Sunday, December 12, 2010

Has the Mexican Climate Change Conference secretly ushered in a World Government - the answer to that is definite NO?

If we were to read the masses and masses of attached information relative to the abdication of the West From the Viscount Monckton of Brenchley (see the attached photograph on the left of the screen) relating to the very recent climate change treaty agreed upon a few days ago in Cancun, Mexico there can be no doubts at all that what we are dealing with here is the writings of a man who is more than well versed and competent in the ins and outs of the plans to set up a World Government.

In fact, he is so well versed that there are doubts that are being to arise, in my own mind at least, as to just who this man is and where does he get his information from? That seems to be the burning question?

When he begins to use terms such as - a Body to Develop Modalities for the Operationalization of the Work Program on the Impact of the Implementation of Response Measures - these are the sayings and terminologies of the planners behind the World Government itself.

So one may therefore rightly ask, is this man friend or foe in the sense that even though he is telling us what is taking place right under our noses, that in itself is being done for a specific purpose so that we are being gradually and superstitiously prepared for the world government by his making this information readily known by publishing it over the Internet.

I am not easily fooled by this information, even though for the most part there are no doubts at all that what I am reading below is correct and accurate in every sense of the word.

That being the case, there is every right for the average man in the street, such as myself, to ask just who is this man (the Viscount Monckton of Brenchley) and where does he get his credentials from? Is he a part of the solution, or is he actually a part of the problem itself?

There are no doubts at all that what has been suggested will work in theory, but there are also no doubts at all that even those that have never ever professed to knowing the Lord Jesus Christ as their saviour and deliverer know what is going on and that there is a World Government being set up right under their noses.

Anyone is aware of this fact that has access to the Internet at their fingertips.

[There has been occasions that I have listened to secular late night radio and even those pagans that run these types of programs are well aware of the insidious plans to set up a New World Order.]

There still needs to be other information, and indeed scriptural evidence, to back up the claims that have been made by the author of the article, the Viscount Monckton of Brenchley, that what we are dealing with here is comparative to the fulfilment of the Bible prophecies, when there is nothing there at all to even comes close to suggesting that is the case.

There is no real evidence to suggest that this man is a Born Again Christian even though what he has presented here appears to be correct in every sense of the word...

If he is not a Born Again Christian, then even though there are masses and masses of information presented below what we are really offered here is an incomplete picture. There are still a significant number of gaps to be filled before we can make the equation complete.

That being the case, we still need to see what the word of God has to say relative to what has transpired over the past few days -- with the facts of the matter being that what we have just witnessed is a UN based summit.

Nevertheless, there is nothing whatsoever in the Bible that says anything at all about the UN (but rather the EU) being the Final World Empire before the return back onto the earth of the Lord Jesus Christ.

That being the case, there has nothing that has come out of the recent climate change summit except to create a bridge between the Antichrist and the UN over who is going to rule the New World Order.

If my interpretation of the Bible is correct then what we are going to see in the immediate future is the retaliation by the Beast as he sets out to attack and destroy the UN by attacking their very hearts the UN headquarters in New York City itself. see Revelation Chapter 18.

Just because there have been a couple of hundred nations sign a climate change treaty it does not automatically mean there is a World Government in place, even though is going to be literally hundreds and hundreds of billions siphoned off towards this alleged cause.

In fact, all that has been created is a precedent and indeed an excuse for the Beast to plunge the world into an apocalyptic Third World War.

NB: the man in question has been over here in Australia spouting his World Government propaganda and for the most part he was treated with the disdain that he more than likely possibly deserves? There are still going to be obviously some that are taken in by this type of nonsense when there is actually no real scriptural evidence to back up what he has suggested about a UN Climate Change Summit equating to a World Government when the word of God does not suggest that at all.

Now that I have made my own stance known on the information go on and read it for yourself and decide the outcome based on the Bible prophecies themselves.

The abdication of the West
From The Viscount Monckton of Brenchley
Cancun, Mexico

I usually add some gentle humour to these reports. Not today. Read this and weep.

Notwithstanding the carefully-orchestrated propaganda to the effect that nothing much will be decided at the UN climate conference here in Cancun, the decisions to be made here this week signal nothing less than the abdication of the West. The governing class in what was once proudly known as the Free World is silently, casually letting go of liberty, prosperity, and even democracy itself. No one in the mainstream media will tell you this, not so much because they do not see as because they do not bl**dy care.

The 33-page Note (FCCC/AWGLCA/2010/CRP.2) by the Chairman of the “Ad-Hoc Working Group on Long-Term Co-operative Action under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change”, entitled Possible elements of the outcome, reveals all. Or, rather, it reveals nothing, unless one understands what the complex, obscure jargon means. All UNFCCC documents at the Cancun conference, specifically including Possible elements of the outcome, are drafted with what is called “transparent impenetrability”. The intention is that the documents should not be understood, but that later we shall be told they were in the public domain all the time, so what are we complaining about?

Since the Chairman’s note is very long, I shall summarize the main points:
Finance: Western countries will jointly provide $100 billion a year by 2020 to an unnamed new UN Fund. To keep this sum up with GDP growth, the West may commit itself to pay 1.5% of GDP to the UN each year. That is more than twice the 0.7% of GDP that the UN has recommended the West to pay in foreign aid for the past half century. Several hundred of the provisions in the Chairman’s note will impose huge financial costs on the nations of the West.

The world-government Secretariat:

In all but name, the UN Convention’s Secretariat will become a world government directly controlling hundreds of global, supranational, regional, national and sub-national bureaucracies. It will receive the vast sum of taxpayers’ money ostensibly paid by the West to the Third World for adaptation to the supposed adverse consequences of imagined (and imaginary) “global warming”.


Hundreds of new interlocking bureaucracies answerable to the world-government Secretariat will vastly extend its power and reach. In an explicit mirroring of the European Union’s method of enforcing the will of its unelected Kommissars on the groaning peoples of that benighted continent, the civil servants of nation states will come to see themselves as servants of the greater empire of the Secretariat, carrying out its ukases and diktats whatever the will of the nation states’ governments. Many of the new bureaucracies are disguised as “capacity-building in developing countries”. This has nothing to do with growing the economies or industries of poorer nations. It turns out to mean the installation of hundreds of bureaucratic offices answerable to the Secretariat in numerous countries around the world. Who pays? You do, gentle taxpayer. Babylon, Byzantium, the later Ottoman Empire, the formidable bureaucracy of Nazi Germany, the vast empire of 27,000 paper-shufflers at the European Union: add all of these together and multiply by 100 and you still do not reach the sheer size, cost, power and reach of these new subsidiaries of the Secretariat. In addition to multiple new bureaucracies in every one of the 193 states parties to the Convention, there will be an Adaptation Framework Body, a Least Developed Countries’ Adaptation Planning Body, an Adaptation Committee, Regional Network Centres, an International Centre to Enhance Adaptation Research, National Adaptation Institutions, a Body to Clarify Assumptions and Conditions in National Greenhouse-Gas Emission Reductions Pledges, a Negotiating Body for an Overall Level of Ambition for Aggregate Emission Reductions and Individual Targets, an Office to Revise Guidelines for National Communications, a Multilateral Communications Process Office, a Body for the Process to Develop Modalities and Guidelines for the Compliance Process, a Registry of Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions by Developed Countries, a Body to Supervise the Process for Understanding Diversity of Mitigation Actions Submitted and Support Needed, a Body to Develop Modalities for the Registry of Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions, an Office of International Consultation and Analysis; an Office to Conduct a Work Program for Development of Various Modalities and Guidelines; a network of Developing Countries’ National Forest Strategy Action Plan Offices; a network of National Forest Reference Emission Level And/or Forest Reference Level Bodies; a network of National Forest Monitoring Systems; an Office of the Work Program on Agriculture to Enhance the Implementation of Article 4, Paragraph 1(c) of the Convention Taking Into Account Paragraph 31; one or more Mechanisms to Establish a Market-Based Approach to Enhance the Cost-Effectiveness Of And To Promote Mitigation Actions; a Forum on the Impact of the Implementation of Response Measures; a Work Program Office to Address the Impact of the Implementation of Response Measures; a Body to Review the Needs of Developing Countries for Financial Resources to Address Climate Change and Identify Options for Mobilization of Those Resources; a Fund in Addition to the Copenhagen Green Fund; an Interim Secretariat for the Design Phase of the New Fund; a New Body to Assist the Conference of the Parties in Exercising its Functions with respect to the Financial Mechanism; a Body to Launch a Process to Further Define the Roles and Functions of the New Body to Assist the Conference of the Parties in Exercising its Functions with respect to the Financial Mechanism; a Technology Executive Committee; a Climate Technology Centre and Network; a Network of National, Regional, Sectoral and International Technology Centres, Networks, Organization and Initiatives; Twinning Centres for Promotion of North-South, South-South and Triangular Partnerships with a View to Encouraging Co-operative Research and Development; an Expert Workshop on the Operational Modalities of the Technology Mechanism; an International Insurance Facility; a Work Program Body for Policy Approaches and Positive Incentives on Issues Relating to Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries; a Body to Implement a Work Program on the Impact of the Implementation of Response Measures; and a Body to Develop Modalities for the Operationalization of the Work Program on the Impact of the Implementation of Response Measures.

