Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Government lies to a blind Christianity

By Brian Hay
Posted www.omegatimes.com
February 2009
Internet censorship technology 'flawed' Dec 24, 2008. Stephen Conroy has distanced the Rudd government from a "flawed" internet censorship technology. The federal government has distanced itself from a report that found internet censorship technology under consideration is seriously flawed. Communications Minister Stephen Conroy says the Internet Industry Association (IIA) report was commissioned and paid for by the former Howard government.

It was "not an analysis of the ALP's policy", he said. The report concluded schemes to block inappropriate content - such as child pornography - could slow the internet and result in over- and under-blocking of material. Senator Conroy denied Labor was trialing the technology in spite of the report's negative findings.

"The government is aware of technical concerns raised in the report, and that is why we are conducting a pilot, to put these claims to the test," Senator Conroy said in a statement. “The live pilot trial will provide evidence on the real world impacts of content filtering, including for providers and internet users."It will provide an invaluable opportunity for internet service providers to inform the government's approach." The trial is due to begin in mid-January.

The above part of an article reveals the government agencies attempt at controlling internet access. Here again we can guarantee the Christian crazies who trust all, and believe all then accept all, will stand up against our God given principles of freedom. Because they tell us we must not judge nor question and they will spew out their familiar foolish objection - if I have done nothing wrong, I have nothing to fear argument. That stupid and insane mentality does not even deserve an answer. The scripture demands of us that we become watchers over our cities and societies. It instructs us to stand guard over those who can not speak nor protect themselves and be watchmen on their behalf.

"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banners openly. But the traitor move amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their garments, and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to be feared."

Readers know that one of my main gripes is concerning how Christian conservatives "Religious Right" are hoodwinked (by the way that term is derived from Freemasonry, it is one of their oaths of initiation to make men swear an oath of silence never to divulge or reveal their agenda). The church is very much influenced by freemasons who have infiltrated the church and thus generated this attitude of acceptance to all things.

They have so affected their people and in turn churches, so insidiously that now most churchgoers think it acceptable to be a Freemason and a Christian at the same time. That is anathema, a heretical teaching and unacceptable truth. It is impossible to be a genuine godly Christian and take the oaths of freemasonry.

Christians today do not even read their Bible, let alone live by it. Most squawk out these modern false contemporary church philosophies which are nothing but regurgitated hedonist and atheistic new age thinking. I have said for many years now and have also suffered under the stupidity of these humanistic people in that they refuse to accept that people who claim Christianity as their dogma could be anything other than Christian.

Take the idiocy of ones who heard Tony Blair, ex British Prime Minister and George Bush out going president of the USA and John Howard ex Prime Minister of Australia, and there are others, who said that “the God of Christianity is the same God as the God of Islam”.

That is not, can not and will not ever be true and those who say it, as well as those who then accept it, do not know the true person of Jesus Christ as the scripture portrays Him. They simply do not know the truth.

Jesus is the only way, there is no other way and to believe that there is another way is to deny the truth of the Bible. Revelation tells us that those who claim these things and deny the truth will have their part in the lake of fire - they are the unbelieving also. So the point I make is this, the three men mentioned above early in their role as leaders all claimed to be born again believers. And the religious world went wild with excitement. No one would allow any one else to question their faith (and I was personally attacked over this very issue many times in each of these countries by their so called Christian leaders for even suggesting it).

Yet these three constantly reiterated the above claim that Christ and Allah were the same. This is heresy and must be repudiated and refuted.

But it does not take a genius to follow closely the speeches, the quotations and the public addresses of these (and other) political leaders to realize very quickly these imposters are not Christian at all, not by any stretch of the imagination. They are however charlatans and antichrists, leading men astray. Yet not content with that, they act the part so well they become heretical authorities and teachers to the weak and spineless believers who worship the very ground upon which they walk, suggesting their knowledge and interpretation of truth is right simply because they are civil authoritarians. Well Caesar and Hitler tried all that, it is nothing new and it does not mean they have the truth. Yet foolish saints believe them.

I am not sure why it is that people do not want to hear nor face the truth, but it is a fact they do not. They will overlook blatant displays of character deficiency and outbursts of obscenity and also allow the apostasy of these they espouse to impact their lives even to the detriment of their own souls. How and why, I am at a loss to understand this. John Howard lied so many times when in leadership it changed his image from being known as honest John to when he left office as dishonest John. Bush was so accustomed to lying and deceit he could not lie straight in bed and was known as the most foul mouthed man in the white house. I have video captions of his outrageous behavior that would not be acceptable in any asylum.

