Thursday, March 25, 2010

Preparing Americans for hyper-inflation! Figures show America is financially doomed.

These figures are so nightmarish you wonder why they are not being shouted from the housetops in every US city! This is a report from the National Inflation Association, whose sub-heading is: "Preparing Americans for hyper-inflation." There have been many that been warning others for years that when governments print money the end result is that money becomes worthless. Just look at German history and what happened next. Christians know all this is leading to a one-world currency.

Healthcare Bill to Cause U.S. Hyperinflation By 2015

The National Inflation Association today issued a warning to all Americans of a potential outbreak of hyperinflation in the U.S. by year 2015 caused primarily by the healthcare bill and rising interest payments on our national debt.

Medicare was created in 1966 at a cost of $3 billion per year and the House Ways and Means Committee estimated in 1966 that in 1990 the cost of Medicare would reach $12 billion per year. Instead, the actual cost of Medicare in 1990 was $107 billion (792% more than what was projected) and today Medicare costs $408 billion annually. In 2003, the White House Office of Management and Budget estimated that the Iraq War would have a total cost of $50 to $60 billion. So far, we have already spent $713 billion on the Iraq War (over 1,000% more than what was projected).

The Congressional Budget Office is estimating that the healthcare bill will cost $940 billion over the next 10 years, but if history is any indication, the actual cost will likely be several trillion dollars. NIA believes the healthcare bill will be the final nail in the coffin of the U.S. economy and will just about guarantee that we will see hyperinflation by the year 2015.

The U.S. government last week reported a record monthly budget deficit for February 2010 of $220.9 billion. Total tax receipts for the month were only $107.5 billion compared to outlays of $328.4 billion. The total U.S. deficit for the first five months of fiscal year 2010 was $651.6 billion, with tax receipts of $800.5 billion and outlays of $1.45 trillion. The deficit was up 10.5% for the first five months of fiscal year 2010 over the same period in fiscal year 2009.

We are now at a point where if the U.S. government taxed Americans 100% of their income, the tax receipts generated would not be enough to balance the budget. Likewise, if the U.S. government cut 100% of its spending including defense, but kept paying Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, we would still have a budget deficit. NIA believes it will be impossible for the U.S. to have a balanced budget ever again.

The U.S. national debt is now $12.67 trillion of which $8.061 trillion is public debt. Due to the Federal Reserve's artificially low interest rates of 0% to 0.25%, interest payments on our national debt last month were only $16.9 billion, an interest rate of only 2.548% on our public debt. The reason for the spread between our 2.548% interest rate on the public debt and the federal funds rate of 0 to 0.25% is that a portion of our national debt is made up of long-term bonds at higher interest rates.

Our debt ceiling was recently raised to $14.3 trillion, which we are on track to reach in less than a year, sending our public debt up to about $10 trillion. If the Federal Reserve raises the federal funds rate up to just 2% during the next year, NIA believes the interest rate on our public debt could rise to 5% and our annual interest payments will likely rise to $500 billion or 23% of projected 2010 tax receipts of $2.165 trillion.

The White House is not projecting for interest payments on the national debt to break the $500 billion mark until fiscal year 2014. By then, even if we go by White House projections that the deficit will be cut to $828 billion in 2012, $727 billion in 2013 and $706 billion in 2014, in 2014 we will still be looking at a national debt of over $18.5 trillion with a public portion of around $13.14 trillion. We find it shocking that the White House is projecting an interest rate on our public debt in 2014 of only around 4%.

All of this means that the While House expects the Federal Reserve to leave interest rates at artificially low levels almost indefinitely. However, we know it will be impossible for them to do so without creating a huge outbreak of inflation in the prices of food, energy, clothing, and just about everything else Americans need to live and survive. In order to prevent hyperinflation, we need interest rates to be higher than the rate of inflation.

NIA believes the real rate of U.S. inflation to already be approximately 5%. If the Federal Reserve doesn't raise the federal funds rate to above 5% in the short-term, in our opinion, an outbreak of double-digit inflation is inevitable. By 2014, it is possible the Federal Reserve will be forced to raise the federal funds rate up to above 10% and the public portion of our national debt could exceed $15 trillion. Therefore, in 2014 we could see the interest payments on our national debt reach $1.5 trillion, about triple what is currently being projected and 43% of the governments projected tax receipts that year of $3.455 trillion.

Besides the cost of the Healthcare bill and rising interest payments on our national debt, another major catalyst for hyperinflation will be social security payments, which adjust to the CPI-index. As the government's CPI-index rises, so will the social security payments that it owes. This could cause a death-spiral in the U.S. dollar. Inflation is still the last thing on the minds of most Americans, but soon it will be their primary concern.

