Strasbourg, France
European Union President Herman Van Rompuy, signalled Wednesday that the bloc's working in formulating new anti-deficit rules is nearing completion.
EU states pledged greater discipline in their budgets after Greece's debt and budget deficit crisis threatened to spill over to its neighbours in the eurozone.
But efforts to agree on the new rules aimed at preventing such scenarios in future, have so far faltered.
Despite that failure, Van Rompuy said he was ready to make final proposals on the subject to EU finance ministers on Monday.
'I will submit a draft of the global report (on the reforms) to the task force on September 27,' Van Rompuy told the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France.
He rejected criticism that EU finance ministers had achieved little, claiming that since the task force's first meeting in May it had 'covered an enormous amount of ground in a very short time.'
But Van Rompuy conceded that 'more work is needed' on the contentious issue of penalties for EU budget breakers.
Germany has called for an EU treaty change to enforce greater discipline, but others do not want to embark on such a lengthy process, given that the last change in EU rules took almost 10 years to get approved.
Some have suggested that profligate countries should have their EU funds cut. But France says this should not involve agricultural subsidies, while Spain and Poland want to ring-fence regional handouts.
By presenting his report on Monday, Van Rompuy will anticipate parallel proposals that the European Commission, the EU's executive, is expected to unveil on September 29.
Those suggestions 'may positively contribute to keep the momentum,' said Van Rompuy, who according to some observers is engaged in a power struggle with the commission on who gets to write the new budget rules.
EU leaders are meant to agree on a final package at a summit in Brussels on October 28-29.
'This spring we won the battle of the euro. Next month I am confident we will draw the final right lessons (from) this crisis,' Van Rompuy said. End of Quote
Barroso calls for stronger US links
EUROPEAN COMMISSION president José Manuel Barroso has called for deeper ties between the EU and the US, saying the two are “indispensable” allies in the global arena.
In a speech in which he pointed to the limits of American power, Mr Barroso said a convincing response to issues such as global security and economics was “ultimately impossible” without active co-operation between Europe and the US.
He also suggested Europe has already overcome the worst of the financial crisis, echoing the view of European Council chief Herman Van Rompuy that the EU authorities “won the battle on the euro” during the Greek debt crisis.
“This phase of the crisis was the biggest ‘stress test’ that Europe has faced for many decades. We have passed it,” Mr Barroso said.
The bulk of his address at Columbia University in New York, however, was devoted to Europe’s ties with the US.
Mr Barroso has been pressing for a renewal of Europe’s links with Washington after tension over climate change policy and an apparent snub by President Barack Obama when he cancelled an EU-US summit, an event that has since been rescheduled.
Mr Barroso said no other partnership was as intense and rich as the transatlantic one, adding that the EU and US shared the same “fundamental values” of liberty and democracy.
“No country, no matter how powerful it may be – not even the United States – is able to tackle the challenges of the 21st century on its own,” he said.
“We either stand together and prosper or we fall separately. This is a fact of life in the 21st century.”
Mr Barroso, who is known to be concerned that the EU/US relationship is not living up to its full potential, called for joint action on the economy, trade, development policy, climate change and security.
Europe and the US should be to the fore in the G20 group of developed and developing countries as it battles the financial crisis, he said. End of Quote
Nero Fiddles While Rome Burns
There is something going on right now that the world has a right to know about if they cannot see it already, and l do not believe the majority of the worlds populace can see what is going on?
The two quotations mentioned above come from the president of the EU Council of Ministers Herman Van Rompuy and the president of the EU Commission Jose Manuel Barroso.
Both of these men appear to be working in tangent with one another - just as the Bible said would be the case with the Antichrist and the False Prophet as they set out to achieve a New World Order.
I recall while watching DVDs by the late and great Barry R Smith that he had said that the planners behind the New World Order where planning to destroy the American economy so that the world economy could be shifted over to Europe under the control of the Antichrist.
That is exactly what is going on right now and yet most people are either too blind, or too stupid, or both, to see what is going on.
As the old saying goes Nero is fiddling while Rome burns: meaning that as the economy crumbles around him all that the American president is doing is trying to achieve Middle East peace instead of trying to rectify the economic markets.
That in itself is a very commendable thing to try and achieve, but really, not right now at this particular time in history as his country melts around him.
Under the control of Barak Obama as the US economy falls to pieces, at the same time under the direction of their newly appointed full time president Herman Van Rompuy the EU economy has overcome its difficulties and is now going gangbusters, so much so that it makes one wonder if this has not been planned all along and has all been a part of a much larger plot; it now seems that it might have been?
As the American economy falls to pieces it is sure to affect the rest of the world; on the other hand who will be there to lift the world out of its doldrums - the EU president will be there and he will do for the rest of the world what he did for Europe.
As the founder of the EU Henri Spaak had said send us a man to lift us out of this economic morass into which we are sinking and whether he be from God or the Devil we will accept him - BUT - as students of Bible Prophecy know they will not get a man from God but will instead get a man from Satan.
[Just quietly, l do not believe that the Australian economy is going as well as they would like us believe either and that the only portion of our economy that is keeping us buoyant is the minerals sector.]
Statement: The Antichrist will be the dictator who is going to lift the world out of an economic collapse.
The aim of this blog is to identify those newsworthy events that tie in with Bible Prophecies. Then to report those findings back here. In doing so, those who read the articles may be readily informed as to where the world stands relative to the end times.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Morning and Evening Devotions -- by Charles Spurgeon
The believer in Christ receives a present justification. Faith does not produce this fruit by-and-by, but now. So far as justification is the result of faith, it is given to the soul in the moment when it closes with Christ, and accepts Him as it's all in all. Are they who stand before the throne of God justified now?--so are we, as truly and as clearly justified as they who walk in white and sing melodious praises to celestial harps. The thief upon the cross was justified the moment that he turned the eye of faith to Jesus; and Paul, the aged, after years of service, was not more justified than was the thief with no service at all. We are to-day accepted in the Beloved, to-day absolved from sin, to-day acquitted at the bar of God.
Oh! soul-transporting thought! There are some clusters of Eshcol's vine which we shall not be able to gather till we enter heaven; but this is a bough which runneth over the wall. This is not as the corn of the land, which we can never eat till we cross the Jordan; but this is part of the manna in the wilderness, a portion of our daily nutriment with which God supplies us in our journeying to and fro. We are now--even now pardoned; even now are our sins put away; even now we stand in the sight of God accepted, as though we had never been guilty. "There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus." There is not a sin in the Book of God, even now, against one of His people. Who dareth to lay anything to their charge? There is neither speck, nor spot, nor wrinkle, nor any such thing remaining upon any one believer in the matter of justification in the sight of the Judge of all the earth. Let present privilege awaken us to present duty, and now, while life lasts, let us spend and be spent for our sweet Lord Jesus Christ.
Oh! soul-transporting thought! There are some clusters of Eshcol's vine which we shall not be able to gather till we enter heaven; but this is a bough which runneth over the wall. This is not as the corn of the land, which we can never eat till we cross the Jordan; but this is part of the manna in the wilderness, a portion of our daily nutriment with which God supplies us in our journeying to and fro. We are now--even now pardoned; even now are our sins put away; even now we stand in the sight of God accepted, as though we had never been guilty. "There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus." There is not a sin in the Book of God, even now, against one of His people. Who dareth to lay anything to their charge? There is neither speck, nor spot, nor wrinkle, nor any such thing remaining upon any one believer in the matter of justification in the sight of the Judge of all the earth. Let present privilege awaken us to present duty, and now, while life lasts, let us spend and be spent for our sweet Lord Jesus Christ.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
What Does the Future Hold for the Unsaved?
From the point of view of the unsaved there is something so terrible, so frightening going on at the moment that it really defies description with the intensively of fear that it is soon going to evoke. I am not talking about some small irrelevant matter here what l am talking about is going to have earth shattering consequences for the survival of mankind as we know it.
l would even doubt the ability of mankind to survive what is about to befall the earth and its inhabitants? In fact mankind as we know it will not survive...
For those of us that are regular Bible readers we know that when the ancients tried to build the Tower of Babel to the Heavens God became very angry and destroyed it and then as a form of punishment divided mankind up into different nationalities, speaking different tongues. The New World Order is the modern day tower of Babel and just as God destroyed the tower of Babel in ancient times, thousands of years ago, he will destroy its modern equivalent -- the NWO.
The world has been divided up into four sections: the Asian Union, the African Union, the North American Union and the European Union - and as the 01st of January 2010 and on the very same day that a full time EU president was appointed to the EU [known Biblically as the Antichrist] we entered into the final throngs of mankind's existence here on the earth as we know it; from the date of that appointment the first portion of the NWO was completed and the anger of God's wrath against the planet and its inhabitants began. There is no doubting my word as one has only to look at the daily news broadcasts to see the ever increasing frequency of natural disasters that have come upon the planet of late.
This is not a joke or something that is to be taken lightly this is something that is deadly serious in nature and is not to be scoffed at or ridiculed in any shape or form whatsoever, we are right at the end of the age as we know it.
We know that the first ever full time president of the EU is one of the two beasts of Revelation Chapter 13, (either the Antichrist or the False Prophet) and this shall be confirmed by his authorization of a seven year Middle East peace treaty in the interim future as per Daniel Chapter 9 Verse 27.
Dan 9:27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.
There are meetings taking place over the current conflict in the Middle East even as I write this piece -- and if I were a betting man I wouldn't mind laying a wager that there will be some form of a covenant reached as a result of these current talks within twelve months; once there is a treaty that has been signed the final seven years of the end times will begin.
Now the point of this blog is not to frighten anyone but as has been mentioned above after the signing of the treaty seven years of tribulation will begin upon the earth with the first three and a half years called sorrows and the second half of the seven years called the Great Tribulation.
I would envisage that during the period of sorrows there will be one natural disaster one on top of each other, compounding, so that just as soon as one starts another one will start also, that there won't be one section of the globe that remains unaffected.
Then after the Antichrist breaks the treaty and moves into the temple and from there proclaims himself to be God reincarnate here on the earth the end of the world as we know it shall begin.
NB: I am not saying that the world is going to be utterly destroyed, the Bible does not teach that and neither am I, but what I am saying is that the world will be changed to such an extent that those who concurrently inhabit it will not be able to do so for much longer.
The result of that will be that there will be very few people left remaining on the earth as the intensity and frequency of the natural disasters become so unbearable that even those with the extremes of wealth and in the highest positions of government will not be able to stand up to it. Consequently they will go and hide themselves in caves just as God warned us is going to be the case in the last book of the Bible - the Book of the Apocalypse.
The point of my mentioning all of this doomsday type stuff is for those that those that are reading it will be aware of what is right around the corner so that they can make sure that they can be saved, before it is too late, those that are unsaved may be Born Again by reciting the believers prayer of repentance attached to the bottom of this blog; please do so as soon as you can as this may be the last chance for some to ever do so again.
Why Daniel 9:27 is Essential to Understanding Prophecy
To Honor Jesus Christ, Glorify God, Encourage Believers, & Warn All
This information is offered with the hope that YOU can come to KNOW the Lord personally.
To Get a True Understanding of Daniel 9:24-27, read Daniel's prayer at the bottom of this page.
This page could be Subtitled:
One of the MOST AWESOME Prayers Ever Prayed!!
If you really want to build a Biblical system describing the end-times and you fail to include Daniel 9:27, you will have no system at all. It is the failure to understand and apply Daniel 9:27 that is the root cause for failure in other false end-times systems of thought.
A total of seventy (70) "WEEKS" are determined for "thy people", Daniel's people, the Jews. Sixty nine (69) of these "WEEKS" have already happened. Because these sixty nine (69) "WEEKS" that have ALREADY happened lasted a total of 483 years, we know how long the 70th "WEEK" will be.
The reason we know that the 70th "week" lasts 7 years is that the 7 "weeks" and 62 "weeks" (a total of 69 "weeks"), which have already happened, lasted exactly 483 years = 69 weeks X 7 years/week. The Messiah made His triumphant entry into the City of Jerusalem (Mathew 21:8) exactly 483 years after the commandment of Artaxerxes to rebuild the temple, March 14, 445 B.C. Subsequently He was "cutoff", crucified as recorded in Daniel 9:26. Please note that He was crucified AFTER the 7 weeks and the 62 weeks. That is, He was crucified AFTER the 69th week.
This whole prophecy (of Daniel) was made in 538 B.C. while the Jews were in Babylon at the end of their 70-year captivity. The 1st 69 "weeks" were fulfilled exactly as predicted and the 70th "week" will also.
Daniel 9:24 SEVENTY WEEKS are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy.
Here are the Sixty nine (7 + 62) "WEEKS" that have already Happened
Daniel 9:25 Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be SEVEN WEEKS , and THREESCORE and TWO WEEKS: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times.
Daniel 9:26 And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.
Here is the ONE "WEEK" that Remains
Daniel 9:27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for ONE WEEK : and in the MIDST of the WEEK he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.
Since God said he would deal with the Jews as a NATION for SEVENTY "WEEKS" and He promised to regather them nationally in the future in preparation for His Coming, then, God plans to deal with the NATION Israel in the future for ONE "WEEK" before He returns. To say that ONE WEEK of Daniel 9:27 has already happened (since God says He will regather Israel as a NATION) is to say there will be 71 WEEKS. To say that the week WILL NOT happen in the future is to say there are less than SEVENTY "WEEKS."
