Sunday, March 4, 2012

Australians are now subjective to the Brave New World of a Totalitarian World Government

Here is a slight whiff of paranoia; it may be a good idea to reconsider which search engine you favour? Google is not going to be able to monitor which websites the Internet user visits, but is also going to keep a record of the sites visited to be able to retrieve that information later on.

Not only that, when the same result could have been achieved with Wireless Broadband, the Australian government is in the process of spending a massive 50 billion dollars for a National Broadband Network supposedly to achieve higher Internet download speeds? A small box will be fitted to the side of the house of those with the NBN (and that includes everyone who has the Internet) so that the websites can not only be monitored, but can also be blocked without the permission of the Internet user. That fact in itself equates to total control of the Internet, which means that Australia is going to be the first country, apart from China, that is going to be subjective to this type power over the Internet user.

All of this is going on even before we mention smart meters. Once a smart meter is fitted to the side of the house the electricity supply to a house is going to be subjective to the on and off control of a central operator.

There is also a new and insidious Carbon Tax now being forced upon the consumer, which in itself is going to skyrocket electricity prices through the roof and deliberately destroy whatever manufacturing we have left in this country. So welcome to the New World Order.

Even though all of the above equates to nothing more than doom and gloom there is more bad news yet to follow. We now also have the infrastructure and technology in place for the Mark of the Beast. Accordingly, the mark is now being introduced through Mobile Phones with the camera facility on the rear of the phones being able to scan the microchip implant for the transference of payment for goods and services, and yet there are still some who are suggesting the end times is but yet hundreds of years into the future?

If ever there was a time right throughout the course of history when we needed the Lord to return it is right now more than any other time? God bless all.

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