This is extremely important information and cannot be easily dismissed as simply being another one of those conspiracy theories relating to correctly identifying the Antichrist.
There has been a great deal that has been going on ever since the appointment of the first ever full time president to the EU, Herman Van Rompuy, and the following information should help to clarify just how close we are to the end of the current age.
When he was first appointed to the full time presidency of the EU there were many who had scoffed at my initial suggestion that he maybe the Biblical Antichrist. However, with the latest turn of events that reality is becoming more and more likely as every day passes by.
[Just as I side note, there is still a great deal more that is to happen over the next few years before all of the prophecies have totally been fulfilled, but that is not to say there has already been a great deal that has already taken place which has lead me to believe we may have more than enough evidence to conclude that Van Rompuy is indeed just as I had suggested above - the Antichrist.
What is yet to come is the signing of the treaty of Daniel, and then the third world war that is to follow the signing of the treaty.
However, that is not to say I believe both of the aforementioned events are years away. On the contrary, when we look at the Copenhagen Climate Change summit that is to take place next month, and what has been happening on the Korean Peninsula recently, those two aforementioned events may not be as far away as we most of us would like to believe, and that is not just scaremongering.]
By the reading of Revelation Chapter 13 we know that there is no doubting whatsoever the power base for the Antichrist is the presidency of the EU. As such, even the simple appointment of Van Rompuy was enough to reveal his correct identity. Nevertheless, there are still so many that are doubting the accuracy of God's word by not believing he is as I have said above. That being the substance of the matter, even though he fulfils all of the requirements of the prophecy, including having ten horns and ten crowns.
For those who are still sceptical and need further proof that he is as I suggested above, right here, and right now I will provide you with that infallible and dependable proof, and that proof is the word of God itself when we are told in Revelation Chapter13 that initially the Beast had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed.
NB: when we look at what has been prophesized in Revelation Chapter 13 relating to the two beasts, we are not looking at prophecies which could be interpreted in the literal sense. Instead we are looking at something that has been presented to us in a form of symbolism. Such is the case when referring to the fatal wound of the said same chapter.
I have found and reformatted the following article from the Internet. It is not really all necessary to retrace the whole of the article right at the onset of this piece, as the headline itself should be enough to clarify the point I would like to make at this stage.
[Remember what the late and great Barry R Smith had to say relative to any article? He had said that one had only to read the headline, as the rest of the article was someone's opinion only?]
The title of the article read: THE EURO IS NOT DEAD, but it may be fatally wounded as a viable alternative global reserve currency. For now, the dollar reigns supreme, by default, in every sense of the word.
The main context of the article speaks about the bailout packages presented to the three members of the EU. They are Ireland, Greece and Spain. Those three packages were designed specifically by Van Rompuy to bring the three nations mentioned out of the financial crisis's they had fallen into by the mismanagement of their respective economies. Of course, the latest nation of the three mentioned above is Ireland.
But how does this relate to the fatal wound of Revelation Chapter 13?The assertion has been made in other articles on this blog was that the three nations mentioned above were those nations that had been forecasted by the prophet Daniel to be subdued by the Antichrist as he came into power. Effectively, because the three nations mentioned above had gotten themselves into such a financial mess they were forced to accept the bailout packages offered by the IMF. In doing so, they have had to give up their independence and sovereignty, making them dependant on those they had borrowed the money from. In other words, the three nations mentioned above have been subdued by the Antichrist, just as the prophecy said would be the instance of the matter.
As I believe is the case, there are then those who rightly believe in a direct correlation between the book of Daniel and the book of the apocalypse, (the book of the Revelation) when trying to correctly identify the Biblical Antichrist.
If that were so, then what has really caught my eye relative to the aforementioned headline was the terminology used that seemed to indicate that even though the Euro was not yet dead, it had been fatally wounded. We are told in the book of the Revelation that the Antichrist, or the newly appointed president of the EU, has a fatal wound. Notwithstanding that, later on in the same Chapter we are told the fatal wound has been healed.
My claim is that there may as yet be a direct tie in with the three nations the Antichrist subdues as he comes to power and the fatal wound of Revelation Chapter 13 that is later on miraculously healed.
That is, the fatal wound that has been healed may not actually refer to a physical wound but rather to the wounding of the finances of the EU.
When referring to the survival of the EU experiment some of us may well remember that Van Rompuy had said the very continued existence of the EU itself was at stake due to the current financial crisis they were in at the time? That is, before the bailout packages were offered. Then later on as a result of the packages that crises was overcome. In other words, there had been a fatal wound that was affecting the survival of the EU but that the fatal wound had been overcome.
However, with the dollar still remaining supreme and the Final World Empire being the EU, one then must really begin to wonder if there is ever going to be some drastic act of aggression by the EU that is going to cause the US to topple and fall to the fulfilment of Revelation Chapter 18? Personally, I believe that is going to be the case.
The analogy still remains for the prophecies to be fulfilled there must be something really quite drastic that is going to happen to the US if this was ever to come to pass, as it will, as sure as the sun rises in the morning.
REVELATION CHAPTER 13 AND VERSE 3And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.
Now here is that article, may read it and decide if there is any relationship, or tie in between the actual Bible prophecies mentioned above?
THE EURO IS NOT DEAD, but it may be fatally wounded as a viable alternative global reserve currency. For now, the dollar reigns supreme, by default, in every sense of the word.
Almost immediately after Ireland acceded to a bailout from the European Union and the International Monetary Fund, the international bond markets have set their sights on Spain as the next crisis point, sending its government bonds plunging and the cost of insuring its sovereign debt soaring.
“With Ireland moving toward bailout, bond vigilantes apparently have decided to skip over the Portugal domino and target Spain,” writes Uwe Parpart, Cantor Fitzgerald's chief economist and strategist for Asia.
Spain’s credit default swaps hit a record, topping 300 basis points (a premium of $300,000 to insure $10 million debt), to 305 basis points. The yield on 10-year Spanish government bonds has soared a full percentage point as their spreads over German bunds hit a record.
“Another point and Spain will find it difficult to continue refinancing its debt,” Parpart observes.
“Moody’s says Spain is on more solid ground than Ireland. But with still €10 billion to raise this year, bond vigilantes will exact a pound of flesh.”
While there are dire predictions of a breakup of the euro, the costs would be unimaginable. If, for instance, Greece reintroduces the drachma, what happens to its debt obligations denominated in Euros? Would they be paid off in Euros, which would vastly increase the real burden of that debt? Or would they be paid off in drachmas? And at what exchange rate?
So, the euro may lurch from crisis to crisis with serial bailouts, as Chancellor Merkel describes them. Does that sound like the formula for a global reserve currency as reliable as the dollar? For all its problems, the dollar is issued by a government where there is fiscal as well as monetary unity.
There is no doubt that the international monetary system will be less dollar-centric in the years and decades to come. But the euro, whose inherent flaws now are being exposed, no longer looks like a viable alternative. While its exchange rate could rise at times, mainly because of America’s financial vices rather than Europe’s virtues, as long as the uncertainty created by serial bailouts exists, the euro is unlikely to attain the status of a reserve currency equal to the American dollar.
There goes Mr. Nigel Farage again -- bagging the EU experiment for all that he is worth.
Mr Farage says that those that are setting up and conducting the EU experiment are really dangerous people, and he is right. Notwithstanding, are those that are putting this EU experiment into place the really dangerous ones, or is Mr. Farage himself the dangerous one, that is the burning question?
There seems to be a very distinct similarity between our Mr. Farage and the mannerisms of the Biblical Antichrist, so much so, that it makes one really begin to wonder just who this guy really is?
That is not to say that there are any claims from my perspective that he is as I have suggested above that he may be. However, that is not to say that he is still an individual that needs to be kept a very close eye on at all times. Not just me, but the world in general needs to watch him very closely, just to see which direction he leans towards in the future.
The point is, even though he seems to be attacking the Eurocrats who are supposedly running the EU, is he doing so out of a sense of frustration at the manner in which the whole of the experiment is going, or is he doing so out of frustration in the sense that he wants the top job as the EU president for himself...?
