Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Israel's so-called cold peace with Egypt is looking colder by the day?

There is no way that I am condoning either the words or the actions of the demonic, and frankly mad, anti-Israel cleric Yusuf Qaradawi.

However, there are certain instances where the words of these demonic Muslims should be taken seriously. T

That is the reason why I have decided to repeat the following transcript here for the perusal of those who are Born Again, and for those who may potentially become Born Again at a later date.

In doing so, I hope to impress upon those who are reading this of the lateness of the hour prophetically speaking by making those who will listen understand the imminent danger that Israel may now find herself in, into the short term future.

It now seems that as early as Tuesday, Egypt is expected to permit two Iranian warships to pass through the Suez Canal for the first time since the Iranian Revolution in 1979, Israeli officials say.

During a mass prayer service Friday in Cairo's Tahrir Square, anti-Israel cleric Yusuf Qaradawi— who returned to Egypt after years in exile — called for the "conquest" of Jerusalem's Al Aqsa mosque, Islam's third-holiest site, which was captured by Israel in the 1967 Middle East War and is also a Jewish holy site.

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