By Adam Morton with comments by Robert Muir
LABOR and the Greens will push to introduce a carbon tax next year, later evolving into emissions trading, under a compromise that avoids saying how rapidly Australia should cut greenhouse gas emissions.
The announcement sparked heated debate in Parliament on climate change, with Julia Gillard declaring, ''We will have this debate and we will win it,'' and Tony Abbott accusing the prime minister of betraying Australians by breaking a promise not to introduce a carbon tax.
The hybrid carbon scheme announced by Ms Gillard and Greens leader Bob Brown would force industry to buy a permit for each tonne of carbon dioxide emitted from July 1 next year.
A trading system, with the carbon permit price set on a market linked to other schemes overseas, could follow in three to five years.
Pitching the change as an economic necessity, Ms Gillard said countries around the world were moving towards clean energy and Australia would lose jobs and competitiveness if it failed to act.
''I do not believe that Australia needs to lead the world on climate change, but I also don't believe that we can afford to be left behind,'' she said.
She said ''the whole point'' was that there would be an impact on prices - products that generate a lot of carbon pollution would become more expensive, encouraging people to innovate and find cleaner alternatives.
Mr Abbott said the Labor-Greens deal showed government policy was being decided by Senator Brown. He contrasted Ms Gillard's language with her promise before last year's election that there would be ''no carbon tax under the government I lead'', and predicted a ''people's revolt'' against the government.
''I don't believe it will ever happen, because I think the Australian public will be so revolted by this broken promise, by this breach of faith,'' Mr Abbott said.
Greens climate change spokeswoman Christine Milne said only a minority government involving her party could have delivered action on climate change.
''It is because the Greens are in balance of power working with the other parties to deliver not only the aspiration but the process to achieve it,'' she said.
The framework announced yesterday was discussed last week by the multiparty climate committee, but has not yet won the support of key independent MP Tony Windsor.
Few details were released beyond a timeline and a promise that all money raised would be spent on helping households and businesses and paying for climate change programs. Agriculture would be excluded, as it was under the emissions trading model shelved by former Kevin Rudd last April.
The most contentious decisions - the tax starting price, how much it would increase each year, the amount of compensation for coal power plants and whether to include transport emissions - are yet to be discussed by the committee.
A carbon tax was chosen as the preferred model largely because it meant Labor and the Greens did not have to agree on a 2020 emissions target. The government has a minimum target of a 5 per cent cut; the Greens argue for at least 25 per cent.
Trading schemes are linked to a target, with only enough permits released to meet it. In contrast, a tax offers no guarantee that greenhouse gases will be reduced. Industries can choose to either cut emissions or just bear the additional cost.
Ms Gillard said the carbon tax was ''hard-wired'' to become a trading scheme, but a committee communique said the start of trading could be delayed depending on the level of international action.
The plan received a mixed response from business and a cautiously positive reaction from climate economists and environmentalists.
Australian Industry Group chief executive Heather Ridout said the plan would help frame the debate over a carbon price, but the ''sharp end of the debate is yet to come''.
Climate Institute chief executive John Connor said: ''Without a credible initial pollution price of greater than $25 a tonne we will not unlock billions of dollars in new investments and thousands of new jobs.''
Economist Ross Garnaut, an adviser to the climate committee, said it was a ''sensible'' step forward, based on his 2008 recommendation to start with a fixed price if there was not a comprehensive global deal.
The independent members of the climate committee whose votes will be needed to introduce the tax had a mixed response. Rob Oakeshott said he would prefer straight emissions trading, but would back the Labor-Greens model if it came to a vote tomorrow. Mr Windsor did not guarantee his support, saying his decision would be shaped by international action to cut emissions. ''Nothing is settled, in my view,'' he said. End of Quote
This lovely planet we all have to share is a completely self regulating body so the reality is that there is nothing that mankind can do to alter how the planet regulates its temperature, either hot or cold, one way or another.
Therefore the Carbon Tax that was announced today in the Federal Parliament by the Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard has nothing at all to do with Climate Change, but has everything to do with creating a sludge fund so that the Australian tax payer could be slugged with extra charges on their electricity bills other essential services so that the money could be siphoned off to go towards setting up a World Government.
If there are those out there who are reading this piece and right now that may be thinking a New World Order is a great idea then those same people are quite clearly not Bible readers and are able to see what the outcome of this insidious plan for the total control of every individual on every planet is going to lead us to.