However that does not seem to be very likely, given that we are told that Antichrist achieves his power base through flattery and intrigue. That being said, the manner in which Farage is conducting himself seems to be quite contrary to the method the world would expect the Antichrist to come forth and into power when we are told the Antichrist comes forth as the peacemaker of the Middle East.
That is not to say there have been so many, for so long, who have been saying there was a very strong possibility that the Antichrist was of British origins.
So here are the latest comments of Nigel Farage...
Just Who The Hell Do You Think You Are?
Famous euroskeptic Nigel Farage in just under 4 brief minutes tells more truth about the entire European experiment than all European bankers, commissioners, and politicians have done in the past decade. As we have already said pretty much all of this before, we present it without commentary:
“Good morning Mr. van Rompuy, you’ve been in office for one year, and in that time the whole edifice is beginning to crumble, there’s chaos, the money’s running out, I should thank you – you should perhaps be the pinup boy of the euroskeptic movement. But just look around this chamber this morning, look at these faces, look at the fear, look at the anger. Poor Barroso here looks like he’s seen a ghost. They’re beginning to understand that the game is up. And yet in their desperation to preserve their dream, they want to remove any remaining traces of democracy from the system. And it’s pretty clear that none of you have learned anything.
When you yourself Mr. van Rompuy say that the euro has brought us stability, I supposed I could applaud you for having a sense of humour, but isn’t this really just the bunker mentality.
We had the Greek tragedy earlier on this year, and now we have the situation in Ireland. I know that the stupidity and greed of Irish politicians has a lot to do with this: they should never, ever have joined the euro. They suffered with low interest rates, a false boom and a massive bust. But look at your response to them: what they are being told as their government is collapsing is that it would be inappropriate for them to have a general election. In fact commissioner Rehn here said they had to agree to a budget first before they are allowed to have a general election.
Just who the hell do you think you people are. You are very, very dangerous people indeed: your obsession with creating this European state means that you are happy to destroy democracy, you appear to be happy with millions and millions of people to be unemployed and to be poor. Untold millions will suffer so that your euro dream can continue. Well it won’t work, cause its Portugal next with their debt levels of 325% of GDP they are the next ones on the list, and after that I suspect it will be Spain, and the bailout for Spain will be 7 times the size of Ireland, and at that moment all the bailout money will is gone – there won’t be any more.
But it’s even more serious than economics, because if you rob people of their identity, if you rob them of their democracy, then all they are left with is nationalism and violence. I can only hope and pray that the euro project is destroyed by the markets before that.” End of Quote
SEOUL, South Korea (AP) - South Korea says two marines have been killed and 16 others injured in a North Korean bombardment of a South Korean island near the countries' disputed western sea border.
South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff said Tuesday that it returned fire and scrambled fighter jets in response. It said the "inhumane" attack on civilian areas violated the 1953 armistice halting the Korean War. The two sides technically remain at war because a peace treaty was never negotiated.
The skirmish came amid high tension over North Korea's claim that it has a new uranium enrichment facility, and just six weeks after North Korean leader Kim Jong Il unveiled his youngest son Kim Jong Un as his heir apparent. End of Quote
Instead of relying on what the word of God has to say relative to certain topic matters, there are still those out there in cyber land who choose to rely on the word of a man instead.
Those that fit into the abovementioned categories appear to be continually referring to a book that has been written by a man, which was more than likely Satanically inspired to begin with?
One really has to question statements such as the Illuminati has planned a "nuclear confrontation" on the Korean Peninsula as part of their World War III scenario.
The facts of the matter are that there is nothing in the Holy Scriptures that substantiates the veracity of any such statement, in any shape or form whatsoever.
There has been the threat of a nuclear confrontation that would end mankind's very existence here on the earth for as long as I am able to remember. The threat has been there for decades but that is all it has been a threat, and a bogus threat at that.
To make such a statement is nothing more than blatant scaremongering designed to place fear and trepidation into the hearts of men with a threat that is totally nonexistent.
Even though there are more than likely enough nuclear weapons stockpiled right around the world that could potentially destroy the planet several times over, the facts of the matter there is a very good reason why this has not happened well before now.
Even though they have masses and masses of these weapons they don't have the trigger to fire them.
There are those rogue nations that have them, and are able to launch them, but if they were ever sent against a nation such as the US, or even Australia, they wouldn't detonate upon impact unless the sun is in the right position to activate the neutrons in the warheads
Therefore, there is no possibility whatsoever that there will never ever be a nuclear war that is going to threaten mankind's very existence here on the earth, as there will never ever be an all out nuclear confrontation that is ever going to be launched one nation against another nation.
There are going to be some are going to say well what about the atom bombs that were dropped over Japan to end the second world war?
The manner in which those bombs were dropped only goes to prove the point I am making.
Before those bombs were dropped in order for the sun to be in the right position the planes that did the dastardly deed were made to circle around the drop points for hours and hours before the bombs were off loaded so that the sun could be in the right position to ignite the neutrons in the warheads once they had impacted upon the earth.
As the old saying goes the proof of the pudding is in the eating, and for the proof of that statement we need to look no further than the Holy Bible itself, and the four horsemen of the apocalypse in Revelation Chapter 6.
The below mentioned verses describe what the Antichrist does.
Firstly, he comes forth on a White Horse with a bow with no arrows in the bow. That seems to indicate that he comes forth as a peacemaker of types or that he joins nations together into some form of a treaty for the alleged betterment of mankind.
Then we are told he rides a Red Horse whereby He is given a large sword and that he takes peace from the earth causing men to slay each other. A large sword simply means a large weapon, but it still does not insinuate a nuclear weapon.
There seems to be a common error that a great deal of Christians are making by reading into the Bible something that is not there at all. An example of this is the so called rapture of the church, when there is nothing whatsoever in the Bible that says anything at all about a rapture.
The same analogy may be applied to the large weapon the Antichrist is given with there being so many that are assuming the large weapon he is given is a nuclear weapon, when the Bible does not say that at all.
It simply says that he is given a large weapon when it could mean that he is given a weapon that no one else in the world has, but not of necessity a nuclear weapon; otherwise how is it that he is able to gain global dominance in the manner that the Bible describes he does? If there is anyone out there who is able to answer that very difficult question I would really appreciate it?
1 And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see.
2 And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.
3 And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see.
4 And there went out another horse [that was] red: and [power] was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.
5 And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand.
6 And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and [see] thou hurt not the oil and the wine.
7 And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see.
8 And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.
9 And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held:
10 And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?
11 And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellowservants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they [were], should be fulfilled.
12 And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;
13 And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.
14 And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.
15 And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;
16 And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:
17 For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?
There is news aplenty that is abounding at the moment relative to the end times that can be summed up by the following:
Some of the Bible prophecies mentioned in this article have already been fulfilled.
On the other hand, there are others that have not come to pass.
Nevertheless, there is a very strong probability that the preponderance of them may be fulfilled in the foreseeable future, and certainly in the lifetimes of the majority of those that are reading this article?
Relative to the end times one may therefore ask, what has already been achieved and what is yet to come?
Firstly, the power base for the Antichrist is the presidency of the EU Council of Ministers.
Therefore, has the leader of the EU been appointed? The answer to that is a very affirmative, yes, and he is Herman Van Rompuy.
Therefore, and even though it is not really all that wise to set dates, the EU will last just 42 months from the date of that appointment; that is, from the 01st of January 2010 until the 31st of June 2014.
Secondly, we are told in the book of Daniel that in coming to power the president of the EU (the little horn of Daniel) subdues three kings, or nations.
23 Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces.
24 And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise: and another shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings.
Has that happened?
Yes it has! The news that is coming out of the media is that Ireland has been forced to accept a bailout package for the financial difficulties they were facing.
That means they have effectively lost their independence and sovereignty, and have now become dependent on the IMF and the nations they borrowed the money from.
As a consequence, they have been subdued, just as the Bible said would be the case, and this much to the disgust of some of the Irish politicians who see no other way out other than to resign their ministries as a form of protest over these latest developments.