Since we already know (from the 69 weeks that HAVE happened) that a "WEEK" is SEVEN YEARS, then, God must have a future dealing with the NATION Israel for SEVEN years.
What did Jesus Christ Himself have to say about this?
In Mathew 24:3 Jesus was asked a question- " ...what shall be the sign of thy coming and of the end of the world?"
Jesus Answers the Question About TIMING of the End of the Age
Matthew 24:15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation , spoken of by Daniel the prophet , stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)
Matthew 24:16 Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains:
Matthew 24:17 Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house:
Matthew 24:18 Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes.
Matthew 24:19 And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days!
Matthew 24:20 But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day:
Matthew 24:21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.
Here we have Jesus making a direct reference to Daniel 9:27
l would even doubt the ability of mankind to survive what is about to befall the earth and its inhabitants? In fact mankind as we know it will not survive...
For those of us that are regular Bible readers we know that when the ancients tried to build the Tower of Babel to the Heavens God became very angry and destroyed it and then as a form of punishment divided mankind up into different nationalities, speaking different tongues. The New World Order is the modern day tower of Babel and just as God destroyed the tower of Babel in ancient times, thousands of years ago, he will destroy its modern equivalent -- the NWO.
The world has been divided up into four sections: the Asian Union, the African Union, the North American Union and the European Union - and as the 01st of January 2010 and on the very same day that a full time EU president was appointed to the EU [known Biblically as the Antichrist] we entered into the final throngs of mankind's existence here on the earth as we know it; from the date of that appointment the first portion of the NWO was completed and the anger of God's wrath against the planet and its inhabitants began. There is no doubting my word as one has only to look at the daily news broadcasts to see the ever increasing frequency of natural disasters that have come upon the planet of late.
This is not a joke or something that is to be taken lightly this is something that is deadly serious in nature and is not to be scoffed at or ridiculed in any shape or form whatsoever, we are right at the end of the age as we know it.
We know that the first ever full time president of the EU is one of the two beasts of Revelation Chapter 13, (either the Antichrist or the False Prophet) and this shall be confirmed by his authorization of a seven year Middle East peace treaty in the interim future as per Daniel Chapter 9 Verse 27.
Dan 9:27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.
There are meetings taking place over the current conflict in the Middle East even as I write this piece -- and if I were a betting man I wouldn't mind laying a wager that there will be some form of a covenant reached as a result of these current talks within twelve months; once there is a treaty that has been signed the final seven years of the end times will begin.
Now the point of this blog is not to frighten anyone but as has been mentioned above after the signing of the treaty seven years of tribulation will begin upon the earth with the first three and a half years called sorrows and the second half of the seven years called the Great Tribulation.
I would envisage that during the period of sorrows there will be one natural disaster one on top of each other, compounding, so that just as soon as one starts another one will start also, that there won't be one section of the globe that remains unaffected.
Then after the Antichrist breaks the treaty and moves into the temple and from there proclaims himself to be God reincarnate here on the earth the end of the world as we know it shall begin.
NB: I am not saying that the world is going to be utterly destroyed, the Bible does not teach that and neither am I, but what I am saying is that the world will be changed to such an extent that those who concurrently inhabit it will not be able to do so for much longer.
The result of that will be that there will be very few people left remaining on the earth as the intensity and frequency of the natural disasters become so unbearable that even those with the extremes of wealth and in the highest positions of government will not be able to stand up to it. Consequently they will go and hide themselves in caves just as God warned us is going to be the case in the last book of the Bible - the Book of the Apocalypse.
The point of my mentioning all of this doomsday type stuff is for those that those that are reading it will be aware of what is right around the corner so that they can make sure that they can be saved, before it is too late, those that are unsaved may be Born Again by reciting the believers prayer of repentance attached to the bottom of this blog; please do so as soon as you can as this may be the last chance for some to ever do so again.
Why Daniel 9:27 is Essential to Understanding Prophecy
To Honor Jesus Christ, Glorify God, Encourage Believers, & Warn All
This information is offered with the hope that YOU can come to KNOW the Lord personally.
To Get a True Understanding of Daniel 9:24-27, read Daniel's prayer at the bottom of this page.
This page could be Subtitled:
One of the MOST AWESOME Prayers Ever Prayed!!
If you really want to build a Biblical system describing the end-times and you fail to include Daniel 9:27, you will have no system at all. It is the failure to understand and apply Daniel 9:27 that is the root cause for failure in other false end-times systems of thought.
A total of seventy (70) "WEEKS" are determined for "thy people", Daniel's people, the Jews. Sixty nine (69) of these "WEEKS" have already happened. Because these sixty nine (69) "WEEKS" that have ALREADY happened lasted a total of 483 years, we know how long the 70th "WEEK" will be.
The reason we know that the 70th "week" lasts 7 years is that the 7 "weeks" and 62 "weeks" (a total of 69 "weeks"), which have already happened, lasted exactly 483 years = 69 weeks X 7 years/week. The Messiah made His triumphant entry into the City of Jerusalem (Mathew 21:8) exactly 483 years after the commandment of Artaxerxes to rebuild the temple, March 14, 445 B.C. Subsequently He was "cutoff", crucified as recorded in Daniel 9:26. Please note that He was crucified AFTER the 7 weeks and the 62 weeks. That is, He was crucified AFTER the 69th week.
This whole prophecy (of Daniel) was made in 538 B.C. while the Jews were in Babylon at the end of their 70-year captivity. The 1st 69 "weeks" were fulfilled exactly as predicted and the 70th "week" will also.
Daniel 9:24 SEVENTY WEEKS are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy.
Here are the Sixty nine (7 + 62) "WEEKS" that have already Happened
Daniel 9:25 Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be SEVEN WEEKS , and THREESCORE and TWO WEEKS: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times.
Daniel 9:26 And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.
Here is the ONE "WEEK" that Remains
Daniel 9:27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for ONE WEEK : and in the MIDST of the WEEK he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.
Since God said he would deal with the Jews as a NATION for SEVENTY "WEEKS" and He promised to regather them nationally in the future in preparation for His Coming, then, God plans to deal with the NATION Israel in the future for ONE "WEEK" before He returns. To say that ONE WEEK of Daniel 9:27 has already happened (since God says He will regather Israel as a NATION) is to say there will be 71 WEEKS. To say that the week WILL NOT happen in the future is to say there are less than SEVENTY "WEEKS."
Since we already know (from the 69 weeks that HAVE happened) that a "WEEK" is SEVEN YEARS, then, God must have a future dealing with the NATION Israel for SEVEN years.
What did Jesus Christ Himself have to say about this?
In Mathew 24:3 Jesus was asked a question- " ...what shall be the sign of thy coming and of the end of the world?"
Jesus Answers the Question About TIMING of the End of the Age
Matthew 24:15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation , spoken of by Daniel the prophet , stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)
Matthew 24:16 Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains:
Matthew 24:17 Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house:
Matthew 24:18 Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes.
Matthew 24:19 And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days!
Matthew 24:20 But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day:
Matthew 24:21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.
Here we have Jesus making a direct reference to Daniel 9:27
Friday, September 17, 2010
Secrets of the Bible - the Bible Code and Doctor Ivan Panin
Barry R Smith was thought at the time of his ministry to be New Zealands most famous evangalist. l have studied his works quite extensively. Barry had said at his public meetings (and recorded onto his DVDs) and wrote extensively about in his Christian newspaper, the Omega Times, (and in his seven published books) that secret codes were concealed in the Holy Bible that he had said proved beyond any reasonable doubt that the Bible was the word of God.
As a consequence of those codes Barry had said that the Holy Bible could not have been written by anyone else other than the creator; that is, the living God. He had said that here are no such codes anywhere in the Koran, the book of the Mormon, the book of the Jehovah, or any other religious book anywhere on the planet; simply there is nothing else that even comes close or compares to the Holy Bible as being proof that it is the word of God because of the codes the Bible contained
l recall in his sermons Barry had made mention of a Russian called Ivan Panin who had set out to prove that the Bible was not the word of God, but after he had studied the Bible the whole of his life he said he had no doubts at all that the Bible was the word of God because of the codes that he had found in the Bible. Codes that are now commonly known as the Bible Code.
The Mathematical Genius of Doctor Ivan Panin
By Keith Newman.
The authenticity of the Holy Bible has been attacked at regular intervals by athiests and theologians alike but none have explained away the mathematical seal beneath its surface.
It would seem the divine hand has moved to prevent counterfeiting in the pages of the Bible in a similar manner to the line that runs through paper money. Bible numerics appears to be God's watermark of authenticity.
Vital research on this numeric seal was completed by a native of the world's most renowned atheistic nation, Russia. Dr Ivan Panin was born in Russia on Dec 12, 1855. As a young man he was an active nihilist and participated in plots against the Czar and his government. He was a mathematical genius who died a Harvard scholar and a citizen of the United States in 1942.
Panin was exiled from Russia. After spending a number of years studying in Germany he went to the United States where he became an outstanding lecturer on literary criticism.
Panin was known as a firm agnostic - so well known that when he discarded his agnosticism and accepted the Christian faith, the newspapers carried headlines telling of his conversion.
It was in 1890 that Dr Panin made the discovery of the mathematical structure underlining the vocabulary of the Greek New Testament. He was casually reading the first verse of the gospel of John in the Greek: "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with the God and the Word was God...".
Dr Panin was curious as to why the Greek word for "the"' preceeded the word "God"' in one case and not the other. In examining the text he became aware of a number relationship. This was the first of the discoveries that led to his conversion and uncovered the extensive numeric code.
Oldest manuscripts
Dr Panin found his proof in the some of the oldest and most accurate manuscripts - the Received Hebrew Text and the Westcott and Hort Text.
In the original languages of the Bible, mostly Hebrew and Greek, there are no separate symbols for numbers, letters of the alphabet are also used to indicate numbers.
The numeric value of a word is the sum total of all its letters. It was curiosity that first caused Dr Panin to begin toying with the numbers behind the texts. Sequences and patterns began to emerge. These created such a stirring in the heart of the Russian that he dedicated 50 years of his life to painstakingly comb the pages of the Bible.
This complex system of numbering visibly and invisibly saturates every book of the scriptures emphasising certain passages and illustrating deeper or further meaning in types and shadows. The 66 books of the Bible 39 in the Old and 27 in the New were written by 33 different people.
Those authors were scattered throughout various countries of the world and from widely different backgrounds. Many of them had little or no schooling. The whole Bible was written over a period of 1500 years with a 400 year silence apart from the Apocrypha between the two testaments. Despite the handicaps the biblical books are found to be a harmonious record, each in accord with the other.
Dr Panin says the laws of probability are exceeded into the billions when we try and rationalise the authorship of the Bible as the work of man. He once said: "If human logic is worth anything at all we are simply driven to the conclusion that if my facts I have presented are true, man could never have done this.
Inspiration from on high
"We must assume that a Power higher than man guided the writers in such a way, whether they knew it or not, they did it and the Great God inspired them to do it''.
The Bible itself states clearly that it is the literal God-breathed'' living word of the Creator. The words "Thus saith the Lord"' and "God said"' occur more than 2500 times throughout scripture.
In 2 Timothy 3:16 it states "All scripture is given by inspiration of God". Then in 2 Peter 9:20-21 it plainly states: "No prophecy of the scriptures is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost".
Let's take the number seven as an illustration of the way the patterns work. Seven is the most prolific of the mathematical series which binds scripture together. The very first verse of the Bible "In the begining God created the heaven and the earth" (Gen 1:1), contains over 30 different combinations of seven.
This verse has seven Hebrew words having a total of 28 letters 4 x 7. The numeric value of the three nouns "God", "heaven" and "earth" totals 777. Any number in triplicate expresses complete, ultimate or total meaning.
Also tightly sealed up with sevens are the genealogy of Jesus, the account of the virgin birth and the resurrection. Seven occurs as a number 187 times in the Bible (41 x 7), the phrase "seven-fold" occurs seven times and "seventy" occurs 56 times (7 x 8).
In the Book of Revelation seven positively shines out: there are seven golden candlesticks, seven letters to seven churches, a book sealed with seven seals, seven angels standing before the Lord with seven trumpets, seven thunders and seven last plagues. In fact there are over 50 occurrences of the number seven in Revelation alone.
Divisible by seven
There are 21 Old Testament writers whose names appear in the Bible (3 x 7). The numeric value of their names is divisible by seven. Of these 21, seven are named in the New Testament: Moses, David, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, Hosea and Joel. The numeric values of these names is 1554 (222 x 7). David's name is found 1134 times (162 x 7).
God's seal also pervades creation as though it were woven into the very fabric of nature.
The Bible has declared man's years to be three score and ten (70). The development of the human embryo is in exact periods of sevens or 28 days (4 x 7). Medical science tells us the human body is renewed cell for cell every seven years.
We're told the pulse beats slower every seven days as if it were in accord with the seventh day of rest proclaimed in the Genesis creation week. And God formed man of the dust of the ground (Gen 2:7); science confirms the human body is made of the same 14 elements (2 x 7) found in your average handful of dust.
The light of the sun is made up of seven distinct colours as shown in the rainbow. In music there are seven distinct notes which climax in a chord or octave at the beginning of a new seven.
In almost all animals the incubation or pregnancy period is divisible by seven. Seven is often referred to as "God's seal" or the number of spiritual perfection.
