Thursday, July 7, 2011

Dominique Strauss Kahn - the Patsy

There seems to be something right out of the ordinary going on at the moment relative to the arrest, (and then release) of the former head of the International Monetary Fund, Dominique Strauss Kahn, over allegations of sexual assault against a hotel maid?

The implication from this quarter is this whole event has been nothing more than a charade to displace Strauss Kahn as the head of the fund so that France's former finance minister, Christine Lagarde, can be stratically placed into the role in preparation for the current French president, Nicholas Sarkozy, to take it over in that role at a later date.

There is a very strong possibility that may happen once his current position as the French president becomes unsustainable?

According to the Bible prophecies, that will take place just after the second EU president is appointed next year? In the position of the EU presidency we will see the Antichrist come to power, aided and abetted by his False Prophet.

After we had seen Lagarde appointed as the new head of the IMF, just coincidentally, new and fresh evidence then came to light to suggest Dominique Strauss Kahn's accuser had less than the requirement of real credibility to be taken really all that seriously at all. How strange is that?

The result of this new and fresh evidence is that the case against Strauss Kahn was more or less dismissed. What that means is that he is now in the position to contest the next French elections. If successful will take over from the Nicholas Sarkozy sometime next year, which was his original intention anyway. (Just quietly, it also seems to have been the intention of other people as well, such as the likes of the Illuminati??

How convenient is that? If it were any more convenient then I would say that Dominique Strauss Kahn has been set up for a specific purpose so that he could be moved aside for the time being until other more important people are positioned into place to take over the roles they were ultimately destined for?

There is a very distinct similarly between Christine Lagarde and the current Australian Prime Minister Ju-liar Gillard. Both are female and both were former Lawyers. Just as Gillard has stuffed up Australian with her constant and continuous mismanagement of the tax payers money I am betting Lagarde will also stuff up as the head of the International Monetary Fund so that she can be replaced by Sarko when the time is right.
However let us just wait and see if all of this eventually pans out as I have suggested above?

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