I had found the following article on the Internet and it was supposedly written by a man, if I may call him that, who professes to be a Born Again Christian; but what a phoney he turns out to be as l have never heard of an article that was written with so much hatred and contempt for another person in all my life, and particularly another Christian.
So there we are that is the type of behaviour that is so prevalent in those that call themselves Christian that it is a small wonder that the Antichrist has been allowed to rise and rise without the preponderance of those that call themselves Christian even being aware that he is.
Quote: The best news we have heard in a long time is that Robert Schuller’s palace of varieties, aka The Crystal Cathedral, has filed for bankruptcy! Great! Let’s hope their trashy TV programs go off air sometime soon. So much for the alleged “power of positive thinking.” Maybe Schuller and his buddies need to grit their teeth and pray more positively, to any assorted deities that they think may be listening. Unfortunately the begowned one- anyone bidding for Schuller’s robes?- is unlikely to be out of business- business being the operative word. His wealthy buddies range from Rupert Murdoch, who got his awful sham of a spiritual show onto British TV, to Rick Warren, C. Peter Wagner etc. But as Sandy Simpson wrote: “The point is that positive thinking is busted.
“ Why do I say that? Because I'm sure they weren't all sitting around positively thinking and confessing that they wanted to go bankrupt! Not only is this practice patently unbiblical, it also doesn't work outside of "Christendumb". All you have to do is tune into the cooking competition shows to see any number of ego-bloated people who positively think they are going to win and then take a well-deserved nosedive. That is one of the reasons I watch those shows ... to see people who are complete postmodern narcissists take a hard fall from pride. However, they never seem to learn their lesson as I am sure Schuller and his other heretical buddies won't either.”
I endorse our friend Jacob Prasch’s remarks on hearing the news of the crystal “catastrophe” (ho ho ho):” Fallen, fallen is Babylon The Great – may Saddleback, Willow Creek and TBN be next.”And so say all of us! I often wondered when Pat and I wrote our book ...... ...... what would happen to all the name it and claim it, positive confession, prosperity-teaching churches when the financial roof fell in, as it is now about to do in America. Will their God of prosperity get the blame when their cars and homes are repossessed? I think we will soon find out. I’m glad our church building is an old hut that should have been knocked down years ago. We don’t owe a cent on it. End of Quote
Of the seven church ages mentioned right at the beginning of the book of Revelation, in this article I intend to discuss the final church age, the Laodicean Church Age.
Most of the modern day Biblical scholars seem to agree that the Laodicean Church Age is the age of churches that we are currently living in.
Revelation Chapter 3 and Verses 14 to 16
And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God; I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.
Now the aforementioned verses are quiet interesting as it is in those verses that we are being told in the Christians in this modern day and age are lukewarm, that we are neither hot nor cold and for that reason I will spue them out.
That's what the word of God says; the modern day Christian is neither hot nor cold and for that reason I will spue them out.
So what does that mean, and how does it relate to the world that we are living in at the moment?
Basically, it means that the preponderance of those that call themselves Christian are neither here nor there relative to their faith.
The line of thought goes somewhere along these lines: maybe Jesus Christ is the son of God, but I am not too sure until it has been proven to me conclusively.
Maybe the Bible is the word of God but I am not too sure, so just to be on the safe side I will call myself a Christian, after all I can always change my mind at a later date if I choose to do so?
In other words, we are living in an age where most that call themselves Christian are half hearted about their faith, a state of mind that the Lord is not interested in.
That is why he has written in his word he will spue out, or disown, those Christians that have that state of mind.
There is some sort of a rumour floating around that this great nation of Australia that I live in is Christian, and that we have a Christian heritage?
But where the real Christians are is beyond me?
Wherever I go I am extremely hard pressed to find a genuine Christian?
Certainly I know a lot of church goers that call themselves Christian, but most are Christian in name only and are as I said above, Church Goers.
There is a direct tie in or correlation between those that falsely call themselves Christian and the deceptive rapture doctrine.
More than, that there is also a direct tie in with the pre tribulation theory of the rapture and the Laodicean Church Age as both are so heavily tied in that it is just not a laughing matter.
There is a warning here, not just from me, but from the word of God itself, that those that are lukewarm and are neither here nor there relative to the word and are looking for a cowardly means of escape before the tribulation period starts may fit into the category mentioned above?
Many may find themselves without a leg to stand on when the crunch time really begins as the Lord spues them out and they may not receive the reward that they thought they were going to after all.
So make sure that you are not one of those that hold fast to a doctrine that is not even mentioned in the Bible at all -- the rapture doctrine.