Number of resurrection
Eight is the number of new life or "resurrection". It is the personal number of Jesus. When we add together the letter values of the name Jesus in the Greek we get 888. Jesus was called The Christ, the numeric value of this title is 1480 (185 x 8). He was Saviour which has the value 1408 (2 x 8 x 88).
Jesus is also Lord which again is a multiple of eight being 800 (100 x 8). Messiah has the numeric value 656 (82 x8). Jesus also called himself the Son of man. The term occurs 88 times and is valued at 2960 (370 x 8).
Jesus said "I am the truth": the numeric value of "the truth" is 64 (8 x 8). The last book in the Bible is the Revelation of Jesus Christ which has exactly 888 Greek words. Eight persons were saved in the Ark at the great Noahic flood. God made a covenant with Abraham that every male Jewish child was to be circumsised on the eighth day of his life.
There are eight individual cases of resurrection spoken of in the Bible apart from Jesus. Three occur in the Old Testament, three in the gospels and two in Acts. It was on the eighth day or the first day of the new week that Jesus rose from the dead. The Holy Spirit also came down from heaven on the eighth day.
Nine is finality or completion. The first example of its use is that infinitely sealed first verse of the Bible: "In the beginning God'' which in Hebrew is: Brayshith Elohim which has the numeric value of 999. The very next statement "created the heaven" is also sealed with 999.
Nine is finality
The number nine is endowed with a peculiar quality, it is finality in itself. Not only is it the final single number, but if you multiply it by any other number, the addition of the resulting figures will always revert back to nine (2 x 9 = 18 / 1 + 8 = 9 etc).
There are nine basic gifts available to the Christian believer through the power of God's Holy Spirit (1 Cor 12:8-10). There are nine basic fruits which should be evident in the life of the believer (Gal 5:22-23). The words "my wrath" have the numeric value 999. The word Amen or verily is valued at 99 and occurs 99 times.
The work on the cross was completed at the ninth hour when Jesus said "It is finished". The shedding of his blood was final. It saw an end to the old system of animal sacrifice to atone for sin. The word "blood" in this sense occurs 99 times.
Great superstition has always surrounded the number 13 as being unlucky or dark. Perhaps there is good reason. One of the most convincing proofs of the origins of this number can be found by unraveling all the names by which Satan is known. Drakon or dragon has a value of 975 (13 x 75) and it occurs 13 times. Peirazon or tempter has a value of 1053 (13 x 81). Belial which is personification of evil has a value of 78 (13 x 6).
Anthropoktonos or "murderer" has a value of 1820 (13 x 40). Ophis or "serpent" is 780 (13 x 60). The phrase used by the Holy Spirit Ho kaloumenos diablos kai ho Satanas or "called the Devil and Satan" is valued 2197 (13 x 13 x 13).
Small neat calculations
This article is in truth an oversimplification of the work of Dr Panin and others who followed in his footsteps. Dr Panin's work initially involved some 40,000 pages of material on which he had written millions of small neat calculations. It involved volumes.
He often laboured up to 18 hours a day exploring the vast numeric structure. By and large it was a thankless task. Dr Panin said "When I first made the discovery I was of course, taken off my feet - I was in the same condition as our friend Archimedes who when he solved a great mathematical problem while in the bath, rushed in to the street naked, crying 'I have found it'. I thought people would be delighted to embrace the new discovery, but I found human nature is always the same. So I quietly withdrew and did my work all by myself".
Although it would appear that his work has been largely lost from popular reading today Dr Panin did accomplish several outstanding works. He published Structure in the Bible the Numeric Greek New Testament and the Numeric English New Testament.
The works of Dr Ivan Panin have been put before the experts many times. Dr Panin once challenged nine noted rationalists and Bible critics through the medium of the New York Sun newspaper Nov 9, 1899. He dared them to publicly refute or give explanation for a few of his presented facts. Four made lame excuses. The rest were silent.
Dr Panin issued a challenge throughout leading newspapers of the world asking for a natural explanation or rebuttal of the facts. Not a single person accepted.
As a consequence of those codes Barry had said that the Holy Bible could not have been written by anyone else other than the creator; that is, the living God. He had said that here are no such codes anywhere in the Koran, the book of the Mormon, the book of the Jehovah, or any other religious book anywhere on the planet; simply there is nothing else that even comes close or compares to the Holy Bible as being proof that it is the word of God because of the codes the Bible contained
l recall in his sermons Barry had made mention of a Russian called Ivan Panin who had set out to prove that the Bible was not the word of God, but after he had studied the Bible the whole of his life he said he had no doubts at all that the Bible was the word of God because of the codes that he had found in the Bible. Codes that are now commonly known as the Bible Code.
The Mathematical Genius of Doctor Ivan Panin
By Keith Newman.
The authenticity of the Holy Bible has been attacked at regular intervals by athiests and theologians alike but none have explained away the mathematical seal beneath its surface.
It would seem the divine hand has moved to prevent counterfeiting in the pages of the Bible in a similar manner to the line that runs through paper money. Bible numerics appears to be God's watermark of authenticity.
Vital research on this numeric seal was completed by a native of the world's most renowned atheistic nation, Russia. Dr Ivan Panin was born in Russia on Dec 12, 1855. As a young man he was an active nihilist and participated in plots against the Czar and his government. He was a mathematical genius who died a Harvard scholar and a citizen of the United States in 1942.
Panin was exiled from Russia. After spending a number of years studying in Germany he went to the United States where he became an outstanding lecturer on literary criticism.
Panin was known as a firm agnostic - so well known that when he discarded his agnosticism and accepted the Christian faith, the newspapers carried headlines telling of his conversion.
It was in 1890 that Dr Panin made the discovery of the mathematical structure underlining the vocabulary of the Greek New Testament. He was casually reading the first verse of the gospel of John in the Greek: "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with the God and the Word was God...".
Dr Panin was curious as to why the Greek word for "the"' preceeded the word "God"' in one case and not the other. In examining the text he became aware of a number relationship. This was the first of the discoveries that led to his conversion and uncovered the extensive numeric code.
Oldest manuscripts
Dr Panin found his proof in the some of the oldest and most accurate manuscripts - the Received Hebrew Text and the Westcott and Hort Text.
In the original languages of the Bible, mostly Hebrew and Greek, there are no separate symbols for numbers, letters of the alphabet are also used to indicate numbers.
The numeric value of a word is the sum total of all its letters. It was curiosity that first caused Dr Panin to begin toying with the numbers behind the texts. Sequences and patterns began to emerge. These created such a stirring in the heart of the Russian that he dedicated 50 years of his life to painstakingly comb the pages of the Bible.
This complex system of numbering visibly and invisibly saturates every book of the scriptures emphasising certain passages and illustrating deeper or further meaning in types and shadows. The 66 books of the Bible 39 in the Old and 27 in the New were written by 33 different people.
Those authors were scattered throughout various countries of the world and from widely different backgrounds. Many of them had little or no schooling. The whole Bible was written over a period of 1500 years with a 400 year silence apart from the Apocrypha between the two testaments. Despite the handicaps the biblical books are found to be a harmonious record, each in accord with the other.
Dr Panin says the laws of probability are exceeded into the billions when we try and rationalise the authorship of the Bible as the work of man. He once said: "If human logic is worth anything at all we are simply driven to the conclusion that if my facts I have presented are true, man could never have done this.
Inspiration from on high
"We must assume that a Power higher than man guided the writers in such a way, whether they knew it or not, they did it and the Great God inspired them to do it''.
The Bible itself states clearly that it is the literal God-breathed'' living word of the Creator. The words "Thus saith the Lord"' and "God said"' occur more than 2500 times throughout scripture.
In 2 Timothy 3:16 it states "All scripture is given by inspiration of God". Then in 2 Peter 9:20-21 it plainly states: "No prophecy of the scriptures is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost".
Let's take the number seven as an illustration of the way the patterns work. Seven is the most prolific of the mathematical series which binds scripture together. The very first verse of the Bible "In the begining God created the heaven and the earth" (Gen 1:1), contains over 30 different combinations of seven.
This verse has seven Hebrew words having a total of 28 letters 4 x 7. The numeric value of the three nouns "God", "heaven" and "earth" totals 777. Any number in triplicate expresses complete, ultimate or total meaning.
Also tightly sealed up with sevens are the genealogy of Jesus, the account of the virgin birth and the resurrection. Seven occurs as a number 187 times in the Bible (41 x 7), the phrase "seven-fold" occurs seven times and "seventy" occurs 56 times (7 x 8).
In the Book of Revelation seven positively shines out: there are seven golden candlesticks, seven letters to seven churches, a book sealed with seven seals, seven angels standing before the Lord with seven trumpets, seven thunders and seven last plagues. In fact there are over 50 occurrences of the number seven in Revelation alone.
Divisible by seven
There are 21 Old Testament writers whose names appear in the Bible (3 x 7). The numeric value of their names is divisible by seven. Of these 21, seven are named in the New Testament: Moses, David, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, Hosea and Joel. The numeric values of these names is 1554 (222 x 7). David's name is found 1134 times (162 x 7).
God's seal also pervades creation as though it were woven into the very fabric of nature.
The Bible has declared man's years to be three score and ten (70). The development of the human embryo is in exact periods of sevens or 28 days (4 x 7). Medical science tells us the human body is renewed cell for cell every seven years.
We're told the pulse beats slower every seven days as if it were in accord with the seventh day of rest proclaimed in the Genesis creation week. And God formed man of the dust of the ground (Gen 2:7); science confirms the human body is made of the same 14 elements (2 x 7) found in your average handful of dust.
The light of the sun is made up of seven distinct colours as shown in the rainbow. In music there are seven distinct notes which climax in a chord or octave at the beginning of a new seven.
In almost all animals the incubation or pregnancy period is divisible by seven. Seven is often referred to as "God's seal" or the number of spiritual perfection.
Number of resurrection
Eight is the number of new life or "resurrection". It is the personal number of Jesus. When we add together the letter values of the name Jesus in the Greek we get 888. Jesus was called The Christ, the numeric value of this title is 1480 (185 x 8). He was Saviour which has the value 1408 (2 x 8 x 88).
Jesus is also Lord which again is a multiple of eight being 800 (100 x 8). Messiah has the numeric value 656 (82 x8). Jesus also called himself the Son of man. The term occurs 88 times and is valued at 2960 (370 x 8).
Jesus said "I am the truth": the numeric value of "the truth" is 64 (8 x 8). The last book in the Bible is the Revelation of Jesus Christ which has exactly 888 Greek words. Eight persons were saved in the Ark at the great Noahic flood. God made a covenant with Abraham that every male Jewish child was to be circumsised on the eighth day of his life.
There are eight individual cases of resurrection spoken of in the Bible apart from Jesus. Three occur in the Old Testament, three in the gospels and two in Acts. It was on the eighth day or the first day of the new week that Jesus rose from the dead. The Holy Spirit also came down from heaven on the eighth day.
Nine is finality or completion. The first example of its use is that infinitely sealed first verse of the Bible: "In the beginning God'' which in Hebrew is: Brayshith Elohim which has the numeric value of 999. The very next statement "created the heaven" is also sealed with 999.
Nine is finality
The number nine is endowed with a peculiar quality, it is finality in itself. Not only is it the final single number, but if you multiply it by any other number, the addition of the resulting figures will always revert back to nine (2 x 9 = 18 / 1 + 8 = 9 etc).
There are nine basic gifts available to the Christian believer through the power of God's Holy Spirit (1 Cor 12:8-10). There are nine basic fruits which should be evident in the life of the believer (Gal 5:22-23). The words "my wrath" have the numeric value 999. The word Amen or verily is valued at 99 and occurs 99 times.
The work on the cross was completed at the ninth hour when Jesus said "It is finished". The shedding of his blood was final. It saw an end to the old system of animal sacrifice to atone for sin. The word "blood" in this sense occurs 99 times.
Great superstition has always surrounded the number 13 as being unlucky or dark. Perhaps there is good reason. One of the most convincing proofs of the origins of this number can be found by unraveling all the names by which Satan is known. Drakon or dragon has a value of 975 (13 x 75) and it occurs 13 times. Peirazon or tempter has a value of 1053 (13 x 81). Belial which is personification of evil has a value of 78 (13 x 6).
Anthropoktonos or "murderer" has a value of 1820 (13 x 40). Ophis or "serpent" is 780 (13 x 60). The phrase used by the Holy Spirit Ho kaloumenos diablos kai ho Satanas or "called the Devil and Satan" is valued 2197 (13 x 13 x 13).
Small neat calculations
This article is in truth an oversimplification of the work of Dr Panin and others who followed in his footsteps. Dr Panin's work initially involved some 40,000 pages of material on which he had written millions of small neat calculations. It involved volumes.
He often laboured up to 18 hours a day exploring the vast numeric structure. By and large it was a thankless task. Dr Panin said "When I first made the discovery I was of course, taken off my feet - I was in the same condition as our friend Archimedes who when he solved a great mathematical problem while in the bath, rushed in to the street naked, crying 'I have found it'. I thought people would be delighted to embrace the new discovery, but I found human nature is always the same. So I quietly withdrew and did my work all by myself".
Although it would appear that his work has been largely lost from popular reading today Dr Panin did accomplish several outstanding works. He published Structure in the Bible the Numeric Greek New Testament and the Numeric English New Testament.
