Thursday, July 14, 2011

There may as yet be other implications other than those presented relative to that holiday photograph of Sarkozy and Bruni and the Arnolfini Marriage?

There still remains something that is really quite eerie or spooky, and really out of the ordinary relative to the Arnolfini Marriage by Flemish artist Jan Van Eyck. In fact, with everything that is revealed in the painting I am sure that there must have been books that have been written relative to the enormous amount of detail that is actually shown in the painting?

When I look at these two, Nicholas Sarkozy. and the very pregnant Carla Bruni, together, in the attached photograph taken while they were on their holidays, and then look at the ancient artwork of the Arnolfini Marriage by Jan Van Eyck mentioned beforehand, there is really something that really seems to twig in, and in a big way.

It is almost like I am looking at the same thing all over again? The two figures in the ancient painting seem to be the same figures in the photograph? Accordingly there is yet another thought that has occurred to me that may be a lot closer to the mark than the original analogy presented in the article "Has Satan Revealed the Correct Identity of the Antichrist Through Visions - Resulting in Paintings?" The pregnancy of Carla Bruni is the glue that really begins to raise alarm bells.

Remembering that the artist, Jan Van Eyck, allegedly had a vision of the Antichrist and painted what he had seen in his vision. If that is the case then what if the figurine on the left hand side of the ancient painting is none other than the current French president Nicholas Sarkozy and the pregnant female on the right hand side of the work is Carla Bruni?

Even if that were so that is not to say there still maybe a possibility that Tony Blair may still have some sort of a role in the end times in that there still may be a very distinct possibility He is the False Prophet, and it is Sarkozy who is the Antichrist after all? There are still so many out there who believe this to be the instance of the matter.

Remember this - it is the False Prophet who is the religious side of the Antichrist/False Prophet team and with Blair as the head of his interfaith group that seems to fit in nicely with what has been prophesied?

But that still does not mean to say that Blair would not still be appointed as the next EU president. Nevertheless, even if he were and Sarkozy is appointed as the head of the IMF - then effectively that would then mean that it would be Sarkozy who would have more authority than Blair? Therefore, at the end of the day it would be Blair who would be helping Sarkozy, and not vice versa as I thought may have been the case?

Either way, there does not seem to be any real doubt at all that the correct identity of the Antichrist will not be known until he confirms the treaty of Daniel Chapter 9, Verse 27? Until that happens we will really not know just who the Antichrist is, or the False Prophet for that matter, so let us just wait and see how all of this eventually pans out in the end.

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