Total enslavement, that's what, as the personal liberties and freedoms of every individual on the planet are slowly but surely eroded for all time.
Even though it is not a theory that I personally relate to or run with, but the timing for the introduction of Carbon Tax July 2012 start date is impeccable, if those who run with the current notion the world is going to end on the 21st of December 2012 are correct?
What I really mean by that is that once we are being slugged that extra tax what that effectively means is the World Government is in place.
As the ancients tried to build a tower to Heaven and in his anger God destroyed the Tower of Babel and divided the peoples up into different nations speaking different languages He will also destroy its modern day version, the New World Order, of that certainty there really can be no doubts at all. Gods richest blessings.
If the following sounds like nothing more than blatant scaremongering, then so be it. However, I really do not see it as such, but as rather a warning of types of what may be right around the corner. All the same, these are my thoughts relative to certain supposed natural events that have hit the local region and their possible consequences.
There really does seem like there is something that is not quite right about this New Zealand earthquake that does not ring true. The words of the late and great Barry R Smith are still ringing in my ears when he said that New Zealand was nothing more than a test case for the New World Order? Meaning that every routine plan the planners behind the world government had ever come up with for the destruction of mankind was usually tried out in New Zealand first.
If that statement is correct, and Barry was fairly accurate in most things that he had said, then if what we have seen recently unfold with the massive earthquake in New Zealand was the result of digitized weather control technology (as I suspect that it may have been) then the possible consequences for the rest of mankind are going to be catastrophic.
What that now means that the Antichrist is now fully in control, and that he is already beginning to wreak havoc, as he will right across the entire globe shortly.
The next nation that is going to be hit is Australia and that seems to be the only reason that I can think of as to why our government would spend $450 million on Indonesian schools and then only send a paltry $5 million to New Zealand for earthquake relief when they know full well that we are the next ones on the list.
After Australia the next nation to be hit is going to be the U.K. as that is generally the order of events. Firstly, New Zealand, then Australia, and then the U.K. that's how it usually goes.
There is even some suspicion in my mind that we may already be in the tribulation period without the preponderance of Born Again Christian(s) even knowing that we are, as preposterous as what that sounds? Gods richest blessings from the land down under.
BRUSSELS -(Dow Jones)- Violence against protesters in Libya by head of state Moammar Gadhafi must not go without consequences, European Council President Herman Van Rompuy said Wednesday.
The Council chief issued a statement expressing alarm at the violence against freedom-seeking people in Libya, alongside strengthened language against Gadhafi by the European Commission.
"I have seen horrible crimes that are unacceptable and must not remain without consequences. I condemn the violence, aggression and intimidation against demonstrators in Libya, and call for an immediate end to the use of force," said Van Rompuy.
Meanwhile, the commission said the EU could consider further "restrictive measures" against Libya.
"[Gadhafi] cannot go on threatening his people," said a commission official Wednesday. "We need to see a dialogue happening."
There is no way that I am condoning either the words or the actions of the demonic, and frankly mad, anti-Israel cleric Yusuf Qaradawi.
However, there are certain instances where the words of these demonic Muslims should be taken seriously. T
That is the reason why I have decided to repeat the following transcript here for the perusal of those who are Born Again, and for those who may potentially become Born Again at a later date.
In doing so, I hope to impress upon those who are reading this of the lateness of the hour prophetically speaking by making those who will listen understand the imminent danger that Israel may now find herself in, into the short term future.
It now seems that as early as Tuesday, Egypt is expected to permit two Iranian warships to pass through the Suez Canal for the first time since the Iranian Revolution in 1979, Israeli officials say.
During a mass prayer service Friday in Cairo's Tahrir Square, anti-Israel cleric Yusuf Qaradawi— who returned to Egypt after years in exile — called for the "conquest" of Jerusalem's Al Aqsa mosque, Islam's third-holiest site, which was captured by Israel in the 1967 Middle East War and is also a Jewish holy site.
Is there anyone out there who has ever heard of the saying, whatever has happened in the past is sure to happen again? That is, we are generally able to tell what is going to happen in the future if we look to the past to see what has happened in times gone by, and then if we apply exactly those same set of situations relative to future events; then, we are then (by and large) able to gain a fair idea as to what the future holds? In other words, history repeats itself.