The works of Dr Ivan Panin have been put before the experts many times. Dr Panin once challenged nine noted rationalists and Bible critics through the medium of the New York Sun newspaper Nov 9, 1899. He dared them to publicly refute or give explanation for a few of his presented facts. Four made lame excuses. The rest were silent.
Dr Panin issued a challenge throughout leading newspapers of the world asking for a natural explanation or rebuttal of the facts. Not a single person accepted.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
What is Dominionism?
The Wikipedia describes Dominionism in the following manner...
Quote: In a politico-religious context, dominionism (also called subjectionism is the tendency among some conservative politically-active Christians, especially in the United States, to seek influence or control over secular civil government through political action. The goal is either a nation governed by Christians, or a nation governed by a conservative Christian understanding of biblical law. The use and application of this terminology is a matter of controversy.
Although dominionism is used in several distinct ways, most usage originates directly or indirectly from a specific passage in the King James Version of the Bible:
And God blessed [ Adam and Eve ] and God said unto them, "Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth." — Genesis Chapter 1 Verse 28 (KJV)
Christians typically interpret this verse as meaning that God gave humankind responsibility over the Earth, and theologians do not all agree on the nature and extent of that "dominion". End of Quote
Dominionism is making huge inroads into the Charismatic/Neo-Pentecostal movement in America and around the world. This movement, called "Joel's Army" is being promoted by many, including Rick Joyner, who is a member of the Catholic Knights of Malta organization, the same organization that "knighted" Rupert Murdoch. Joyner, Sarah Palin and others are teaching untold thousands about a 'new breed' that is going to take over the kingdom and give it to Jesus.
'Dominionism' IS HERASY and is the fatal foundation on which President Bush based his Iraqi and Afghan invasions -- with the full support of thousands of Christian pastors!
Simply put, we the Christians will not take over the world until the return of the Lord Jesus Christ back onto the earth. Rather than taking over the world the opposite is applicable -- the Christians will be reviled and rejected buy the world until Christ returns back onto the earth.
Quote: In a politico-religious context, dominionism (also called subjectionism is the tendency among some conservative politically-active Christians, especially in the United States, to seek influence or control over secular civil government through political action. The goal is either a nation governed by Christians, or a nation governed by a conservative Christian understanding of biblical law. The use and application of this terminology is a matter of controversy.
Although dominionism is used in several distinct ways, most usage originates directly or indirectly from a specific passage in the King James Version of the Bible:
And God blessed [ Adam and Eve ] and God said unto them, "Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth." — Genesis Chapter 1 Verse 28 (KJV)
Christians typically interpret this verse as meaning that God gave humankind responsibility over the Earth, and theologians do not all agree on the nature and extent of that "dominion". End of Quote
Dominionism is making huge inroads into the Charismatic/Neo-Pentecostal movement in America and around the world. This movement, called "Joel's Army" is being promoted by many, including Rick Joyner, who is a member of the Catholic Knights of Malta organization, the same organization that "knighted" Rupert Murdoch. Joyner, Sarah Palin and others are teaching untold thousands about a 'new breed' that is going to take over the kingdom and give it to Jesus.
'Dominionism' IS HERASY and is the fatal foundation on which President Bush based his Iraqi and Afghan invasions -- with the full support of thousands of Christian pastors!
Simply put, we the Christians will not take over the world until the return of the Lord Jesus Christ back onto the earth. Rather than taking over the world the opposite is applicable -- the Christians will be reviled and rejected buy the world until Christ returns back onto the earth.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
The land grab is on as the world prepares for famine and war
As we move fast into the end times, culminating in the soon return of The Lord Jesus Christ, the Bible warns us of earthquakes, wars- and famine. When asked by the disciples “what will be the sign of your coming, and of the end of the age?” – Matthew 24; 3, the Lord replied that wars, famines and earthquakes would be the beginning of the birth pangs, as the world was readied for His return. The contractions increase in intensity as any woman who has given birth would tell you – and this is why we are seeing a rise in the number and intensity of earthquakes. The world is positioning itself for food shortages- and war.
The world’s most powerful nations, especially cash rich countries like China, are grabbing huge slices of land and natural resources round the globe, from Canada to Africa. Forests, oil shale and farmland are all being gobbled up in the new colonialism.
I look at the food supply figures, which show that we are only a major drought or two away from world-wide famine: world food stocks are low. Water supplies are also under pressure, as vast amounts of water are not always available where people need it. Pollution of water supplies is also a big problem – and Revelation 8, telling of the trumpet judgments, shows that the world will see its seas and waterways polluted. Natural disasters of all kinds are in the wings, and the wings are flapping towards a world without faith. Those who study prophecy know that the Bible’s prophets have forecast the future in great detail and utter accuracy.
Meanwhile, clever men who don’t know prophecy but see the dangers ahead are stocking up: China has been buying raw materials of all kinds, from copper ore to precious metals. Armies are being re-equipped, as catastrophic wars lie just ahead, starting soon in the Middle East.
The report below, by one of the world’s top reporters, The Telegraph’s Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, shows how – unseen by most of the world’s media –the great resources grab is on as countries fear famine.
A popular song once had a line saying “there may be troubles ahead.” The Bible says: There WILL be troubles ahead. It’s a good time to accept the Lord, who created this world, and will shortly take His true church out of it, before the worst of the coming time of tumult.
The backlash begins against the world landgrab!
The neo-colonial rush for global farmland has gone exponential since the food scare of 2007-2008.
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
"Madagascar's land is neither for sale nor for rent," said its new president Last week's long-delayed report by the World Bank suggests that purchases in developing countries rose to 45m hectares in 2009, a ten-fold jump from levels of the last decade. Two thirds have been in Africa, where institutions offer weak defence.
As is by now well-known, sovereign wealth funds from the Mid-East, as well as state-entities from China, the Pacific Rim, and even India are trying to lock up chunks of the world's future food supply. Western agribusiness is trying to beat them to it. Western funds - many listed on London's AIM exchange - are in turn trying to beat them. The NGO GRAIN, and, have both documented the stampede in detail.
Hedge funds that struck rich 'shorting' US sub-prime have rotated into the next great play of our era: 'long’ soil. "Productive agricultural land with water on site, will be very valuable in the future. And I've put a good amount of money into that," said Michael Burry, star of 'The Big Short'. Needless to say, this has set off a fierce backlash. Brazil has passed a decree limiting acreage held by foreign-owned companies, the latest evidence that our half-century era of globalisation may be drawing to a close. Authorities are probing whether firms are using local fronts to disguise investment in Mato Grosso and Amazonia.
"Brazilian land must stay in the hands of Brazilians," said the farm development minister, Guilherme Cassel. It is starting to feel like the early 1970s when the military regime more or less froze out foreign buyers. Where will this leave the plans of SinoLatin Capital, Goldman Sachs, Harvest Capital, or Berkshire Hathaway? Warren Buffett, wisely, is exploring his $400m venture in soya and sugar with a Brazilian partner. Argentina is drawing up its own law, pressed by the country's bishops. More than 7pc of national territory is owned by foreigners.
The Benetton brothers have 900,000 hectares of Patagonia, some on disputed Mapuche tribal land. George Soros has holdings, so does CNN's Ted Turner, and currency trader Joe Lewis, who made himself a public enemy by blocking public access to the majestic Hidden Lake. "There are many foreigners who don’t buy to produce, but rather to position themselves in places with water, mineral resources and hydrocarbons," said Pablo Orsolini, a sponsor of the legislation. In Madasgascar, a deal with Korea's Daiwoo Logistics to plant corn on territory half the size of Belgium led to the downfall of the government in 2008. The lease was revoked. "Madagascar's land is neither for sale nor for rent," said the new president.
Even Australia's senate has called for an audit of foreign-owned land and water projects. The allure of global land is obvious. The World Bank says industrial and “transition” countries are losing 2.9m hectares of cultivated farmland each year. China is paving over its fertile belt on the Eastern seabord, and depleting the water basin of the North China Plain for crop irrigation. Cheng Siwei, head of China's green energy drive, told me last week that eco-damage of 13.5pc of GDP each year outstrips China’s growth rate of 10pc. National wealth is contracting. "We have an intangible environmental debt that we are leaving to our children," he said. So does India.
Much of the globe is stealing food from the future. The World Bank said we must lift production 70pc by 2050 to meet a triad of converging demands: extra mouths; rising use of animal feed from grains as Asia moves up the affluence ladder to meat-based diets; and the biofuel drive. This will not be easy. The great leap forward in crop yields is fading. The Bank said rises in wheat and soya yields have declined from 2pc a year to zero since the 1970s in the West. Yield growth for rice and soya in emerging economies has fallen from 3pc to 1pc. "With few break-through technologies on the horizon, the scope for yield gains seems lower than in the past. Irrigation has contributed to past growth in crop yields, but water scarcity in many regions is now a major constraint," it said.
The Green Revolution is "exhausted". There is plenty of land in the former Soviet Union, where crop planting has fallen by 30m hectares since the sovkhoz collectives of the Khruschev era. Yields are still barely half Western levels on many Russian farms. Untapped hinterlands lie in Africa (Congo and Sudan) and Latin America. Developing countries are freeing up 5.5m hectares a year. There is a theoretical reservoir of 445m hectares of unforested cropland in the world, on top of the 1.5bn hectares in production.
Rich countries do not face a Malthusian crisis. They face a shift in the terms of trade between country and city, a reversal of urban dominance since the industrial revolution. We are on a thinner margin of food security, just as we are on a thinner margin of oil security. But those who live in poor countries that rely on food imports most certainly did have a Malthusian moment in 2008 when bread riots swept Egypt, Indonesia, and a string of states in Africa. Last week, 10 people died in riots in Mozambique, set off by Russia's grain export ban.
Wheat prices have doubled since June. The World Bank said the number of people who go to bed hungry each night has risen from 830m to more than 1bn over the past three years. The morality of the global land rush is finely balanced. Good projects are exactly what we need to solve the food crisis. They bring investment, know-how, and transport links. They create jobs. Peru's auction scheme on the Pacific Coast has been a success. Yet the World Bank appears deeply torn. While the report endorses the Bank's open-door globalisation agenda, the sub-text dissents on every page. "Large land acquisitions come at a high cost.
The veil of secrecy that often surrounds these deals must be lifted," it said. It warns of a "resource curse" that may enrich a small elite, leaving wreckage behind. Proposals are not properly screened. Peasants are forcibly displaced. Communal grazing lands are closed off. Some investors manipulate opinion with a media blitz of false promises. Nothing has been produced so far on almost 80pc of the land purchased. Benefits are often minimal, "even non-existent". In Africa, the land rush is diverting effort from the core task of helping small farmers raise yields.
The Bank implicitly questions whether it is wise to divert half of the world's increased output of maize and wheat over the next decade into biofuels to meet government “mandates". It will be another decade before the stalks and other inedible parts of plants can be used in bulk.
Personally, I am coming to the conclusion that the biofuel drive is misguided, given that mass solar power and throrium-based nuclear reactors – coupled with electric cars - could step into the energy breach with less destructive effects. All it takes is global leadership. As Friends of the Earth reproaches us, every time we make a frivolous journey in an over-powered car we are hurting somebody. Land is not a commodity. It has an atavistic pull in most cultures, and is semi-sacred everywhere. Absentee landlords who amass chunks of the earth – however well-intentioned - will be expropriated. Politics always prevails.
The world’s most powerful nations, especially cash rich countries like China, are grabbing huge slices of land and natural resources round the globe, from Canada to Africa. Forests, oil shale and farmland are all being gobbled up in the new colonialism.
I look at the food supply figures, which show that we are only a major drought or two away from world-wide famine: world food stocks are low. Water supplies are also under pressure, as vast amounts of water are not always available where people need it. Pollution of water supplies is also a big problem – and Revelation 8, telling of the trumpet judgments, shows that the world will see its seas and waterways polluted. Natural disasters of all kinds are in the wings, and the wings are flapping towards a world without faith. Those who study prophecy know that the Bible’s prophets have forecast the future in great detail and utter accuracy.
Meanwhile, clever men who don’t know prophecy but see the dangers ahead are stocking up: China has been buying raw materials of all kinds, from copper ore to precious metals. Armies are being re-equipped, as catastrophic wars lie just ahead, starting soon in the Middle East.
The report below, by one of the world’s top reporters, The Telegraph’s Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, shows how – unseen by most of the world’s media –the great resources grab is on as countries fear famine.
A popular song once had a line saying “there may be troubles ahead.” The Bible says: There WILL be troubles ahead. It’s a good time to accept the Lord, who created this world, and will shortly take His true church out of it, before the worst of the coming time of tumult.
The backlash begins against the world landgrab!
The neo-colonial rush for global farmland has gone exponential since the food scare of 2007-2008.
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
"Madagascar's land is neither for sale nor for rent," said its new president Last week's long-delayed report by the World Bank suggests that purchases in developing countries rose to 45m hectares in 2009, a ten-fold jump from levels of the last decade. Two thirds have been in Africa, where institutions offer weak defence.
As is by now well-known, sovereign wealth funds from the Mid-East, as well as state-entities from China, the Pacific Rim, and even India are trying to lock up chunks of the world's future food supply. Western agribusiness is trying to beat them to it. Western funds - many listed on London's AIM exchange - are in turn trying to beat them. The NGO GRAIN, and, have both documented the stampede in detail.
