The Alleged Illuminati Card Games?
In 1990, game inventor Steve Jackson of S. J. Games started working on an Illuminati role playing card game called “Illuminati – New World Order.” This card game supposedly details events that the Illuminati want to bring about in order to establish the New World Order. He revised and published the game in 1995. White magic occultist David Icke has pulled out the most pertinent nine of the 100 cards in the game to tell the story, which was on his web site, for many years. Of the alleged 100 cards in the game the likelihood of a certain amount of what has been predicated in the series of cards as the alleged plan of the Illuminati for the future of mankind would have more than a very good chance of coming to pass if those who has produced the cards simply did a little research to begin with, even referring to the word of God if that is what it would take to convince those who are silly enough to believe that the Illuminati is going to produce a series of cards in which they are going to reveal to the whole world their plans for the destruction of mankind. The reality is something else entirely different, as these are quite obviously are simply only the works of someone who would have to have more than their fair share of knowledge relating to the end times. Then by applying that knowledge to the cards they are able to convince anyone who is culpable enough to believe that they are as they had said, the plans of the Illuminati for the future. When these are nothing more than the works of someone who could have simply plucked the whole load of this information the cards contain from out of the blue, from out of nowhere, and has just simply made up the whole series of events that are alleged to be the future plan of the Illuminati for mankind. For example, the card that allegedly predicts the future event (when it was produced) of the twin towers falling has nothing whatsoever with air planes hitting the towers but as the card says, a terrorist nuke, and not planes hitting the towers. Therefore, for anyone to say that in the series of cards they had predicted the attacks on the world trade towers then it may be advisable that those same persons return to their doctors to make sure that he has prescribed the correct medication, as harsh as what that sounds. It is also alleged in the series of cards that there is a plan afoot to put an Antichrist into power, a man who will do their ultimate bidding over and above everything else on the earth. They may end up putting a man into power, but what they won't count on is that that same man will not do their bidding but will do the bidding of Satan instead, and there is a very distinct difference. These cards are clearly nothing more than a series of chapters that would be produced in book form, that have instead been produced in card form as if to convince anyone of what I had suggested above, clearly designed to fool anyone who is idiotic enough to believe they have been produced by the Illuminati when there is nothing that is further from the truth.
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