The other two nations that are being forced to accept the packages are Greece and Portugal.
When I went to school 1 + 2 equalled 3, so there we have the three nations mentioned in the Bible prophecies the Antichrist subdues in coming to power.
To usher in the return of the Lord Jesus Christ back onto the earth and to prove the correct identity of the Antichrist we have yet to see the confirmation, or rubber stamping, of a seven year Middle East peace treaty between Israel and the Palestinians. See the other articles mentioned on this blog relative to that subject matter.
This has not happened as yet, BUT, with the latest news the US has effectively bribed the Israelis with the promise of 30 stealth fighter jets, and a guarantee there would be no interference from the UN should Israel react in an aggressive manner against any hostilities against its borders.
All of this in exchange for just a 90 day freeze on the building of Jewish settlements on Palestinian land, the news could not be much worse for the Arab states in the region.
We are told in the prophecies of Revelation Chapter 6 that as the Antichrist comes forth as the peacemaker of the Middle East -- but after his confirmation of the treaty of Daniel from this temporary peace the Antichrist will plunge the world into the most cataclysmic world war the world has ever seen.
REVELATION CHAPTER 6 AND VERSES 2 AND 36:2 And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.
6:3 "And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see." "And there went out another horse [that was] red: and [power] was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword."
With the US heavily arming Israel as they are doing at the moment with 3 billion dollars worth of Stealth fighter jets there is going to be nothing that is going to stand in the way of Israel once the conflict mentioned above begins, no, nothing at all. Therefore it now looks as if the treaty of Daniel mentioned above is extremely close indeed.
DANIEL CHAPTER 9 AND VERSE 27And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.
This is not scaremongering, those are the facts of the matter.
There is a solution to the current Middle East peace crisis and it is a plain as the nose on your face, in the case of the Jews, that pun needs to be excused. All that is needed to close any Middle East peace deal is for the Palestinians to recognize “tiny Israel as the one and only Jewish state.”
There also need to be permanent solutions found to stopping the building of settlements on the West Bank.
There also needs to be the right of return or compensation for Palestinian refugees, and they need the right to share the Holy Sites in Jerusalem.
There also needs to be a going back to the 1967 borders and for the Israelis to cease stealing and occupying land the Palestinians have lived on for hundreds of years.
Over the decades there has been numerous acts of terrorism that have been committed by both sides.
However, there still remains a differential between the two sides that cannot be distinguished.
As a consequence, there still remains a question mark as to who is more to blame for the atrocities that have been committed over the dozens of years the fighting has been going on?
Therefore, the reality still remains that there is not one side that is more guilty, or more innocent for that matter, of acts of terrorism than the other.
Consequently, it really is a toss of the coin as to who are more to blame for the genocide that have been perpetrated over there for decades, but that is not to say that I am still in favour of a viable, just two-state solution.
If there was ever the chance of peace being achieved in the Middle East it would also be advantageous for that objective to be achieved if Israel stopped destroying Palestinian homes, took down the wall that divided the two warring parties, and did away with the checkpoints.
If those stipulations were ever agreed to then there may be an extremely good chance of peace in the region?
Israeli official: Premier planning to bring U.S. proposal for cabinet vote within 24 hours; report: Draft does not include complete moratorium in East Jerusalem.Even though there has been a great deal of speculation for a number of years relative to the correct identity of the Antichrist by his confirmation of a seven year peace treaty between the Arabs and Israel, the news coming out of the Middle East at the moment seem to be one of the most promising moves that I have seen in the course of my lifetime toward that significant development?
For a number of years it has been my firm belief that the newly appointed EU president, would be the Biblical Antichrist and it would be him that we were going to see confirm the treaty mentioned above?
The facts of the matter are that ever since the appointment of Van Rompuy to the aforementioned position, just twelve months ago, there have been quite dramatic changes to the political landscape in the Middle East relative towards a permanent position of peace in the region.
That would seem to indicate that we are moving very rapidly towards the objectives stated above, and that it is going to be Van Rompuy that is going to rubber stamp the treaty mentioned above, thereby making him the one that I have made mention of above - that is the Antichrist.
Nonetheless, as far as that is concerned there is more than likely around about another 12 months before we are ever to see that happening, which is still not a great deal of time? This reality is not just conjecture but seems to be coming more and more of the facts of the matter as each day goes by.
There are a couple of quite significant developments that have led me to this belief.
Firstly, the first ever full time president of the EU, Herman Van Rompuy has been meeting quite frequently with the Secretary General of NATO, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, and he has said that NATO will not only play an integral role in enforcing a Middle East peace deal, but will not play a direct role in reaching that agreement and that a Middle East peace agreement is reached, and that an international military force will be needed to monitor and implement it. That fact would indicate there seems to be a Middle East peace treaty that is nigh on close at hand?
Secondly, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Wednesday he was close to reaching an understanding with the United States regarding a package of incentives Washington will offer in exchange for a 90-day construction freeze in the West Bank.
Netanyahu's office issued a statement late Wednesday saying he hopes to conclude contacts with the U.S. soon in order to bring present the deal to his 15-member Security Cabinet - a group of senior government ministers split between pragmatists and hard-liners.
"The prime minister will, with great determination, bring it before the Cabinet for a positive decision," his bureau said in the statement. Officials close to Netanyahu said he would convene his cabinet within 24 hours to approve the deal.
Even though there are no doubts whatsoever that in their decision to offer this incentive package to the Israelis the US is effectively laying a bribe right at the doorstep of the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his cabinet, that offer looks like it is just about ready to be accepted?
Therefore, by doing so it has laid the groundwork for a more permanent type of peace deal to be reached that has the potential to be the one mentioned above to be confirmed by the Antichrist.
The cabinet has continued to delay a vote on the deal, demanding clarification of the U.S. position on East Jerusalem and whether U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will demand another freeze as soon as the 90 days are over.
But that still seems to be the circumstance of the matter and that as a result of this bribe the U.S. will expect a lot more bang for their buck than a basic 90 freeze on the construction of Jewish settlements that of course leading up to the treaty of Daniel Chapter 9, Verse 27
The time of the beast is very close and right at hand, and is a lot closer than I have ever seen over the number of years that I have been a student of Bible prophecy.
Even though I am quite hesitant to say it, after the treaty has been signed we are going to see the outbreak of a Third World War, beginning in the Middle East, that is going to make the first and second world wars look like Sunday School picnics.
I make that statement particularly in the light of the NATO Secretary General being involved with peace negotiations in the region.
Herman Van Rompuy, president of the EU, has warned it faces a ‘survival crisis’, with the risk of contagion spreading from Ireland across the continent.
The president of the European Union has warned that the EU could collapse unless the debt crisis that is gripping the region is resolved.
Herman Van Rompuy, president of the European Council, raised the stakes ahead of this evening’s showdown talks between finance ministers in Brussels. With Ireland and Portugal both on the brink of seeking a bailout, Van Rompuy warned that there is a serious risk of contagion spreading across the continent.
“We’re in a survival crisis,” Van Rompuy said in a speech in Brussels. “We all have to work together in order to survive with the eurozone, because if we don’t survive with the eurozone we will not survive with the European Union.”
However, the former Belgian prime minister added: “I’m very confident we will overcome this.” Van Rompuy’s speech added to the pressure on the Irish government, which was continuing to resist international pressure to accept a bailout this morning.
Shares fell across Europe as pressure mounted on Ireland to accept an EU or International Monetary Fund bailout to stem contagion to other high-deficit eurozone countries. Portugal, which has seen its borrowing costs rocket along with Ireland’s, warned last night that it too might need a rescue package.
But despite fears that the crisis could bring down the euro, Ireland’s minister for European Affairs Dick Roche denied this morning that Ireland needed emergency financing.
“I would hope after the Ecofin meeting this afternoon and tomorrow there would be more logic introduced into this,” he said on the BBC’s Today programme. “There is no reason why we should trigger an EU or IMF-type bailout.”
He admitted: “There is a problem with liquidity in banks, there is no doubt about that, but I don’t think that the appropriate response to that would be for European finance ministers to panic.” Roche reiterated: “Ireland doesn’t need to trigger any mechanisms because of sovereign debt and the problems in banks are being dealt with.”