The world government’s powers:The Secretariat will have the power not merely to invite nation states to perform their obligations under the climate-change Convention, but to compel them to do so. Nation states are to be ordered to collect, compile and submit vast quantities of information, in a manner and form to be specified by the secretariat and its growing army of subsidiary bodies. Between them, they will be given new powers to verify the information, to review it and, on the basis of that review, to tell nation states what they can and cannot do.

Continuous expansion:
The verb “enhance”, in its various forms, occurs at least 28 times in the Chairman’s note, Similar verbs, such as “strengthen” and “extend”, and adjectives such as “scaled-up”, “new” and “additional”, are also frequently deployed, particularly in relation to funding at the expense of Western taxpayers. If all of the “enhancements” proposed in the note were carried out, the cost would comfortably exceed the annual $100 billion (or, for that matter, the 1.5% of GDP) that the note mentions as the cost to the West over the coming decade.

Intellectual property in inventions:
Holders of patents, particularly in fields related to “global warming” and its mitigation, will be obliged to transfer the benefits of their inventiveness to developing countries without payment of royalties. This is nowhere explicitly stated in the Chairman’s note, but the transfer of technology is mentioned about 20 times in the draft, suggesting that the intention is still to carry out the explicit provision in the defunct Copenhagen Treaty draft of 15 September 2009 to this effect.


The Secretariat proposes, in effect, to interfere so greatly in the operation of the worldwide insurance market that it will cease to be a free market, with the usual severely adverse consequences to everyone in that market.

The free market:

The failed Copenhagen Treaty draft stipulated that the “government” that would be established would have the power to set the rules of all formerly free markets. There would be no such thing as free markets any more. In Cancun, the Chairman’s note merely says that various “market mechanisms” may be exploited by the Secretariat and by the parties to the Convention: but references to these “market mechanisms” are frequent enough to suggest that the intention remains to stamp out free markets worldwide.

Knowledge is power:
The Chairman’s note contains numerous references to a multitude of new as well as existing obligations on nation states to provide information to the Secretariat, in a form and manner which it will dictate. The hand of the EU is very visible here. It grabbed power from the member-states in four stages: first, acting merely as a secretariat to ensure stable supplies of coal and steel to rebuild Europe after the Second World War; then as a registry requiring member states to supply it with ever more information; then as a review body determining on the basis of the information supplied by the member states whether they were complying with their obligations on the ever-lengthier and more complex body of European treaties; and finally as the ultimate law-making authority, to which all elected parliaments, explicitly including the European “Parliament”, were and are subject. Under the Cancun proposals, the Secretariat is following the path that the plague of EU officials here have no doubt eagerly advised it to follow.

It is now taking numerous powers not merely to require information from nation states but to hold them to account for their supposed international obligations under the climate-change Convention on the basis of the information the nations are now to be compelled to supply.

The Chairman’s note contains several mentions of the notion that the peoples of the world need to be told more about climate change. Here, too, there is a parallel with the EU, which administers a propaganda fund of some $250 million a year purely to advertise its own wonderfulness to an increasingly sceptical population. The IPCC already spends millions every year with PR agencies, asking them to find new ways of making its blood-curdling message more widely understood and feared among ordinary people. The Secretariat already has the advantage of an uncritical, acquiescent, scientifically illiterate, economically innumerate and just plain dumb news media: now it will have a propaganda fund to play with as well.

Damage caused by The Process:At the insistence of sensible nation states such as the United States, the Czech Republic, Japan, Canada, and Italy, the Cancun outcome acknowledges that The Process is causing, and will cause, considerable economic damage, delicately described in the Chairman’s note as “unintended side-effects of implementing climate-change response measures”. The solution? Consideration of the catastrophic economic consequences of the Secretariat’s heroically lunatic decisions will fall under the control of – yup – the Secretariat. Admire its sheer gall.

Damage to world trade:

As the power, wealth and reach of the Secretariat grow, it finds itself rubbing uncomfortably up against other supranational organizations. In particular, the World Trade Organization has been getting antsy about the numerous aspects of the Secretariat’s proposals that constitute restrictions on international trade. At several points, the Chairman’s note expresses the “decision” – in fact, no more than an opinion and a questionable one at that – that the Secretariat’s policies are not restrictive of trade.

The Canute provision:The conference will reaffirm the decision of its predecessor in Copenhagen this time last year “to hold the increase in global average temperature below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels”, just like that. In fact, temperature in central England, and by implication globally, rose 2.2 Celsius in the 40 years 1695-1735, as the Sun began to recover from its 11,400-year activity minimum, and rose again by 0.74 C in the 20th century. There has been no warming in the 21st century, but we are already well over 2 Celsius degrees above pre-industrial levels. The Canute provision, as some delegates have dubbed it (after the Danish king of early England who famously taught his courtiers the limitations of his power and, a fortiori, theirs when he set up his throne on the beach and commanded sea level not to rise, whereupon the tide came in as usual and wet the royal feet), shows the disconnect between The Process and reality.

There are several highly-significant omissions, which jointly and severally establish that the central intent of The Process no longer has anything to do with the climate, if it ever had. The objective is greatly to empower and still more greatly to enrich the international classe politique at the expense of the peoples of the West, using the climate as a pretext, so as to copy the European Union by installing in perpetuity what some delegates here are calling “transnational perma-Socialism” beyond the reach or recall of any electorate. Here are the key omissions:

The science:
The question whether any of this vast expansion of supranational power is scientifically necessary is not addressed. Instead, there is merely a pietistic affirmation of superstitious faith in the IPCC, where the conference will “recognize that deep cuts in global [greenhouse-gas] emissions are required according to science, and as documented in the [IPCC’s] Fourth Assessment Report.”

The economics:
There is no assessment of the extent to which any of the proposed actions to mitigate “global warming” by cutting emissions of carbon dioxide or to adapt the world to its consequences will be cost-effective. Nor, tellingly, is there any direct comparison between mitigation and adaptation in their cost-effectiveness: indeed, the IPCC was carefully structured so that mitigation and adaptation are considered by entirely separate bureaucracies producing separate reports, making any meaningful comparison difficult. Though every economic analysis of this central economic question, other than that of the now-discredited Lord Stern, shows that mitigation is a pointless fatuity and that focused adaptation to the consequences of any “global warming” that may occur would be orders of magnitude cheaper and more cost-effective, the Cancun conference outcome will continue to treat mitigation as being of equal economic utility with adaptation.

Contracts have termination clauses to say what happens when the agreement ends. Nothing better illustrates the intent to create a permanent world-government structure than the absence of any termination provisions whatsoever in the Cancun outcome. The Process, like diamonds, is forever.

Democracy:Forget government of the people, by the people, for the people. Forget the principle of “no taxation without representation” that led to the very foundation of the United States. The provisions for the democratic election of the new, all-powerful, legislating, tax-raising world-government Secretariat by the peoples of the world may be summarized in a single word: None.