Hedge funds that struck rich 'shorting' US sub-prime have rotated into the next great play of our era: 'long’ soil. "Productive agricultural land with water on site, will be very valuable in the future. And I've put a good amount of money into that," said Michael Burry, star of 'The Big Short'. Needless to say, this has set off a fierce backlash. Brazil has passed a decree limiting acreage held by foreign-owned companies, the latest evidence that our half-century era of globalisation may be drawing to a close. Authorities are probing whether firms are using local fronts to disguise investment in Mato Grosso and Amazonia.
"Brazilian land must stay in the hands of Brazilians," said the farm development minister, Guilherme Cassel. It is starting to feel like the early 1970s when the military regime more or less froze out foreign buyers. Where will this leave the plans of SinoLatin Capital, Goldman Sachs, Harvest Capital, or Berkshire Hathaway? Warren Buffett, wisely, is exploring his $400m venture in soya and sugar with a Brazilian partner. Argentina is drawing up its own law, pressed by the country's bishops. More than 7pc of national territory is owned by foreigners.
The Benetton brothers have 900,000 hectares of Patagonia, some on disputed Mapuche tribal land. George Soros has holdings, so does CNN's Ted Turner, and currency trader Joe Lewis, who made himself a public enemy by blocking public access to the majestic Hidden Lake. "There are many foreigners who don’t buy to produce, but rather to position themselves in places with water, mineral resources and hydrocarbons," said Pablo Orsolini, a sponsor of the legislation. In Madasgascar, a deal with Korea's Daiwoo Logistics to plant corn on territory half the size of Belgium led to the downfall of the government in 2008. The lease was revoked. "Madagascar's land is neither for sale nor for rent," said the new president.
Even Australia's senate has called for an audit of foreign-owned land and water projects. The allure of global land is obvious. The World Bank says industrial and “transition” countries are losing 2.9m hectares of cultivated farmland each year. China is paving over its fertile belt on the Eastern seabord, and depleting the water basin of the North China Plain for crop irrigation. Cheng Siwei, head of China's green energy drive, told me last week that eco-damage of 13.5pc of GDP each year outstrips China’s growth rate of 10pc. National wealth is contracting. "We have an intangible environmental debt that we are leaving to our children," he said. So does India.
Much of the globe is stealing food from the future. The World Bank said we must lift production 70pc by 2050 to meet a triad of converging demands: extra mouths; rising use of animal feed from grains as Asia moves up the affluence ladder to meat-based diets; and the biofuel drive. This will not be easy. The great leap forward in crop yields is fading. The Bank said rises in wheat and soya yields have declined from 2pc a year to zero since the 1970s in the West. Yield growth for rice and soya in emerging economies has fallen from 3pc to 1pc. "With few break-through technologies on the horizon, the scope for yield gains seems lower than in the past. Irrigation has contributed to past growth in crop yields, but water scarcity in many regions is now a major constraint," it said.
The Green Revolution is "exhausted". There is plenty of land in the former Soviet Union, where crop planting has fallen by 30m hectares since the sovkhoz collectives of the Khruschev era. Yields are still barely half Western levels on many Russian farms. Untapped hinterlands lie in Africa (Congo and Sudan) and Latin America. Developing countries are freeing up 5.5m hectares a year. There is a theoretical reservoir of 445m hectares of unforested cropland in the world, on top of the 1.5bn hectares in production.
Rich countries do not face a Malthusian crisis. They face a shift in the terms of trade between country and city, a reversal of urban dominance since the industrial revolution. We are on a thinner margin of food security, just as we are on a thinner margin of oil security. But those who live in poor countries that rely on food imports most certainly did have a Malthusian moment in 2008 when bread riots swept Egypt, Indonesia, and a string of states in Africa. Last week, 10 people died in riots in Mozambique, set off by Russia's grain export ban.
Wheat prices have doubled since June. The World Bank said the number of people who go to bed hungry each night has risen from 830m to more than 1bn over the past three years. The morality of the global land rush is finely balanced. Good projects are exactly what we need to solve the food crisis. They bring investment, know-how, and transport links. They create jobs. Peru's auction scheme on the Pacific Coast has been a success. Yet the World Bank appears deeply torn. While the report endorses the Bank's open-door globalisation agenda, the sub-text dissents on every page. "Large land acquisitions come at a high cost.
The veil of secrecy that often surrounds these deals must be lifted," it said. It warns of a "resource curse" that may enrich a small elite, leaving wreckage behind. Proposals are not properly screened. Peasants are forcibly displaced. Communal grazing lands are closed off. Some investors manipulate opinion with a media blitz of false promises. Nothing has been produced so far on almost 80pc of the land purchased. Benefits are often minimal, "even non-existent". In Africa, the land rush is diverting effort from the core task of helping small farmers raise yields.
The Bank implicitly questions whether it is wise to divert half of the world's increased output of maize and wheat over the next decade into biofuels to meet government “mandates". It will be another decade before the stalks and other inedible parts of plants can be used in bulk.
Personally, I am coming to the conclusion that the biofuel drive is misguided, given that mass solar power and throrium-based nuclear reactors – coupled with electric cars - could step into the energy breach with less destructive effects. All it takes is global leadership. As Friends of the Earth reproaches us, every time we make a frivolous journey in an over-powered car we are hurting somebody. Land is not a commodity. It has an atavistic pull in most cultures, and is semi-sacred everywhere. Absentee landlords who amass chunks of the earth – however well-intentioned - will be expropriated. Politics always prevails.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
The most scary thing of all? He STILL wants to rule the world says the man Blair sent to Washington
How many Tony Blairs are there? After hacking my way through the 691 pages of his memoirs, I now have several voices ringing in my ears.
There is the self-deprecating charmer; there is the toe-curling sexual fantasist; there is the pragmatic, calculating, often brilliant politician.
There is the matey bloke, all slang and jokey asides, the official language of the Blair Downing Street (before being sent to Washington as ambassador, I was told 'to get up the a*** of the White House and stay there').
There is the slippery dodger of difficult questions on Iraq and Afghanistan (of which more later); there is the portentous world statesman and would- be global strategist.
Chameleon: Tony Blair adopts different voices and characters to suit his circumstances and his ultimate goal is to regain the world stage
There is the messianic evangelist, taking refuge in the moral stratosphere to avoid the slings and arrows of mere mortals down on Earth; and there is the bizarre faux-confessor to having a drink or two in the evening when the going got tough.
As is often the way, in the thousands of words already written about Blair's memoir, some of the clearest insights come from abroad.
Earlier this week, a critic writing in the New York Times reminded us that Blair in his early political years was known as the man without a shadow. The critic's conclusion, after reading A Journey, was that Blair remained 'a curiously opaque figure', still without a shadow.
It is a judgment which struck an immediate chord. I recall, years ago, watching Blair being interviewed on TV by Des O'Connor in front of a studio audience. For a moment I could not work out what was odd.
Then I realised that Blair was using Essex-style glottal stops. He was tailoring his speech to what he imagined would be more acceptable to a downmarket audience.
It was the same when he used to visit the United States. He would reposition his accent somewhere over the mid-Atlantic, the better to identify with America.
Blair emerges from his book a political chameleon. His memoirs are, of course, targeted at multiple audiences, above all in Britain and America, and he has adopted different voices to appeal to each.
'Blair emerges from his book a political chameleon. His memoirs are, of course, targeted at multiple audiences, above all in Britain and America, and he has adopted different voices to appeal to each'
For the U.S. edition, he has even written a special foreword, suffused with cloying affection for America.
But - to reproduce a phrase that Blair repeatedly and redundantly uses - 'in a very real sense' the multiple voices spring more from personality than from any sales stratagem by his publishers.
This is after all a self-portrait, wholly unembellished, so we are told, by the ghost-writer's arts.
In Washington, I remember once running into Eric Anderson, Blair's former house master at his public school, Fettes. He told me that all I needed to know about Blair was that he was an accomplished actor.
But what is wrong with that? Don't all successful politicians need a little thespian blood? Churchill and Macmillan certainly had histrionic talents, which did them no harm.
Nor should we criticise Tony Blair for publishing memoirs that are selling like hot cakes and will make a ton of money. Every prime minister since 1945 has written a memoir, sometimes spanning several volumes, sometimes to great commercial success.
To the surprise of some, John Major's autobiography was a best-seller. The multi-volumes of Churchill and Macmillan have become standard reference works.
Yes, memoirs usually seek to skew history in the writer's favour and all are self-serving to some degree. But that does not necessarily destroy their value either to the contemporary reader or future historian. They are also a mouthwatering opportunity to settle scores.
On the Richter scale of political vengeance, A Journey hits a stonking 10. Blair's demolition of Brown is shocking in its brutality, to such a degree that it destroys his argument that it was better to have kept Brown as Chancellor rather than sack him.
Books to sell: Tony Blair's memoirs have seen unprecedented amounts of publicity for the former Prime Minister
Blair can therefore claim that his book falls fair and square into the mainstream of British prime ministerial tradition. Yet there is something about A Journey, which distinguishes it fundamentally-from its predecessors.
recognition that their active careers at the top of politics are over. There is none of that in Blair's book. To paraphrase Dylan Thomas, he rages against the dying light.
The point is made by his reference to Condoleezza Rice, National Security Adviser and then Secretary of State to President George W. Bush. It is worth quoting the passage in full.
'[Rice] is also a classic example of the absurdity of people with experience and capacity at the highest level not having big political jobs after retirement from office.'
For Rice, read Blair. What leaps time after time from the pages is that he still wants to be a player on the world stage. This above all is what he misses since stepping down.
It explains his decision to take a second-string job in the Middle East, promoting Palestinian economic development. It is a position from which he was able to lever himself into a seat at President Obama's dinner table earlier this week when, for the umpteenth time, peace talks between the Israelis and Palestinians were relaunched.
It explains why he wanted to be President of Europe, which could have given him a
'Others have noted that the book is tantamount to an advertisement for his current, largely money-spinning, activities'
glorious opportunity to strut his stuff on the international stage (at least we would have noticed him, unlike Herman Van Rompuy, the obscure Belgian politician who got the job).
Others have noted that the book is tantamount to an advertisement for his current, largely money-spinning, activities.
If he cannot be British prime minister, he can run Tony Blair Associates, offering advice on international matters for large fees; or providing mediation services, which draw on his experience from brokering the Good Friday Agreement in Northern Ireland (a genuine achievement, though, as with the memoirs of his former chief of staff, Jonathan Powell, there is more than a hint of him being seduced by the meretricious glamour of negotiating with men of violence).
Nor do I know of any prime ministerial memoir which has sought so obviously to influence the politics of the moment.
Blair wants still to be a player on the British scene. On the very eve of the election for the Labour Party leadership, Blair has made it pretty obvious that David Miliband is his choice for leader, a benediction not received with unalloyed joy by the candidate himself, who fears it could be the kiss of death. (Indeed, Blair's interference has been condemned by all the Labour candidates.)
More interestingly, at the end of his book, Blair gives his support to economic and domestic policies which are well nigh indistinguishable from those of the Tory/Lib Dem Coalition.
A job application? There are stranger things under the sun. After all, former Labour Cabinet Ministers Alan Milburn, John Hutton and Frank Field have all been co-opted into taking jobs with the Coalition.
World stage: Hillary Clinton speaks with Tony Blair as leaders gathered to speak about Middle East peace talks in Washington
But the chapters which most interested me were those which described events at which I had been present as British ambassador to the United States. These were the terrorist attacks of 9/11, the war in Afghanistan and the preparations for war in Iraq.
At this point it would be right to make a few declarations of interest. I voted for Blair in 1997. Though I was not a political appointee, Blair sent me to Washington.
I saw, and admired, Blair at the height of his powers, encapsulated in three terrific speeches: to Sinn Fein-supporting Senators and Congressmen in 1998 (which shifted the balance of argument in our direction when the Northern Ireland peace process hung in the balance); to businessmen in Chicago in 1999 (making the case for intervention in Kosovo); and at College Station, Texas, in April 2002 (when, for the first time in public, Blair extolled the virtues of regime change).
In 2005, three years after retiring, I wrote a memoir myself called D.C. Confidential, which largely recorded my time in Washington. It created a terrific fuss because of some criticisms of Blair and teasing of John Prescott and Jack Straw (to which the Cabinet Secretary raised no objection before publication).
Blair's account of these years displays plenty of sins of commission and omission. Take the Crawford summit, when in April 2002 Tony Blair stayed two nights with George and Laura Bush at their ranch in Texas.
'At this point it would be right to make a few declarations of interest. I voted for Blair in 1997. Though I was not a political appointee, Blair sent me to Washington'
During the visit, there were long periods when Blair and Bush were alone together without any advisers. For example, on the first night the No 10 and White House teams, along with Yours Truly, had dinner together at a TexMex restaurant in the nearby town of Waco.
Many years later, the Chilcot Inquiry asked me about the Crawford summit. I replied that, because I had not been at the talks, to this day I was not entirely clear what 'degree of convergence was, if you like, signed in blood at the Crawford ranch' (the reference to blood was an allusion to Blair's belief that Britain owed a 'blood debt' to the U.S. from World War II).
But I noted to the Inquiry that, in his speech the next day at College Station, Blair referred approvingly to regime change for the first time ever in my hearing in public.
In his book, Blair reacts strangely to my statement to Chilcot. He transforms my words into an assertion that he had pledged 'in blood' to support America and that he had signed up for regime change.
