Monday, March 14, 2011

What the Illuminati has in store for us all?

It is with a great deal of interest that I had noted the attached DVD on the Internet. Even though it is only a dramatized version of what so many of us think the Illuminati may have in store for the whole world it certainly is worthwhile to take the time to watch it, if for no other reason than to be uplifted and edified in the spirit as to the closeness for the return of the Lord Jesus Christ back onto the earth?

The possible ramifications of the Japanese earthquake?

The following article was taken from the Shofar Ministries website. Firstly, I have reformatted it here so that those who are as yet untrained in what is in store for the whole world may have some idea as to just where we are headed. Secondly, to reinforce the belief that the only way to avoid what is coming is to make sure you are Born Again. After the article itself I had added the same comments posted onto the aforementioned BlogSpot.

The EU held an extraordinary meeting today regarding the uprising in Lybia. From the words of Van Rompuy the head of the EU, all options are on the table when it comes to removing Gaddafi from power. So watch this space.

What I found incredible was when Van Rompuy stated the changes in the region are "positive".

POSITIVE? When the organisation planning to take control of Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood, is Anti-Semitic, Anti-Israel, Anti-Christian and Anti-West?

POSITIVE? When the cry is going up from these nations is "Let us march as martyrs to Jerusalem" and "Death to Israel and the West"?

What on earth is going on?

There is a diabolical plan afoot.

How else can they gain a foothold in the Middle East?

First: Support a "democratic" revolution such as those that took place in Egypt, Tunisia and Lybia.

Second: When the guys they helped into power turn out to be the bad guys and ultra Islamic and Anti-West, Anti-peace, move in for the safety of the region and the world, take them out and at the same time gain a major foothold in the areas where the diminishing world oil supplies are based.

Don't make the war happen where the majority of the oil is or you could destroy the very thing you want to control.

The elite of the planet are planning a World Government, friends.

A One world religion, and reduction of the population of planet earth is on the way, brought about by possible "natural" disasters, a major war in the Middle East and a coming MAJOR crisis that will cause men to give up their freedom and rights for safety and security.

In return they will introduce global government that "protects" us all while stripping us of all rights to privacy and personal freedom.

As I said to my hearers at the prophecy meetings recently in Hastings UK when I spoke on the coming World Government, the elite love symbolism. (The dvd will be available soon after post production work. But you can watch the (almost) raw version on the panel to the left of this post)

The EU meeting displayed the Illuminati all seeing eye on the lecturns on the platform and the occult inverted star representing Baphomet the goat of Mendes was prominent behind van rompouy

We all remember 9/11; we all remember 7/7. Now we will remember 3/11 due to the earthquake in Japan, the most powerful to hit the region in 140 years followed by a devastating tsunami.

Also please watch here:

Watch out for more "natural disasters, and wars and revolutions.

All these are the beginning of "birth pangs" Jesus warned us would happen just prior to his return.

Now the signs are unmistakable. End of quote
Hi there Bob; You have stolen my thunder! The opinions that you had expressed in the last posting were my sentiments exactly. Furthermore, if I had the occasion to turn the computer on over the past few days I would have made postings that would have had a very similar tone to what you have just told us. [But that is not to say that if anything of the like were ever suggested to the secular world relative to what you had mentioned in those postings you would be labelled as nothing more than a crackpot. But then again, those who make those sort of comments are more than likely non Bible readers, so what do they really know at the end of the day?] There has been a thousand thoughts that have been racing through my mind over the past few days ever since that extraordinary meeting of the EU, and then the Japanese earthquake the following day, (what a coincidence) not the least of these being the thought that the earthquake may have been deliberately caused (by HAARP) to create a global economic collapse to bring on the cashless society leading onto the Mark of the Beast? However, even though the Japanese economy is the third largest in the world, whether or not that is going to be the inevitable outcome of what has just happened remains to be seen? Indeed, the Japanese earthquake seems to be only the precursor for what is to follow, as the frequency and intensity of these natural disasters looks like becoming a more and more of a regular occurrence, in what looks like a very diabolical plot by Van Rompuy to reduce the world's population to just 500 million; with the majority of the world's population not even knowing that what is being inflicted on them has been especially designed for their own extermination. That is not to even mention that reality of the Third World War that is being deliberately instigated in to begin in the Middle East? To be sure, I know these are very grave words but those are my thoughts following what I have seen over the past week. This is not deliberate scaremongering on my part but only an analogy of what I have seen transpiring in the daily news broadcasts relative to the Bible prophecies. I had always thought that when the first portion of the covenant of Daniel was confirmed there may not have been the fanfare and shouting that one may have expected from such an event. That being said the whole world would know who the Antichrist was after he had moved into the newly built temple in Jerusalem. Accordingly what I am now inferring is that without the world really knowing what was going on the Climate Change (World Government) treaty that was signed off in Cancun Mexico recently that may have been the first portion of the aforementioned prophecy. And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate. Daniel 9:27 (King James Version) That maybe the finish of the pre tribulation theory of the rapture as we are now could be in the final seven years of mankind's history here on the earth with the return of the Lord now seeming to be extremely close at hand? Gods bless one and all.