There is a great deal of concern relative to the continual attacks my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ continually engage in by attacking and demonizing the Roman Catholic Church on certain areas of the Internet.
When almost all of the sites mentioned are run by those that claim to be Born Again Christians there is reason for alarm with regards to the salvation of the individuals concerned who run these sites.
When I make that statement there is no way that I am defending the Catholic Church for the atrocities they have committed over the centuries.
To be certain the crimes the church has committed over the years could reach the very Heavens themselves.
I am also able to read the scriptures and so I know what the word of God says relative to the end times. I know that we are told in Revelation Chapter 17 of the World Religion be based in Rome that is to be run under the directives of the Roman Catholic Pope.
However the methodology by those that claim to be Born Again Christians in attacking other groups (whatever that group happens to be) in doing so those concerned are not only attacking a system of belief, but they are also attacking the millions and millions of decent honest folk who see the Roman Catholic Church as being their guiding light in the troubled and sick world we live in at the moment.
That said same analogy could also be applied to the numerous other groups by those who claim to be fundamentalist Born Again Christians, but who still frequently engage in launching a verbal tirades against others that they somehow see as being inferior to their own beliefs.
However, let me make it very clear that in making the aforementioned statement I am not suggesting there are other ways to inherit the Kingdom of God other than through repentance of sin by being washed under the precious blood of Christ, there is simply no other way.
I am also not suggesting the Roman Catholic Church is a truly Christian organization in any shape or form whatsoever.
However, that is not to say that I am still bothered by those who continually set out on a pathway to demonize the Catholic Church and the numerous other groups, as they frequently do.
My belief is those that frequently participate in doing so are simply debasing themselves to the low level of those they choose to denigrate.
It may be acceptable to quite briefly mention the downside of one particular group or another, but to frequently engage in the type of behaviour that continually denigrates one group or another is not the correct path to pursue.
Those that do so loose the very essence of their alleged Christianity which is compassion love and understanding towards their fellow human beings; and instead replace that essence of Christianity with something that is quite vile and repulsive, hatred and bigotry. That in itself is nothing more than pure Antichrist doctrine.
There seems to be a common denominator within the mindset of those who launch these hate filled outbursts against other groups and that is they all appear without exception to believe in something that is not in the Bible at all, the rapture of the church, and more often than not a pre -tribulation rapture. NB the pre tribulation rapture is only a very recently invented event designed by a man that lived only a few hundred years ago - John Darby.
I cannot see how a loving God who shows all knowing love and compassion towards all manner of mankind is going to treat the group mentioned above any differently by magically taking them off the face of the earth before the Great Tribulation starts, while the rest of humanity suffers through the final seven years of mankind's history here on the earth.
Almost all of the group mentioned above see the Jews and Israel as the chosen ones of God when the book of Revelations makes it very clear that of the millions and millions of Jews that populate the world there are only a very minute pittance of that entire group are going to be saved, a mere 144,000.
Almost all of the aforementioned group are also involved in the occult, or have been engaged in at one stage of their lives either witchcraft, or the New Age Movement, something that I have never ever had anything to do with whatsoever.
I really do not need to say a great deal more about the group mentioned above other than to label them as I see them, hypocrites and frauds, not really being Christians but instead putting on phoney face for the whole world to see by masquerading as something they are definitely not, fundamentalist Born Again Christians.
Truly we are living in the Laodicean Church Age!
Obama hopeful of quick resumption of Middle East peace process
Quote: Washington, Nov 15 (PTI) US President Barack Obama has expressed hope that the Middle East peace negotiations between Israel and Palestine would resume quickly.
Obama praised Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for trying to win approval from his coalition government for a US proposal to extend a freeze on West Bank settlement building.
"I think it's promising. And so we've been in contact with both the Israelis and the Palestinians to make sure that we use this opportunity to start negotiating as quickly as possible on some of the final status issues that would render the settlement issue moot," Obama said yesterday.