That being said, I have just watched a documentary on the rise and rise of the Third Reich. From what I am to gather Hitler arose out of the misery of the Great Depression. After that time the people of Germany were looking for a saviour of types who would restore their prosperity and bring back the good times. They got their saviour alright, but he was not sent from God but was sent from Satan instead. Just coincidentally, he was also financed by the U.S. Now ever since that time there have been those that have been saying the Antichrist will be a modern day Hitler, except the Antichrist will have at his disposal all of the modern technological advances that Hitler did not have.
The reason I have mentioned the past and its possible future ramifications for future events is that there is one probable scenario which could be considered likely because of the current crisis appearing to be spiralling out of control in the Middle East? The suggestion is that if the situation now going on in the Middle East ever reached a point of being untenable and civil war broke out right around the region the oil supplies to the rest of the world would be in real danger of drying up completely? The danger of this to the rest of the world is that if the oil supplies from the Middle East ever dried up the price of petroleum may double overnight?
The result being is that there could only be another money crash with the Greater Depression that would sure to ensue after the stock market collapsed as it did in 1929. After all, every economy in the world needs oil, but if they cannot get oil at a reasonable price then their businesses are unable to continue on, in most instances?
This is food for thought, later on the world would then be looking for another saviour to lead them out of their misery (as was the case with the rise and rise of Hitler) and from the ashes of that desolation and wretchedness, the Antichrist may then appear onto the world scene? The late and great Barry R Smith spoke of a Revised Oil Crisis.
Accordingly, I am really beginning to become suspicious that this is what the current crisis in the Middle East is all about; deliberately causing a Revised Oil Crisis to bring the world economy to its knees to bring the Antichrist to power? What are your thoughts on this, or would you prefer not to comment at all?
If any reader were to look at the Jerusalem Post or the rest of the Israeli media at the moment they would see that the principal concern over the uprising in Egypt is whether a new Egyptian government will maintain the 1979 peace treaty negotiated by Anwar Sadat and Menachem Begin.
Indeed, everything about winds of change sweeping through the Arab world is seen by the Israelis in terms of what will the consequences be for Israel.
That is the view of many Americans too. It is remarkable how much time US TV news stations and newspapers have devoted to the subject, in particular to the “dangers” (as they put it) of the Muslim Brotherhood taking power in Egypt. They clearly see the changes in Egypt and potentially elsewhere in the Arab world as a slide away from stability — albeit in some cases stability based on repression — toward Islamist governments taking over. They evidently prefer the old order.
Of course, every state puts its own interests first. But for a country that sells itself to international public opinion, particularly in the US, as the only real, working democracy in the Middle East, it seems bizarre that Israel has not welcomed the fall of Hosni Mubarak with open arms. Here was people power in action.
The fact is that Arab freedom terrifies the Israelis. In the case of Egypt, they know they will find it extremely difficult to ignore its views and demands once a government in Cairo is freely chosen by the Egyptian people — and seen to be freely chosen. It will have a credibility and an authority in international eyes that it never had before. The pressure on Israel to negotiate seriously with it will be massive.
What Israel wants in its Arab neighbors is either governments like Mubarak’s that maintain a cold peace with it or states in a degree of turmoil. Not too much turmoil. It does not want them in total collapse like Somalia or Iraq three or four years ago. That would open the door to direct action by Al-Qaeda. It wants them to have sufficient internal problems as to incapacitate them and so prevent them standing up to it. Lebanon is the perfect example.
The Israelis could help consolidate Lebanese state authority by denying Hezbollah the excuse for holding on to its military arsenal which it uses to maintain political power in the country. If they gave back the Shebaa farms and recognized Lebanon’s border, Hezbollah could no longer claim to be Lebanon’s protector. Any refusal at that point on its part to disarm would expose its real agenda, that of wanting to control Lebanon.
The Shebaa farms have no military or economic value for the Israelis. Giving them back would cost them nothing and could help stabilize Lebanon. By refusing to do so, thus giving Hezbollah the excuse of maintaining itself as an armed force, shows that what the Israelis really want is a crippled and ineffective Lebanon.
That is what they want throughout the Arab world. That is why they are so disturbed by the winds of change blowing through the region. It is bringing in a new and authoritative voice for the Arabs. That frightens them.
