Monday, June 15, 2015

Gay Marriage and Its Ramifications for Society in General.

The Colours of Hell - the Rainbow.
There is now quite a widespread global epidemic of this Gay Marriage gobbledygook. In this instance epidemic is the right word. Because that is what society is looking at with this so called Gay Marriage, a plague. We are getting closer and closer to reliving the days of Sodom and Gomorrah... If we are not already at that point already. It would be quite common knowledge for most people to know the result of their escapades into debauchery. Judgement from God, and then total destruction. With these types of people also engaging is acts of sodomy their end (and the end for the rest of those who are yet unsaved) is nigh on right at hand.  What that means is that it is not only the poofs who are going to come under judgement, but also those advocating Gay Marriage in the first place. That is, society in general.

I was not at all surprised to learn some time ago that there is no one who is ever born queer. Rather, homosexually a lifestyle choice. Those who have the spirit (and that’s what it is, a spirit) of homosexuality are in general sense of the term extremely violent people. Those who choose this lifestyle choice, and then forgo their natural desires for a women, along with that abnormal lust for another man/women also comes a murderous intent. There are a couple of the better known serial killers who preferred the boys as bed mates. The names of John Wayne Gacy and Jeffery Dahmer quite readily come to mind.

However, what we really need to do is to consider that these people are really quite unwell and need our sympathy and understanding, more than judgement. There is still yet hope for the lost and unsaved homosexual if they were to accept the Lord Jesus Christ as their saviour and deliverer. If those engaged in these immoral acts of indecency were to give their lifestyle away and repent of their sins then there still may as yet be some light at the end of the tunnel. With the eternal hope being for salvation for the Homosexual.

We are really dealing with here is not just the right of Gays to be married. But the right of those who are sinners to have the same privileges as the rest of those of a society that has largely been founded on the Judeo/Christian values of a heterosexual marriage. (With the lifestyle that is sure to follow.) 


Marriage has been designed by God for the betterment of children who are raised in that more stable environment (in the majority of cases) of a Christian marriage with a mother and a father and not just two fathers, or two mothers. The bottom line still remains that in the eyes of God there is no such animal as a Gay Marriage. In the eyes of Gays there may be, BUT NOT IN THE EYES OF GOD ALMIGHTY. To be certain, those who are desirous of the Gay lifestyle do not have the right to the same privileges as the rest of those in society.    


WHY I AM NOT A DISPENSATIONALIST John Nelson Darby is recognized as the father of dispensationalism later made popular in the United States by Cyrus Scofield's Scofield Reference Bible. Charles Henry Mackintosh, 1820–1896, with his popular style spread Darby's teachings to humbler elements in society and may be regarded as the journalist of the Brethren Movement. CHM popularised Darby more than any other Brethren author. As there was no Christian teaching of a “rapture” before Darby began preaching about it in the 1830s, he is sometimes credited with originating the "secret rapture" theory wherein Christ will suddenly remove His bride, the Church, from this world before the judgments of the tribulation. Dispensationalist beliefs about the fate of the Jews and the re-establishment of the Kingdom of Israel put dispensationalists at the forefront of Christian Zionism, because "God is able to graft them in again," and they believe that in His grace he will do so according to their understanding of Old Testament prophecy. They believe that, while the methodologies of God may change, His purposes to bless Israel will never be forgotten, just as He has shown unmerited favour to the Church, He will do so to a remnant of Israel to fulfill all the promises made to the genetic seed of Abraham. I am not a dispensationalist; it is unbiblical.

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