"I commend Prime Minister Netanyahu for taking I think a very constructive step. It''s not easy for him to do. I think it''s a signal that he's serious, and my hope is, is that he and (Palestine) President Abbas start negotiations immediately," he said. End of Quote
There are really no doubts at all from those of us who have been studying the end times of the Bible prophecies over a number of years the one event that will usher in the return back onto the earth of the Lord Jesus Christ will be the rubber stamping of a seven year Middle East peace treaty by the Antichrist, as per the prophecies of Daniel Chapter 9 Verse 27.
And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate. KJV
It is either a seven year Middle East peace treaty we are looking for to usher in the end times or the signing of a seven year Global Climate Change Treaty - it is either one or the other - but I have a very strong tendency to believe it is the former, rather than the later.
After that has been confirmed then there are only seven years to go until we see the return of the Lord Jesus Christ back onto the earth, at which point those that have their names written in the Lambs Book of Life will all be gathered up to meet the Lord in the air.
Now as the power base for the Antichrist is the presidency of the EU, and as we have already seen that position created and filled earlier on this year, there would be a very high likelihood that if the man that was appointed as the president of the EU earlier on this year, Herman Van Rompuy, were the Antichrist, then in all probability it would be him that we would see signing off on the treaty of Daniel mentioned above very, very shortly, more than likely before the end of this year, and certainly no later than early next year?
But for those that still remain sceptical let us just wait and see how this is going to pan out?
Quote: Herman van Rompuy, the president of Europe, hasn’t enjoyed the kindest press. In Britain at least, the “richly comic” blustering Belgian, a garden gnome and dwarf straight out of Gilbert and Sullivan has been treated as a sort of joke created largely for the benefit of tabloid headline writers.
Mr. van Rompuy may never come to match, say, Vince Cable in the glamour stakes – but people who knew him in his previous job always warned that the “Mr. Nobody” gibes were misplaced. As Belgian prime minister, Mr. van Rompuy helped to bring together his notoriously divided country, and sharply reduced its budget deficit. Now, he has similar steely ambitions to unite and discipline Europe.
Last week, in Berlin, Mr. Van Rompuy proclaimed an EU leader’s strongest message of federalism yet. He said that after the financial crisis, “the national and the European interest can no longer be separated: they coincide… today, we have to act on [that] fact… in every [EU] member state, there are people who believe their country can survive alone in the globalised world. It is more than an illusion – it is a lie.”End of Quote
There is something that those that choose to denigrate Herman Van Rompuy seemed to be forgetting about?
When he was appointed as the first ever full time president of the EU he took on the responsibility for not only one of the most powerful offices that has ever been held for the entire European continent, but for the entire globe.
But that fact certainly not by passed me in any sense of the word.
It also needs to be remembered that Van Rompuy also holds the post that most of us that are Born Again Christians consider to be the seat of power for the Antichrist.
Also, that in accepting the position as the first ever full time president of the EU he took on the power of Hell and Hades itself.
Basically, Herman Van Rompuy has the power to turn the entire globe into the biggest powder keg imaginable through his control of the entire army of the EU.
That being the case, when he chooses to do so he will unleash this awesome power that he holds right in the palms of his hand onto the peoples of the world to ignite the globe to turn it into the smoldering ash that it is destined to become.
The aforementioned comical comments may be atypical of the pomes, but the fact still remains for those that have made those comments there still needs to be some consideration for the man in question and the very high office that he holds.
When there are those that have chosen to make remarks such as the ones that are mentioned above relative to Van Rompuy, those said same people need to be reminded what the relatives of the victims of the Green River Serial Killer Gary Ridgeway had said after his arrest. They had said that he could not have been the guy who had killed all of those women simply because he did not look like a killer, even though he had been responsible for the murder of well over 60 prostitutes.
There seem to be a great deal of people that are mistakenly judging Van Rompuy entirely by his looks by saying that he is not the Antichrist, simply because he does not look the part.
Don't be fooled by looks alone -- as looks can be incredibly deceiving.