Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Whitney Houston's Final Testimony in Song to Her Salvation

The unexpected death of Whitney Houston reminds us all that life is but a vapor-a brief stint of time that cannot compare to eternity.

The good looks of a Miss World, coupled with the God given talent of someone who had the voice of an angel when she sang, Whitney Houston had it all.

The wretch that I am, it is not for the likes of me to suggest just where Whitney Houston is going to spend eternity.

However, at the end she sang praises to the Lord as if she sincerely meant it.

Therefore, my prayer is that God will say to Whitney Houston well done thy good and faithful servant enter into the joy of the Lord.

I would hope that statement would be applicable to everyone and not just in the instance of Whitney Houston because of what she gave to the world with her magnificent voice.

Whitney Houston became affiliated with gospel music at an early stage of her life as she cut her teeth singing church standards with her local New Jersey congregation's choir as a teenager, and then of course later went on to be as famous as what she did.

However, with her sudden and tragic passing of someone who was so famous it is a somber heart at this particular time that I would like to suggest that all those who yet are unsaved should reflect on their lives and ponder where they are going to spend eternity.

If you would now like to make sure that you are saved, you may do so right now and become a Born Again Christian by reciting the believers prayer of repentance in the privacy of your own home, as has been reformatted at the end of this page.

In Jesus Name Amen.