It is really quite difficult to say one way or another as the authenticity (or otherwise) of the actual footage presented above. However, there is still something about the actual rider of the horse that does not quite right? It almost seems like he is a mannequin, or a dummy type of figurine, not quite real? But then again that may be nothing more than my imagination at work, and nothing else more than that? Even though I really would have no idea just how this type of effect could be achieved, there is still also the very distinct possibility that images such as a rider on a White Horse, could, more than likely, be superimposed over existing footage to create the effect (if it has) of a rider seeming to appear over the actual footage riding a White Horse.
Nevertheless, fake or not, we still need to be aware of the reality that this is something that seems to have appeared right out of the pages of the Bible with the first horsemen of the apocalypse being the Antichrist riding the White Horse as the signatory of a seven year Middle East peace treaty by confirming "the covenant" between the Jews of Israel and the Arabs of Palestine. N.B. Long thought of as being the severest of enemies they are actually brothers as both were descended from Abraham. Accordingly, they are not really enemies at all but have been made to be so by God, so that the the prophecies of the Bible can be fullfilled.
Right at the end of the book of the Revelation Christ also appears as the rider on the White Horse. If this is not a fake then to see a rider on a White Horse could be a sign of either one of those two events mentioned above?
This may, or may not, be a coincidence, but there is now news that is beginning to filter through there is a very strong likelihood the whole world is going to recognize a separate Palestinian by as early as September of this year? That's what the Palestinians wanted so that they could reach a peaceful settlement with Israel over their decades long conflict over illegally occupied land. That fact alone smells of the rider on the White Horse, but whether that rider is the current head of the EU, Herman Van Rompuy, or someone else, is still open to a great deal of debate.
It seems that there is a very strong possibility that the current tenure of Van Rompuy is to finish in April of next year, so a peace treaty at this time could see the introduction of the Antichrist? However, there is yet another school of thought that needs to be looked at, and tends to be the one that I have a tendency to go along with, and that is the newly appointed EU president is to be the one who is going to confirm the covenant of Daniel.
In other words, for the signatory of the peace treaty to have any real clout he must be someone who already holds a great deal of power, and not just someone who has the potential to hold power into the future.
Therefore, if that is the case and there is to be a peace treaty by the end of this year then the only one who has the authority according to the prophecies would be the current president of the EU, and not someone who is going to be appointed next year. Those are my thoughts on the subject matter, but what are yours? God bless and thanks for listening. Come Jesus come!
“The majority of the international community will recognise an independent Palestinian state” by September, Palestinian foreign minister Riyad Malki told a group of Palestinian journalists in the West Bank city of Ramallah. Malki said the European Union had already expressed its intention to recognise a Palestinian state by September, which would mark one year since the restart of direct peace talks that have stalled over continued Israeli settlement construction.
“The Spanish foreign minister (Trinidad Jimenez) told me that the European Union will recognise a Palestinian state at the beginning of September,” Malki said, without specifying when the conversation occurred.“And if the European Union doesn’t take this decision then Spain will be the first European country to announce its recognition of the Palestinian state, and we’re optimistic,” he added. Peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians began September 2 in Washington, ending nearly two years without direct negotiations. But the talks ground to a halt just weeks later, with the expiry of an Israeli ban on settlement building in the West Bank.
Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas demanded a new ban, saying he would not negotiate while Israel builds on land the Palestinians want for their future state. But US efforts to secure a new freeze failed, with Israel declining to impose any new restrictions on Jewish construction in the West Bank or east Jerusalem. Washington has called on both sides to engage in indirect, US-mediated talks, and Palestinian and Israeli negotiators were expected in the United States this week.
But Abbas has insisted there will be no real negotiations. In recent weeks, a string of Latin American nations have announced their recognition of an independent Palestinian state on the borders that existed before the 1967 Middle East war.The Palestinian leadership has touted the new recognitions from countries including Brazil, Argentina and Chile.
Other nations, including Paraguay and Uruguay are reportedly planning to recognise the state soon. Malki said the Palestinian leadership was working to convince Mexico and several Latin and Central American nations to recognise the Palestinian state.“Until September, we will work to secure as much recognition as we can,” he said, adding increased international recognition would strengthen the Palestinian position in new talks or if it sought UN recognition for statehood.
Malki also addressed plans by the Palestinian Authority to seek a United Nations Security Council resolution on Israeli settlement construction, saying Palestinian diplomats were seeking US support for a final text.“We want a unanimous decision to be issued and we don’t want a US veto to be used against this resolution,” he said.“The Palestinian delegation has the support of all the members except the American delegation,” he added.
