Monday, November 14, 2011

With the respective appointments of the Italian and Greek Prime Ministers were the prophecies concerning Revelation chapter 13 fulfilled?

What I am about to mention in the attached article may spell the end of what I have been saying in the past relative to certain individuals being described as the two beasts of Revelation?

However, such is the nature of the prophecies unfolding in this modern day and age, that what we thought may have been correct yesterday may not necessarily be correct tomorrow.

Some could describe what I am about to report in the following article as being farfetched, ridiculous, rubbish and just plain crazy, and those who are going to make such evaluations are more than likely correct? But are they, that is the burning question?

However, as a student of Bible prophecy, I am on the constant lookout for newsworthy events that tie in with the word of God because those news items may be the essence of prophecy fullfilled.

Even if some of those things may seem to be nothing more than madness at first glance, those bits and pieces may still be worthwhile mentioning just in case they happen to be somewhere near the truth.

If we were to study Revelation, Chapter 13 it is worthwhile to note the chronological order for the appearance of the two beasts is the political beast first, the Antichrist, and then the religious/ banker beast secondly.

That is what seems to be the case, but what if the two beasts appeared at the same time?

Consequently, if they both appear at the same time and then work in unison with each other comparative to the economic downturn within the EU that could suggest that what we were seeing may be the arrival of the Antichrist and the False Prophet in tandem.

Those EU leaders who are desperate enough may place their complete trust in the Antichrist and the False Prophet to lift the EU of its current economic downturn.

That in turn may mean exactly the same set of circumstances that put Hitler into power in Germany may then exist within in the EU if the two aforementioned can achieve success in areas where others have failed.

Only this time, the Antichrist and the False Prophet will have enormously more power than Hitler could ever dream of, as they will have conquered the EU not through military might, but through the economy.

I find it to be rather interesting that the new leaders of Italy and Greece, Mario Monti and Lucas Papademos, consecutively, have arisen on the 11-11-11 with the number 11 being an oculist number and a favourite of the Illuminati. Italy is the main stay of the old Roman Empire with Greece being the cradle of civilization.

Could it be that the Antichrist and the False Prophet have arisen simultaneously, and not separately, as I for one thought was going to be the case?

Furthermore, was the Eurozone economic crisis deliberately caused so that the Antichrist could be brought forth so that he is made out to be "the one" who was going to lift the EU out of the economic quagmire into which they were sinking?

Both Sarkozy and Van Rompuy seemed to have failed to stop the rot setting in, and now these two have come forth. What are your thoughts on this?

Mario Monti was an ex EU Commissioner so that analogy fits the political side for the identifying the Antichrist, while Lucas Papademos is the ex vice president of the ECB which fits the analogy for identifying the False Prophet who forces everyone to take a mark for buying and selling.

See these attached links from this site for further information on both of these men and their respective appointments.

Greece's new (unelected) Prime Minister, Lucas Papademos, was Vice President of the European Central Bank from 2002 until 2010.

Ahead of his appointment as the New Greek PM, Lucas Papademos prepares for a battle royal to rectify the nation's current financial difficulties.

Because of the debt crisis, Mario Monti receives an appointment as the new (unelected) PM-designate to Italy.

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