was just an energy source in the universe or if perhaps there could be someone standing in the midst of this light!!!!! A voice immediately responded to my thought and asked me "Ian, do you wish to return?" Return, I thought!!! Where am I??? As I looked over my shoulder I could see the tunne1 going back into darkness.

The Light
I thought - darkness - hospital bed - am I out of my body? - is this real? - am I standing here? - or am I in a coma having some bizarre dream? Am I in my body or out of my body?? (I could cognitively think of the two alternatives.) As I looked back towards the light, it was still there ... I responded "I don't know where I am, but if I am out of my physical body I wish to return." The voice responded "If you wish to return - you must see in a new light." "New light", I thought, "I'm seeing the light." "Are you the true light???" Words appeared in front of me "God is light and in Him is no darkness at all (1 John 1:5)." I had never read a Bible before in my life so I didn't know this was straight out of the scriptures. God is light, I thought - that is pure light - I see no darkness here, I have just come from darkness - I see no evil, no shadows - this is pure light - am I standing in the presence of God??? He knows my name and I didn't tell Him, only God could do that - He knows what I am thinking before I even speak, only God could do that. Then he must be able to see everything I have done wrong in my life ... no ... I don't want God to see that. I felt totally exposed and wanted to move away from the light and go back into the darkness where I belonged. I thought someone had made a mistake and brought the wrong person up. As I drew back towards the darkness a wave of light swept through me ... I felt pure unadulterated Love flow over me. Love I thought, how could God love me - I've taken his name in vain - I've slept around - I'm not a good man … but no matter what I said, waves of His unconditional Love continued to flow over me. I found myself weeping uncontrollably in His Presence. It was so amazing that He had totally forgiven me and accepted me as I was.

The waves of Love ceased and I wondered if I could possibly step into the light and see what God looked like. I was so close. ... I asked if I could step in. ..???.. I heard no response but thought if God could love me so much, He wouldn't mind …. As I stepped into the light I found myself disappear into it as it was so radiant - it had the intensity of laser light, yet you could look directly at it. The light seemed to absorb me into it - the centre seemed to be very bright so I aimed for it - I could feel a healing presence coming off this light that was healing my broken heart ... it was touching me deep inside my heart of hearts where no one gets to see … so beautiful.

Suddenly it opened up in the centre and standing in front of me was the most awesome sight - I could see a man standing in front of me, but he was not like anyone I'd ever seen before in my life. His garments were shimmering white in colour - garments of light - I could see His bare feet and His hands were outstretched towards me as if to welcome me. I knew I was looking upon God … as I looked toward His face the intensity of the light seemed to increase 7-fold - you couldn't make out the form of his face as the light was so bright - such purity, such holiness, such beauty. I asked God if I could step closer. I felt I could, I wanted to see His face. Moving closer waves of more Love began to flow towards me, and I felt very safe. Standing, now feet away, from the Lord I tried to see His face - but I didn't know that no man can see the face of God and live. And so, as I moved my face into the radiance that surrounded His face, He moved - and all His Glory moved with Him. Directly behind Him it opened out into a brand new World - green pastures, a crystal clear stream, rolling green hills to my right, mountains in the distance, blue skies above, to my left fields interspersed with trees and flowers. As I looked at the grass in front of me I could see the same light that was on the presence of God was radiating throughout this entire creation - totally untouched by man - perfect creation. And in my heart I knew I belonged here, that God had created me to live here - I knew I was home.

Return?I was just about to enter in and explore, when God stepped back in front of me, and asked me this question. "Now that you have seen - do you wish to step in or do you wish to return?" I thought, "I don't want to return. I wish to step in. I have no one to go back for and no one has ever loved me, all they've ever done is manipulate me and try to control me ... I have no one to go back for, I wish to step in." But God didn't move, so I looked back behind me to say "goodbye, cruel world", and standing behind me in a vision in front of the tunnel was my mother. And as soon as I saw her I knew that there was one person in my life that had shown me love, and that was my mother, and that she had prayed for me every day and tried to show me that this was the way. In my mind I thought, "If I am dead and I did choose to step into heaven, what would my mother think? Would she know I made it or would she think I went to Hell - because she knew I had no Faith? … I realized that it could break her heart and that she would have no reason to believe that God had heard my prayer in the ambulance and forgiven my sins. … I thought, "How can I do that to my mum, it would be so selfish" … and decided I wished to return.