This, says Blair, was a myth; and I wouldn't know anyway because I was not present at the meeting - just what I had myself admitted!
Heaven knows why Blair should have misrepresented my words in this way, because his book offers little enlightenment on what actually transpired at Bush's ranch.
I suspect that my remarks to Chilcot touched a sensitive nerve, because, contrary to what he says in his memoir, his references to regime change were not, to quote Blair, 'entirely consistent with my other public pronouncements'.
In his excellent book The End Of The Party, about the last years of New Labour - an objective and fair-minded antidote to the bias of the Blair and Mandelson memoirs - the journalist Andrew Rawnsley records that Blair never satisfactorily briefed his advisers on the meeting with Bush.
No greater shadow hangs over Tony Blair's legacy than the one cast by Iraq, about which he is utterly unrepentant. It is only to be expected that he would try to rewrite history.
Special relationship: Tony Blair and George W. Bush spent long periods alone together before the Gulf War
But some things just don't wash. He says that there was no expectation of 9/11. But the Bush administration was harshly criticised for failing to heed warnings in 2001 of a great terrorist attack.
Blair takes credit for persuading Bush to go down the UN path at their meeting at Camp David in September 2002. But the decision in principle had already been taken by the President the previous month. He claims we could not have foreseen the carnage and violence that Al Qaeda and Iran would wreak in Iraq after Saddam's fall.
But what he cannot bring himself to admit is that by not focusing intensively on restoring the country's electricity supply and basic law and order from the start - by not preparing properly for the aftermath - the coalition forces created conditions ripe for Al Qaeda and the Iranians to exploit.
It is inexplicable that at their meeting in Washington at the end of January 2003, Blair appeared to agree with Bush that there was little likelihood of civil war in Iraq.
I searched his memoirs in vain for some explanation, given the warnings he had received from the Foreign Office and others. Blair never ceases to refer to the importance of a settlement between Israel and the Palestinians as an essential precursor to action against Saddam Hussein.
But as the drums of war begin to beat ever more loudly, he appears to let the matter drop - heaven forfend that it might become a real condition for our joining the U.S. in Iraq.
Blair's memoir bequeaths to us a monstrous ideological construct in which the War on Terror (a phrase apparently still alive and well in the Blair thesaurus) must be pursued to the bitter end, whatever the cost in blood and treasure, so that 'Western' values will prevail over those of militant Islam.
'It is as if the more he is criticised, the more Blair feels it necessary to cloak himself in the ideological purity of his perception of the world's future'
It is as if the more he is criticised, the more Blair feels it necessary to cloak himself in the ideological purity of his perception of the world's future.
This is a vision which is incapable of seeing that our actions in Afghanistan and Iraq have proved a recruiting sergeant for the very terrorism that threatens us, at home and abroad.
It is a vision which cannot see that in Afghanistan we are fighting a predominantly old-fashioned Pashtun insurgency, while Al Qaeda moves its operations to Somalia, Yemen and the Maghreb countries of North Africa.
Most monstrously of all, it is a vision that blames a 'sagging of the will' on the British and American people for setbacks in Afghanistan and Iraq. 'We want our battles short and successful,' says Blair disapprovingly in his memoirs.
When I read that, I did not know whether to laugh or cry. We have been fighting in Afghanistan for almost ten years, the longest sustained conflict since the Napoleonic Wars at the start of the 19th century. At least we had then a recognisable and attainable political goal.
Some years ago in Washington, the late Guardian journalist, Hugo Young, put to me the question: was Tony Blair profound or profoundly shallow?
Young was not quite sure, but tended to the latter view. If he had read A Journey, he would have hardened this judgment.
The first ever EU president Herman Van Rompuy -- a raiser of taxes!
Statement: The power base for the Antichrist is the EU.
Ever since his appointment as the first ever full time president of the EU there has been a great deal of argument amongst Bible scholars as to if there may be some probability of that appointee being the Man of Sin.
As the world now knows Herman Van Rompuy had received that appointment as from the 01st of January 2010.
However, the facts of the matter are that the world is never going to know who the Man of Sin is until he confirms a seven year covenant in the Middle East between Israel and Palestine as per the prophecies of Daniel Chapter 9 Verse 27.
And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make [it] desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate. Daniel Chapter 9, Verse 27.
I for one may have wrongly assumed that Van Rompuy may have been the Antichrist, making that suggestion due to the lack of any real scriptural evidence to prove otherwise, and based on the fact that the scriptures had proved that the power base of the Antichrist was going to be the presidency of the EU. However, I may now have discovered a Bible verse that seems to suggest otherwise. The verses I am referring to are Daniel Chapter 11 and Verses 20 to 22.
Daniel 11:20: Then shall stand up in his estate a raiser of taxes [in] the glory of the kingdom: but within few days he shall be destroyed, neither in anger, nor in battle.
Dan 11:21: And in his estate shall stand up a vile person, to whom they shall not give the honour of the kingdom: but he shall come in peaceably, and obtain the kingdom by flatteries.
Dan 11:22: And with the arms of a flood shall they be overflown from before him, and shall be broken; yea, also the prince of the covenant.
Verse 20 may possibly refer to the newly appointed EU president Herman Van Rompuy as the raiser of taxes. Please click onto the attached link as clarification of that statement:
Herman Van Rompuy: Europe's first president to push for 'Euro tax'
The glory of the kingdom in Daniel Chapter 11, Verse 20 can only refer to the Revised Roman Empire - the EU. Yet the verse says that he will last only a few days and shall be destroyed neither in anger or battle.
We know that with the Lord one day is a thousand years and a thousand years is one day and so the few days here may refer to a few months or even a few years ? Verse 21 then goes onto describe the rise of the Antichrist. We know he is the Antichrist because we are told in Verse 22 that he is the Prince of the Covenant - meaning the treaty of Dan 9/27 mentioned above.
Therefore what we may be being told in the aforementioned verses is that initially there will be a man appointed as the president of the EU (that possibly being Herman Van Rompuy as the raiser of taxes) but that his reign may only last a very short period of time, prophetically speaking, and that the one that is going to replace him will be the Antichrist; that is the Prince of the Covenant.
There is no way that I am saying that the head of the international quartet of four Tony Blair is the Prince of the Covenant (the one who designs and signs the treaty of Daniel mentioned above) or the Antichrist - BUT- just remember it was BLAIR who was initially desirous of being the first ever president of the EU but was pipped at the post by Van Rompuy. But let us just wait and see how this all eventually works out?
Ever since his appointment as the first ever full time president of the EU there has been a great deal of argument amongst Bible scholars as to if there may be some probability of that appointee being the Man of Sin.
As the world now knows Herman Van Rompuy had received that appointment as from the 01st of January 2010.
However, the facts of the matter are that the world is never going to know who the Man of Sin is until he confirms a seven year covenant in the Middle East between Israel and Palestine as per the prophecies of Daniel Chapter 9 Verse 27.
And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make [it] desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate. Daniel Chapter 9, Verse 27.
I for one may have wrongly assumed that Van Rompuy may have been the Antichrist, making that suggestion due to the lack of any real scriptural evidence to prove otherwise, and based on the fact that the scriptures had proved that the power base of the Antichrist was going to be the presidency of the EU. However, I may now have discovered a Bible verse that seems to suggest otherwise. The verses I am referring to are Daniel Chapter 11 and Verses 20 to 22.
Daniel 11:20: Then shall stand up in his estate a raiser of taxes [in] the glory of the kingdom: but within few days he shall be destroyed, neither in anger, nor in battle.
Dan 11:21: And in his estate shall stand up a vile person, to whom they shall not give the honour of the kingdom: but he shall come in peaceably, and obtain the kingdom by flatteries.
Dan 11:22: And with the arms of a flood shall they be overflown from before him, and shall be broken; yea, also the prince of the covenant.
Verse 20 may possibly refer to the newly appointed EU president Herman Van Rompuy as the raiser of taxes. Please click onto the attached link as clarification of that statement:
Herman Van Rompuy: Europe's first president to push for 'Euro tax'
The glory of the kingdom in Daniel Chapter 11, Verse 20 can only refer to the Revised Roman Empire - the EU. Yet the verse says that he will last only a few days and shall be destroyed neither in anger or battle.
We know that with the Lord one day is a thousand years and a thousand years is one day and so the few days here may refer to a few months or even a few years ? Verse 21 then goes onto describe the rise of the Antichrist. We know he is the Antichrist because we are told in Verse 22 that he is the Prince of the Covenant - meaning the treaty of Dan 9/27 mentioned above.
Therefore what we may be being told in the aforementioned verses is that initially there will be a man appointed as the president of the EU (that possibly being Herman Van Rompuy as the raiser of taxes) but that his reign may only last a very short period of time, prophetically speaking, and that the one that is going to replace him will be the Antichrist; that is the Prince of the Covenant.
There is no way that I am saying that the head of the international quartet of four Tony Blair is the Prince of the Covenant (the one who designs and signs the treaty of Daniel mentioned above) or the Antichrist - BUT- just remember it was BLAIR who was initially desirous of being the first ever president of the EU but was pipped at the post by Van Rompuy. But let us just wait and see how this all eventually works out?
The Prophecies Of William Marrion Branham
William Marrion Branham
The similarities between the recent gas explosion in the US and the visions of fundamentalist William Branhman where he predicated craters covering the whole of the United States is uncanny, particularly in the light of recent revelations that there are enough of these gas pipes that crisscross the US to go around the world over one hundred times.
I am not saying by any means that this is how the fulfilment of Revelation Chapter 18, which describes the destruction of America is going to come to pass - BUT - as sure as l am sitting here typing this the enemies of the US, and there would be many, would have been able to view those images just the same as everyone else around the world has. The connotations for terrorists to use these gas pipes to wreak havoc on the US is enormous.
Accordingly are the recent gas explosions in the US the humble beginnings of what William Marrion Branham predicated all those years ago?
A Prophet?
In the Bible, God always brought His Message to the people of the world through the prophet of the age. He spoke to Moses through a burning bush and gave him the commission to lead the Hebrews out of Egypt. The visible Pillar of Fire and other signs were given to vindicate his ministry. John the Baptist brought a Message preparing the world for the coming Messiah. While baptizing the Lord Jesus in the Jordan River, a Voice from Heaven confirmed John’s Ministry, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” Years later, the Lord’s Voice was again heard speaking to a prophet when He spoke to Paul through a blinding Light, and later gave him the commission to set the churches in order. Throughout the New and Old Testaments, God has never spoken to His people through a denominational system. He has always spoken to the people through one man: His prophet. And He vindicated these prophets through supernatural signs.
I am not saying by any means that this is how the fulfilment of Revelation Chapter 18, which describes the destruction of America is going to come to pass - BUT - as sure as l am sitting here typing this the enemies of the US, and there would be many, would have been able to view those images just the same as everyone else around the world has. The connotations for terrorists to use these gas pipes to wreak havoc on the US is enormous.
Accordingly are the recent gas explosions in the US the humble beginnings of what William Marrion Branham predicated all those years ago?
A Prophet?
In the Bible, God always brought His Message to the people of the world through the prophet of the age. He spoke to Moses through a burning bush and gave him the commission to lead the Hebrews out of Egypt. The visible Pillar of Fire and other signs were given to vindicate his ministry. John the Baptist brought a Message preparing the world for the coming Messiah. While baptizing the Lord Jesus in the Jordan River, a Voice from Heaven confirmed John’s Ministry, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” Years later, the Lord’s Voice was again heard speaking to a prophet when He spoke to Paul through a blinding Light, and later gave him the commission to set the churches in order. Throughout the New and Old Testaments, God has never spoken to His people through a denominational system. He has always spoken to the people through one man: His prophet. And He vindicated these prophets through supernatural signs.
But what about today? Does God still reveal His Word to the prophets? Are there still supernatural signs? Would God send a modern-day prophet into the world? The answer is a most definite, “Yes.”
But how will we know when a prophet arises? What will he look like? How will he act? What sign will he give us? What Scriptures will he fulfil?
The prophets of old were gallant men of God, and were not afraid to stand against the religious organizations of their day. In fact, they were almost always reviled by the clergy. Elijah challenged the religious organizations of his day, asking them if God would respect their offering or his. They shouted. They prophesied. They jumped on top of the altar. They cut themselves with knives. But God did not hear them. Elijah looked up to Heaven and said, “let it be known this day that thou art God in Israel, and that I am thy servant, and that I have done all these things at thy word.” He then called fire down from Heaven to consume the offering. Micaiah the prophet withstood the King of Israel and the entire priesthood when he rebuked the High Priest Zedekiah for prophesying a lie. The High Priest struck him in the face and the King imprisoned him for speaking the truth. Even the Lord Jesus was so hated by the religious organizations of His day that they crucified Him alongside the vilest of criminals.
If there was a prophet in this modern day, how would he be accepted by the Catholic Church? The Baptist Church? The Lutheran Church? Any denomination?
The Lord Jesus commissioned all that believe Him: “And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.” (Mark 16:17-18). Is this Scripture true today? If it is not true, when did the Words of the Lord expire? Throughout the Bible, the prophets are able to heal the sick, cast out devils, and perform miracles. Moses set the brass serpent before the people of Israel to heal them from the bite of venomous snakes (Numbers 21:9). Namaan, one of the most powerful men in Syria, came to Elisha to be healed of leprosy (II Kings 5:9). When the young man fell to his death from the upper window, the prophet Paul embraced him and brought life back into the dead body (Acts 20:10). We only have record of about three years of our Lord Jesus’ life. During these few years, he continually healed the sick. The blind were made to see. Lepers were healed. The deaf received their hearing. The lame walked. Every manner of disease was healed (Matt 4:23).