The History of Pentecostalism -- One Man’s Correct View

The history of the Pentecostal movement is history that many of us have lived through and been eyewitnesses of. When I was a college student in the late 1950s, one Sunday evening several friends and I paid a visit to a Pentecostal church in the area of Franklin and Eastern in Grand Rapids, Michigan. The church was an exclusively black congregation meeting in a ramshackle storefront building. Today, the same worship-shouting, arm-waving, falling to the ground, dancing in the aisles, speaking in tongues--that fascinated us as college students goes on in the mainly white, well-educated, sophisticated Assembly of God Church in its multi-million dollar building on 44th Street in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

I was pastor of a Protestant Reformed congregation in Loveland, Colorado during most of the 1960s and the first half of the 1970s in the midst of Protestant churches that exploded with the charismatic movement. I had to struggle to understand and judge the movement, whether it was friend, foe, or neutral to the Reformed faith.

Later, in the second half of the 1970s in South Holland, Illinois, I witnessed in the village the dramatic playing out of a valiant effort to combine the Reformed faith and the charismatic movement.

Circumstances dictated that the Protestant Reformed Church of South Holland take a stand on the question, whether the Reformed faith and the charismatic movement are compatible and whether a Reformed Church may accept charismatic members. (The valiant effort in South Holland to combine the Reformed faith and the charismatic movement was a failure. The gifted Reformed minister began by insisting that he would complement Reformed orthodoxy with charismatic fervor. He ended by offering his "dusty books of Reformed doctrine for sale cheap" and by trying to raise the dead.)

The history of Pentecostalism is astounding. Whether one is for the movement or against it, he must be amazed at the fact that a movement that began only 100 years ago among a handful of lower-class people (I intend no disrespect; I am deeply conscious that God always delights in the base and no-account) has engulfed Christendom, has become the "third force," and has captivated Roman Catholic cardinals and evangelicals such as Packer and Lloyd-Jones.

The history of Pentecostalism is not only interesting and informative. It is also decisive for determining whether the movement is of God. This is not sufficiently reckoned with in analyzing the movement. The history of Pentecostalism--the history!--is decisive, whether Pentecostalism can possibly be accepted as a movement of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, as it claims, or whether Pentecostalism is of the devil. This, it must be remembered, is our concern in this booklet in obedience to the command of the apostle, "Try the spirits, whether they are of God."

As I relate the history, the reader should keep in mind my assertion at the outset, that the history of the Pentecostal/charismatic movement decides our judgment of the movement. To paraphrase the German philosopher, the history of Pentecostalism is the judgment of Pentecostalism.

My account of the history is not controversial. It is based on the accounts given by Pentecostal scholars themselves, including the Dictionary of the Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements, Donald W. Dayton, Vinson Synan, and others.

The Pentecostal movement was conceived in the womb of Bethel Bible College in Topeka, Kansas on New Year's Day, 1900. The movement was born into the world on Azusa Street in Los Angeles, California in 1906.

Conception is first. Late on the last day of 1899, or early in the morning of the first day of 1900, the itinerant preacher Charles Fox Parham laid hands on Agnes Ozman, so that she would receive the BHS as a second work of grace. Agnes received the baptism and spoke in tongues as evidence of it. This is known in Pentecostal circles as the "second Pentecost."

Birth followed six years later in revival meetings in a dilapidated building on Azusa Street in Los Angeles. The preacher who brought Pentecostalism to the birth--Pentecostalism's obstetrician--was the Rev. W. J. Seymour. He laid his hands on the people in his little group, and they received the BHS and spoke in tongues. Seymour was an amusing fellow. The revivals went on night after night for several years.

Seymour would mostly sit behind the pulpit with his head in an empty shoebox as the lively meeting raged in the room before him. The meetings were wild: tongues, rolling on the floor, falling and lying prostrate, crying, laughing, convulsing, and even levitation. Vinson Synan, himself a Pentecostal and a historian of the movement, gives this description of the meetings on Azusa Street, and of the peculiar behavior of Rev. Seymour:

A visitor to Azusa Street during the three years that the revival continued would have met scenes that beggared description. Men and women would shout, weep, dance, fall into trances, speak and sing in tongues, and interpret the messages into English. In true Quaker fashion, anyone who felt "moved by the Spirit" would preach or sing. There was no robed choir, no hymnals, no order of services, but there was an abundance of religious enthusiasm. In the middle of it all was "Elder" Seymour, who rarely preached and much of the time kept his head covered in an empty shoe box behind the pulpit At times he would be seen walking through the crowds with five- and ten-dollar bills sticking out of his hip pockets which people had crammed there unnoticed by him. At other times he would "preach" by hurling defiance at anyone who did not accept his views or by encouraging seekers at the woodplank altars to "let the tongues come forth." To others he would exclaim: "Be emphatic! Ask for salvation, sanctification, the baptism with the Holy Ghost, or divine healing" (The Holiness-Pentecostal Movement in the United States, Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1971, pp.108, 109).

