Monday, March 29, 2010

The False Rapture Doctrine of the Harlot Churches

The doctrine relating to the Rapture of the Church is nothing but pure witchcraft, sorcery or another form of occultism and those that believe in it and preach it are nothing more than False Prophets and liars doing the works of Satan and will go to where they belong.

There never has been nor will there ever be a taking away of the church so through that garbage out and concentrate on what the Bible really teaches, the resurrection of the church, but do not mix the two up together as the hypocrites and the harlot churches do.

So my message to anybody that reads this that your simply wasting your time and energy by even thinking of a pre, mid or post tribulation let alone bothering to waste time and energy arguing amongst each other about something that the scriptures does not even teach at all.

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