How did this monstrous transfer of power from once-proud, once-sovereign, once-democratic nations to the corrupt, unelected Secretariat come about? The story begins with Sir Maurice Strong, an immensely wealthy UN bureaucrat from Canada who, a quarter of a century ago, established the IPCC as an intergovernmental, political body rather than as a scientific body precisely so that it could be manoeuvred into assisting in the UN’s long-term aim, reiterated at a summit of senior UN officials this May by Ban Ki-Moon himself, of extinguishing national sovereignty and establishing a world government.

The Process began in earnest in 1988, when the IPCC was established. Shortly thereafter, on a June day in Washington DC deliberately chosen by Al Gore because it was unusually hot, his political ally and financial benefactor James Hansen appeared before a Congressional committee and put before it a wildly-exaggerated graph predicting global warming over the coming 20 or 30 years. Yet June 2008, the 20th anniversary of his testimony, was cooler globally than June 1988, and worldwide warming has happened at less than half the rate he predicted.

The Rio Earth Summit in 1992 allowed environmental groups and world “leaders” to grandstand together. From that summit emerged the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, which began holding annual conferences on “global warming”.

The Kyoto Protocol in 1997 committed its signatories to cut back their national CO2 emissions to 1990 levels by 2012. Most are not going to make it. The US Senate, with Al Gore as its president, voted 95-0 to reject any treaty such as Kyoto, which bound only the West while leaving developing nations such as China to emit carbon dioxide without constraint.

Very little progress had been made by the time of the Bali conference in 2007: but at that conference a “road-map” was constructed that was to lead to a binding international treaty in Copenhagen in 2009.

Just one problem with that. The US Constitution provides that, even if the President has signed a treaty, his signature is meaningless unless the treaty has been debated in the Senate, which must ratify it by the votes of at least 67 of the 100 Senators. It became clear to everyone, after the Obama administration failed to cajole or bully even 60 Senators into passing the Waxman/Markey cap-and-tax Bill, that no climate treaty would pass the Senate.

Worse, the Secretariat grossly overreached itself. Believing its own propaganda to the effect that none but a few vexatious, fossil-funded sceptics believed that “global warming” would be small enough to be harmless, it drafted and posted up on its website a 186-page draft Treaty of Copenhagen, proposing to turn itself into an unelected world government with unlimited powers to impose direct taxation on member nations without representation, recourse or recall, to interfere directly in the environmental policies of individual nations, and to sweep away all free markets worldwide, replacing them with itself as the sole rule maker in every marketplace (treaty draft, annex 1, articles 36-38). Some quotations from the draft reveal the sheer ambition of the UN:

“The scheme for the new institutional arrangement under the Convention will be based on three basic pillars: government; facilitative mechanism; and financial mechanism. … The government will be ruled by the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change with the support of a new subsidiary body on adaptation, and of an Executive Board responsible for the management of the new funds and the related facilitative processes and bodies.” (Copenhagen Treaty draft of September 15, 2009, para. 38).

The three central powers that the UN had hoped to grant itself under the guise of Saving The Planet from alleged climate catastrophe were as follows:

“Government”:This use of the word “government” is the first use of the term to describe a world government in any international treaty draft.

“Financial mechanism”:The “financial mechanism” was a delicate phrase to describe a new power of the UN to levy unlimited taxation directly on the peoples of its member states: taxation without representation, and on a global scale.

“Facilitative mechanism”:
This mechanism would, for the first time, have given the UN he power directly to coerce and compel compliance on the part of its member states, by force if necessary. The Treaty draft describes it as –

“… a facilitative mechanism drawn up to facilitate the design, adoption and carrying out of public policies, as the prevailing instrument, to which the market rules and related dynamics should be subordinate.”

In short, there was to be a New World Order, with a “government” having at its command a “financial mechanism” in the form of unlimited rights to tax the world’s citizen’s directly, and a “facilitative mechanism” that would bring the rules of all formerly free markets under the direct control of the new UN “government”, aided by an already-expanding series of bureaucracies.

At no point anywhere in the 186 pages of the Treaty draft do the words “democracy”, “election”, “ballot”, or “vote” appear. As the EU has already demonstrated, the transfer of powers from sovereign democracies to supranational entities brings those democracies to an end. At the supranational level, in the UN, in the EU and in the proposed world government, decisions are not made by anyone whom we, the voters, have elected to make such decisions.

The exposure of the draft treaty in major international news media panicked the UN into abandoning the draft before the Copenhagen conference even began. Instead, the UN is now legislating crabwise, as the European Union does, with a series of successive annual agreements, the last of which was the Copenhagen Accord, each transferring more power and wealth from individual nations to its supranational bureaucracy. The latest of these agreements is being finalized here in Cancun.

The European Union, which has stealthily stamped out democracy over the past half-century by a series of treaties each transferring a little more power and wealth from elected hands in the member states to unelected hands in Brussels, has been advising the Secretariat on how to do the same on a global scale.

After the spectacular bloody nose the Secretariat got in Copenhagen, it was most anxious not to endure a second failure in Cancun. To this end, it obtained the agreement of the German government to host a monthly series of conferences in Bonn in the early part of 2010, some of which were open to outside observers and some were behind closed doors in a comfortable suburban palace, where the new way of legislating for the world – in secret – first came into use.

The Chinese regime, anxious to get a piece of the action, agreed to host an additional session in Tientsin a few weeks ago. The purpose of this near-perpetual international junketing – which the national delegates have greatly enjoyed at our expense – was to make sure that nearly all of the elements in the Cancun agreement were firmly in draft and agreed well before Cancun, so as to avoid what too many journalists have tediously and obviously described as a “Mexican stand-off”.

It is precisely because of all this massive and expensive preparation that the note by the Chairman, whose main points are summarized above, may well reflect what is finally decided and announced here in a couple of days’ time. The Chairman is not simply guessing: this Note reflects what the Secretariat now confidently expects to get away with.

However, following the Copenhagen disaster, our grim future New Masters are taking no chances. They persuaded their friends in the mainstream news media, who cannot now easily back out of their original declarations of blind faith in the Church of “Global Warming” and are as anxious not to lose face as the Secretariat is, to put it about that at Cancun this year and even at Durban next year very little of substance will occur.

The intention is that, after not one but two international climate conferences, the second of them in Rio in 2012 on the 20th university of the Earth Summit that began it all, the Secretariat will have become so wealthy and will have accreted so much power to itself that no one – not even the US Senate – will dare to resist ratifying the Treaty of Rio that brings democracy to an end worldwide and fulfils Lord Mandelson’s recent statement that “we are now living in a post-democratic age.”

Over my dead body. The people know best what is best for the people. The governing class no doubt knows what is best for the governing class, but does not necessarily know what is best for the people, and must always be kept in check by the ballot-box.

If we are to have a world government at all (and, as the science of “global warming” alarm continues to collapse, the current pretext for world domination by a privileged few is wearing more than a little thin), then it is essential that the world government should be an elected government, and that, as Article 1, Section 1 of the US Constitution makes plain when it grants

“All legislative power” to the elected Congress and to the now-elected Senate, none shall make laws for the world or impose taxes upon the world except those whom the people of the world have elected by universal secret ballot.

How can we, the people, defeat the Secretariat and keep the democracy we love? Simply by informing our elected representatives of the scope, ambition, and detail of what is in the Cancun agreement. The agreement will not be called a “Treaty”, because the Senate, particularly after the mid-term elections, will not pass it. But it can still be imposed upon us by the heavily Left-leaning Supreme Court, which no longer makes any pretence at judicial impartiality and may well decide, even if Congress does not, that the Cancun agreement shall stand part of US law on the ground that it is “customary international law”.

What to do? Send this blog posting to your legislators. It is their power, as well as yours, that is being taken away; their democracy, as well as yours, that will perish from the Earth unless this burgeoning nonsense is stopped.

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Will the current round of successes at the UN climate change summit in Mexico lead the Antichrist towards the fulfillment of Revelation Chapter 18?