The relation between the conception of the Pentecostal movement in Kansas in 1900 and the birth of the movement in Los Angeles in 1906 is that Seymour had learned the BHS from Parham at a meeting in Texas.

Soon, people were flocking to Azusa Street from all over Los Angeles, from all over California, from all over the United States, and from all over the world, to get the BHS and bring it home. The direct result was the formation of the Assemblies of God (Pentecostal) Churches in 1914 and the worldwide spread of Pentecostalism.

From 1900 to about 1960, Pentecostal teaching and practices were confined to Pentecostal churches. The established churches looked down on these Pentecostal churches as "holy rollers." This would change in the late 1950s and early 1960s.

The 1960s saw the spread of Pentecostal doctrine and practices into all the established denominations: Baptist, Lutheran, Presbyterian, and even the Roman Catholic Church. This is the charismatic movement, or charismatic renewal, in distinction from Pentecostalism. The charismatic movement is simply Pentecostalism in the previously non-Pentecostal churches. The name "charismatic," which the established Protestant and Roman Catholic churches prefer, suggests that in these churches the special gifts, the "charismata," are emphasized more than other aspects of the old Pentecostalism. Pentecostalism in the established churches is also known as "neo-Pentecostalism."

Largely responsible for the penetration of Pentecostalism into all the churches were a man and an organization. The man is Dennis Bennett, Episcopal clergyman in Van Nuys, California, who told the story of his own BHS in the book, Nine O'clock in the Morning. The organization is the extremely influential Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship International (FGBMFI). One effective method of FGBMFI to spread the message of Pentecostalism and gain converts to the movement has been their breakfast meetings. Professional people and leaders in various churches are invited to a breakfast at which a charismatic pitches the message of the charismatic movement.

Pentecostalism became respectable. It crossed all doctrinal and ecclesiastical boundaries and divides. All the churches accepted Pentecostalism and approved the Pentecostal spirit as the Spirit of Jesus Christ.

One later development of the Pentecostal/charismatic movement demands mention: the "signs and wonders" movement of John Wimber and his new denomination, The Vineyard Fellowship. This phase of the charismatic movement claims to possess the power to perform mighty miracles, which promote "church growth." Related is the infamous "Toronto Blessing," characterized by "holy laughing" for hours on end. Wimber's church and movement are not an unseemly aberration. They are part and parcel of the Pentecostal movement as the movement develops the extraordinary gifts. Pentecostals call this development "the third wave" of Pentecostalism.

If the history of Pentecostalism following the birth of the movement in 1900/1906 is astonishing, the history leading up to Pentecostalism's birth is decisive for our judgment, whether Pentecostalism is of God. Pentecostalism derives directly from the theology of the 18th century English preacher John Wesley, particularly from Wesley's teaching of a "second blessing" in the life and experience of the Christian. According to Wesley, there is a second work of grace in the Christian after conversion that brings one to a higher level of salvation: the level of "sinless perfection." This second work of grace is a dramatic act in one's experience at a certain moment. The second blessing is more important than the first, which "merely" gives the forgiveness of sins. Wesley taught that this second blessing, which he also referred to as "entire sanctification," must be sought by every Christian. If the Spirit is to grant this glorious experience, the Christian must fulfill certain conditions.

Wesley's teaching of the second blessing resulted in the "Holiness Movement" in the 1800s both in North America and in England. Revival meetings were held at which the Spirit would grant this second blessing of perfect holiness and a higher Christian life. One of the leading evangelists preaching up this supposedly more wonderful work of the Spirit was Charles Finney. At these revivals, the reception of the second blessing was accompanied by all the strange phenomena that later attended Pentecostalism's BHS.

All that Pentecostalism did was to call Wesley's second blessing the BHS and to insist that the one necessary evidence is tongues, with one notable exception. When Pentecostalism baptized Wesley's second blessing, that is, took it over as the BMS, it changed Wesley's second blessing in one, fundamental respect. Pentecostalism denied that this second blessing, now known as the BHS, consisted of holiness, indeed perfect holiness. Pentecostalism teaches that the BHS has nothing to do with holiness at all. The BHS has instead to do with mystical experience and with power and gifts for ministry. Wesley would have been appalled at this hijacking of his second blessing.

