Thursday, August 6, 2015

Date Setting is WRONG and Entirely Unscriptural.

Where does this date of September the 25th originate from as being the day the world is going to come to a more or less come end. There is nothing that I can see anywhere in the Holy Scriptures that says anything at all about this date. Or any date for that matter. There are a few false prophets who are floating around writing books and bringing out DVDs who would like to think that they can predict the future... Instead all that they are really engaging in is just one form of speculation or another. Most of it is of the extreme kind though to, let me note.

Planet X  ia on the way - I dont think
Some of these people are originating their ideas from that date in September when the Great Hadron Collider, buried under the ground somewhere between Switzerland and France, is supposed to reach the fastest speed that it ever has. The theory is that at this time the portals of Hell are supposed to be opened by the Collider, and demons are allegedly going to come swarming out all over the earth to devour mankind. That of course is the greatest load of you know what that I have ever had the misfortune to hear of in my entire life. We all know what their real agenda is though don’t we? To make money. In some cases it could work out to be a lot of money.

The all-knowing prophets are then trying to tie the Collider in with the prophecies of Revelation Chapter 9. They are doing this by falsely insinuating the whole of that Chapter refers to demons from Hell. To them I would say look again because most of them are so far off the mark that it is really starting to look quite ridiculous. Revelation Chapter 9 does not refer to demons from Hell at all. But instead, Revelation Chapter 9 refers to good old earth bound Muslims of the kind who think that Mahmoud is the saviour of the world. Obviously, I don’t think that though. I believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is the saviour of the world. Not the father or lies, Mahmoud. But let’s leave that one alone for a while shall we as I don’t want to be overrun by mad Muslims out for my blood because I have supposedly offended their religious beliefs. That is not the case at all though.

So that all folks, the lesson for today being don’t ever date set. Because as sure as I am sitting here and writing this there is no one who engages in this pass time who is ever going to come within a cats whisker of ever being close to the truth. We know that date is not all that far away, but don’t worry about a thing. September the 25th will simply come and go just as every other day has come and gone before it with nothing of the ordinary taking place at all. Let alone Planet X, or any other wayward asteroid impacting on the lovely little planet of earth that we have going on here.

WHY I AM NOT A DISPENSATIONALIST John Nelson Darby is recognized as the father of dispensationalism later made popular in the United States by Cyrus Scofield's Scofield Reference Bible. Charles Henry Mackintosh, 1820–1896, with his popular style spread Darby's teachings to humbler elements in society and may be regarded as the journalist of the Brethren Movement. CHM popularised Darby more than any other Brethren author. As there was no Christian teaching of a “rapture” before Darby began preaching about it in the 1830s, he is sometimes credited with originating the "secret rapture" theory wherein Christ will suddenly remove His bride, the Church, from this world before the judgments of the tribulation. Dispensationalist beliefs about the fate of the Jews and the re-establishment of the Kingdom of Israel put dispensationalists at the forefront of Christian Zionism, because "God is able to graft them in again," and they believe that in His grace he will do so according to their understanding of Old Testament prophecy. They believe that, while the methodologies of God may change, His purposes to bless Israel will never be forgotten, just as He has shown unmerited favour to the Church, He will do so to a remnant of Israel to fulfill all the promises made to the genetic seed of Abraham. I am not a dispensationalist; it is unbiblical.