The following extraction has been noted down as a result of the current round of talks at the UN climate change summit in Cancun, Mexico.

I have only repeated it here so as to prove the success of the talks, but that still does not necessarily imply that I agree entirely with the context of the statements made by German Foreign Minister, Guido Westerwelle, relative to the success, or otherwise, of any future talks on Climate Change.

I have only used this article for illustrative purposes only as the facts of the matter are that the Antichrist is answerable to no one that is alive on the planet at the moment, but is only subjective to Satan and to God himself for the correct fulfillment of the Bible prophecies.

Quote: Berlin - German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle on Saturday welcomed the 'successful' conclusion of a UN climate change summit in Cancun, Mexico.

'Cancun has shown that it is possible to achieve a balance of interests between developing and industrialized nations,' Westerwelle said in a statement.

He thanked his Mexican counterpart Patricia Espinosa who chaired the summit, and said she had been 'prudent and clever' in leading the negotiations.

The compromise reached at the UN summit in Cancun, Mexico, includes a package of new measures to help poor countries combat warming.

In order to reach a deal, Espinoza ignored fierce objections by Bolivia, which said the compromise was too weak to confront global warming.

The agreement came one year after the UN climate summit in Copenhagen, which was widely regarded as a failure.

'Now we must use the momentum to achieve a globally binding climate protection agreement and resolve the open issues,' Westerwelle said, adding that Germany and the EU would continue to drive this process. End of quote

Fact: there is nothing at all that mankind is able to do that is ever going to alter the climate of this planet one little bit by either causing it to either over cool or over heat. That being the case, what these climate change summits are all about has nothing at all to do with climate change, but instead, has everything to do with setting up a Global Government.
The term that is more commonly used to describe a World Government is a New World Order.

Remember, before the current round of negotiations had ever begun the newly appointed president of the EU, Herman Van Rompuy, (possibly the Antichrist) said that he was highly pessimistic about the chances of the UN climate change summit in Cancun, Mexico of ever being a success.

Instead, he had touted the current round of talks as more than likely being an absolute failure when he said he did not want that house of horrors to be ever revisited. That statement alone would seem to indicate that he did not want the Climate Change talks in Mexico to be a success, particularly in light of the fact of him leading the G20 member countries.

However, now that the UN climate change summit in Cancun, Mexico has had relative success this may have created a brand new ball game for Van Rompuy, with the EU and the UN now being in direct competition with each other on the world stage as to just who is going to rule the New World Order. Effectively, what has now happened is that this current success in Mexico has now stifled Van Rompuy in his bid to gain global dominance.

That being the case there are now real concerns as to just where this is all going to lead the world, when Van Rompuy has already come out and said that Euro Skepticism leads to war.

Therefore there can be no doubts at all that the successful conclusion to the UN Climate Change summit in Cancun, Mexico has now set a very dangerous precedent which seems to have been specifically designed by God himself to create animosity between the UN and the newly appointed EU president Herman Van Rompuy as to just who is going to rule the New World Order, the UN or the EU?

There is now no other outcome for him to pursue other than to launch an all out offensive against the headquarters of the UN in New York City, as he will sooner or later according to the prophecies of Revelation Chapter 18? Personally though I do not believe that will happen until we see the treaty of Daniel Chapter 9, Verse 27 confirmed beforehand by the Antichrist.

King James Version: Revelation Chapter 18
1 And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory.

2 And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.

3 For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.

4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

5 For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.

6 Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double.

7 How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow.

8 Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her.

9 And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her, shall bewail her, and lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning,

10 Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come.

11 And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buyeth their merchandise any more:

12 The merchandise of gold, and silver, and precious stones, and of pearls, and fine linen, and purple, and silk, and scarlet, and all thyine wood, and all manner vessels of ivory, and all manner vessels of most precious wood, and of brass, and iron, and marble,

13 And cinnamon, and odours, and ointments, and frankincense, and wine, and oil, and fine flour, and wheat, and beasts, and sheep, and horses, and chariots, and slaves, and souls of men.

14 And the fruits that thy soul lusted after are departed from thee, and all things which were dainty and goodly are departed from thee, and thou shalt find them no more at all.

15 The merchants of these things, which were made rich by her, shall stand afar off for the fear of her torment, weeping and wailing,

16 And saying, Alas, alas that great city, that was clothed in fine linen, and purple, and scarlet, and decked with gold, and precious stones, and pearls!

17 For in one hour so great riches is come to nought. And every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off,

18 And cried when they saw the smoke of her burning, saying, What city is like unto this great city!

19 And they cast dust on their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing, saying, Alas, alas that great city, wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness! for in one hour is she made desolate.

20 Rejoice over her, thou heaven, and ye holy apostles and prophets; for God hath avenged you on her.

21 And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, Thus with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all.

22 And the voice of harpers, and musicians, and of pipers, and trumpeters, shall be heard no more at all in thee; and no craftsman, of whatsoever craft he be, shall be found any more in thee; and the sound of a millstone shall be heard no more at all in thee;

23 And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.

24 And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

2010 -- the year the Antichrist and his first year of Global Governance as he resides over the G20 Summits.

Even though at the time of this writing the year is not yet over there are still no doubts whatsoever, in my mind at least, that 2010 certainly has been a year to remember?

With the economic mess both the EU and the US are in at the moment there are now no real doubts at all the world now stands on the brink of a deliberately propagated economic collapse we soon shall see come to pass in the New Year?

There have been wild and fanciful rumours being spread around the Internet, (which even went to go as far as to go into book form), that the world would first have to be divided up into ten sections before we would see the Antichrist revealed to then come into power and effectively take over those said same sections.

Given what has happened over the past twelve months to that ideology, I would say baloney.

As a result of the Lisbon Treaty late last year, the world saw the Antichrist achieving his power base of the presidency of the EU earlier on this year as he came into power in January of this year.

The first statement the newly appointed president of the EU, Herman Van Rompuy, made after coming into power was that 2010 was going to be the first year of Global Governance, and as this was his main aim he was going to achieve this objective through the G20 and Climate Change summits.

Later on in this year he then went on to say that he did not want the horrors of a Climate Change summit ever revisited and that he did not approve of multicultural meetings.

That statement would seem to indicate that he wanted to be the head of it all and with both he and his assistant, Jose Manuel Barroso, (the False Prophet) heading the G20 meetings that reality now seems to be matter-of-fact?

The World Government - or the G-20 - was created after the international financial crises led by developing countries in the 1990's. Growing and emerging countries were not being included in the economic discussions with developed nations and world leaders realized they were vital to the global economic health.

The G-20 is responsible for developing international policies that create and stabilize the international financial architecture via workshops, reports, and case studies on proposed subjects.

This keeps financial leaders and ministers current on contemporary economic policy views, theories and analysis, so they can go home and create sound national policies that will benefit the greater economic good.

The group has battled issues in growth policies, reducing financial abuse and financial crises, and the financing of terrorism. The G-20 has also created internationally recognized financial standards and each member is responsible for taking those policies and implementing them back home.

The group has done much increase fiscal policy transparency, which is aimed at reducing money laundering and terrorism financing. The G-20 board consists of finance ministers and central bank governors of 19 countries and the EU.

Due to the financial difficulties they were facing at the time, just as soon as Van Rompuy came to power he subdued three nations by offering them bailout packages. As a result, the fatal wound he had been facing as a result of the aforementioned crisis had been healed.

The twenty super wealthy nations making up the inner core of the world government are:
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
South Korea
United Kingdom
United States

Even though I do not have a crystal ball to be able to foresee the future, I do have a Bible, and from where I am sitting, it would not be too advisable at all to doubt that as a result of the forthcoming economic collapse the Beast will start and win a Third World War.

Even though all of the above all seems to be made of all of that doomsday stuff there is no point at all in sticking ones head in the sands and pretending none of this has been written in the Bible.

Worse still, pretending that everything mentioned above and everything written in the Bible is away off in the future.

Everything I have written above has been written in the Bible and it is not away off into the future, but is happening right now even as I write this article.