This history, which is Pentecostalism's own account of its history, conclusively proves that Pentecostalism is not of God, and proves that the spirit of Pentecostalism is not of the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Obama Intifada?

Melanie Phillips

Are we seeing the beginning (heaven forbid) of the Obama intifada?

The escalating Arab rioting today in Jerusalem and the West Bank is undoubtedly being stoked up by the fact that the Obama administration has turned so viciously against Israel. Doubtless as a result the Arabs now smell victory within their grasp and may now unleash another wave of violence against Israelis.

Every single one of their recent grievances is not just fabricated but stands history and justice on their heads. The ostensible cause of today's rioting, the re-opening yesterday of the ancient Hurva synagogue in the heart of the Jewish quarter of Jerusalem's Old City, is a typical example of this fanatical moral and historical inversion. The Hurva has been under reconstruction for years. The Palestinian campaign of incitement over it carries the message that Jews cannot build places of worship in their own city. And before anyone says any of Jerusalem is occupied Palestinian territory, it is not and never was 'Palestinian'. In every single attempt to resolve the Middle East impasse, Jerusalem was always regarded as a special case on its own; and from the mid 19th century onwards it has had uninterruptedly a Jewish majority.

The Hurva synagogue has been rebuilt, moreover, because it was twice destroyed by Muslims. Its history, as recounted by Leo Rennert, is testimony both to the uninterrupted presence of Jews in Jerusalem and to the uninterrupted attempts by Muslims to remove that presence:

The Hurva was the the Jewish landmark in Jerusalem in the 19th and early 20th centuries. It was a magnet for early Zionists, religious and non-religious. Theodore Herzl was a visitor, and so were many other Jewish notables from far and wide. The first synagogue on the site was built in 1701. Jews had obtained a loan for its construction from Muslims. But Jerusalem's Jewish community, mired in poverty, couldn't repay the debt, so Muslim creditors destroyed the synagogue.

But Jewish residents, with some outside help, rebuilt the Hurva and turned it into a magnificent landmark...that is, until 1948, when less than two weeks after Israel declared independence, Jordanian forces moved into the Old City and destroyed the Hurva -- with only the great arch left as a reminder of its former glory. And so it remained for six decades. From 1948 until 1967, Jews were barred by Jordan from even approaching the Hurva ruins, just as they were barred from praying at the Western Wall. After Israel captured the Old City in 1967, the Hurva Arch stood for many years as a stark reminder of a sad chapter in Jewish history.

Then a meticulous rebuilding and renovation effort was begun several years ago. It culminated on March 15, 2010 in the official reopening of the Hurva as an exact replica of the 19th-century synagogue, including the surviving Arch, which is now a permanent part of the new Hurva. Henceforth, it won't just be a dramatic reminder of the past; it will resume its age-old function as a place of worship.

And once again it is the target of Muslim attempts to exterminate the Jewish presence in Jerusalem. Yet Obama, who accuses Israel of frustrating the peace process by building in east Jerusalem by agreement with his own administration, is silent over this inflammatory and disgusting Palestinian attack on a Jewish place of worship. It would seem that for Obama peace means the surrender of Israel to Arab violence.

As former New York mayor Ed Koch has said, the pressure the US is now bringing to bear upon Israel is unforgiveable. It is an astonishing demonstration of cynicism and malicious intent. Noah Pollak says that Obama is trying to get rid of Netanyahu by pushing him into a corner. But much worse still, Obamas deliberate decision to escalate what was at most a tactless but minor diplomatic blunder by Israel makes America an accessory to the violence that is now taking place and may get worse. Even this Haaretz writer thinks so:

But perhaps what is most important is this: Palestinians see the Obama administrations decision to attack Israel as an invitation to adopt a more confrontational line. A previous settlement slowdown led Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to exploit the opportunity and make any new negotiations conditional on a total freeze in construction, including in east Jerusalem.

Now signals from Washington have led his political faction, Fatah, to start picking its own fight. A few days ago Prime Minister Salam Fayad called on Palestinians to rally to the Temple Mount to defend Al-Aqsa after Israel announced the dedication of a synagogue next door to the Al-Aqsa mosque. Even the most secular of Palestinian politicians, PLO executive committee chairman Yasser Abed Rabo, joined in the condemnations and warned of an escalation.

The need to defend Al-Aqsa is more than a little exaggerated. The synagogue in question is not on the doorstep of the mosque. It is in the Jewish Quarter of the Old City on a site it has occupied for more than 300 years. But the PA has smelled blood. It understands that the international community will not concern itself with secondary details, such as the fact that the synagogue in question would no doubt remain in Israeli territory under even the most generous future peace agreement. So why not start a riot and blame the Israelis, especially when the U.S. government is doing the same.