God then spoke to me and said, "If I wished to return - I must see things in a new light." I understood that to mean that I must begin to see through his eyes of Love, Peace, Joy, Forgiveness, from His Heavenly perspective, not my temporary earthly perspective. Looking back towards the tunnel again I now could see a vision of all my family, and thousands and thousands of other people. I asked God who all these people were, and He told me that if I didn't return then many of these people would not get a chance to hear about Him….

I told God that I didn't know most of them and I didn't love them, but that I loved my mother and wished to return for her. God spoke to me and told me that He loved those people and wanted them all to come to know Him. I asked God how could I possibly return back down the tunnel and back into my hospital bed. He spoke and said "Son, tilt your head; now feel the liquid drain from your eye. Now open your eye and see." And I was immediately back in my physical body.

Back to earth
As I opened my eye, I was lying back on a hospital bed with my right leg elevated, cupped in the hands of the young Indian doctor who had been trying to save my life. He had a scalpel or some sharp instrument in his hand and he was prodding the base of my foot like a dead piece of meat. He wasn't aware that I was looking at him. I thought, "what's that man doing with my foot, what is he doing with that knife!!!!!!" At the same time something seemed to spook the doctor and he quickly turned his head to see my right eye open, looking at him… Terror struck his face and I got the distinct impression that he has just seen a dead man looking at him… My eye wasn't moving much and I could see the doctor thinking to himself that perhaps he had hit a nerve in my foot and caused the corpse to twitch, and that he had the evil eye looking at him or something. As for me, I was trying to grapple with what I had just seen. … Did I just see God, has He just given my life back??? As I lay there I heard the voice of God say "Son, I have just given you your life back." I said if that is true God, could you help me to tilt my head to the left and look out of the other eye, as I was getting sick of looking at the doctor’s terrified face. Strength came back into my neck and I opened my left eye to see a whole bunch of nurses and orderlies standing in the doorway looking at me as if the dead had just risen … As my eye locked onto theirs they began to jump backwards out of the doorway. From what I can ascertain I had been dead for a period of some 15 minutes. I prayed to God that night and asked him to heal me and enable me to walk out of the hospital. That night God completely healed me and enabled me to walk out of the hospital the next day.

I asked God what I had become, as I found my entire life was changing for good. God told me I was a Re-Born Christian and that he wanted me to read His Bible. I had never read a Bible and had never heard about being Born-Again. Over the next 6 weeks I read the entire Bible. I have never been the same, and believe that I saw our Lord Jesus Christ in His Glorified form (Rev. 1: 13 -18)

Psalm 91, the Antichrist, Satan and the Rapture of the Church

For many, many years now I have identified as being a fundamentalist (Bible believing) Born Again Christian. Now that is not to say that I completely satisfied with any aspect of the current state of today’s modern church movement.

On the contrary, I believe the church age as entered its final throws where the Bible describes it as being lukewarm, a condition that must exist so that the Antichrist can rise to power unrestrained by any leaders within the church, and in particular by the Christians themselves?

If the pastors of the churches themselves have been dumbed down, and we are not being told about Bible prophecy relative to world events, how then can a new Born Again believer expect to know the truth if he is not being told it by regular church attendance.

This condition must also exist so that the Prophecies can be fulfilled heralding the return back onto the earth of the Lord Jesus Christ.

For those that feel regular church benefit is of some assistance in their daily Christian walk, to those good folk I extend my heartiest blessings, and may they continue on with regular church attendance if they feel that is a requirement by God in their daily lives.