As an added note: Just recently, we see have seen the CIA patsy and the founder of the WikiLeaks website, Julian Assange, being thrown to the abyss so that complete control of the Internet could be attained with that reality almost being on the brink of realization with the necessary legislation ready to be passed, both here and in the U.S.

So my advice to anyone reading this, before these obviously evil men fully take control of it as they intend to do in the future, is they make the most of the Internet while it remains in its current format.

Revelation 6 (King James Version) tells us what the Antichrist intends to do.
1And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see.

2And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.

3And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see.

4And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.

5And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand.

6And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.

7And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see.

8And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

9And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held:

10And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?

11And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellow servants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled.

12And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;

13And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.

14And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.

15And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;

16And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:

17For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Herman Van Rompuy is now emerging as both a political and ecumenical religious figure as he binds the nations and the religions of the EU together.

The interfaith gospel of synthesising all religions is based on the concept of universalism, i.e. that all religions worship the same God and can therefore join hands in unity.

The Ecumenical and Interfaith Movements are based on this idea and they are actively pursuing the objective of establishing global religious organisations to unify humanity at the spiritual level.

They maintain that the achievement of a mystical brotherhood of members of all faiths holds the key to global reconciliation and peace.

As the religions of the world move ever closer to each other, it is obvious that ecumenical Christianity has to make self-destructive compromises with other religions to achieve unity. Many theologians have adulterated the Christian faith to such an extent that biblical truths have been distorted beyond recognition.

The Bible calls the end-time union of the false religions “Mystery, Babylon the great, the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth” (Rev. 17:5).

She is recognised and carried by the Antichrist because of her usefulness to him.

It is very obvious that the Interfaith Movement of false religions is preparing the world for the false Christ, the Antichrist, who will rule the world for forty two months.

There is a very curious anomaly taking place at the moment with the president of the EU preparing to meet the leaders of both the Islamic and Jewish faiths in Brussels. One could even say he was trying, and is succeeding, in uniting both the Jewish and the Islamic religions together into an interfaith religious group.

That sounds very much to me like we are seeing in this man, Herman Van Rompuy, the coming together in both a political and religious sphere and how we would expect to see the Antichrist come forth.

Quote: FFEU and Rabbi Schneier were in Brussels, Belgium yesterday bringing together more than 50 Muslim and Jewish leaders from across the European continent for a round of interfaith talks.

Coordinated in conjunction with the World Jewish Congress and the European Jewish Congress, yesterday's gathering included a personal audience with the president of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy.

President Van Rompuy endorsed the efforts of the Muslim and Jewish leaders to build new bridges of friendship between the two communities. End of Quote

Apart from Van Rompuy, there are actually two political men, or in the case of the former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, a former political figure, who are currently involved in setting up an interfaith religious group. The former British Prime Minister though calls his group the Tony Blair Faith Foundation.

Remember, there was a time that is not too long gone that Blair ran for the presidency of the EU and was piped at the post by Van Rompuy. Then, it was only after that rejection he began to focus on the setting up of his interfaith group, as if that was going to be his redeemer and was ever going to give him a shot at the EU presidency ever again?

At almost exactly the same time as we are seeing the head of the EU meeting with the Islamic and Jewish leaders, we are seeing Tony Blair being brought before a tribunal to answer for his conduct in sending troops off to Iraq to bring down the Saddam Hussein regime, a mere coincidence, I think not?

This appears to be nothing more than a deliberate attempt to discredit Tony Blair from ever having any real prominence of the world stage again so that he could ever be considered again for the role of the EU presidency, and that act seems to have been perpetrated much to the favor of Van Rompuy.

In that sense his faith foundation seems to have failed him miserably, as we see the rise and rise of the Antichrist onto the world scene?

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and the Illuminati

Those that have been saying there is some kind of conspiracy theory attached to the continuing and ongoing WikiLeaks saga are absolutely correct.

There certainly is a conspiracy theory attached to the current saga and there is more of a conspiracy theory attached to it than what those who have made those comments are even aware of.

For the most part those that have been ringing the radio stations and writing in the local media relative to the aforementioned have been close to, but not quite right, relative to the real truth as to what is really behind the current sad and sorry tale of Julian Assange and his WikiLeaks website.

Even though I have never ever met Assange, it seems to me that it is not a matter of coincidence that an Australian with a less than reputable past has been chosen to act out these series of events by posting allegedly stolen cables from various governmental diplomats of varying nations onto his website. NB: For the reasoning behind that statement see the information presented below, and then draw your own conclusions.

I say that I have never ever met Assange for a specific reason, because I haven't, and for me to specifically judge the rationale behind Assange and his actions would not be the right thing to do.

All that I am able to do at the moment is listen to what various others over the local radio stations and in the media have been saying relative to motivations.

Most of the comments I have heard are running along the lines of something like, he is doing what he is, for no other reason other to uplift and edify his own enormous ego.

Then there are others that have been saying he is nothing more than pure evil for the problems he seems to be creating and that he is risking the lives of soldiers serving in overseas posts. That he should be stopped by being arrested for the reasons mentioned above.

Whether or not is the truth of the matter still remains open to contention. As I have mentioned above it is not for me to judge Assange, either one way or the other.

My own thinking relative to what is currently going on relative to the postings of Julian Assange lies in an entirely different direction. It seems to me that Assange seems to be nothing more than a patsy, who for the most part, been deliberately set up to perpetrate a deliberately designed problem so that later on the solution can be found to solve that problem. You will see what I mean by making that statement later on in this article.

If that is not the case, then he is more than that, a lot more. If he is not a patsy, then he has been extremely well paid to publish these series of so called leaked documents for financial gain only.

The facts of the matter are that if he is ever arrested in connection with these leaks then he is as I have said he was initially was -- and is nothing more than a patsy.

However, if he is never ever arrested then we will know that he has been very well paid to do what he has been doing. If that is the case then he will simply have his identity changed and will vanish into obscurity.

The Tactic Is Very Familiar – Know Your Enemy
First there’s the Hegelian Dialectic – create a problem, provoke a reaction and then implement the pre-planned solution.

The staged 9/11 attacks, including the internationally inhabited World Trade Centre justified the ensuing wars and worldwide clampdown on freedoms in the name of security, including the horrendous Patriot Act that was already written and just waiting for an excuse to be signed and implemented.

Similarly, this attack over the international Internet and drawing in diplomatic communities worldwide by exposing state secrets from a variety of countries will greatly help usher in international measures in the name of security, probably spearheaded once again by the fascist US government with coinciding EU, Canadian & Australian measures.

(In the case of Australia - the National Optic Fibre Cable Broadband Network that is currently being set up at a cost of a measly 43 billion dollars and that figure is an underestimation at that)

It’s already under way with the Department of Homeland Security confiscating websites.

All they need is the right incident to justify bringing on full control. Like Internet Terrorism? They just can’t use that term enough now, can they.

After all, it’s a war on terror, and if you’re not for us, you’re for the terrorists. The ultimate false choice, just like everything else they foist on the human consciousness.

Those manipulating world events belong to a cult, a brotherhood that hides behind many names and guises, and to which they pledge their absolute loyalty above everything, even their own flesh and blood.

Commonly referred to as the Illuminati, this cult has an agenda they work to fulfil using certain rituals, methods and tactics. One of their central themes and modus operandums is Ordo Ab Chao– order out of chaos.

Create the chaos, pitting anyone against anyone while controlling and fomenting both sides–hence the double headed red phoenix symbol– for any reason, even killing or exposing their own, to create an illogical madness that they think only they can see through and understand.

All the while they are manipulating world governments, banks, armies and corporate leaders and drawing the net on the outcome they have already planned.

Fear and confusion is the climate they love to foment.

As long as there’s a confused and uninformed populace, the ignorant and fearful masses will be crying out for help from the powers that be – the very powers that be that caused all the problems in the first place.

They're not out to help, they’re out to control. At any cost, by any means necessary.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Is the same old rivalry beginning to remerge between the USA and the Europe?