Precisely, Middle America, those millions of mainly Christian souls who are Israels staunchest supporters in the world, should be made aware of what their President is doing turning the United States into a betrayer of democracy, human rights and the Jewish people to become no less than an accessory to terror.

Melanie Phillips is a British journalist and author. She is best known for her columns on political and social issues.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Van Rompuy and Barraso - Antichrist and False Prophet?

I have not verified the information that I had recently posted regarding both Van Rompuy and Barroso co-chairing the G20 summits, but it seems to be fairly accurate.

I may be wrong in this of course but if it is spot on then we may be looking correctly identifying the Antichrist and the False Prophet consecutively?

Revelation Chapter 13 tells us there are two beasts. The first beast mentioned comes out of the sea, meaning the Mediterranean Sea. Accordingly, the Antichrist would be appointed as the full time president of the European Council of Ministers - as has been the case with Van Rompuy.

Whereas we are told that the second beast comes out of the earth, meaning the nations; as we know Barroso has been around for quite a while and is the president of the European Union Commission, so he comes out of the nations of the EU.

I do not believe we will have to wait until the Antichrist moves in the temple to identify him but we were able to know who he was by his appointment as the first ever full time EU president.

Now look what has happened, first came the appointment of Van Rompuy and now both he and Barroso intend to co-chair 20 summit meetings; that sequence of events has happened in exactly the order that the prophecies have told us it would.

That being the case it also now looks as if Sarkozy was nothing more than what many have said he was - and that he was simply preparing the way for what is now starting to become a reality.

There is going to be some form of gathering of God’s people on the day of the Lord but I still do not like to use the word Rapture simply because that brings to mind images of millions and millions of people suddenly floating up into the air and into Heaven BEFORE the signing of the covenant of the Antichrist and I simply cannot ever see that happening.

Friday, March 19, 2010


The Copenhagen summit on climate change is now nothing more than past history. There was nothing really achieved out of it except to lay the groundwork for further meetings on Climate Change

There is a very strong possibility that an outcome of those meetings may be some form of a treaty that is to be agreed at around about the middle 2010, more than likely June. Those series of meetings will be hosted by the French president Nicholas Sarkozy, and will take place in France.

If as the title of this article suggest climate change is all about creating a crisis to bring forth a world government then those series of meetings may be extremely important to those that are looking at world events reltive to Bible prophecy.

That is, if there is some form of a seven year covenant signed we may be looking at correctly identifying the Antichrist as he signs of on a treaty, if there is to be a seven year treaty at all at this particular time in history?

There have been so many for so long that have been looking for a seven year Middle East covenant to correctly identify the Antichrist. However this may not necessarily be so when Daniel Chapter 9, Verse 27 simply says a covenant with many. There is no mention there at all of the Middle East.

And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make [it] desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.

I am also not able to find anything whatsoever in the Bible that teaches anything about a false doctrine that has recently been invented called the Rapture. So there will be no Rapture before or after the signing of the covenant of Daniel and many Christians will either have to relinquish their faith or die for their beliefs.

Most will choose the former but those true Christians that do not will either die by the reintroduced French guillotine, or be imprisoned for their faith, (See Revelation Chapter 13) but not all, as some will flee to the mountains and escape the brutal 42 terror reign of the Antichrist.

What I have mentioned above is indeed a frightening scenario – but it is going to happen and could happen very soon so that is why I am wring this article to warn others of what may just be around the corner.

All are welcome to post comments but due to past bad experiences I do not get into arguing or debating those that choose to do so as this can more often than not be a road that leads to nowhere.

British admit: Copenhagen Population Control World Government

The official British two-pronged policy for the Copenhagen Conference is now out‚ in explicit language. It consists of: 1) massive population genocide‚ on a scale that would make Adolf Hitler blush‚ and 2) the establishment of a world government with policing powers to cap carbon emissions‚ to tax every advanced sector nation to the extent of two per cent of GDP per year‚ and to impose a global levy on all global financial transactions‚ among other draconian provisions.

Regarding the genocide‚ the Fabian Society’s London School of Economics‚ the anchor of the Fabian Gordon Brown government (the chief organiser of the Copenhagen Conference)‚ has produced a study for Copenhagen‚ released by the British government-backed Optimum Population Trust (OPT)‚ calling for the reduction of world population by between three to five billion people between now and 2050. This flagrant call for mass extermination is based on the argument that the single greatest cause of (non-existent) global warming is overpopulation‚ and that the most “cost-effective” cure for global warming is radical population reduction.