Sovereignty at stake
Ireland fears the punitive terms of a bailout as it would have to give up partial sovereignty over its finances and could be forced to raise corporation tax. Ireland’s opposition finance spokesman, Michael Noonan, said yesterday that a bailout could lead to Ireland being suspended from the bond markets for three or four years.
The FTSE 100 index in London had fallen by 94 points by midday, at 5726. In Asia, Japan’s Nikkei closed down 0.3% at 9797.10 while Hong Kong’s Hang Seng dropped 1.4% to 23,693.02.
Portugal’s finance minister Fernando Teixeira dos Santos said last night his country was at risk, as “we are not facing only a national or country problem – it is the problems of Greece, Portugal and Ireland.”
Many City analysts believe a bailout of some sort is inevitable.Gary Jenkins, head of fixed income research at Evolution Securities, said: “The latest idea seems to be that they [Ireland] utilise EU money to recapitalise their banking sector. This may be a more politically acceptable way of accepting aid for the Irish government. It is clear that as much as Ireland protests that they can fund themselves for a while yet that the EU would like the situation settled as quickly as possible to try and stop the contagion effect. The meeting of the EU finance ministers today could end up resembling a situation rather like when you meet an old friend who has fallen on hard times and try to help them out financially … ‘Go on, take it, it’s nothing.’ ‘No, I couldn’t, really, I’m fine.’”
Nouriel Roubini, professor of economics at New York University and chairman of Roubini Global Economics, wrote in the Financial Times today: “Put simply the Irish – like the Greeks – are on a path to near or complete insolvency.”
He added: “The reason the EU has so far decided to provide emergency financing to Greece and Ireland is not because it lacks a legal mechanism for orderly restructuring; it is rather because of concerns about systemic contagion.”
But he argued that an orderly restructuring via bond exchange offers – in which sovereign debt is exchanged for other assets – is the best way to reduce this risk.
The Antichrist subdues three nations
Is there really anybody out there who is still doubting that Herman Van Rompuy is not the Antichrist when we are told in the prophecies that in coming to power he subdues three nations?
We now know what those three nations are Greece, Portugal and Ireland.
Those three nations mentioned are the three that are causing the greatest deal of difficulties within the sphere of the EU because of the amount of financial difficulties they are currently facing.
Therefore, when we are told in the scriptures that the Antichrist subdues three nations, it can only mean there is going to be some sort of a bailout package offered to those nations mentioned above.
Accordingly, as a consequence of that bailout package those three nations mentioned aforesaid will be then on the downward pathway to lose their independence and sovereignty.
They will then become dependent on those nations who have lent them the money.
In other words, there will be three nations that have been subdued.
Daniel Chapter 7 and Verse 24
And the ten horns out of this kingdom [are] ten kings [that] shall arise: and another shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings.
NB: The literal sense of the term kings is not to be taken into account here when it really refers to three nations and not actually to three men, or three kings, that head three nations.
Number of stars
The Twelve Olympians by Monsiau (late 18th century)
The number of stars on the flag is fixed at 12, and is not related to the number of member states of the EU. This is because it originally was the flag of the Council of Europe, and does not have a relationship with the EU. In 1953, the Council of Europe had 15 members; it was proposed that the future flag should have one star for each member, and would not change based on future members. West Germany objected to this as one of the members was the disputed area of Saarland, and to have its own star would imply sovereignty for the region. Twelve was eventually adopted as a number with no political connotations and as a symbol of perfection and completeness because of the ubiquity of the number for groups in European cultures and traditions such as:
12 stars crowning the head of the Queen of Heaven in the book of Revelation, Chapter 12
12 hours on a clock
12 months in a year
12 symbols of the zodiac
12 apostles of Jesus Christ
12 sons of Jacob
12 tribes of Israel
12 Biblical minor prophets
12 ounces in a troy pound
12 semitones in an octave
12 days of Christmas
12 Caesars chronicled by Suetonius
12 Olympian gods
12 labours of Hercules
12 tables of Roman Law
12 books of Paradise Lost and the Aeneid
12 hues in the colour wheel, star or sphere (western art)
While 12 is the correct number of stars, sometimes flags or emblems can be found that incorrectly show 15 (as of the rejected proposal) or 25 (as incorrectly suggested by some after the expansion to 25 member states in 2004).[
Biblical interpretation
Among the many myths that have developed about the origins of the design of the flag is the speculation that it relates to the twelve-star halo of the Virgin Mary seen in the sacred art of the Catholic Church. The flag's designer, Arsène Heitz, has acknowledged that the Book of Revelation (which is where the twelve-star halo of the Queen of Heaven was first mentioned) helped to inspire him. Revelation 12:1 is cited to explain the symbolism: "A great sign appeared in heaven, a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars" (a crown of stars can be interpreted as a "Crown of Immortality"). It has been noted that the date the flag was adopted, 8 December 1955, coincided with the Catholic Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, a feast decreed in 1854 by Pope Pius IX.
Another myth has evolved around Paul Lévy, a Belgian of Jewish descent, who vowed that if he should survive the war, he would convert to Christianity. He duly survived and became a Catholic. When the Council of Europe was established, Lévy became Chief of its Department of Culture. In 1952, when the idea of a European flag was being discussed, Lévy backed the flag of the Pan European Movement. However, the cross element in its design was rejected by Socialists and Turks as too Christian. Allegedly, Lévy one day passed a statue of the Virgin Mary with a halo of stars and was struck by the way the stars, reflecting the sun, glowed against the blue of the sky. Lévy later visited Count Benvenuti, a Venetian Christian democrat and then Secretary General of the Council of Europe, and suggested that he should propose twelve golden stars on a blue ground as motif for the flag of Europe. However, the idea for the flag's design came from Arsène Heitz, not Lévy, and Lévy has stated that he was only informed of the connection to the Book of Revelation after it was chosen. Official authorities of the European Union disregard the biblical interpretation as myth.
Despite the formal rejection of biblical references, on 21 October 1956 the Council of Europe presented the city of Strasbourg, its official seat, with a stained glass window for Strasbourg Cathedral by the Parisian master Max Ingrand. It shows a blessing Madonna underneath a circle of 12 stars on dark blue ground. The overall design of the Madonna is inspired by the banner of the cathedral's Congrégation Mariale des Hommes, and the twelve stars are found on the statue venerated by this congregation inside the cathedral (twelve is also the number of members of the congregation's council).
Herman Van Rompuy, who is Belgian, made the following comments at an assembly of European leaders marking the 21st anniversary of the fall of the Berlin wall on November 9. The text of the speech is quite an achievement — a truly extraordinary display of ingratitude, which fails even once, even in passing, to mention that it was the American nation-state that brought down the Berlin Wall, making possible the present era of peace and prosperity in Europe. For van Rompuy, there is only one cause of peace in Europe, namely, what he calls “the European idea”:
The European idea has been the most successful and most generous project in the world since 1945. It has united the whole continent and brought us peace and prosperity.
Indeed, van Rompuy says he sees the ongoing project of absorbing more and more countries into the EU as the engine that is bringing about the end of the era of “barbarism and violence” in European history. He explicitly says the EU is the “guarantee of peace” in Europe:
[The] desire [of Balkan nations] to join our club follows a time of barbarism and violence…. This should encourage us even further to welcome them. Why? Because almost all who are now part of Europe have experienced great upheavals within living memory. It is true for Germany, France and the other founders after the destruction of the Second World War. It is true for Greece, Spain and Portugal after the end of their dictatorships. It is true for the former communist countries which joined us after the Wall came down. In every enlargement, the Union has absorbed the shocks. As an anchor of stability. As a haven of prosperity and freedom. As a guarantee of peace.
This is pretty surprising. Isn’t it American power that has been the “guarantee of peace” in Europe? Isn’t it the American nation-state that liberated Europe from imperial Nazi Germany, and then from the threat of the Soviet empire? Van Rompuy doesn’t remember any of this. In fact, in his 4,700 words marking the fall of the Berlin Wall, he doesn’t find space to mention the United States once.
