Thursday, November 10, 2011


The purpose of this blog is to inform others what is going on in the world relative to Bible prophecy in the hope that they may realize the lateness of the hour prophetically speaking - and then come to a point of repentance.

There are those who may disagree with what I have to say here. That is fine, as I would not expect everyone to agree with everything that I have to say all of the time.

However, there are those who do not agree with what I have to say and instead of sending a message to inform me of that fact, as a replacement for that proper and correct course of action choose to fill my inbox with SPAM.

To those concerned, my inbox has been set to detect and then remove into a separate folder anything considered as spam, and then afterwards I check that box and with one or two clicks, the whole load becomes deleted forever.

Therefore, those who choose to carry on in the manner mentioned above are doing nothing at all but wasting their own time.

Accordingly, those responsible for the above actions can continue to do for as long as they like for there is no one that they are affecting other than themselves.

As that is the case, my best advice then to those concerned would be to go and do something useful instead of leading the aimless life you are now. In the meantime, I hope and pray that those responsible are able to find salvation before it is too late.

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