The prophets of old were gallant men of God, and were not afraid to stand against the religious organizations of their day.
Even the most guarded secrets of the heart were made known to these men of God. King Nebuchadnezzar had a troubling dream, but he could not remember what it was about. The prophet Daniel told the King both the dream and the prophesy that followed (Dan 2:28). Nothing was hid from Solomon when the Queen of Sheba came before him. He was so filled with the Spirit that he told her the questions of her heart before she asked them (I Kings 10:3). Elisha told the King of Israel all the plans of the King of Syria, even to his words spoken in is bedroom (II Kings 6:12).
Through His own actions, the Lord Jesus showed that this Spirit of discernment is the Spirit of Christ. He discerned Nathanael’s nature when He said, “Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile!” And he went on to tell Nathanael where he was when Phillip told him about the Messiah (John 1:49). When he saw that Jesus knew his heart, Nathanael immediately recognized Him as the Christ. The first time Jesus saw Peter, he told him the name of his father, Jona (John 1:42). Peter then forsook all and followed Jesus for the rest of his life. Jesus met the Samaritan woman at the well and told her of her past sins. Her first words were, “Sir, I perceive that thou art a prophet” (John 4:18). All three of these people were from different walks of life, yet they immediately recognized Jesus when He showed the gift of discernment. Did this gift disappear when the last page of the Bible was written? If these miracles are so plainly written in the Bible, where are they today? A modern-day prophet would surely be vindicated by miracles.
Has God forgotten His people? Is He still able to heal the sick? Does He still speak to us through his prophets? Did any of the prophets foresee this day? Are there prophesies that have yet to be fulfilled?
The Promise Of A Prophet In The Last Days
The Lord told us in the book of Malachi, “Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD.”
The great and dreadful day of the Lord has yet to come, so we should sincerely look for this prophet. If the Bible is true, then this prophet will not come to the mainstream religious organizations. He will come to a select, predestinated few. Imagine if this prophet came, and he was missed. What if he is like the prophets of old, and only a handful of people recognize him? If this prophet is to return in the last day, how will we know him? The answer is plainly seen in the Scriptures. He will have the nature of a prophet. He will know the secrets of the heart. He will perform miracles. The main-stream religious organizations will attempt to discredit him. But there will be a chosen few that recognize him as the promised messenger for the day.
How will we know when Elijah returns? What characteristics will he display, so we can recognize him?
Elijah was a man of the wilderness. Great signs and wonders followed his ministry. He preached against the evils of his day. He especially preached against the immorality of Queen Jezebel. When Elijah was taken up to Heaven in a chariot of fire, his spirit fell upon Elisha. His ministry was then marked by great signs and wonders, and Elisha also preached against the sins of the world. Both prophets stood alone against the religious organizations of that day (I Kings 18:21). Hundreds of years later, the same spirit returned to the earth in John the Baptist. The prophet Malachi predicted that Elijah would return to introduce the Lord: Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me... (Malachi 3:1). John the Baptist was true to form as he called for repentance among the children of God. Like Elijah, he preached against the king and the modern religious organizations. The Lord Jesus confirmed that John the Baptist was the prophet of Malachi 3 in the book of Matthew: “For this is he, of whom it is written, Behold, I send my messenger before thy face, which shall prepare thy way before thee.” Matt 11:10
Two thousand years after John the Baptist, it is again time for the spirit of Elijah to return to earth.
That day has come. In this age, we have seen the spirit of Elijah return to earth. He defied the modern denominational system. He stood against the sins of the world. He showed innumerable signs and wonders. He preached the Bible word-for-word from Genesis to Revelation. And by reading this article, you are responsible for knowing that God sent a prophet. The prophet of Malachi 4 has been among us, and he brought a Message from the Throne of the Almighty God.
That prophet’s name is William Marrion Branham.
Not since the Lord Jesus Christ walked the earth has a man affected the world in such a profound way. From a humble beginning in a one-room cabin in the hills of Kentucky, to Amarillo Texas where the Lord took him home, his life was continuously marked by supernatural events. At the direction of the Angel of the Lord in 1946, Brother Branham’s Ministry produced a spark that ignited a period of great healing revivals that swept across America and around the world. To this day, he is acknowledged by Christian historians as the “father” and “pacesetter” of the 1950s healing revival that transformed the Pentecostal Church and ultimately gave rise to the Charismatic movement, which today influences nearly every Protestant denomination. However, true to form, the denominations discount his teachings and deny his commission.
Wherever he went, God proved that Brother Branham is the prophet to this generation. Like Job, the Lord talked to him in a whirlwind. Like Moses, the Pillar of Fire was seen leading him. Like Micaiah, he was reviled by the clergy. Like Elijah, he was a man of the wilderness. Like Jeremiah, he was commissioned by an Angel. Like Daniel, he saw visions of the future. Like the Lord Jesus, he knew the secrets of the heart. And like Paul, he healed the sick.
The Lord has again visited His people through a prophet. In the darkest time in history, where morality has sunk to depths never before seen and weapons of mass destruction loom on the horizon, a humble man was sent from the presence of God to call a dying race to repentance. His legacy is not simply in books and tapes. His legacy is in the salvation of millions of souls that accepted Christ because of his Gospel.
The beloved disciple John wrote about the Lord Jesus: And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen. The same can be said about the life of Brother Branham. We have 1183 taped sermons with thousands of stories about the life of this gallant man. Yet we continuously hear new testimonies of his influence on the lives of millions of people. This article could never scratch the surface of the impact this man of God had on the world.
But how will we know when a prophet arises? What will he look like? How will he act? What sign will he give us? What Scriptures will he fulfil?
The prophets of old were gallant men of God, and were not afraid to stand against the religious organizations of their day. In fact, they were almost always reviled by the clergy. Elijah challenged the religious organizations of his day, asking them if God would respect their offering or his. They shouted. They prophesied. They jumped on top of the altar. They cut themselves with knives. But God did not hear them. Elijah looked up to Heaven and said, “let it be known this day that thou art God in Israel, and that I am thy servant, and that I have done all these things at thy word.” He then called fire down from Heaven to consume the offering. Micaiah the prophet withstood the King of Israel and the entire priesthood when he rebuked the High Priest Zedekiah for prophesying a lie. The High Priest struck him in the face and the King imprisoned him for speaking the truth. Even the Lord Jesus was so hated by the religious organizations of His day that they crucified Him alongside the vilest of criminals.
If there was a prophet in this modern day, how would he be accepted by the Catholic Church? The Baptist Church? The Lutheran Church? Any denomination?
The Lord Jesus commissioned all that believe Him: “And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.” (Mark 16:17-18). Is this Scripture true today? If it is not true, when did the Words of the Lord expire? Throughout the Bible, the prophets are able to heal the sick, cast out devils, and perform miracles. Moses set the brass serpent before the people of Israel to heal them from the bite of venomous snakes (Numbers 21:9). Namaan, one of the most powerful men in Syria, came to Elisha to be healed of leprosy (II Kings 5:9). When the young man fell to his death from the upper window, the prophet Paul embraced him and brought life back into the dead body (Acts 20:10). We only have record of about three years of our Lord Jesus’ life. During these few years, he continually healed the sick. The blind were made to see. Lepers were healed. The deaf received their hearing. The lame walked. Every manner of disease was healed (Matt 4:23).
The prophets of old were gallant men of God, and were not afraid to stand against the religious organizations of their day.
Even the most guarded secrets of the heart were made known to these men of God. King Nebuchadnezzar had a troubling dream, but he could not remember what it was about. The prophet Daniel told the King both the dream and the prophesy that followed (Dan 2:28). Nothing was hid from Solomon when the Queen of Sheba came before him. He was so filled with the Spirit that he told her the questions of her heart before she asked them (I Kings 10:3). Elisha told the King of Israel all the plans of the King of Syria, even to his words spoken in is bedroom (II Kings 6:12).
Through His own actions, the Lord Jesus showed that this Spirit of discernment is the Spirit of Christ. He discerned Nathanael’s nature when He said, “Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile!” And he went on to tell Nathanael where he was when Phillip told him about the Messiah (John 1:49). When he saw that Jesus knew his heart, Nathanael immediately recognized Him as the Christ. The first time Jesus saw Peter, he told him the name of his father, Jona (John 1:42). Peter then forsook all and followed Jesus for the rest of his life. Jesus met the Samaritan woman at the well and told her of her past sins. Her first words were, “Sir, I perceive that thou art a prophet” (John 4:18). All three of these people were from different walks of life, yet they immediately recognized Jesus when He showed the gift of discernment. Did this gift disappear when the last page of the Bible was written? If these miracles are so plainly written in the Bible, where are they today? A modern-day prophet would surely be vindicated by miracles.
Has God forgotten His people? Is He still able to heal the sick? Does He still speak to us through his prophets? Did any of the prophets foresee this day? Are there prophesies that have yet to be fulfilled?
The Promise Of A Prophet In The Last Days
The Lord told us in the book of Malachi, “Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD.”
The great and dreadful day of the Lord has yet to come, so we should sincerely look for this prophet. If the Bible is true, then this prophet will not come to the mainstream religious organizations. He will come to a select, predestinated few. Imagine if this prophet came, and he was missed. What if he is like the prophets of old, and only a handful of people recognize him? If this prophet is to return in the last day, how will we know him? The answer is plainly seen in the Scriptures. He will have the nature of a prophet. He will know the secrets of the heart. He will perform miracles. The main-stream religious organizations will attempt to discredit him. But there will be a chosen few that recognize him as the promised messenger for the day.
How will we know when Elijah returns? What characteristics will he display, so we can recognize him?
Elijah was a man of the wilderness. Great signs and wonders followed his ministry. He preached against the evils of his day. He especially preached against the immorality of Queen Jezebel. When Elijah was taken up to Heaven in a chariot of fire, his spirit fell upon Elisha. His ministry was then marked by great signs and wonders, and Elisha also preached against the sins of the world. Both prophets stood alone against the religious organizations of that day (I Kings 18:21). Hundreds of years later, the same spirit returned to the earth in John the Baptist. The prophet Malachi predicted that Elijah would return to introduce the Lord: Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me... (Malachi 3:1). John the Baptist was true to form as he called for repentance among the children of God. Like Elijah, he preached against the king and the modern religious organizations. The Lord Jesus confirmed that John the Baptist was the prophet of Malachi 3 in the book of Matthew: “For this is he, of whom it is written, Behold, I send my messenger before thy face, which shall prepare thy way before thee.” Matt 11:10
Two thousand years after John the Baptist, it is again time for the spirit of Elijah to return to earth.
That day has come. In this age, we have seen the spirit of Elijah return to earth. He defied the modern denominational system. He stood against the sins of the world. He showed innumerable signs and wonders. He preached the Bible word-for-word from Genesis to Revelation. And by reading this article, you are responsible for knowing that God sent a prophet. The prophet of Malachi 4 has been among us, and he brought a Message from the Throne of the Almighty God.
That prophet’s name is William Marrion Branham.
Not since the Lord Jesus Christ walked the earth has a man affected the world in such a profound way. From a humble beginning in a one-room cabin in the hills of Kentucky, to Amarillo Texas where the Lord took him home, his life was continuously marked by supernatural events. At the direction of the Angel of the Lord in 1946, Brother Branham’s Ministry produced a spark that ignited a period of great healing revivals that swept across America and around the world. To this day, he is acknowledged by Christian historians as the “father” and “pacesetter” of the 1950s healing revival that transformed the Pentecostal Church and ultimately gave rise to the Charismatic movement, which today influences nearly every Protestant denomination. However, true to form, the denominations discount his teachings and deny his commission.
Wherever he went, God proved that Brother Branham is the prophet to this generation. Like Job, the Lord talked to him in a whirlwind. Like Moses, the Pillar of Fire was seen leading him. Like Micaiah, he was reviled by the clergy. Like Elijah, he was a man of the wilderness. Like Jeremiah, he was commissioned by an Angel. Like Daniel, he saw visions of the future. Like the Lord Jesus, he knew the secrets of the heart. And like Paul, he healed the sick.
The Lord has again visited His people through a prophet. In the darkest time in history, where morality has sunk to depths never before seen and weapons of mass destruction loom on the horizon, a humble man was sent from the presence of God to call a dying race to repentance. His legacy is not simply in books and tapes. His legacy is in the salvation of millions of souls that accepted Christ because of his Gospel.
The beloved disciple John wrote about the Lord Jesus: And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen. The same can be said about the life of Brother Branham. We have 1183 taped sermons with thousands of stories about the life of this gallant man. Yet we continuously hear new testimonies of his influence on the lives of millions of people. This article could never scratch the surface of the impact this man of God had on the world.
A self confessed Atheist tears out pages from the Korean and the Holy Bible and then smokes them.
While recording his insidious actions - can you believe that an intelligent 29 year old Australian lawyer based in Queensland has torn pages out of the Bible and Korean and then burnt them?
He then uploaded this stupid act to U Tube for the whole world to see.
Needless to say citing the shenanigans of the individual in question he has not impressed his employers. Accordingly his behaviour could have the tendency to back fire on him were and he has since been sent on leave of the more permanent variety.
