Saturday, May 14, 2011

In light of the recent third bailout package within the EU there is now further proof that Herman Van Rompuy could be the Antichrist after all?

French president Nicholas Sarkozy

The Antichrist is not necessarily a man, but the office of the full time presidency of the EU. For the plan of salvation to be complete and perfect the remainder of the Bible prophecies must be fullfilled - and that includes the rise to power of a man the Bible calls the Beast.  

Known commonly as the Antichrist when a man enters the office of the EU presidency he then becomes that Beast. Whether or not he knows he is going to be appointed to the office of the EU presidency years before he actually is remains open to debate? More than likely he does?

Even though I am just as guilty of this myself as the rest, there are many Christians who think there are conditions attached to the fulfilment of the Bible prophecies. That is, this or that has to happen before I am convinced that one particular prophecy has been fullfilled. However, the facts of the matter are that once a prophecy has been fullfilled it is not conditional on other prophecies being fullfilled later on.

I make this statement in the light of the facts of the first ever full time president of the EU being appointed at the beginning of last year with the resultant scepticism being shown by some Christians that this man could not possibly be the Antichrist because he does not look like the Antichrist, (he does not have the charisma to be the Antichrist) as if they were to know what the Antichrist looked like to begin with?

There was even one particular British MP who said the EU president had all the appearance of a low grade bank clerk. Looks are deceptive, and after all isn't that the game of Satan, lies and deception. When Christians were looking for a charismatic figure to come to power as the first ever full time president of the EU what they got this ordinary looking fellow instead. As such they had been deceived by his outside appearance.

However the facts of the matter still remain when it comes to the appointment of Herman Van Rompuy as the first ever full time president of the EU the Bible prophecies have been fullfilled.

Furthermore, we are also told that after coming to power as the president of the EU the Antichrist subdues three nations. (see the below attachment) There has now been a third nation that has been offered a bailout package within the EU fulfilling the prophecies to a tee of three nations the Antichrist subdues in coming to power.

But there are two men that run the EU in conjunction with each other. The Antichrist mentioned above and the False Prophet. The False Prophet does not seek authority for himself but gives his authority over, and acts on behalf of the Antichrist. This second beast if far worse than the first beast as is it he is the one who seems to be doing all of the dirty work on behalf of the first beast?

Accordingly, consider the current French president Nicholas Sarkozy? Isn't that exactly what Sarko is doing at the moment as he acts on behalf of the EU president, when he really does not have any real power at all? It is the EU president who has the power base?

Go back a few years now and think about what has taken place and how the EU president initially came into power from out of nowhere? He was appointed by Sarko and Merkel, so right back then Sarko did not seek the role himself but gave his authority over to Van Rompuy.

The brutal 42 month reign of the Antichrist begins after the signing of a seven year Middle East peace treaty. The Antichrist doesn't design the peace treaty he signs simply signs off on something that others have designed. It seems to me (and I may be wrong) but isn't that what Sarko is doing at the moment - designing a Middle East peace treaty? If there is to be a separate Palestinian state by September as Sarko has suggested maybe the case, that fact alone would also seem to indicate there would also be a peace treaty shortly thereafter?

Bad news for those who follow the rapture doctrine, particularly the pre tribulation nonsense?

That would also indicate that the Antichrist is already in power. There is also no real value in thinking in hypothetical terms of what is going to happen in the future by trying to hypothesis the current EU president is going to step down in the middle of next year.

The facts of the matter are that he can continue on for as long as he likes. Think in terms of the NOW and not what one thinks is going to happen in the future. 9 times out of 10 one is usually wrong when trying to do just that, as only God really knows the future. However, the facts that I have presented above relate to what is happening right now and not sometime well into the future.

Identify the little horn, it is a:
1. Nation
2. Which is located in Western Europe

3. It is "little"
4. Arises to power after 476 A.D.
5. After coming to power it subdues three kings or nations

[Dan 7: 24 And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise: and another shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings.]
6. It has a notable leader who gives it direction
7. It speaks blasphemous words against God
8. It is religious in nature
9. It persecutes people who strictly adhere to the Bible
10. It thinks it has the authority to change God's laws and times
11. Persecutes God's saints until the end of a 1260 year period

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