As for me, my experience with regular church attendance has left me feeling very cold and unwanted. Therefore, I attend church meetings only on the very rare occasions that there is a speaker of whom I really would like to hear, and see in person.

That being the substance of the matter there is nothing to prevent me from regular Bible reading and daily prayerful devotions so as to commit my ways over to the Lord, which I have made a habit of doing for a number of years now.

The information WebPages relative to the end times that I create on this blog have been derived my very limited knowledge of the Holy Scriptures, the daily news broadcasts, the Internet and other various resources.

I never ever write anything to upload to the Internet unless it can be absolutely proven by the scriptures themselves. Even though my interpretation may not be correct all of the time, it certainly is correct some of the time, and that is enough to prove just how close to the end off the age we really are.

As I had mentioned previously the main purpose of this site was to correctly identify the Beast of Revelation, for knowing very well in doing so the rest of the Bible prophecies would fall into place and then the Lord would return once more to reclaim the earth. I now believe that there may be a very strong likelihood that the retired British Prime Minister, Tony Blair fulfils that role.

I first became alerted to that fact when the late Barry R Smith said in one of his cassettes that the Antichrist would come forth and confirm a seven year Middle East peace treaty that would be in very similar form to an Irish treaty between the Protestants and the Catholics, and then low and behold what happened?

Just before leaving office Tony Blair confirmed a peace treaty between the Protestants and the Catholics and was then appointed to lead the international quartet of four towards Middle East peace. Could this be just a coincidence or not; personally, I do not believe the possibility of it being anything other the fulfilment of Bible prophecy right before our very eyes could be extremely remote.

Barry had also said that the power base for the Antichrist would be the EU, and that the Antichrist would be appointed as the president of the EU. Now, even though an official announcement has not as yet been made, it does seem to be the case with Tony Blair being the forerunner to achieve the presidency of the EU Council of ministers.

It would also come as no surprise to learn that the Council of Ministers were the inner tier of the ten governing nations of the EU - thereby fulfilling the prophecy of ten horns or ten crowns - constantly mentioned right throughout the scriptures.

As I had mentioned above, I make it a habit to read the Bible, and in fact I hardly ever leave the house unless I put on the armour plate of God, and as a part of my daily Bible devotions I read Psalm 91 which I have reformatted below. However, for the sake of this exercise I am concerned with Verses 13 and 14 of Psalm 91. 13 You will tread upon the lion and the cobra; you will trample the great lion and the serpent. 14 "Because he loves me," says the LORD, "I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.

After having read this verse for a number of years – and after having realized that Tony Blair was the Antichrist – remembering that Britain was named Great Britain (before it was renamed to just Britain, possibly for that reason) it was almost like there was a light switched on when I had come to the realization that the word lion has been mentioned twice with the second reference referring to the great Lion, or Great Britain.

There are also two references to a snake, with the first reference clearly referring to the physical animal itself – a cobra – the second reference very clearly does not refer to a snake in the sense of an animal, but instead, refers to a serpent. With it being common knowledge that right throughout the scriptures themselves there is constant reference to Satan being described as being a serpent?

Therefore, there is no doubting that hidden all of this time in Psalm 91 there was a constant reference to the Antichrist and Satan, with the insinuation being that the Antichrist is British. In the context of the fact that we are told that the Lord will rescue us from both the Antichrist and Satan we are then told in the next line that the Lord will rescue us which could only refer to the Rapture of the Church.

Psalm 911He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
2I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.
3Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence.
4He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.
5Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day;
6Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday.
7A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee.
8Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked.
9Because thou hast made the LORD, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation;
10There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.
11For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.
12They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone.
13Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder: the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet.
14Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name.
15He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him.
16With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation.

RPT-Obama wants "immediate" Mideast talks -Mitchell

OSLO, June 8 (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama wants "immediate" talks between the Palestinians and Israel to forge a comprehensive Middle East peace agreement, U.S. envoy George Mitchell said on Monday.