Cancún climate talks doomed to fail, says EU president

The reaction the newly appointed EU president, Herman Van Rompuy, has made towards the latest round of climate change talks in Cancún was not the kind of response I would had expected, no, not at all. Remember, there are those who had been saying the climate change debate and the subsequent summits that have followed so far have been about nothing more than trying to set up a World Government. That is a viewpoint that I am in total agreement with.

There was even some feelings going on in my mind that there may have been some form of seven year treaty that may have been confirmed by Van Rompuy during the course of the current Mexican summit which could possibly have made it the treaty of Daniel Chapter 9, Verse 27?

Nevertheless, those sort of thoughts can now be totally dismissed out of my mind as being totally irrational, as there simply does not seem to be any real possibility such will ever come to pass, not at this current time at least; not if the amount of negative signals that I am receiving from Van Rompuy from what is going on in Mexico is any indicator to go by. He has already said that he is not even planning to attend, let alone sign any form of treaty for seven years, or otherwise.

At the time he was chosen as the first ever EU president, just last year, there certainly was a time not too far gone when I would have expected a more positive kind of response relative to the current round of talks from the man who came out with a speech on a New World Order and a Global Government when he was first appointed, as if he had aspired to the role himself?

It now seems that Herman van Rompuy has now dismissed the Copenhagen climate summit as 'incredible disaster' and expects Cancún to be no better.

The European Union's new president, Herman Van Rompuy, has predicted "disaster" at the latest crucial round of global climate change negotiations in Mexico and voiced relief that he stayed away from the Copenhagen summit a year ago.

Reporting on a meeting with Van Rompuy in December last year, just after he was the surprise choice to be the first president of the European council, a senior US diplomat described the Belgian as "animated and frustrated".

Van Rompuy said the Copenhagen climate change talks had been "an incredible disaster". Looking forward to the current negotiations in Cancún in Mexico, the European leader predicted that these would be a disaster too. There are now no real doubts at all that this latest outburst from Van Rompuy cannot be anything other than sour grapes.

Van Rompuy complained bitterly that the Europeans had been "totally excluded" and "mistreated" in Copenhagen and said he was only lucky that he had decided to stay away.

"Had I been there my presidency would have been over before it began". The diplomat noted: "He thought it was a wise decision not to attend the conference despite the pressure. He was not angry, in the sense that he never seems angry, but he was as animated and as frustrated as I have seen him."

In public the EU is talking up the case for reviving climate change agreement hopes in Cancún, but last December Van Rompuy was dismissive and pessimistic, both about the Cancún negotiations and about the very format for the talks. "Van Rompuy said he has 'given up on Mexico'," the American reported, while his chief of staff, Van Daele, likened the Cancún talks to the repeat of a bad film and said: 'Who wants to see that horror movie again?' "

Van Rompuy strongly criticised the unwieldy format of the talks, with too many players involved. He urged a concentration on the US, the EU and China, focusing his efforts towards a European-American breakthrough at their summit planned for last May, which in the end did not take place.

"Multilateral meetings will not work," Van Rompuy is quoted as saying. The diplomat went on: "Rather than waiting for a failure at Mexico City he intends to address Copenhagen issues with the United States at Madrid; he envisioned engaging China thereafter. In his mind talks with the US would have to focus on Madrid and not Mexico City."

After his appointment to the presidency of the EU, I still maintain that if the initial response Van Rompuy made in the form of a speech about his setting up and control of a New World Order gives us a real insight into his true motivations, and that there are no real doubts whatsoever that he is the Antichrist?

That being the case, the frustration that he may feel because of the EU being "totally excluded" and "mistreated" from the current round of Climate Change talks, maybe enough in itself to be the start of real trouble?

We still need to keep in mind the tremendous amount of double speak this man seems to have become engaged in of late. He has even said that he was planning on starting a world war when he had said recently that Euroscepticism leads to war. Therefore, he is telling the world what his real intentions are, and that is to start a world war so that he can gain total control of the globe.

Before he can do that though there are certain financial difficulties that he must rectify at home first to bind the nations together financially so that he has total control of the whole of the EU.

After all, there are no real doubts at all that a Third World War would seem to be the correct answer to all of the problems he is experiencing at the moment? If he were ever successful in completing such a campaign, there are also no doubts at all that such a conquest would put him on the top of the heap, so to speak. The word of God says this man will start a world war and he will win the world war.

With the clear and distinct rivalry between the USA and the EU starting to rear its ugly head and with both being desirous of a World Government, and with both wanting to be the heads of that World Government, the same old situations and conditions that existed before the commencement of the second world war are beginning to emerge once again.

This time though there is not just one madman who sets out on a pathway to conquer Europe through his military might, but instead what the world now has is another madman who has already conquered, or is in the process of conquering the EU, through the economy.

There are truly troublesome times ahead, not just for me, but for the whole world.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

How does the current and past financial crisis in the EU relate to the fatal wound of the Beast that is healed in Revelation Chapter 13?

This is extremely important information and cannot be easily dismissed as simply being another one of those conspiracy theories relating to correctly identifying the Antichrist.

There has been a great deal that has been going on ever since the appointment of the first ever full time president to the EU, Herman Van Rompuy, and the following information should help to clarify just how close we are to the end of the current age.

When he was first appointed to the full time presidency of the EU there were many who had scoffed at my initial suggestion that he maybe the Biblical Antichrist. However, with the latest turn of events that reality is becoming more and more likely as every day passes by.

[Just as I side note, there is still a great deal more that is to happen over the next few years before all of the prophecies have totally been fulfilled, but that is not to say there has already been a great deal that has already taken place which has lead me to believe we may have more than enough evidence to conclude that Van Rompuy is indeed just as I had suggested above - the Antichrist.

What is yet to come is the signing of the treaty of Daniel, and then the third world war that is to follow the signing of the treaty.

However, that is not to say I believe both of the aforementioned events are years away. On the contrary, when we look at the Copenhagen Climate Change summit that is to take place next month, and what has been happening on the Korean Peninsula recently, those two aforementioned events may not be as far away as we most of us would like to believe, and that is not just scaremongering.]

By the reading of Revelation Chapter 13 we know that there is no doubting whatsoever the power base for the Antichrist is the presidency of the EU. As such, even the simple appointment of Van Rompuy was enough to reveal his correct identity. Nevertheless, there are still so many that are doubting the accuracy of God's word by not believing he is as I have said above. That being the substance of the matter, even though he fulfils all of the requirements of the prophecy, including having ten horns and ten crowns.

For those who are still sceptical and need further proof that he is as I suggested above, right here, and right now I will provide you with that infallible and dependable proof, and that proof is the word of God itself when we are told in Revelation Chapter13 that initially the Beast had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed.

NB: when we look at what has been prophesized in Revelation Chapter 13 relating to the two beasts, we are not looking at prophecies which could be interpreted in the literal sense. Instead we are looking at something that has been presented to us in a form of symbolism. Such is the case when referring to the fatal wound of the said same chapter.

I have found and reformatted the following article from the Internet. It is not really all necessary to retrace the whole of the article right at the onset of this piece, as the headline itself should be enough to clarify the point I would like to make at this stage.

[Remember what the late and great Barry R Smith had to say relative to any article? He had said that one had only to read the headline, as the rest of the article was someone's opinion only?]

The title of the article read: THE EURO IS NOT DEAD, but it may be fatally wounded as a viable alternative global reserve currency. For now, the dollar reigns supreme, by default, in every sense of the word.
The main context of the article speaks about the bailout packages presented to the three members of the EU. They are Ireland, Greece and Spain. Those three packages were designed specifically by Van Rompuy to bring the three nations mentioned out of the financial crisis's they had fallen into by the mismanagement of their respective economies. Of course, the latest nation of the three mentioned above is Ireland.

But how does this relate to the fatal wound of Revelation Chapter 13?The assertion has been made in other articles on this blog was that the three nations mentioned above were those nations that had been forecasted by the prophet Daniel to be subdued by the Antichrist as he came into power. Effectively, because the three nations mentioned above had gotten themselves into such a financial mess they were forced to accept the bailout packages offered by the IMF. In doing so, they have had to give up their independence and sovereignty, making them dependant on those they had borrowed the money from. In other words, the three nations mentioned above have been subdued by the Antichrist, just as the prophecy said would be the instance of the matter.