Then there is Blair, he also had to get out before he was pushed out because of untruth and deceit. That is not even scratching the surface of the scandals each of them was associated with at the end of their respective terms. But all of that is overlooked because they all said they were committed Christians. Well check out their positions now. Bush for instance is now neither recorded as saying on ABC’s Nightline that he does not believe the Bible is accurate nor is it the true word of God etc etc. He believes in evolution and that the Bible is a book of good stories. Read the articles for yourself. For some, I guess that will never happen as we do not want to hear or admit the truth any more.

So what of us in the near future? I personally do not believe we have one now as a result of this negligence and insanity on our part. Time alone will tell who is right. Read this article from an American preacher and judge for yourselves.

The all-time classic illustration of this foible is the way the Religious Right was (and is) so enamored with President George W. Bush. No matter what Bush did: no matter how egregiously unconstitutional, no matter how utterly stupid, no matter how blatantly evil his actions were, Christian conservatives (almost universally) either robotically accepted and approved what he did, or blindly looked the other way. It was maddening!

It was as if Christian conservatives lost all ability to reason; it was as if they lost all discernment and discretion. Because George W. Bush claimed to be a Christian, and because he was a Republican, he could do no wrong. To this very day, the only group of people who yet approves of Bush's Presidency is the Religious Right. Everyone else on the planet realizes that George W. Bush's Presidency will go down in history as one of the all-time worst.

Bush took a robust economy to a second Great Depression, took a free republic to a Police State, pushed executive power; trampled individual liberty; made a mockery of justice; and made America the laughingstock of the world. No matter. The Religious Right still love him. Why? Because he is a "Christian”. Since 2000, James Dobson and Pensacola Christian College (PCC), have had a love fest with George W. Bush. Life-size cardboard posters of Bush have stood in their bookstores. Bush ranks somewhere between Moses and the Almighty. And nothing Bush said or did seem to matter. I said all of that to call attention to a recent interview Cynthia McFadden had with President Bush on ABC's Nightline. During the interview, McFadden asked Bush if the Bible was literally true. Now, acceptance of the Bible's literalness is one of conservative Christianity's most sacred doctrines. There is not a professor at PCC (or any other conservative Christian college) that would keep his or her job, if he or she questioned the veracity of the Scriptures. Most conservative Christians would even go so far as to say that one cannot be a born-again Christian who does not believe that the Bible is the infallible Word of God. Well, what was George Bush's response to McFadden's question? He said, "You know. Probably not. . . . No, I'm not a literalist." Notice, Bush twice denied the veracity of the Scriptures. Now, Bush has no reason to "fudge" his answers, right? He has no more elections to face. No more, "He's got to say this to get elected," which was the flippant explanation given by the Religious Right to excuse Bush's numerous apostate positions during the past eight years.

So, George W. Bush clearly stated that he does not believe the Bible is God's Holy, inspired Word. Will Dobson and PCC still say that Bush is "one of us"? Bush told McFadden, "It is hard for me to justify or prove the mystery of the Almighty in my life. All I can just tell you is that I got back into religion and I quit drinking shortly thereafter . . . ." What kind of Christian testimony is this: "I got back into religion"? I doubt that this kind of testimony would grant membership in the Campus Church. Bush's statements will not diminish his god-like status with James Dobson and the rest of the Religious Right in America. For eight years, Christian conservatives have been selling their convictions, doctrines, and even their consciences to George W. Bush. I will even go so far as to say that, in many respects, millions of Christians have turned President Bush into an idol. Of course, none of this would have happened had Christians--and especially Christian pastors--not lost touch with truth. Will any rebuke their "Christian" Apostate President? No. When will Christians and pastors open their Bibles and history books? Will they admit the possibility of having been duped? All that seems to matter is that he or she professes to be a Christian, and frankly, this last election proved that even a Christian profession is not necessary.

Money Manipulations and Madness

By Brian Hay
Posted www.omegatimes.com
February 2009
With the advent of the recent stupidity on Wall St and its subsequent effect on the banking fraternity we can only stand back in absolute awe at the public’s totally false and misleading perception of how it works and what sustains it. I for one have been warning and grandstanding for many years now (but very much unheard and to a large extent ridiculed) concerning the deceptive and contrived manner of our capitalist banking practices and their associated legal quagmire put in place to hide and protect their every devious moves. I have been called communistic socialistic anti God and every other expletive as well, but no one has given me an alternative expose of what I know the truth to be. All these critics do is suggest I am uninformed or extreme in my viewpoint or alternatively call me a crank. But here we are and now all the chickens are coming home to roost and my detractors are running for cover to try and protect what little depleting wealth they have left. Little do they realize we have seen nothing yet compared to what is coming.