This is not just the “opinion” of one way-out nutty group: The Copenhagen conference is itself being sponsored by the U.N.‚ and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) tapped the OPT’s director‚ Roger Martin‚ to present the UNFPA’s own State of World Population 2009 report on the 16th November‚ in the lead-up to Copenhagen.

Former Thatcher government adviser Lord Christopher Monckton blew the whistle on the proposed World Government on the Alex Jones radio show on 9th December. Monckton‚ who is in Copenhagen attending the UN climate summit‚ said that when he attempted to obtain a copy of the 180-page current draft of the negotiating text agreement‚ he was initially rebuffed before he threatened an international diplomatic incident unless the document was forthcoming. “I insisted‚ and it took about 10 minutes and they consulted each other with three or four of them arguing over it—none of them would produce the document … I said I know this treaty exists because this is what the conference is all about‚” said Monckton.

Monckton went on to elaborate precisely how the 180-page treaty draft would establish a world government‚ replete with around 700 separate bureaucracies‚ and powers of taxation‚ inspection and enforcement over individual nation-states. Developed nations‚ for instance‚ will be taxed to pay the World Bank to fund developing nations‚ but such funds will only be forthcoming for those developing nations if they meet stringent criteria. The treaty also outlines‚ said Monckton‚ “penalties or fines for non-compliance”‚ in developed countries‚ and the creation of an international police force to “enforce its will by imposing unlimited financial penalties on any countries whose performance under this treaty they don’t like”‚ adding that that it amounted to a total global government takeover on an “unimaginable scale”.

Briefed on Monckton’s findings‚ American statesman and physical economist Lyndon LaRouche charged‚ “What this 180-page document represents is a policy worse than Hitler‚ which is the policy behind the Copenhagen summit. And the people who are proposing this‚ therefore‚ are subject to trial for genocide. Anybody who proposes this‚ becomes subject to a subsequent trial for genocide‚ by a future Nuremberg proceeding. Beware! Do not propose this; you may be subject to a future Nuremberg proceeding!”

LaRouche further called on China and India‚ who are coming under excruciating pressure to capitulate‚ to stick to their positions going into Copenhagen and to walk out if faced with mandatory emissions restrictions: “Stick to what they agreed to; stick to it! Don’t worry about the differences; stick to it! Screw this thing up! Destroy it now‚ and get rid of it!

“The issue here is that some governments are in a sense ducking the issue‚ pretending to accept conditions which they intend to defy in fact. But the point is‚ then they will become targets for destruction on that basis. It’s better to defy than to try to evade. Defiance promotes unity; compromise promotes destruction.”

Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Paganism Attached to the Christian Easter Celebrations

On Easter Sunday, everywhere, the children hunt the many colored Easter eggs, brought by the Easter rabbit. This is the vestige of a fertility rite, the eggs and the rabbit both symbolizing fertility. The rabbit was the escort of the Germanic goddess Ostara who gave her name to the festival by way of the German Ostern.

The first day of Spring holds much in the way of folklore. It is also known as the Spring Equinox, Ostara, Eostre's Day, Alban Eilir, the Vernal Equinox, or Festival of the Trees. It takes place between March 19 and 22. It marks the first day of true spring (verses the balmy weather that may procede it.)

The day and night is equal on this day, thus the name of Equinox. There is a story in one culture that says that the sun has begun to win it's race with the night and that the days get longer as the sun pulls ahead, followed by the fact that the sun begins to lose the race at Mid-Summer, and loses the race at Mid-Winter just to start the race again the next day.

It is a time of beginnings, of action, of planting seeds for future grains, and of tending gardens. On the first Sunday after the first full moon following Eostre's Day (the name from which the Easter was derived), the Christian religion celebrates it's Easter Day.

Spring is a time of the Earth's renewal, a rousing of nature after the cold sleep of winter. As such, it is an ideal time to clean your home to welcome the new season.

Spring cleaning is more than physical work. Some cultures see it as a concentrated effort on their part to rid themselves of problems and negativity of the past months and tho prepare themselves for the coming spring and summer.

To do this, they approach the task of cleaning their homes with positive thoughts. They believe that this frees the homes of the hard feelings brought about by a harsh winter. Even then, they have guidlines that they follow such as any scrubbing of stains or hand rubbing the floors should be done in a "clockwise" motion. It is their belief that this aids in filling the home with good energy for growth.