As I believe is the case, there are then those who rightly believe in a direct correlation between the book of Daniel and the book of the apocalypse, (the book of the Revelation) when trying to correctly identify the Biblical Antichrist.

If that were so, then what has really caught my eye relative to the aforementioned headline was the terminology used that seemed to indicate that even though the Euro was not yet dead, it had been fatally wounded. We are told in the book of the Revelation that the Antichrist, or the newly appointed president of the EU, has a fatal wound. Notwithstanding that, later on in the same Chapter we are told the fatal wound has been healed.

My claim is that there may as yet be a direct tie in with the three nations the Antichrist subdues as he comes to power and the fatal wound of Revelation Chapter 13 that is later on miraculously healed.

That is, the fatal wound that has been healed may not actually refer to a physical wound but rather to the wounding of the finances of the EU.

When referring to the survival of the EU experiment some of us may well remember that Van Rompuy had said the very continued existence of the EU itself was at stake due to the current financial crisis they were in at the time? That is, before the bailout packages were offered. Then later on as a result of the packages that crises was overcome. In other words, there had been a fatal wound that was affecting the survival of the EU but that the fatal wound had been overcome.

However, with the dollar still remaining supreme and the Final World Empire being the EU, one then must really begin to wonder if there is ever going to be some drastic act of aggression by the EU that is going to cause the US to topple and fall to the fulfilment of Revelation Chapter 18? Personally, I believe that is going to be the case.

The analogy still remains for the prophecies to be fulfilled there must be something really quite drastic that is going to happen to the US if this was ever to come to pass, as it will, as sure as the sun rises in the morning.

REVELATION CHAPTER 13 AND VERSE 3And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.
Now here is that article, may read it and decide if there is any relationship, or tie in between the actual Bible prophecies mentioned above?

THE EURO IS NOT DEAD, but it may be fatally wounded as a viable alternative global reserve currency. For now, the dollar reigns supreme, by default, in every sense of the word.

Almost immediately after Ireland acceded to a bailout from the European Union and the International Monetary Fund, the international bond markets have set their sights on Spain as the next crisis point, sending its government bonds plunging and the cost of insuring its sovereign debt soaring.

“With Ireland moving toward bailout, bond vigilantes apparently have decided to skip over the Portugal domino and target Spain,” writes Uwe Parpart, Cantor Fitzgerald's chief economist and strategist for Asia.

Spain’s credit default swaps hit a record, topping 300 basis points (a premium of $300,000 to insure $10 million debt), to 305 basis points. The yield on 10-year Spanish government bonds has soared a full percentage point as their spreads over German bunds hit a record.

“Another point and Spain will find it difficult to continue refinancing its debt,” Parpart observes.

“Moody’s says Spain is on more solid ground than Ireland. But with still €10 billion to raise this year, bond vigilantes will exact a pound of flesh.”

While there are dire predictions of a breakup of the euro, the costs would be unimaginable. If, for instance, Greece reintroduces the drachma, what happens to its debt obligations denominated in Euros? Would they be paid off in Euros, which would vastly increase the real burden of that debt? Or would they be paid off in drachmas? And at what exchange rate?

So, the euro may lurch from crisis to crisis with serial bailouts, as Chancellor Merkel describes them. Does that sound like the formula for a global reserve currency as reliable as the dollar? For all its problems, the dollar is issued by a government where there is fiscal as well as monetary unity.

There is no doubt that the international monetary system will be less dollar-centric in the years and decades to come. But the euro, whose inherent flaws now are being exposed, no longer looks like a viable alternative. While its exchange rate could rise at times, mainly because of America’s financial vices rather than Europe’s virtues, as long as the uncertainty created by serial bailouts exists, the euro is unlikely to attain the status of a reserve currency equal to the American dollar.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Nigel Farage again quizes the Eurocrats when he asks, just who the Hell do you think you are?

There goes Mr. Nigel Farage again -- bagging the EU experiment for all that he is worth.

Mr Farage says that those that are setting up and conducting the EU experiment are really dangerous people, and he is right. Notwithstanding, are those that are putting this EU experiment into place the really dangerous ones, or is Mr. Farage himself the dangerous one, that is the burning question?

There seems to be a very distinct similarity between our Mr. Farage and the mannerisms of the Biblical Antichrist, so much so, that it makes one really begin to wonder just who this guy really is?

That is not to say that there are any claims from my perspective that he is as I have suggested above that he may be. However, that is not to say that he is still an individual that needs to be kept a very close eye on at all times. Not just me, but the world in general needs to watch him very closely, just to see which direction he leans towards in the future.

The point is, even though he seems to be attacking the Eurocrats who are supposedly running the EU, is he doing so out of a sense of frustration at the manner in which the whole of the experiment is going, or is he doing so out of frustration in the sense that he wants the top job as the EU president for himself...?

However that does not seem to be very likely, given that we are told that Antichrist achieves his power base through flattery and intrigue. That being said, the manner in which Farage is conducting himself seems to be quite contrary to the method the world would expect the Antichrist to come forth and into power when we are told the Antichrist comes forth as the peacemaker of the Middle East.

That is not to say there have been so many, for so long, who have been saying there was a very strong possibility that the Antichrist was of British origins.

So here are the latest comments of Nigel Farage...

Just Who The Hell Do You Think You Are?
Famous euroskeptic Nigel Farage in just under 4 brief minutes tells more truth about the entire European experiment than all European bankers, commissioners, and politicians have done in the past decade. As we have already said pretty much all of this before, we present it without commentary:

“Good morning Mr. van Rompuy, you’ve been in office for one year, and in that time the whole edifice is beginning to crumble, there’s chaos, the money’s running out, I should thank you – you should perhaps be the pinup boy of the euroskeptic movement. But just look around this chamber this morning, look at these faces, look at the fear, look at the anger. Poor Barroso here looks like he’s seen a ghost. They’re beginning to understand that the game is up. And yet in their desperation to preserve their dream, they want to remove any remaining traces of democracy from the system. And it’s pretty clear that none of you have learned anything.

When you yourself Mr. van Rompuy say that the euro has brought us stability, I supposed I could applaud you for having a sense of humour, but isn’t this really just the bunker mentality.

We had the Greek tragedy earlier on this year, and now we have the situation in Ireland. I know that the stupidity and greed of Irish politicians has a lot to do with this: they should never, ever have joined the euro. They suffered with low interest rates, a false boom and a massive bust. But look at your response to them: what they are being told as their government is collapsing is that it would be inappropriate for them to have a general election. In fact commissioner Rehn here said they had to agree to a budget first before they are allowed to have a general election.

Just who the hell do you think you people are. You are very, very dangerous people indeed: your obsession with creating this European state means that you are happy to destroy democracy, you appear to be happy with millions and millions of people to be unemployed and to be poor. Untold millions will suffer so that your euro dream can continue. Well it won’t work, cause its Portugal next with their debt levels of 325% of GDP they are the next ones on the list, and after that I suspect it will be Spain, and the bailout for Spain will be 7 times the size of Ireland, and at that moment all the bailout money will is gone – there won’t be any more.

But it’s even more serious than economics, because if you rob people of their identity, if you rob them of their democracy, then all they are left with is nationalism and violence. I can only hope and pray that the euro project is destroyed by the markets before that.” End of Quote

Friday, November 26, 2010

Why there will never ever be a nuclear confrontation on the Korean Peninsula

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) - South Korea says two marines have been killed and 16 others injured in a North Korean bombardment of a South Korean island near the countries' disputed western sea border.

South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff said Tuesday that it returned fire and scrambled fighter jets in response. It said the "inhumane" attack on civilian areas violated the 1953 armistice halting the Korean War. The two sides technically remain at war because a peace treaty was never negotiated.

The skirmish came amid high tension over North Korea's claim that it has a new uranium enrichment facility, and just six weeks after North Korean leader Kim Jong Il unveiled his youngest son Kim Jong Un as his heir apparent. End of Quote

Instead of relying on what the word of God has to say relative to certain topic matters, there are still those out there in cyber land who choose to rely on the word of a man instead.