Beware, world, once the treaty of Daniel is confirmed it is beginning to get near the end of it all. All of us who are Christian know the outcome. It’s right at the end of the Book of Revelation. Make sure that you are saved before it is too late.
With that headline statement I have attached the verses that seem to give us the clearest indicator yet that what we may be seeing unfolding in our daily news broadcasts, now taking place in Egypt, may have be taught in the Bible ever since it was written?
It is also with a great deal of interest that I have also noted there is also serious consideration given in the attached verses to Assyria and the Assyrians in general.
Remembering there have some that have been saying for a considerable period of time that they had thought the Antichrist may come out of the Middle East and maybe an Assyrian?
The below mentioned verses do say there is a very distinguishing tie in between the Egyptians and the Assyrians. So whether this is a glue that the Bible is telling us that the Antichrist is an Assyrian or not remains to be seen?
Nevertheless, these verses are the word of God. This is real and not just the figment of my imagination; it's there for one and all to see by just reading the Bible for oneself.
Having said that, when I saw what was unfolding in the media on a day to day basis in Egypt for the removal of Hosni Mubarak I did get the distinct feeling that what I was seeing was going to be of real significance relative to the fulfilment of the Bible prophecies.
However as I do not have a crystal ball it is very hard to foretell the future so all that I am able to do for the time being is to wait and see just how all of this eventually pans out.
Isaiah 19 (King James Version)1The burden of Egypt. Behold, the LORD rideth upon a swift cloud, and shall come into Egypt: and the idols of Egypt shall be moved at his presence, and the heart of Egypt shall melt in the midst of it.
2And I will set the Egyptians against the Egyptians: and they shall fight every one against his brother, and every one against his neighbour; city against city, and kingdom against kingdom.
3And the spirit of Egypt shall fail in the midst thereof; and I will destroy the counsel thereof: and they shall seek to the idols, and to the charmers, and to them that have familiar spirits, and to the wizards.
4And the Egyptians will I give over into the hand of a cruel lord; and a fierce king shall rule over them, saith the Lord, the LORD of hosts.
5And the waters shall fail from the sea, and the river shall be wasted and dried up.
6And they shall turn the rivers far away; and the brooks of defence shall be emptied and dried up: the reeds and flags shall wither.
7The paper reeds by the brooks, by the mouth of the brooks, and every thing sown by the brooks, shall wither, be driven away, and be no more.
8The fishers also shall mourn, and all they that cast angle into the brooks shall lament, and they that spread nets upon the waters shall languish.
9Moreover they that work in fine flax, and they that weave networks, shall be confounded.
10And they shall be broken in the purposes thereof, all that make sluices and ponds for fish.
11Surely the princes of Zoan are fools, the counsel of the wise counsellors of Pharaoh is become brutish: how say ye unto Pharaoh, I am the son of the wise, the son of ancient kings?
12Where are they? where are thy wise men? and let them tell thee now, and let them know what the LORD of hosts hath purposed upon Egypt.
13The princes of Zoan are become fools, the princes of Noph are deceived; they have also seduced Egypt, even they that are the stay of the tribes thereof.
14The LORD hath mingled a perverse spirit in the midst thereof: and they have caused Egypt to err in every work thereof, as a drunken man staggereth in his vomit.
15Neither shall there be any work for Egypt, which the head or tail, branch or rush, may do.
16In that day shall Egypt be like unto women: and it shall be afraid and fear because of the shaking of the hand of the LORD of hosts, which he shaketh over it.
17And the land of Judah shall be a terror unto Egypt, every one that maketh mention thereof shall be afraid in himself, because of the counsel of the LORD of hosts, which he hath determined against it.
18In that day shall five cities in the land of Egypt speak the language of Canaan, and swear to the LORD of hosts; one shall be called, The city of destruction.
19In that day shall there be an altar to the LORD in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar at the border thereof to the LORD.
20And it shall be for a sign and for a witness unto the LORD of hosts in the land of Egypt: for they shall cry unto the LORD because of the oppressors, and he shall send them a saviour, and a great one, and he shall deliver them.
21And the LORD shall be known to Egypt, and the Egyptians shall know the LORD in that day, and shall do sacrifice and oblation; yea, they shall vow a vow unto the LORD, and perform it.
22And the LORD shall smite Egypt: he shall smite and heal it: and they shall return even to the LORD, and he shall be intreated of them, and shall heal them.