For him, what’s been happening in Europe has nothing to do with America. What’s happening is this: “The idea of Europe” has created a “continent of values” — European values that are themselves the sole cause of the peace and prosperity of European peoples today.
That’s pretty surprising, too. But it does open up whole new vistas of ingratitude for us to contemplate: Isn’t it basically English and Scottish ideas, developed to govern and defend the British nation-state, that are today being borrowed to build the “continent of values” that van Rompuy heads? Isn’t it “the idea of Europe” that motivated Philip II, Napoleon, Hitler? For quite a few centuries, it seems as though it’s been the British nation-state (together with its admirers in France, America, Austria) that has been teaching the world what it means for peoples to live in freedom and decency, while “the idea of Europe” has spawned a succession of tyrannies. But van Rompuy doesn’t remember any of this either. What excites him about this “continent of values” is precisely that the era of the “nation-state is over“:
[W]e speak about Europe as the continent of values…. The time of the homogenous nation-state is over. Each European country has to be open for different cultures.
The time of the nation-state may be over, but van Rompuy says we have to be on our guard, because there are still bad guys around: These are the “Euro-sceptics,” who think that dismantling the nation-states of Europe may not be the greatest idea anyone has ever had. Van Rumpoy says these Euro-sceptics are spreading illusions and lies, and that their “nationalism” threatens to plunge Europe back into war:
We have together to fight the danger of a new Euro-scepticism…. In every Member State, there are people who believe their country can survive alone in the globalised world. It is more than an illusion: it is a lie! … The biggest enemy of Europe today is fear. Fear leads to egoism, egoism leads to nationalism, and nationalism leads to war. (“Le nationalisme, c'est la guerre” — F. Mitterrand).
Most of van Rompuy’s text is written as a message for Europeans. But he doesn't pass up the chance to send a message to nations outside the EU’s borders. Van Rompuy says that the non-European nations had better wise up too: They can no longer rely on “their military muscle” to resolve their problems, as they did in the past. Because if they do, they will find themselves “isolated”:
[P]ower and influence in the world are more and more a matter of economy, and less of weapons. Recent regional conflicts like in Iraq and Afghanistan have clearly demonstrated the limits of military intervention. Emerging powers are also learning the lesson that they cannot rely on their growing military muscle without the risk of isolating themselves.
There you have it. The New Paradigmers’ worldview in a nutshell: Military power in the service of national interests just isn’t going to do it anymore. And if you think otherwise, we’ll find ways to “isolate” you and help you come to your senses.
As I say, van Rompuy doesn’t trouble himself to mention the United States. And he doesn’t mention Israel either. But he doesn’t have to. It’s obvious where all this is headed. For van Rompuy, there’s trouble on the horizon and the threat comes from the continued existence of nation-states, which insist on using force to defend the lives and interests of their peoples. Disgust for America and downright hatred for Israel are the inevitable outcome of this line of thought, which, when one comes to think of it, is not really such a bad idea after all, what do you think?
There is a great source of information relative to the end times available at
With the possibility of free advertising and with their kind permission and I have reformatted the following article from their site.
Right from the outset let me make it quite clear that I am not too certain whether or not the Cutting Edge Ministries are referring to a general economic collapse of the American economy, or a total collapse of the world economy, so in that respect the point of their assumptions still remain not so clear.
Even though I have cut out the information that I felt was of no consequence to the message of the article, which in the main includes nothing more than advertising material, the major theme of the article still remains intact.
That theme is to quietly demonize Glen Beck and make him out to be totally erroneous within the general context of his suggested scenario that the world is on the verge of a total economic collapse.
Whether or not the Cutting Edge Ministries are right or whether Glenn Beck is correct, still remains not so unambiguous.
However, the whole point of copying and pasting the article here was to dispute the allegations the Ministry had made relative to the world having to be divided up into a so-called ten super nations before the Antichrist can be revealed.
That statement is a point that I still remain in general contention with as I am still unable to find anything within the scriptures of the Holy Bible itself that clarifies that particular point.
In order for the New World Order could be brought forth, is the world on the verge of another total collapse that would run along the lines of something that was similar to the Great Depression of 1929, that is the burning question?
In my humble opinion there seems to be very clear indicators that suggested scenario seems to be happening right now even as I write this piece. There are other articles that I shall write within a few weeks that seem to suggest evidence that is precisely what is happening.
The facts of the matter are there is news that is beginning to spread right around the globe the Irish economy may be ready to collapse totally.
Of course, if that were ever to happen then there would be no doubts at all that the rest of the world would follow suite right along those precise paths.
But that is just my view, and as more often than not there has been so many instances when my insights had been well wide of the mark, so let us read and see what the Cutting Edge Ministries has to say relative to the subject matter.
NB: Even though there are no doubts it has very little to do with the subject matter the readers of this still need to remember that our friend Glenn Beck is a Mormon; that's right, he is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ and Latter Day Saints and anyone that is involved in the Mormon Church is effectively involved in another form of witchcraft - Freemasonry.
Now read on...
Glenn Beck is warning in extremely vague terms, and quoting mysterious unknown sources, that the world is going to pass through the most catastrophic period in which everything economic shall collapse. This is the most frightening fear mongering I have ever heard.
And he is totally false.
Beck starts out by mysteriously building up his hidden sources, assuring his listeners that he is talking to people 'in the know', people who have access to the very deepest of information. He has "sat in on the meeting" with these responsible people and learned of this impending disaster. Later, he says that his sources are 'financial heavyweights', are 'even keeled', but mentions no names.
This kind of fear mongering is irresponsible journalism. A responsible journalist is asked to provide his sources, by name, so we can determine for ourselves whether the story is true or whether it is false. Beck is essentially saying that your faith in his trustworthiness is sufficient to believe this incredible story of an imminent economic collapse.
Glenn says that a major upheaval somewhere in the world will occur. This major catastrophe might be:
1) China refusing to buy American Dollars any more
2) Congress refusing to raise the debt ceiling
3) A terrorist attack which would dwarf the attacks of 9/11
From the day this trigger event happens, the world will change as we know it in 13 - 15 days.
Everything will change! Global catastrophe, global panic. Everything will "come apart at the seams".
Asia collapses. European markets collapse. Dow crashes. Catastrophic collapse will trigger a New World Order in a matter of days.
Beck then urges people to prepare for this non-event by buying lots of food and getting out of debt. Of course, these are commonsense preparations that all of us need to make.
However, Beck drives a stake of fear into the hearts of his listeners by over-exaggerating the possibility that such a catastrophe could occur, using terribly incendiary rhetoric. Beck also does not set a time period in which this collapse is going to occur; therefore, he stretches out the timeline of worry into the infinite future! Very clever, this demagogue! People who believe his rhetoric will worry themselves into oblivion in a never-ending wait.
However, Beck then hedges his bet by stating that this kind of catastrophe may NOT happen. But, this is a small statement completely drowned out by his constant harping on the impending economic doom. Further, if this collapse may not happen, then his "responsible", "in the know" sources are totally false; they cannot be believed if this collapse may not happen.
The Illuminati PlanNow, here is the truth of what the Illuminati has in mind. Several times in 1993, the Illuminati decided shortly after World War II that they could never collapse the economy again as they did in the Great Depression from 1929-1939. They made this decision for two very fundamental reasons:
1) During the Great Depression, many people responded to their economic plight by getting on their knees and returning to Jesus Christ. At the End of the Age, the Global Elite wants to avoid any semblance of spiritual revival being born out of economic lack.
2) The Illuminati examined the Materialistic heart of the American and came to the belief that the American citizenry would never allow themselves to be manoeuvred into the New World Order unless they felt prosperous enough to keep pursuing their Materialistic dream -- more houses, more cars, better paying jobs, and a prosperous retirement.
Therefore, while the Illuminati planned to deliberately wrench the economy, in order to overthrow Capitalism and replace it with Fascism, they were not going to actually allow it to collapse.
The first true economic collapse rumour began in June, 1998, but while in the Illuminati the Plan called for economic stress but no actual collapse.