Those that fit into the abovementioned categories appear to be continually referring to a book that has been written by a man, which was more than likely Satanically inspired to begin with?

One really has to question statements such as the Illuminati has planned a "nuclear confrontation" on the Korean Peninsula as part of their World War III scenario.

The facts of the matter are that there is nothing in the Holy Scriptures that substantiates the veracity of any such statement, in any shape or form whatsoever.

There has been the threat of a nuclear confrontation that would end mankind's very existence here on the earth for as long as I am able to remember. The threat has been there for decades but that is all it has been a threat, and a bogus threat at that.

To make such a statement is nothing more than blatant scaremongering designed to place fear and trepidation into the hearts of men with a threat that is totally nonexistent.

Even though there are more than likely enough nuclear weapons stockpiled right around the world that could potentially destroy the planet several times over, the facts of the matter there is a very good reason why this has not happened well before now.

Even though they have masses and masses of these weapons they don't have the trigger to fire them.

There are those rogue nations that have them, and are able to launch them, but if they were ever sent against a nation such as the US, or even Australia, they wouldn't detonate upon impact unless the sun is in the right position to activate the neutrons in the warheads

Therefore, there is no possibility whatsoever that there will never ever be a nuclear war that is going to threaten mankind's very existence here on the earth, as there will never ever be an all out nuclear confrontation that is ever going to be launched one nation against another nation.

There are going to be some are going to say well what about the atom bombs that were dropped over Japan to end the second world war?

The manner in which those bombs were dropped only goes to prove the point I am making.

Before those bombs were dropped in order for the sun to be in the right position the planes that did the dastardly deed were made to circle around the drop points for hours and hours before the bombs were off loaded so that the sun could be in the right position to ignite the neutrons in the warheads once they had impacted upon the earth.

As the old saying goes the proof of the pudding is in the eating, and for the proof of that statement we need to look no further than the Holy Bible itself, and the four horsemen of the apocalypse in Revelation Chapter 6.

The below mentioned verses describe what the Antichrist does.

Firstly, he comes forth on a White Horse with a bow with no arrows in the bow. That seems to indicate that he comes forth as a peacemaker of types or that he joins nations together into some form of a treaty for the alleged betterment of mankind.

Then we are told he rides a Red Horse whereby He is given a large sword and that he takes peace from the earth causing men to slay each other. A large sword simply means a large weapon, but it still does not insinuate a nuclear weapon.

There seems to be a common error that a great deal of Christians are making by reading into the Bible something that is not there at all. An example of this is the so called rapture of the church, when there is nothing whatsoever in the Bible that says anything at all about a rapture.

The same analogy may be applied to the large weapon the Antichrist is given with there being so many that are assuming the large weapon he is given is a nuclear weapon, when the Bible does not say that at all.

It simply says that he is given a large weapon when it could mean that he is given a weapon that no one else in the world has, but not of necessity a nuclear weapon; otherwise how is it that he is able to gain global dominance in the manner that the Bible describes he does? If there is anyone out there who is able to answer that very difficult question I would really appreciate it?

1 And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see.

2 And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.

3 And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see.

4 And there went out another horse [that was] red: and [power] was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.

5 And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand.

6 And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and [see] thou hurt not the oil and the wine.

7 And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see.

8 And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

9 And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held:

10 And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?

11 And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellowservants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they [were], should be fulfilled.

12 And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;

13 And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.

14 And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.

15 And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;

16 And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:

17 For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Question - what lies ahead towards the fulfilment of the Bible Prophecies?

There is news aplenty that is abounding at the moment relative to the end times that can be summed up by the following:
Some of the Bible prophecies mentioned in this article have already been fulfilled.

On the other hand, there are others that have not come to pass.

Nevertheless, there is a very strong probability that the preponderance of them may be fulfilled in the foreseeable future, and certainly in the lifetimes of the majority of those that are reading this article?

Relative to the end times one may therefore ask, what has already been achieved and what is yet to come?

Firstly, the power base for the Antichrist is the presidency of the EU Council of Ministers.

Therefore, has the leader of the EU been appointed? The answer to that is a very affirmative, yes, and he is Herman Van Rompuy.

Therefore, and even though it is not really all that wise to set dates, the EU will last just 42 months from the date of that appointment; that is, from the 01st of January 2010 until the 31st of June 2014.

Secondly, we are told in the book of Daniel that in coming to power the president of the EU (the little horn of Daniel) subdues three kings, or nations.

23 Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces.
24 And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise: and another shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings.

Has that happened?

Yes it has! The news that is coming out of the media is that Ireland has been forced to accept a bailout package for the financial difficulties they were facing.

That means they have effectively lost their independence and sovereignty, and have now become dependent on the IMF and the nations they borrowed the money from.

As a consequence, they have been subdued, just as the Bible said would be the case, and this much to the disgust of some of the Irish politicians who see no other way out other than to resign their ministries as a form of protest over these latest developments.

The other two nations that are being forced to accept the packages are Greece and Portugal.

When I went to school 1 + 2 equalled 3, so there we have the three nations mentioned in the Bible prophecies the Antichrist subdues in coming to power.

To usher in the return of the Lord Jesus Christ back onto the earth and to prove the correct identity of the Antichrist we have yet to see the confirmation, or rubber stamping, of a seven year Middle East peace treaty between Israel and the Palestinians. See the other articles mentioned on this blog relative to that subject matter.

This has not happened as yet, BUT, with the latest news the US has effectively bribed the Israelis with the promise of 30 stealth fighter jets, and a guarantee there would be no interference from the UN should Israel react in an aggressive manner against any hostilities against its borders.

All of this in exchange for just a 90 day freeze on the building of Jewish settlements on Palestinian land, the news could not be much worse for the Arab states in the region.

We are told in the prophecies of Revelation Chapter 6 that as the Antichrist comes forth as the peacemaker of the Middle East -- but after his confirmation of the treaty of Daniel from this temporary peace the Antichrist will plunge the world into the most cataclysmic world war the world has ever seen.

REVELATION CHAPTER 6 AND VERSES 2 AND 36:2 And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.

6:3 "And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see." "And there went out another horse [that was] red: and [power] was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword."

With the US heavily arming Israel as they are doing at the moment with 3 billion dollars worth of Stealth fighter jets there is going to be nothing that is going to stand in the way of Israel once the conflict mentioned above begins, no, nothing at all. Therefore it now looks as if the treaty of Daniel mentioned above is extremely close indeed.

DANIEL CHAPTER 9 AND VERSE 27And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.

This is not scaremongering, those are the facts of the matter.

There is a solution to the current Middle East peace crisis and it is a plain as the nose on your face, in the case of the Jews, that pun needs to be excused. All that is needed to close any Middle East peace deal is for the Palestinians to recognize “tiny Israel as the one and only Jewish state.”

There also need to be permanent solutions found to stopping the building of settlements on the West Bank.

There also needs to be the right of return or compensation for Palestinian refugees, and they need the right to share the Holy Sites in Jerusalem.

There also needs to be a going back to the 1967 borders and for the Israelis to cease stealing and occupying land the Palestinians have lived on for hundreds of years.

Over the decades there has been numerous acts of terrorism that have been committed by both sides.

However, there still remains a differential between the two sides that cannot be distinguished.

As a consequence, there still remains a question mark as to who is more to blame for the atrocities that have been committed over the dozens of years the fighting has been going on?

Therefore, the reality still remains that there is not one side that is more guilty, or more innocent for that matter, of acts of terrorism than the other.

Consequently, it really is a toss of the coin as to who are more to blame for the genocide that have been perpetrated over there for decades, but that is not to say that I am still in favour of a viable, just two-state solution.

If there was ever the chance of peace being achieved in the Middle East it would also be advantageous for that objective to be achieved if Israel stopped destroying Palestinian homes, took down the wall that divided the two warring parties, and did away with the checkpoints.

If those stipulations were ever agreed to then there may be an extremely good chance of peace in the region?