23In that day shall there be a highway out of Egypt to Assyria, and the Assyrian shall come into Egypt, and the Egyptian into Assyria, and the Egyptians shall serve with the Assyrians.
24In that day shall Israel be the third with Egypt and with Assyria, even a blessing in the midst of the land:
25Whom the LORD of hosts shall bless, saying, Blessed be Egypt my people, and Assyria the work of my hands, and Israel mine inheritance.
NASA's Terra satellite captured an image of Yasi on Jan. 30 at 23:20 UTC (6:20 p.m. EST/09:20 a.m., Monday, January 31 in Australia/Brisbane local time). Although the image did not reveal a visible eye, the storm appears to be well-formed and also appears to be strengthening.
Tropical Storm Anthony made landfall in Queensland, Australia this past weekend, and now the residents are watching a larger, more powerful cyclone headed their way. NASA's Terra satellite captured a visible image of the large Tropical Cyclone Yasi late yesterday as it makes its way west through the Coral Sea toward Queensland.
The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) instrument that flies aboard NASA's Terra satellite captured an image of Cyclone Yasi on Jan. 30 at 23:20 UTC (6:20 p.m. EST/09:20 a.m., Monday, January 31 in Australia/Brisbane local time). Although the image did not reveal a visible eye, the storm appears to be well-formed and also appears to be strengthening.
Warnings and watches are already in effect throughout the Coral Sea. The Solomon Islands currently have a Tropical Cyclone warning for the provinces of Temotu, Rennell& Bellona, Makira and Guadalcanal. The Australian Bureau of Meteorology has already posted a Tropical Cyclone Watch from Cooktown to Yeppoon and inland to between Georgetown and Moranbah in Queensland, Australia. The Australian Bureau of Meteorology expects damaging winds to develop in coastal and island communities between Cooktown and Yeppoon Wednesday morning, and inland areas on Wednesday afternoon. Updates from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology can be monitored at the Bureau's website at
On January 31 at 1500 UTC (10 a.m. EST/ 1:00 a.m. Tuesday February 1, 2011 in Australia/Brisbane local time), Tropical Cyclone Yasi had maximum sustained winds near 90 knots (103 mph/166 kmh). Yasi is a Category Two Cyclone on the Saffir-Simpson Scale.
It was centred about 875 miles E of Cairns, Australia, near 13.4 South latitude and 160.4 East longitude. It was moving west near 19 knots (22 mph/35 kmh). Cyclone-force winds extend out to 30 miles (48 km) from the centre.
Animated infrared satellite imagery, such as that from the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) that flies on NASA's Aqua satellite, showed deep convective (thunderstorm) bands wrapping tighter into the low level circulation centre. Wrapping bands of thunderstorms indicate strengthening.
Yasi is forecast to move west then south-westward into an area of low vertical wind shear (strong wind shear can weaken a storm). Forecasters at the Joint Typhoon Warning Centre (JTWC) expect Yasi to continue strengthening over the next 36 hours. JTWC forecasts a landfall just south of Cairns as a large 100-plus knot (115 mph/185 kmh)n system by Wednesday. Residents along the Queensland coast should now be making preparations now for the storm's arrival.
What in the world is going on with the weather conditions in Australia over the past few weeks?
For starters, we have had the worst natural disasters in our entire history with the flooding of almost the entire East Coast. More particularly though, the greatest damage occurred in Queensland, one of the largest of the seven states of Australia. Now there is news emerging that Queensland is about to be hit with another natural disaster of gargantuan proportions that is possibly going to equate to the largest cyclone to ever hit the mainland of Australia.
Praise be to God for his imminent protection and for the keeping those who reside in the other states safe and sound. Even though I am not going to be personally effected, there are doubtless countless others of my fellow Australians who are right in the firing line of what could possibly be the double whammy of the flooding, and now this cyclone aptly named YASI.
There has been news appearing in the local media of other natural disasters taking place in other parts of the world, such as tsunamis, earthquakes, flooding, mudslides, and bushfires, but there is never ever been the instance of one huge natural disaster (the flooding) that is further compounded by yet another natural disaster before those who were affected by the first disaster have had the time to recover and clean up from the initial shock of the first disaster. Not that I am aware of at least?
As the premier of Queensland, Anna Bligh had said; what have we done that is so wrong over here that God is so mad at us over?