The Illuminati Plan does call for just such a global catastrophe, but this horrific event is tightly tied to the beginning of World War III, out of which Antichrist shall come striding.
That is the collapse plan of the Illuminati. World War III is the trigger for: 1) economic collapse, 2) the next serious terrorist attack, 3) the imposition of national Martial Law in nations around the world and 4) the imprisonment of millions of dissidents.
World War III is the trigger! This war is the "final birth pangs" war of Matthew 24.
But, before this war can begin, Biblical prophecy (Daniel 7:7-8) states that the world must be reorganized into precisely 10 super nations. Antichrist cannot arise until these 10 super nations are formed and operating as nations.
We then show the progress toward creating this 10-Nation reorganization and discover that only three (3) of the 10 super nations are formed right now, leaving seven (7) to form. Of these seven remaining super nations, five (5) have not even begun forming yet. Therefore, we believe that the world has about 20 years or more to finalize the formation of these 10 super nations.
Remember, Daniel 7:7-8 reveals that Antichrist cannot arise until these 10 super nations are formed and operating as nations. Since economic collapse is tied to World War III, it cannot occur until the 10 super nations are fully formed and operating.
Never forget, the trigger event is World War III.
Therefore, what should the peoples of the world say now to Glenn Beck? They should tell him to sit down and be quiet if he is not willing to name sources and be specific as to dates of this so-called economic collapse.
Beck's rantings and ravings are so vague that they remind me of the "prophecies" of Nostradamus; his "prophecies" are so vague and ill defined that many people have claimed them over the centuries since this Black Magick magician originally cast his spell over the people!
Christians should insist that demagogues like Glenn Beck adhere to Bible prophecy when making wild and unsubstantiated claims that are designed to scare the living daylights out of his listeners.
The Illuminati plans to terribly weary the average citizen by the terrible events and the threats of terrible events.
Thus, when Antichrist arises, the people will be so worn out emotionally they will accept the promises of the Man of Sin. Beck is thus seen as simply reading from the script provided by his handlers.
Truly, Jesus was correct when He said that one of the End Times prophecies is that "men's hearts will fail them for fear"! (Luke 21:26 )
Glenn Beck is causing many men's hearts to fail for fear -- figuratively speaking.
The latest news to come out of the stalled Middle East peace process between Israel and Palestine is that the US has offered up 30 Stealth fighter jets and an offer of a guarantee from the United Nations that it would block any proposed aggressive action against Israel in the event there ever came the opportunity for such a proposition to be put forward.
All of the aforementioned in the name of a reassurance from Israel that it would freeze the building of settlements in Jerusalem for a paltry term of just three months.
Really, are they serious or delirious and just what are the US and the Israelis thinking that those jerks over in Palestine have rocks in their heads? Or at least that's what it seems they must be thinking?
What do the US and the Israel really think of the Palestinians? Do they really believe that the Palestinians are nothing more than a pack of losers and vagabonds that are destined to be totally and utterly wiped out by the Israelis? That really seems to be their true intentions of both the Israelis and United States if this latest news is any real indicator at all.
The worst part of all of this is just how ridiculous does this whole proposition sound? This really is starting to become right over the top!
This can be nothing more than a very cleverly plan designed by Tel Aviv to arm themselves for any aggression, and then repel any aggression they may feel from the Palestinians.
Then, if such an event ever happened Israel would clearly act in a manner of aggression against the Palestinians that would make any other war that has ever happened over the past few hundred years or so look like a Sunday School picnic.
There would be nothing the UN could ever hope to do in response to any act of aggression by the murderous Israelis against the Palestinians because of the aforementioned UN resolution as it would effectively mean their hands would have been tied.
There really needs to be a third party that is going to come forth from out of the EU and settle this whole sad and sick sorry mess. I have a book in the other room that tells me that is exactly what is going to happen, and happen very soon it will so that all of this madness can be laid to rest once and for all.
The book that I am referring to is called the Holy Bible and it tells me that there will be a seven year peace treaty this is going to be confirmed in the Middle East very shortly by a man the Bible calls the Beast, or the other name that he is known as of the many that he is referred to by - the Antichrist.
The way that events are shaping up at the moment it really does seem like that event is not really all that far away at all, as it really seems to be about time that we see the Man of Sin step forth to fulfil the Bible prophecies in that respect.
Come oh Lord come for the world has become far too wicked by a long shot as lies and blasphemies rage on everywhere right around the world almost unrestrained right now, so what an idle time for the Son of Satan to come forth and rubber stamp the seven year treaty below mentioned.
There is a great deal of concern relative to the continual attacks my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ continually engage in by attacking and demonizing the Roman Catholic Church on certain areas of the Internet.
When almost all of the sites mentioned are run by those that claim to be Born Again Christians there is reason for alarm with regards to the salvation of the individuals concerned who run these sites.
When I make that statement there is no way that I am defending the Catholic Church for the atrocities they have committed over the centuries.
To be certain the crimes the church has committed over the years could reach the very Heavens themselves.
I am also able to read the scriptures and so I know what the word of God says relative to the end times. I know that we are told in Revelation Chapter 17 of the World Religion be based in Rome that is to be run under the directives of the Roman Catholic Pope.
However the methodology by those that claim to be Born Again Christians in attacking other groups (whatever that group happens to be) in doing so those concerned are not only attacking a system of belief, but they are also attacking the millions and millions of decent honest folk who see the Roman Catholic Church as being their guiding light in the troubled and sick world we live in at the moment.
That said same analogy could also be applied to the numerous other groups by those who claim to be fundamentalist Born Again Christians, but who still frequently engage in launching a verbal tirades against others that they somehow see as being inferior to their own beliefs.
However, let me make it very clear that in making the aforementioned statement I am not suggesting there are other ways to inherit the Kingdom of God other than through repentance of sin by being washed under the precious blood of Christ, there is simply no other way.
I am also not suggesting the Roman Catholic Church is a truly Christian organization in any shape or form whatsoever.
However, that is not to say that I am still bothered by those who continually set out on a pathway to demonize the Catholic Church and the numerous other groups, as they frequently do.
My belief is those that frequently participate in doing so are simply debasing themselves to the low level of those they choose to denigrate.
It may be acceptable to quite briefly mention the downside of one particular group or another, but to frequently engage in the type of behaviour that continually denigrates one group or another is not the correct path to pursue.
Those that do so loose the very essence of their alleged Christianity which is compassion love and understanding towards their fellow human beings; and instead replace that essence of Christianity with something that is quite vile and repulsive, hatred and bigotry. That in itself is nothing more than pure Antichrist doctrine.
There seems to be a common denominator within the mindset of those who launch these hate filled outbursts against other groups and that is they all appear without exception to believe in something that is not in the Bible at all, the rapture of the church, and more often than not a pre -tribulation rapture. NB the pre tribulation rapture is only a very recently invented event designed by a man that lived only a few hundred years ago - John Darby.
I cannot see how a loving God who shows all knowing love and compassion towards all manner of mankind is going to treat the group mentioned above any differently by magically taking them off the face of the earth before the Great Tribulation starts, while the rest of humanity suffers through the final seven years of mankind's history here on the earth.
Almost all of the group mentioned above see the Jews and Israel as the chosen ones of God when the book of Revelations makes it very clear that of the millions and millions of Jews that populate the world there are only a very minute pittance of that entire group are going to be saved, a mere 144,000.
Almost all of the aforementioned group are also involved in the occult, or have been engaged in at one stage of their lives either witchcraft, or the New Age Movement, something that I have never ever had anything to do with whatsoever.
I really do not need to say a great deal more about the group mentioned above other than to label them as I see them, hypocrites and frauds, not really being Christians but instead putting on phoney face for the whole world to see by masquerading as something they are definitely not, fundamentalist Born Again Christians.
Truly we are living in the Laodicean Church Age!
Obama hopeful of quick resumption of Middle East peace process
Quote: Washington, Nov 15 (PTI) US President Barack Obama has expressed hope that the Middle East peace negotiations between Israel and Palestine would resume quickly.