To the Druidic faith, this is a sacred day occuring in the month of Fearn (meaning, "I am the shining tear of the Sun"). Part of thier practices are to clean and rededicate outdoor shrines, believing that in doing so they honor the spring maiden. This is a time of fertility of both crops and families. In promoting crops, they believe that the use of fire and water (the sun and rain) will reanimate all life on Earth. They decorate hard- boiled eggs, the symbol of rebirth, to eat during their rites, and such foods as honey cakes and milk punch can also be found. The mothers and daughters give dinners for each other and give cards and gifts as a way of merging with the natural flow of life and with each other. (The Druids consider this also as Mother's Day.)

In Greek mythology, spring was the time when Persephone returned from the underworld (where the seed was planted in the barren winter months) and thus represents the seedlings of the spring. Demeter, Persephone's mother represents the fertile earth and the ripend grain of harvest since it is alleged that she is the one that created the need to harvest crops when her daughter was kidnapped and taken to the underworld. It was through an arrangement that her daughter could return for 1/2 the year that Demeter allowed the crops to spring forth for that time until she again went into mourning for her daughter in the fall.

In some cultures, even today, the ones that continue to celebrate the rites of spring rise on Easter morning to watch the sun "Dance" as it rises.

The Christian festival commemorating the resurrection of Christ, synchronized with the Jewish Pesach, and blended since the earliest days of Christianity with pagan European rites for the renewed season. In all countries Easter falls on the Sunday after the first full moon on or following March 21. It is preceded by a period of riotous vegetation rites and by a period of abstinence, Lent (in Spain Cuaresma, Germany Lenz, central Italy, Quaresima) and by special rites of Holy Week.

Everywhere Easter Sunday is welcomed with rejoicing, singing, candle processionals, flowers in abundance, and ringing of church bells. Many pagan customs survive, such as the lighting of new fires at dawn, among the Maya as well as in Europe, for cure, renewed life, and protection of the crops.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Obscenities of Israel in the Holy Land

So-called fundamentalist Christians are the greatest perpetrators of the myth that the Jews (who have for decade’s illegally occupied Palestinian Land) are God’s chosen people and so have a divine right to act in the most obscene and vile manner possible in the Holy Land by butchering unarmed and defenseless Palestinian men, women and children and then go about creating further obscenities by stealing their land.

The US and Britain has a consistently pro-Israeli policy and that the occasional gestures made toward the PA regime are meant only to cover up the long-standing British acceptance of Israeli criminality. Britain does give the PA regime some aid in the form of training the PA police force. However, it is very clear that the British aid is not conditional on an undertaking by the PA to respect the human rights and civil liberties of Palestinian citizens in the West Bank. Hence, one can claim safely that Britain is effectively helping the PA to torment its citizens and violate their human rights, a fact corroborated by many human rights organizations, including the London-based Amnesty International.

Palestinians, along with many honest and conscientious people around the globe, including many British citizens, have hoped that successive British governments would one day try to atone for Britain's grave sins against the Palestinian people. After all, it was Britain which gave Palestine to the Zionist movement through the infamous Balfour Declaration in 1917.

However, to the chagrin of many, Britain has shown consistently that the same criminal mindset that gave Palestine to Zionism on a silver platter remains alive and well in London. In fact, one could cite hundreds of examples showing that Britain is not really sincere about reaching a just peace in Palestine.

For example, the decision by British Prime Minister Gordon Brown to prevent the issue of arrest warrants for suspected Israeli war criminals, such as Ehud Barak, Tzipi Livni, Gabi Ashkenazi and Ehud Olmert, to name but a few. Under the new proposal made by Brown less than two weeks ago, the Crown Prosecution Service will take over responsibility for prosecuting war crimes and other violations of international law. Bowing to Zionist pressure and utterly ignoring the massacres Israel carried out in Gaza last year, Brown wrote in the Daily Telegraph, "As we have seen, there is now significant danger of such a provision being exploited by politically-motivated organizations and individuals who set out only to grab headlines knowing their case has no realistic chance of a successful prosecution".

This ill-advised proposal by Brown should be viewed as a blunt betrayal of the thousands of Palestinians killed, maimed and incinerated by the Israeli war machine during Israel's genocidal onslaught against the people of Gaza. It should also be viewed as a tacit encouragement to Israel to keep up its militaristic approach toward the Palestinians. In the final analysis, crime unpunished is crime encouraged. The proposal also shows that the British decision to back the Goldstone Report at the UN was no more than a PR exercise intended to maintain a semblance of credibility among Britain's Arab friends.

This duplicity on the part of the British government is further underscored by the virtual British silence in the face of the latest provocative decisions by the Israeli occupation authorities to build tens of thousands of additional settler units for Jews in East Jerusalem.

