There are real concerns that Christmas in Australia has now become a time of merriment and festivity an and excuse for a holiday, a time of gift giving, and general get together of family, rather than for the remembrance of the birth of the saviour the Lord Jesus Christ.
Santa, as in Santa Clause (pictured) is an anogram of Satan.
I work the nightshift and there are occasions when I listen to late night radio and even those who are broadcasting over the late night air waves are saying this is a Christian country.
Nevertheless, when there is never ever a word that is said about Christ, or indeed the birth of Christ, there is never ever nothing that comes out of the mouths of these same announcers that seems to edify the fact that they are Christians themselves.
Afterwards, those said same announcers readily denigrate this current government for opening the borders of this nation by allowing the boat people to continually arrive here illegally.
There has also been times that I have mentioned the Lord Jesus Christ in whilst employed in the occupation I am at the moment.
It seems to me that even though there are those that are saying this is a Christian nation when there is nothing whatsoever that seems to edify that fact at all.
Except for a very small group of those that one could say are quite readily able to be identified as being truly Christian, the preponderance of those who are truly Christian in this nation is very small. The facts of the matter are that there is hardly anyone at all that I ever come into contact with in my day to day dealings with the general public that could fit into that category.
Those are the very sad facts of the matter.
If the nation rejects or forgets about the Lord, then it would also come as no real surprise that what is happening to this once proud and great nation has been allowed to happen.
What we are seeing in the destruction of Australia has nothing whatsoever to do with the state of the politics, but has everything to do with the spiritual state of the nation which seems to be nothing more than pagan at the moment?
There is nothing whatsoever that is ever going to stop the ultimate form of destruction that this once great nation is headed for as the people continually reject the saviour as the preponderance of the populace are doing.
There are no real doubts at all that the world can hear the footsteps of the Antichrist rapidly approaching.
Over the number of years that I have been watching the fulfilment of the Bible prophecies come to pass there have been quite a number of world leaders of whom I could have considered to be suitable suspects to fulfil that role.
The Bible does not really describe the Antichrist as being a strong man. However, I had happened to come across a website the other day were the author of the aforementioned site seemed to suggest that there may be such a man, (somewhere in the world) waiting to come to the fore who may well fulfil the description of the way that particular author of several books on the end times had described the Antichrist. That is, as a strong man who would rule with a fist or iron.
There are really not a great number of world leaders whom I could think of at the moment that could fit that description except for one - the current Russian Prime Minister, Vladimir Putin.
It seems that the only reason that he is still not the current Russian President is due to constitutional restraints that have been put on him so that he was not allowed to carry on it that role for more than a prescribed period of time. However, as he had exceeded those time restraints he was simply reduced to the role of the Russian Prime Minister to be replaced with the current president, Dmitry Medvedev.
Nevertheless, he is still there in the background still playing a very prominent role in the politics of Russia.
There are even those who describe the current Russian President Medvedev as being indecisive or weak, and that it is Putin who is still really in charge of Russia.
There is no way that I am suggesting that Putin is the one that we need to concentrate on when trying to correctly trying to identify the Antichrist, but that there was still a time that I had suspected him as being the man of sin. There were reasons, to numerous to mention here, as to why I had suggested this may be the case
That being said, there are still those who for whatever reason seem to believe the Antichrist will arise from Eastern Europe, or Russia.
There was even a period of time that I had performed the Barry R Smith, A=6, B=12 test on Putin to try and determine if he fitted into his name fitted into the sum total of the equation that equalled 666. The idea is to go through the entire alphabet and then take the individual letters of a particular person's name to see if the letters added up to 666. Strangely enough, in the case of Putin the letters of his name did add up to 666.
The end times author that I had made mention of forehand also said that he held the belief the Final World Empire before the return back onto the earth of the Lord Jesus Christ was to be the common market, or the European Union as it commonly as on this day.
However, there still needs to be some consideration for the fact that we are told in Revelation Chapter 13 that the Beast had the feet of a bear. The bear in prophecy always refers to Russia.
Therefore, as there is very clear mention there in the prophecy of Russia, and a of course a Russian, there is also a likelihood that the man of sin may be a Russian, even if that likelihood remains ever so slim at the moment.
The current head of the EU Herman Van Rompuy still remains the person of whom I would consider to be the most likely to be the Antichrist. With there being very clear indicators in the book of the Revelation that the Antichrist is the unelected president of the EU, I make that statement if for no other reason than for the fact of Van Rompuy recently being appointed to that role.
It also needs to be noted, that if there were ever to come a time when there was more to the Russian Prime Minister than what currently meets the eye, and for whatever reason there happened to be a combination of the combined powers of the EU and Russia, then there would also be no doubts at all that what we would be seeing coming to the fore would be the mightiest super power that has ever came to realization on the face of the earth. If as a result of this combination of super powers we were ever to see Putin appointed to lead this massive empire then there may also be a very strong possibility the current Russian President, Dmitry Medvedev, would be his False Prophet.
Even as I write this piece, there are meetings that are taking place on a regular basis between the EU and Russia. From what I am able to gather relative to these meetings what appears to be going on is nothing more than a constant power play between the respective leaders of these two super powers. Nevertheless, who is going to come out as the winner of all of this and proves to be the Biblical Antichrist still remains something that is open to a great deal of conjecture?
Therefore, the facts of the matter still remain there is really nothing, or very little, at all that can be determined relative to the Bible prophecies until we see the fulfilment of the prophecies of Daniel Chapter 9, Verse 27, and until that happens the suggestion that I have made mention of above that Putin maybe the Antichrist can be considered to be nothing more than pure speculation at this stage
Daniel Chapter 9, Verse 27
And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate
For the time being of course, or until there is a lot more information relative to the end times that is revealedk there is really nothing at all that I have to go on other than what I have made mention of above. It will only be up until then that we will then when we will have a clearer picture of who to look for when trying to correctly identifying the Antichrist.