"The President has told me to exert all efforts to create the circumstance when the parties can begin immediate discussions," Mitchell told reporters at the start of a Palestinian donors' conference in the Norwegian capital.

Mitchell, who is en route to the Middle East, said the aim of such talks was "a comprehensive peace and normalisation of relations" between Israel and its neighbours, which would also serve "the security interests of the United States". (Reporting by Wojciech Moskwa; Editing by Louise Ireland)

European elections: Sarkozy party and green coalition hail triumphs


First time since 1979 that sitting French president's party has won European Elections while Europe Ecologie scores high share of vote!

Two parties last night claimed victory in the French European elections as Nicolas Sarkozy's ruling centre-right UMP topped the poll and the new Europe Ecologie green coalition won a surprise high score to force climate change back onto the agenda for all French politicians.

Sarkozy's party increased its seats from 17 to around 30, far ahead of the beleaguered Socialist party, whose disappointing result saw the humiliating loss of around half its seats in the European parliament.

It was the first time since 1979 that a sitting French president's party had won a European election.

The government claimed the UMP's projected 28% of the vote was a seal of approval for its handling of the economic crisis and Sarkozy's high-profile French EU presidency last year.

The other major winner was Europe Ecologie, headed by the former May 1968 student leader and Europe veteran Daniel Cohn-Bendit.

The party was projected to come third with around 16.2%, less than 1% behind the Socialists.

The effects of this green surge were immediately felt in the wider political discourse.

The centre-right Prime Minister, Francois Fillon, carefully adapted his victory speech to stress the EU's fight against climate change.

Europe Ecologie's campaign was driven by key personalities in France, including the investigating judge Eva Joly, who led the inquiry into the Elf oil scandal, as well as the radical sheep-farmer José Bové.

In the Greater Paris and South East regions, Europe Ecologie overtook the Socialists.

Martine Aubry, the new Socialist leader, admitted her party was no longer credible, that it needed to stop internal divisions and profoundly reform.

A big loser was Francois Bayrou, the centrist who came third in the presidential election of 2007.
He had used the European campaign to attack Sarkozy and build support for another presidential bid in 2012, but appeared to commit political suicide in the final days of the campaign when he launched a highly criticised live TV slanging match with the Europe Ecologie leader, Cohn-Bendit.

His party had hoped to come third tonight but instead scored around 8%, far behind the green coalition.

The opposition to the government was split into several centre-left and extreme-left parties, with many still maintaining last night that their total combined vote showed a high anti-Sarkozy feeling in France.

Netanyahu to present Mideast peace policy next week

By Barak Ravid, Haaretz Correspondent

Tags: Israel News, Netanyahu

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced Sunday that he would deliver a major address on his foreign policy next week. The decision comes in the wake of U.S. pressure over the peace process with the Palestinians and Obama's address to the Muslim world last week.

Join the debate on Obama's speech on the Haaretz.com Facebook group

"Next week I will deliver a major diplomatic speech in which I will present to Israel's citizens our principles for achieving peace and security," said Netanyahu at the weekly cabinet meeting.

"Ahead of the address, I will be happy to hear the opinions of my coalition partners and of other figures in the Israeli public."

Obama has made repeated calls for Israel to halt West Bank settlement construction, and last week declared he would personally pursue a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, a concept Netanyahu has so far refrained from publicly supporting.

"Over recent days I have read and heard different quotes that were attributed to me - but that I did not say," Netanyahu added.

"I wish to clarify that we want to achieve peace with the Palestinians and with the Arab world while attempting to reach optimal understanding with the U.S. and the international community."

Netanyahu has drawn fire in Israel over his failure to back a two-state solution; his comments on Sunday came shortly after opposition leader Tzipi Livni warned that this may cause the United States to withdraw its support for Israel.

At Sunday's meeting, Netanyahu declared: "My aspiration is to reach a stable peace that rests upon the foundation of security for the State of Israel and its citizens."