With all due respect to those going through these trials and tribulations, there is nothing those affected have necessarily done wrong at all; except possibly to turn away from God with the result now being they are suffering from the wrath of God as he pours his anger out on not only those who are directly affected, but the nation as a whole. We are all going to have to pay for this one way or another, not only in the short term, but in the long term as well.
There is still a very valuable lesson to be learnt out of all of this, and I hope and pray that not only those who are affected, but the nation as a whole wakes up to themselves and returns back to God by the repentance of their sins before it is too late.
There has been some talk of HAARP digitized weather control technology being the cause of the current crisis. However, those suggestions are nothing more than pure speculation at this stage, as there is nothing whatsoever to offer up as proof that this is the real cause of the current problems. Accordingly, it is best not to indulge in wild and unsubstantiated conspiracy theories at this stage.
Please pray for all of those who have been affected by the flooding and for those who have the potential to be affected by the cyclone in a couple of days. Those prayers would certainly be appreciated by those involved in these current and future natural disasters.
There is something I have noticed ot late that may be of some assistance in helping those who are interested in finding out the truth relative to these end times we are living in.
Firstly, the accuracy of the Bible prophecies never ceases to amaze me in so many ways. Just about every day I seeing and hearing things in the media, (whether it is on the radio airwaves or on the television) that ties in with what has been written in the Bible thousands of years ago which testifies to the fact of the absolute accuracy of the Bible as being the infallible word of God.
In this instance, I am referring to the obvious plan that the supermarkets over here in Australia have to take control of the food supplies of this nation, so that the end result will be that all of our food is going to be imported. As a result of this insidious plan to control the nation's food, the individuals of this nation are going to be charged exorbitant rates for the privilege of going out and buying the basic necessities of life, such as bread and milk. [That is not to say there are still no doubts at all that Australia is one of the most prosperous nations on the earth, without comparison, apart from places such as Canada, and a few others.]
The supermarkets are now saying there is a price war going on between them; even though they really have no competition at all, with the reality being there are only three major players amongst the whole lot of them.
What they are doing is forcing down the prices of the essentials, such as milk and bread to begin with, and then later on they will begin to target other items on an alleged list they have drawn up.
These are items that are imported from overseas, more than likely Europe? These are essential items that are being sold over here at very cheap rates, at the moment, and may I stress, at the moment... Even though this strategy may be good for the consumer in the short term, the effect that it is going to have is to drive the local producers out of business because they will not be able to compete with the cost of the imported, cheaper items.
Now here is the clincher.
Once the local producers have been put out of business, the supermarkets will then be able to charge whatever they like for these imported items as the local producers will have been wiped out by these current cheaper prices.
Effectively what this more than likely means is that because the food will be imported from the EU in the future and will be under the control of the Antichrist.
Therefore, it is going to be him who is going to decide who will be feed and kept alive, and who will not be fed and will be allowed to die. This analogy relates in so many ways to the third horsemen of the apocalypse, the black horse, of the four horsemen of the apocalypse.
REVELATION CHAPTER 6, VERSES 5 AND 65 And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand.
6 And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and [see] thou hurt not the oil and the wine.
Melodramatic as the headline may sound that suggestion may soon become a reality as Tunisia, Egypt, Jordan and Yemen are in flames. Out of this volcano in the Middle East will come nothing good. Civil unrest has reached the Kingdom of Jordan. A revolution might be under way. Israeli security experts are casting an uneasy eye at the civil unrest spreading through the region as Yemen joined the list of Arab states experiencing unprecedented demonstrations, and Egypt braced for more civil unrest.
“We need to understand that we are living on a volcano,” said Maj.-Gen. (res.) Ya’acov Amidror, former head of the IDF’s Research and Assessment Directorate. “We are on thick ice, but even that melts eventually.”The violence in Tunisia is not over.
Maj.-Gen. (res.) Giora Eiland, a former national security adviser, and a senior research fellow at Tel Aviv University’s Institute for National Security Studies (INSS), said, “There’s a reasonable chance that if a revolution takes place in Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood would rise to power. That would be bad not just for Israel but for all democracies.” The true struggle in Egypt was not between “Mubarak and pro-democracy elements, but between Mubarak and the Muslim Brotherhood,” Eiland said.
Shlomo Brom, director of the program on Israel-Palestinian relations at the INSS, said, “We can’t forget that in Iran, at the end of the 1970s, the uprising against the Shah was led by [pro-democracy] youths who took to the streets – but this was taken over by Islamists in the end.”