The motivations of the person concerned remain questionable but one can only assume that he had performed this brainless act for no other reason other than to attract attention to himself.
Well at least in that sphere he has succeeded way beyond his wildest dreams as there are definite doubts as to his ability to ever obtain work in his chosen field again.
There may be some people of the Islamic faith that may have found his behaviour at little upsetting, but as a fundamentalist, if l am able to speak for other Christians, if his intentions were to offend Bible believing Christians he has also failed in that area to.
However what concerns me more, and a whole lot more, for this young man there is a lot more at stake here for him than simply losing his livelihood; there really are grave concerns for his spiritual well being and just where he is going to spend eternity.
He really did not know what he was doing when he set out to burn the pages of the Bible and l can only hope that the Lord is able to grant him forgiveness for his act of foolhardiness for he certainly needs forgiveness, and in bucket full's.
Accordingly, to anyone who reads this may you remember this stupid and impetuous young man in your prayers, for he certainly needs our prayers.
Here is how the world viewed the event from the Brisbane Times
Brisbane Atheist Burns Korean and Bible
A Brisbane university lawyer expects to be sacked after posting a video of himself burning the Koran and Bible online.
Queensland University of Technology employee Alex Stewart has taken leave from his non-academic position as a commercial contracts lawyer.
The university is investigating the video in which Mr Stewart appears to smoke marijuana rolled in pages from the religious texts, before rating which "burns better".
The homemade video was posted on video sharing website YouTube on Friday.
Widespread criticism of the clip led The Islamic Association of Australia this morning to call on Muslims to remain calm.
The Catholic Church, QUT and the Queensland Law Society also have condemned the clip.
The video followed international outrage at a firebrand US pastor who threatened to burn 200 Korans to mark the anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks.
Terry Jones was apparently persuaded to abandon the provocative ceremony by a promise to rethink plans to build a mosque two blocks from Ground Zero in New York.
Mr Stewart, an atheist, met QUT management this morning and agreed to take leave, a university spokeswoman said.
However, Mr Stewart fears he will not be allowed to return to the Brisbane campus.
"I'm screwed. I think I will lose my job over this. Damn it," he wrote on a website for Brisbane Atheists, of which he is an assistant organiser.
He wrote that the substance portrayed in the video was lawn clippings.
However, on the video he alluded to it being marijuana and pre-empted a police investigation.
"I probably won't appear on webcam again after the police come and arrest me," he says.
A spokeswoman this morning said police would not charge Mr Stewart.
"We haven't detected any criminal offences," the spokeswoman said.
During the 12-minute film Mr Stewart says he is performing an experiment to test whether the Islamic or Christian text is more conducive to burning.
He says people offended by the experiment are taking it "too seriously".
"It's just a book, who cares," Mr Stewart says.
"Like you can burn a flag and no one cares, people get over it so with respect to books like the Bible, the Koran, or whatever, just get over it."
He then uploaded this stupid act to U Tube for the whole world to see.
Needless to say citing the shenanigans of the individual in question he has not impressed his employers. Accordingly his behaviour could have the tendency to back fire on him were and he has since been sent on leave of the more permanent variety.
The motivations of the person concerned remain questionable but one can only assume that he had performed this brainless act for no other reason other than to attract attention to himself.
Well at least in that sphere he has succeeded way beyond his wildest dreams as there are definite doubts as to his ability to ever obtain work in his chosen field again.
There may be some people of the Islamic faith that may have found his behaviour at little upsetting, but as a fundamentalist, if l am able to speak for other Christians, if his intentions were to offend Bible believing Christians he has also failed in that area to.
However what concerns me more, and a whole lot more, for this young man there is a lot more at stake here for him than simply losing his livelihood; there really are grave concerns for his spiritual well being and just where he is going to spend eternity.
He really did not know what he was doing when he set out to burn the pages of the Bible and l can only hope that the Lord is able to grant him forgiveness for his act of foolhardiness for he certainly needs forgiveness, and in bucket full's.
Accordingly, to anyone who reads this may you remember this stupid and impetuous young man in your prayers, for he certainly needs our prayers.
Here is how the world viewed the event from the Brisbane Times
Brisbane Atheist Burns Korean and Bible
A Brisbane university lawyer expects to be sacked after posting a video of himself burning the Koran and Bible online.
Queensland University of Technology employee Alex Stewart has taken leave from his non-academic position as a commercial contracts lawyer.
The university is investigating the video in which Mr Stewart appears to smoke marijuana rolled in pages from the religious texts, before rating which "burns better".
The homemade video was posted on video sharing website YouTube on Friday.
Widespread criticism of the clip led The Islamic Association of Australia this morning to call on Muslims to remain calm.
The Catholic Church, QUT and the Queensland Law Society also have condemned the clip.
The video followed international outrage at a firebrand US pastor who threatened to burn 200 Korans to mark the anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks.
Terry Jones was apparently persuaded to abandon the provocative ceremony by a promise to rethink plans to build a mosque two blocks from Ground Zero in New York.
Mr Stewart, an atheist, met QUT management this morning and agreed to take leave, a university spokeswoman said.
However, Mr Stewart fears he will not be allowed to return to the Brisbane campus.
"I'm screwed. I think I will lose my job over this. Damn it," he wrote on a website for Brisbane Atheists, of which he is an assistant organiser.
He wrote that the substance portrayed in the video was lawn clippings.
However, on the video he alluded to it being marijuana and pre-empted a police investigation.
"I probably won't appear on webcam again after the police come and arrest me," he says.
A spokeswoman this morning said police would not charge Mr Stewart.
"We haven't detected any criminal offences," the spokeswoman said.
During the 12-minute film Mr Stewart says he is performing an experiment to test whether the Islamic or Christian text is more conducive to burning.
He says people offended by the experiment are taking it "too seriously".
"It's just a book, who cares," Mr Stewart says.
"Like you can burn a flag and no one cares, people get over it so with respect to books like the Bible, the Koran, or whatever, just get over it."
Monday, September 13, 2010
EU Wants Increased Foreign Policy Role
It may be of interest to note that one of the symbols of Europe is a beast rising from the sea. The term Europe comes from the story of a woman named Europa who was seduced (some stories say raped) by the “god Zeus” who turned himself into a “gentle” beast who supposedly swept her off her feet. The 2 Euro coin used in Greece actually portray this. Here is a picture of a coin from Greece that shows just that:
The European Union is holding a major meeting on September 16, 2010 in order to expand its role in international politics:
EUOBSERVER / WEEKLY AGENDA (13 – 19 September ) – In what is to be his first major foray in the foreign policy arena, EU council president Herman Van Rompuy will on Thursday (16 September) preside over a meeting of EU leaders and foreign ministers to examine the bloc’s relations with its strategic partners.
The one-day and single-themed meeting is an attempt by an Mr Van Rompuy to ringfence where the EU’s strategic priorities lie, with the 27-nation Union more often in the news for its divisions on external issues and many larger states still content to view certain regions as having particular importance…
The summit comes as the EU is increasingly worrying about its global role. Top politicians regularly warn that the EU risks being marginalised as other more cohesive regional powers rise. (Mahony H. EU Observer, 10 September 2010.
The reality is that the EU not only does not want to be marginalized, it wants to set foreign policy for as much of the world as possible. Yet, it recognizes that it is not unified or strong enough to do this as much as it now wants to. This meeting is intended to remind the Europeans that major international influence is a key objective of the European Union and that it needs to take steps to make it able to fulfill that objective.
Now many recognize that the EU has its own internal squabbles. Interestingly, the lack of cohesiveness of the European Union was prophesied over 2500 years ago:
41 Whereas you saw the feet and toes, partly of potter’s clay and partly of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; yet the strength of the iron shall be in it, just as you saw the iron mixed with ceramic clay. 42 And as the toes of the feet were partly of iron and partly of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly fragile. 43 As you saw iron mixed with ceramic clay, they will mingle with the seed of men; but they will not adhere to one another, just as iron does not mix with clay. (Daniel Chapter 2 Verses 41 to 43)
Because of the EU’s lack of cohesiveness, many have concluded that it never will amount to being the major world power. However, according to biblical prophecy, it will succeed despite this. Its role in international affairs and especially war will cause the world to marvel:
1 Then I stood on the sand of the sea. And I saw a beast rising up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and on his horns ten crowns, and on his heads a blasphemous name. 2 Now the beast which I saw was like a leopard, his feet were like the feet of a bear, and his mouth like the mouth of a lion. The dragon gave him his power, his throne, and great authority. 3 And I saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded, and his deadly wound was healed. And all the world marveled and followed the beast. 4 So they worshiped the dragon who gave authority to the beast; and they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast? Who is able to make war with him?” (Revelation Chapter Verses 13 and 1-4)
Many doubt that the Europeans can become a major military power, but the Bible indicates otherwise (it even indicates that the Europeans really do not think that they will use the power, but will anyways per Isaiah Chapter 10 Verses 5 to 11). Europe is currently taking steps such as its Galileo satellite system and its Large Hadron Collider (the largest physics project on earth) that will likely help it develop the military abilities that will cause the world to marvel at its future military successes.
Other steps, which I try to report here at the COGwriter news page, are also being taken within the EU to accomplish its objectives for global military (Daniel Chapter 11, Verses39 to 43; Revelation 13:1-4), religious (Revelation Chapter 13, Verses 11 to 17), and economic (cf. Revelation Chapter(s) 18; 13: Verses 16 to 17) objectives.
It is partially because of its inability to be highly unified that many do not see that the EU is rising and rapidly being set to be the Beast power warned in both the books of Daniel and Revelation. However, events such as those aimed a ecumenical unity and the September 16th meeting with Herman Van Rompuy demonstrate that steps towards some unity within the EU are happening. And according to biblical prophecy, even though there will always be some cohesiveness issues in the final European power, it still will have power for at least 3 1/2 years (Revelation Chapter 13, Verse 5).
Who is the King of the North? Is there one? Do biblical and Roman Catholic prophecies point to the same leader? Should he be followed? Who will be the King of the North discussed in Daniel 11? Is a nuclear attack prophesied to happen to the English-speaking peoples of the United States, Great Britain, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand? When do the 1335 days, 1290 days, and 1260 days (the time, times, and half a time) of Daniel 12 begin? When does the Bible show that economic collapse will affect the United States?
Europa, the Beast, and Revelation Where did Europe get its name? What might Europe have to do with the Book of Revelation? What about “the Beast”? Is an emerging European power “the daughter of Babylon”? What is ahead for Europe?
Spain urges the EU to raise its profile in Middle East peace process - enter one Antichrist!
The Antichrist will confirm a seven year Middle East peace treaty when Satan tells him the timing is right to do so: see Daniel Chapter 9 Verse 27.
In the meantime Spain on Tuesday gave its backing to the Palestinian Authority and the creation of a Palestinian state, urging the European Union to raise its profile in the relaunched Middle East peace talks.
The Palestinian Authority "has been showing its capacity to (exercise) dialogue, flexibility and, above all, that it is seeking peace" with peaceful methods such as compromise and dialogue, Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero said after meeting his Palestinian counterpart Salam Fayyad in Madrid.
The two attended the first Spanish-Palestinian summit, which also involved several ministers from Spain and the Palestinian territories.
The summit was a signal of Spain's backing the creation of a Palestinian state, Zapatero said.
Zapatero and Fayyad agreed on the need for the EU to play a more dynamic role in the peace process. Zapatero promised to forward that message to Brussels and Washington.
Spain supports a democratic and free Palestine with a state a law and principles of equality, Zapatero said.
Fayyad described a Palestinian state as "inevitable," even if Israeli settlements represent a major obstacle for the peace process.
The peace talks should include the subjects of frontiers, Jerusalem, refugees, security, settlements and water, Spain and the Palestinian Authority said in a joint political declaration.
The dialogue should lead to the end of Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories within a year, the declaration added.
The document urged Israel to stop discrimination against Palestinians in East Jerusalem, to dismantle settlements built since March 2001 and to end any blockade of the Gaza Strip.
In the meantime Spain on Tuesday gave its backing to the Palestinian Authority and the creation of a Palestinian state, urging the European Union to raise its profile in the relaunched Middle East peace talks.
The Palestinian Authority "has been showing its capacity to (exercise) dialogue, flexibility and, above all, that it is seeking peace" with peaceful methods such as compromise and dialogue, Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero said after meeting his Palestinian counterpart Salam Fayyad in Madrid.
The two attended the first Spanish-Palestinian summit, which also involved several ministers from Spain and the Palestinian territories.
The summit was a signal of Spain's backing the creation of a Palestinian state, Zapatero said.
Zapatero and Fayyad agreed on the need for the EU to play a more dynamic role in the peace process. Zapatero promised to forward that message to Brussels and Washington.
Spain supports a democratic and free Palestine with a state a law and principles of equality, Zapatero said.
Fayyad described a Palestinian state as "inevitable," even if Israeli settlements represent a major obstacle for the peace process.
The peace talks should include the subjects of frontiers, Jerusalem, refugees, security, settlements and water, Spain and the Palestinian Authority said in a joint political declaration.
The dialogue should lead to the end of Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories within a year, the declaration added.
The document urged Israel to stop discrimination against Palestinians in East Jerusalem, to dismantle settlements built since March 2001 and to end any blockade of the Gaza Strip.
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