Obama praised Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for trying to win approval from his coalition government for a US proposal to extend a freeze on West Bank settlement building.
"I think it's promising. And so we've been in contact with both the Israelis and the Palestinians to make sure that we use this opportunity to start negotiating as quickly as possible on some of the final status issues that would render the settlement issue moot," Obama said yesterday.
"I commend Prime Minister Netanyahu for taking I think a very constructive step. It''s not easy for him to do. I think it''s a signal that he's serious, and my hope is, is that he and (Palestine) President Abbas start negotiations immediately," he said. End of Quote
There are really no doubts at all from those of us who have been studying the end times of the Bible prophecies over a number of years the one event that will usher in the return back onto the earth of the Lord Jesus Christ will be the rubber stamping of a seven year Middle East peace treaty by the Antichrist, as per the prophecies of Daniel Chapter 9 Verse 27.
And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate. KJV
It is either a seven year Middle East peace treaty we are looking for to usher in the end times or the signing of a seven year Global Climate Change Treaty - it is either one or the other - but I have a very strong tendency to believe it is the former, rather than the later.
After that has been confirmed then there are only seven years to go until we see the return of the Lord Jesus Christ back onto the earth, at which point those that have their names written in the Lambs Book of Life will all be gathered up to meet the Lord in the air.
Now as the power base for the Antichrist is the presidency of the EU, and as we have already seen that position created and filled earlier on this year, there would be a very high likelihood that if the man that was appointed as the president of the EU earlier on this year, Herman Van Rompuy, were the Antichrist, then in all probability it would be him that we would see signing off on the treaty of Daniel mentioned above very, very shortly, more than likely before the end of this year, and certainly no later than early next year?
But for those that still remain sceptical let us just wait and see how this is going to pan out?
Quote: Herman van Rompuy, the president of Europe, hasn’t enjoyed the kindest press. In Britain at least, the “richly comic” blustering Belgian, a garden gnome and dwarf straight out of Gilbert and Sullivan has been treated as a sort of joke created largely for the benefit of tabloid headline writers.
Mr. van Rompuy may never come to match, say, Vince Cable in the glamour stakes – but people who knew him in his previous job always warned that the “Mr. Nobody” gibes were misplaced. As Belgian prime minister, Mr. van Rompuy helped to bring together his notoriously divided country, and sharply reduced its budget deficit. Now, he has similar steely ambitions to unite and discipline Europe.
Last week, in Berlin, Mr. Van Rompuy proclaimed an EU leader’s strongest message of federalism yet. He said that after the financial crisis, “the national and the European interest can no longer be separated: they coincide… today, we have to act on [that] fact… in every [EU] member state, there are people who believe their country can survive alone in the globalised world. It is more than an illusion – it is a lie.”End of Quote
There is something that those that choose to denigrate Herman Van Rompuy seemed to be forgetting about?
When he was appointed as the first ever full time president of the EU he took on the responsibility for not only one of the most powerful offices that has ever been held for the entire European continent, but for the entire globe.
But that fact certainly not by passed me in any sense of the word.
It also needs to be remembered that Van Rompuy also holds the post that most of us that are Born Again Christians consider to be the seat of power for the Antichrist.
Also, that in accepting the position as the first ever full time president of the EU he took on the power of Hell and Hades itself.
Basically, Herman Van Rompuy has the power to turn the entire globe into the biggest powder keg imaginable through his control of the entire army of the EU.
That being the case, when he chooses to do so he will unleash this awesome power that he holds right in the palms of his hand onto the peoples of the world to ignite the globe to turn it into the smoldering ash that it is destined to become.
The aforementioned comical comments may be atypical of the pomes, but the fact still remains for those that have made those comments there still needs to be some consideration for the man in question and the very high office that he holds.
When there are those that have chosen to make remarks such as the ones that are mentioned above relative to Van Rompuy, those said same people need to be reminded what the relatives of the victims of the Green River Serial Killer Gary Ridgeway had said after his arrest. They had said that he could not have been the guy who had killed all of those women simply because he did not look like a killer, even though he had been responsible for the murder of well over 60 prostitutes.
There seem to be a great deal of people that are mistakenly judging Van Rompuy entirely by his looks by saying that he is not the Antichrist, simply because he does not look the part.
Don't be fooled by looks alone -- as looks can be incredibly deceiving.
World history reveals a remarkable story in which one group of people assumed the identity of another. The vast majority of people who are today called Jews are not, in terms of strict definition of the term, Jews at all.
The term “Jew,” actually a later comer to the Old Testament, originally meant one who can genuinely claim genetic descent from Judah, one of the twelve sons of Jacob. It is from the Hebrew and “Yhudi,” meaning “of Judah.”
The true people of Judah were a numerous part of the ancient, twelve-tribed Israelites. In time, the Israelites divided into two kingdoms. The southern one was called the “Kingdom of Judah,” and the region it occupied, “Judea.” All of its inhabitants, of whatever tribe, were often called Judeans, and in time “Jews.” As time passed, the Northern Kingdom was taken into captivity and scattered to the north and west (721 B.C.).
The Kingdom of Judah was later taken to Babylon (586 B.C.), where many stayed. Seventy years later a remnant returned, and gradually, with much struggle, regained its status of nationhood. Unfortunately, the religion they returned with had picked up many pagan elements while in Babylon, and this gradually evolved into a system of oral teachings that Scripture condemns as the tradition of the elders. (Matthew 15:2-3)
At this juncture in history, an unusual development occurred that muddled the meaning of the words Judah, Judean, and Jew. In the second century before Christ, a dynamic priest-king of Judah, John Hyrcanus of the Hasmonean dynasty, conquered the people directly to the south of Judah, the Edomites.
The Edomites (or Idumeans) were descended from Esau. Jacob/Israel’s twin brother (Genesis 36:8). Esau had married a woman of a Hittite family, thus destroying forever the pure genetic pedigree of his descendants. For this, Esau essentially was disinherited (his mother saw the need for this before his father; Genesis 26:34; 27:46). These folks had been perennial enemies of both Israel and Judah since ancient times.
After thoroughly subjugating them, Hyrcanus gave the Edomites the choice of either death or conversion to the religion, language, and culture of Judah. This proved to be a catastrophic decision for the people of Judah, and a choice which Hyrcanus should have known as forbidden in Old Testament law (Deuteronomy 7:1-5; Leviticus 20:24, Joshua 23:12-13; Ezra 9:1-4; Nehemiah 13:23-30). But not surprisingly, most chose conversion.
The Jewish (truly of Judah) historian Josephus described this event: “Hyrcanus took also Dora and Marissa, cities of Idumea, and subdued all the Idumeans; and permitted them to stay in that country; if they would circumcise their genitals, and make use of the laws of the Jews; and they were so desirous of living in the land of their forefathers, that they submitted to the use of circumcision, and of the rest of the Jewish ways of living; at which time this therefore befell them, that they were hereafter no other than Jews.” (Jewish antiquities, Book 13, 9:1)
The marginal note in Josephus’ works add this commentary, quoting Ammonius, a writer from 129 A.D.; “...the Idumeans were not Jews from the beginning...but being afterward subdued to buy the Jews.” After editorial comment regarding Josephus’ work adds emphasis: “This account of the Idumeans admitting circumcision, and the entire Jewish law, from this time, or the days of Hyrcanus, is confirmed by their entire history afterward.”
The significance of the Edomite population merging with the Jews is often overlooked. But it is not really any secret. Many modern Biblical scholars admit that the historic event did, indeed, occur. For example: “But during the warlike rule of the Maccabees (Hasmonean dynasty of the jews) they were again completely subdued and even forced to conform to Jewish laws and rites and submit to the government of Jewish perfect. The Edomites were then incorporated into the Jewish nation, and the whole providence was often termed by Greek and Roman writers ‘Idumea’...From this time, the Edomites as a separate people disappear from the pages of history.” (The New Unger’s Bible Dictionary, p. 333)
There is Edom [Esau is called Edom in Genesis 36:8]. And Edom is in 'Modern Jewry' Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925 edition, Vol. 5, p. 41. Even the encyclopedia on your shelf may inform you of these events, if one is sharp enough to understand the significance: “The Hasmonean dynasty conquered the Idumeans in the 100's B.C., and converted them to Judaism.” (World Book Encyclopedia, 1967, Vol. 6, p. 55)
Over the next century as imperial Rome cast its long shadow over the Middle East, these Edomites or Idumeans were gradually absorbed into Jewish society. Many of them, such as Herod, achieved high status, working their way into the priestly and aristocratic classes. Those who leveraged their way into the priestly professions had a strong proclivity for the pagan oral teachings (traditions of the elders) brought back from Babylon. Dominance in the two mainstream religious parties, the Pharisees and Sadducees, was soon theirs to enjoy and capitalize upon.
