Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Glenn Beck has launched a series of completely false --but terrifying - scenarios of a total economic collapse.

There is a great source of information relative to the end times available at

With the possibility of free advertising and with their kind permission and I have reformatted the following article from their site.

Right from the outset let me make it quite clear that I am not too certain whether or not the Cutting Edge Ministries are referring to a general economic collapse of the American economy, or a total collapse of the world economy, so in that respect the point of their assumptions still remain not so clear.

Even though I have cut out the information that I felt was of no consequence to the message of the article, which in the main includes nothing more than advertising material, the major theme of the article still remains intact.

That theme is to quietly demonize Glen Beck and make him out to be totally erroneous within the general context of his suggested scenario that the world is on the verge of a total economic collapse.

Whether or not the Cutting Edge Ministries are right or whether Glenn Beck is correct, still remains not so unambiguous.

However, the whole point of copying and pasting the article here was to dispute the allegations the Ministry had made relative to the world having to be divided up into a so-called ten super nations before the Antichrist can be revealed.

That statement is a point that I still remain in general contention with as I am still unable to find anything within the scriptures of the Holy Bible itself that clarifies that particular point.

In order for the New World Order could be brought forth, is the world on the verge of another total collapse that would run along the lines of something that was similar to the Great Depression of 1929, that is the burning question?

In my humble opinion there seems to be very clear indicators that suggested scenario seems to be happening right now even as I write this piece. There are other articles that I shall write within a few weeks that seem to suggest evidence that is precisely what is happening.

The facts of the matter are there is news that is beginning to spread right around the globe the Irish economy may be ready to collapse totally.

Of course, if that were ever to happen then there would be no doubts at all that the rest of the world would follow suite right along those precise paths.

But that is just my view, and as more often than not there has been so many instances when my insights had been well wide of the mark, so let us read and see what the Cutting Edge Ministries has to say relative to the subject matter.

NB: Even though there are no doubts it has very little to do with the subject matter the readers of this still need to remember that our friend Glenn Beck is a Mormon; that's right, he is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ and Latter Day Saints and anyone that is involved in the Mormon Church is effectively involved in another form of witchcraft - Freemasonry.

Now read on...


Glenn Beck is warning in extremely vague terms, and quoting mysterious unknown sources, that the world is going to pass through the most catastrophic period in which everything economic shall collapse. This is the most frightening fear mongering I have ever heard.

And he is totally false.

Beck starts out by mysteriously building up his hidden sources, assuring his listeners that he is talking to people 'in the know', people who have access to the very deepest of information. He has "sat in on the meeting" with these responsible people and learned of this impending disaster. Later, he says that his sources are 'financial heavyweights', are 'even keeled', but mentions no names.

This kind of fear mongering is irresponsible journalism. A responsible journalist is asked to provide his sources, by name, so we can determine for ourselves whether the story is true or whether it is false. Beck is essentially saying that your faith in his trustworthiness is sufficient to believe this incredible story of an imminent economic collapse.

Glenn says that a major upheaval somewhere in the world will occur. This major catastrophe might be:
1) China refusing to buy American Dollars any more
2) Congress refusing to raise the debt ceiling
3) A terrorist attack which would dwarf the attacks of 9/11

From the day this trigger event happens, the world will change as we know it in 13 - 15 days.

Everything will change! Global catastrophe, global panic. Everything will "come apart at the seams".

Asia collapses. European markets collapse. Dow crashes. Catastrophic collapse will trigger a New World Order in a matter of days.

Beck then urges people to prepare for this non-event by buying lots of food and getting out of debt. Of course, these are commonsense preparations that all of us need to make.

However, Beck drives a stake of fear into the hearts of his listeners by over-exaggerating the possibility that such a catastrophe could occur, using terribly incendiary rhetoric. Beck also does not set a time period in which this collapse is going to occur; therefore, he stretches out the timeline of worry into the infinite future! Very clever, this demagogue! People who believe his rhetoric will worry themselves into oblivion in a never-ending wait.

However, Beck then hedges his bet by stating that this kind of catastrophe may NOT happen. But, this is a small statement completely drowned out by his constant harping on the impending economic doom. Further, if this collapse may not happen, then his "responsible", "in the know" sources are totally false; they cannot be believed if this collapse may not happen.
The Illuminati PlanNow, here is the truth of what the Illuminati has in mind. Several times in 1993, the Illuminati decided shortly after World War II that they could never collapse the economy again as they did in the Great Depression from 1929-1939. They made this decision for two very fundamental reasons:

1) During the Great Depression, many people responded to their economic plight by getting on their knees and returning to Jesus Christ. At the End of the Age, the Global Elite wants to avoid any semblance of spiritual revival being born out of economic lack.

2) The Illuminati examined the Materialistic heart of the American and came to the belief that the American citizenry would never allow themselves to be manoeuvred into the New World Order unless they felt prosperous enough to keep pursuing their Materialistic dream -- more houses, more cars, better paying jobs, and a prosperous retirement.

Therefore, while the Illuminati planned to deliberately wrench the economy, in order to overthrow Capitalism and replace it with Fascism, they were not going to actually allow it to collapse.

The first true economic collapse rumour began in June, 1998, but while in the Illuminati the Plan called for economic stress but no actual collapse.

The Illuminati Plan does call for just such a global catastrophe, but this horrific event is tightly tied to the beginning of World War III, out of which Antichrist shall come striding.

That is the collapse plan of the Illuminati. World War III is the trigger for: 1) economic collapse, 2) the next serious terrorist attack, 3) the imposition of national Martial Law in nations around the world and 4) the imprisonment of millions of dissidents.

World War III is the trigger! This war is the "final birth pangs" war of Matthew 24.

But, before this war can begin, Biblical prophecy (Daniel 7:7-8) states that the world must be reorganized into precisely 10 super nations. Antichrist cannot arise until these 10 super nations are formed and operating as nations.

We then show the progress toward creating this 10-Nation reorganization and discover that only three (3) of the 10 super nations are formed right now, leaving seven (7) to form. Of these seven remaining super nations, five (5) have not even begun forming yet. Therefore, we believe that the world has about 20 years or more to finalize the formation of these 10 super nations.

Remember, Daniel 7:7-8 reveals that Antichrist cannot arise until these 10 super nations are formed and operating as nations. Since economic collapse is tied to World War III, it cannot occur until the 10 super nations are fully formed and operating.

Never forget, the trigger event is World War III.

Therefore, what should the peoples of the world say now to Glenn Beck? They should tell him to sit down and be quiet if he is not willing to name sources and be specific as to dates of this so-called economic collapse.

Beck's rantings and ravings are so vague that they remind me of the "prophecies" of Nostradamus; his "prophecies" are so vague and ill defined that many people have claimed them over the centuries since this Black Magick magician originally cast his spell over the people!

Christians should insist that demagogues like Glenn Beck adhere to Bible prophecy when making wild and unsubstantiated claims that are designed to scare the living daylights out of his listeners.

The Illuminati plans to terribly weary the average citizen by the terrible events and the threats of terrible events.

Thus, when Antichrist arises, the people will be so worn out emotionally they will accept the promises of the Man of Sin. Beck is thus seen as simply reading from the script provided by his handlers.

Truly, Jesus was correct when He said that one of the End Times prophecies is that "men's hearts will fail them for fear"! (Luke 21:26 )

Glenn Beck is causing many men's hearts to fail for fear -- figuratively speaking.

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