Barry Smith and others for many years were trying to warn the people, especially the church and the saints, that such a time as this was coming and coming with great propensity. Here we are and guess what? The foolish blinded church has and will be caught more severely than the unchurched because the Christian community does not have the ruthless resolve needed to deal with such foreboding ominous decisions taking place at present. The Banking cartel is a very elite and small group of German Jewish neoconservative individuals, whose self proclaimed mandate is to own and control the entire planet and all its wealth and resources including every man woman and child alive. They have had plans afoot for many generations now to totally and finally implement a system which would control and dictate their terms to every individual on earth. Their God, as the scripture states, is their belly - in other words they want it all. They want to consume everything and everyone according to their personal ideals, exploiting all others for their own evil intent.

What most folk do not realize is that they have been putting in place the legislation over many centuries now that will enhance their degenerate totalitarian schemes and as a result we, the public, now have absolutely no power over our own future as they have become so powerful we can no longer stop them. All we can do now is pray that God will intervene and hasten His coming as the Epistle of Peter instructs us to do and try and get the message of salvation out to as many as we can while we have time. I am saddened that we now have no option but to accept our lot and await the coming one to deliver us from this evil. I do not have all the answers but I certainly have a book and a Saviour that does have all the answers and it is He who will guide and direct my thoughts and actions in these days if I let Him and the same goes for us all. He will show us what we are to do when these ills come upon us, but you must be alert to them in order to be ably directed through them as they unfold. If you are not aware of the signs you will not be looking for them so you must get into His Word the Bible. Jesus instructed us so clearly that these times would come and that when they arrived we were to be alert and watching that these things would not come upon us and catch us unawares. I am at a loss to know why it is that God fearing folk and preachers alike refuse to acknowledge that these things maybe JUST MAYBE the actual signs and events Jesus foretold us of.

What we are seeing in the financial arena is the final melt down of all the systems that we have been used to in commerce, so that they can integrate all systems together as one and then implement a totalitarian control over every individual on earth. All the legislation has been passed into and through the international judiciary, allowing the legal and justifiable laws of every sovereign nation on earth to be brought under this unilateral system - all commerce and industry, along with all trusts and foundations so that they can no longer operate outside the jurisdiction of international law. And all this has been done right under our very noses but no one seems to care. Each week new legislation is introduced building upon the old making it more and more difficult to operate a business in any degree of privacy or independence. It is all done to sound so good and beneficial to us but it is actually becoming more and more controlling and dictatorial. Just take for example the issue of terrorism. We are constantly told to be on guard, which literally suggests we trust no one. We must inevitably spy on one another and report on one another, monitoring even our own parents and loved ones, even children, because their behaviour may even be inappropriate. We are told and instructed daily now to be watching neighbors’ and reporting them to police if we see any thing suspicious.

As each new fraudulent operator of big business is exposed, after which they do their deals and they seem to walk free, we innocent end up not only paying their debts but suffer the imposition of more and more intolerable policing of the laws because of their dishonorable actions. What we do not realize is that each exposure of fraud is actually an opportunity for the authorities to implement their police state and as such much of the dishonesty does not come from the small man or the public, but from the big men at the top. The list goes on - politicians, lawyers, judges, police chiefs, government officials, departmental heads, and the like. Why is this? Simply, it creates the very opportunity for them to strengthen and implement their police state totalitarianism. So they welcome the crime in many cases as it affords them the very situation in which they can operate their life long plans. If you were to uncover the actual sources of it, you would probably find it is actually organized crime at the highest level.

Pedophilia is a classic example it is not so much the little man in the street that is behind all this sadistic practice, it is your top judges, your top lawyers and politicians, public officials and wealthy elite, as well as the unreal world of media personalities whose sense of values is so warped and distorted they are considered by most to be just plain weird. That is where ego’s are stroked and preened and money buys anything itwants.

Everyday someone in this nation is charged and fingered in crime and sick compromising actions that make the average mans hair curl. But we have become so accustomed to it now we don’t even bat an eyelid. We have become desensitized by the continual vile soap opera and series on TV and we seem to enjoy it all the more the more sadistic it becomes. The more vile television is, the more suggestive it becomes and the more bizarre and sinister its reality shows become the more we lap it up.

What do you think God thinks of it all? Do you not think He grieves over what He sees and what He hears? I tell you when God calls it a day and says enough imagine how men’s blood will cry out from the ground on which it has been spilt. The number of innocent lives cut short because of some greedy individual wanting assets and some one else’s chattels, or some depraved individual wanting sexual gratification to satisfy his own twisted pleasure or some deviate seeking to exploit someone else so as to benefit himself. What a race we have become - we are worse than animals, they do not even treat their kind like we do. No wonder the Bible tells us God will have to step in to mans’ affairs and cut them short because we would destroy everything of value if we had enough time and opportunity.