This was the situation when Christ lived and walked the lovely hill country of Galilee and Judea. There were two groups of people living check by cheek with each other in the land of Judea. They spoke the same language, practiced the same oppressive yoke of Roman rule, and were together in our time called jews.
In 70 A.D., the city of Jerusalem and the Kingdom of Judah was utterly shattered by the Romans. Many survivors were scattered throughout the Roman world, finding refuge where they could. The Edomite element of these jews, who had utterly rejected Christ, lodged themselves in various enclaves in the Roman Empire including the great city of Byzantium (Constantinople). During the centuries that followed, these people continued to develop and propagate their highly altered form of the ancient Hebrew faith in which the Biblical aspects were almost completely submerged in layers of pagan philosophy and rules. It was during this era that their oral tradition was codified into a written textual form called the Talmud. It has been the touchstone of the religion of Judaism for many centuries.
Rabbi Stephen Wise, one of the main Jewish leaders in the United States a few years ago, stated that when the Jews returned to Jerusalem from Babylon (with the True Israelites), about 536 B.C., they brought with them the teachings which became known as the Babylonian Talmud. "This was the end of Hebraism, and the beginning of Judaism," the learned Rabbi stated.
Judaism quite possibly would have expired in the tumult of the early Medieval Period had it not been for a single titanic evangelistic coup. In approximately 740 A.D., an entire empire was forcibly converted to Judaism by the decree of its emperor. This was the Khazarian Empire, centered in modern day Ukraine, comprised of a people of mixed Russian, Eastern Europe, and Western Mongolian descent. The Khaszarians took to their new faith like ducks to water. Even after their empire dissolved, never to rise again, they retained tenaciously the precepts of Judaism. In time these proselytes to Judaism gradually made their way in Eastern Europe. By the time the Medieval Period closed, they no longer considered themselves Khazarians, but Jews, for it was the religion of Judaism that formed the backbone of their subculture.
Arthur Koestler, a modern Jew and a prize winning author, summarizes these developments in his best selling book, The Thirteenth Tribe: “Thus the Judaization of the Khazars was a gradual process which, triggered off by political expediency, slowly penetrated into the deeper strata of their minds and eventually produced the Messianism of their period of decline. Their religious commitment survived the collapse of their state, and persisted, as we shall see, in the Khazar-Jewish settlements of Russia and Poland.” (The Thirteenth Tribe, p. 74)
Other sources document this important historical event: “The Jews, expelled from Constantinople, sought a home amongst them (Khazars), developed the Khazar trade, and contended with Mohammedans and Christians for the theological allegiance of the pagan people. The dynasty accepted Judaism (740 A.D.).” (Encyclopedia Britannica, 1911, Vol. 15-16, p. 775)
It is common knowledge that as of a century ago, most Jews in the world were found in Eastern Europe, with the highest percentage concentrated in Poland. How did they get there? A more clear picture has emerged than what was heretofore available. Koestler continues: “...the cumulative evidence makes one included to agree with the consensus of Polish historians that ‘in earlier times the main bulk originated form the Khazar country’; and that, accordingly, the Khazar contribution to the genetic make-up of the Jews must be substantial and in all likelihood, dominant.” (The Thirteenth Tribe, p. 180)
What is most important to remember abut these Khazarian converts to Judaism is this: they have no genetic link to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob/Israel, Judah or any other Hebrew. Furthermore, the majority of the Jews of today are descended from this Khazarian branch.
Let me repeat that again
Although modern Jews purport the idea that they are descended from ancient Judah, they are lying. Twice in the book of Revelation, the followers of Christ are informed that there exists a group of people who claim to be Judean, but are not: “...and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.” (Revelation 2:9; 3:9)
For those who wish to be honest with the totality of Scripture, there is no mistake; somewhere on this emerald blue planet of ours, there is a group of people who claim to be Judean, who are actually not. Are they hard to find? Indeed, no. The twentieth century has seem them migrate from Poland and Eastern Europe to places like New York City and the modern nation of Israel (the United States of America).
Even honest scientific inquiry reveals the truth. Spanish geneticist Professor Antionio Amaiz-Villena recently headed a team of researchers and published a paper entitled “The Origins of Palestinians and their Genetic Relatedness with other Mediterranean Populations.” After conducing detailed DNA studies, the report state: “Jews and Palestinians in the middle East share a very similar gene pool and must be considered closely related and not genetically separate.” (The Observer, November 25, 2001)
This is consistent with the fact that modern Jews are either descended from the Khazarians, who were of a mixed background, or from the ancient Edomites. In both cases, they are genetically related to the ancient Hittites, Jebusites, Canaanites, Amorites, Perizzites, Girgashites, Kenites, Edomites; all perennial enemies of the Israelites.
Also, it must be remembered that the Edomites, and the Canaanite nations were blood drinkers, flesh heaters, and so were the Khazars, thus the tradition of Ritual Murder was carried forth from one group of Jews to those Khazars who chose Judaism as their religion.
Thus we have Christ saying: “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.” (John 8:44)
Christ then tells the jews they are not of God that they are not His children and not of God. "He that is of God heareth God's words: YE (jews) THEREFORE HEAR THEM NOT, BECAUSE YE (jews) ARE NOT OF GOD." (John 8:47)
Christ is telling the jews that they do not believe Him because they are a perverse, generation of vipers, the children of the devil, and that they are not of His sheep. And who are His sheep? It is the Israelites of course.
"Jesus answered them, I TOLD YOU, AND YE (jews) BELIEVED NOT: the works that I do in my Father's name, they bear witness of me. But YE (jews) BELIEVE NOT, BECAUSE YE (jews) ARE NOT OF MY SHEEP, as I said unto you (jews)." (John 10:25-26)
Paul now testifies that they are a perverse race: “That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world.” Philippians 2:16)
Strong's #Untoward: Strong's #4646 skolios (skol ee os'); from the base of NT:4628; warped, i.e. winding; figuratively, perverse: KJV crooked, froward, untoward. (Biblesoft's New Exhaustive Strong's Numbers and Concordance with Expanded Greek Hebrew Dictionary. Copyright (c) 1994, Biblesoft and International Bible Translators, Inc.)
"And with many other words did he testify and exhort, saying, SAVE YOURSELVES FROM THIS UNTOWARD GENERATION." (Acts 2:40)
John also tells us in 1 John that the jews are the children of the devil.
“In this the children of God are manifest, and THE CHILDREN OF THE DEVIL: whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God.” (1 John 3:10)
In John 8:47 we find: “He that is of God heareth God's words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God.”
Many people say that the words of Christ was for all men everywhere, but that is simply not true, and is the lying, deceiving, statements of perverse, traitorous, false teachers, known to us as the Judaeo-Christian clergy. For Christ taught in Parables so that the Jews would not know what He was saying. For it is obvious from a reading of the parable of the tares and the wheat; when He says:
“And he said unto them, Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables: THAT SEEING THEY MAY SEE, AND NOT PERCEIVE; AND HEARING THEY MAY HEAR, AND NOT UNDERSTAND; LEST AT ANY TIME THEY SHOULD BE CONVERTED, AND THEIR SINS SHOULD BE FORGIVEN THEM (Mark 4:11-12)
One could go on for several pages, but these should suffice to prove that the Jews are the most evil and perverse people that have ever existed on earth, and that there is no doubt they are the descendants of their father the devil as Christ said.