The feeble and certainly ineffective British stand in the face of Israel's determination to destroy every chance for peace proves that Britain is actually a hindrance to, rather than a facilitator of, peace in the Middle East. Indeed, since British Ambassador to the UN Lord Caradon drafted the Resolution 242 in November 1969, Britain has been pandering to the whims of the Zionist regime in a manner that is only outmatched by America.

Some Palestinians and Arabs had thought naively that the exit of the certified war criminal Tony Blair from the British government would restore some balance to British foreign policy toward the Muslim world, especially Palestine. However, with a gung-ho approach towards Iran, the murderous intervention in Afghanistan and the nefarious connivance with the Israelis, Britain is riding roughshod over all Arab and Muslim sensibilities. This more or less strengthens the arguments of extremist groups like al-Qaeda, which say that the West will not behave justly and decently toward Muslims unless it is forced to do so. While the British government is certainly to blame for its hypocrisy and duplicity toward the Palestinians' plight, for which it must shoulder some responsibility, Palestinian and Arab officials should always challenge British diplomats and officials to act on their criticism of Israel. It is unacceptable to criticize Israeli settlement expansion in the morning while assuring Israel in the evening that relations with Britain will remain exceptionally strong and be unaffected by any differences over the settlement issue. Britain is the mother of all the calamities that have befallen the Palestinian people since 1914. Hence, a British discourse toward the Palestinian people that is based on deception and dishonesty can never be accepted, even if British diplomats claim it is based on good will.

Friday, March 12, 2010

The False Rapture Doctrines of Alan Franklin and Terry James

Alan Franklin has co-authored another book with Terry James of Rapture Ready fame and those two with a couple of other False Prophets have written a book about a counterfeit doctrine called the Rapture of the Church; both of these men and the others involved in this satanic work have been deceived by lying spirits with their soul motivation involved obviously being money.

The Bible speaks of the resurrection of the dead and yet these cowards who choose to twist the word of God around for their own benefit by saying that God has written a so-called Rapture into his word that simply isn’t there may be in for one huge shock very soon when the treaty of Daniel is confirmed very, very shortly.

That is not to say if they manage to publish the book very quickly it may do quite well for the facts of the matter are that the backstabbing hypocrites that inhabit the Whore Babylon/Laodicean Churches have been fully indoctrinated into believing the Rapture garbage and will more than likely rush out and buy this piece of trash.

There is another book that has also been brought out called “There is no Rapture”. Even as the title suggests the author of this book is correct but sadly I would expect this book to would as well as the one mentioned above simply because 95% of the so-called Christian church has been brainwashed into something that is not even in the Bible.

Monday, March 8, 2010

The Great Big Rapture Lie

I have found the following remarks on a post tribulation blog

Quote: Don’t beat yourself up - you both made valid points, I can see both sides of the debate and am undecided myself, but really need to hear this information. As you both said, its not a salvation issue, it should motivate us to study the scriptures more for ourselves. Well done to both of you. And yes, it would have been great to have a longer debate. End of quote

The timing of the Rapture is one of the greatest scams and frauds that has ever infiltrated the Christian movement; there is no point whatsoever in going into the entire history of it but I have done a little research on the subject matter and it seems that it does not go back hundreds and hundreds of years, but is only a very recent invention of about 150 years ago.

Right from the book of Genesis to the book of the apocalypse, the Revelation, the facts of the matter are that there is no where in the Bible that even mentions the word Rapture.

Those two facts alone should be enough to start bells ringing, but obviously it doesn’t.

All of this time I wondered what was wrong with the churches and those that make comments here and why can’t they see what is wrong. But now I have a finger on it it’s as clear as daylight -- Satan has designed a so called Rapture of the church to blindfold Christians to the real truth so that instead of looking for the day of the Lord, as they should be, they are looking for a Rapture that is never ever going to happen, not now or not ever. There will be no Rapture.

Those that are perpetrating this satanic handiwork known as the timing of the Rapture cannot be operating under a true Holy Spirit but can only operating under a form of sorcery that has been clearly designed to lead Christians astray.

That is why we are told in the book of the Revelation that in these last days men will be neither hot nor cold and for that reason I will spew them out says the Lord.

Common sense would dictate that if a so-called Christian is not prepared to stand up for the Lord at the end of the age and at the same time be martyred for his name but is instead is looking for  a way out through a Rapture, Christ is not going to stand up for them on the judgment day.

So our friend above is totally wrong when he says the Rapture debate does not have anything to do with salvation, it has everything to do with salvation. Even though I really do regret having to say this but those that have fallen for this one big Rapture lie may not inherit the Kingdom of God for the reason I have stated above.

So to those that are reading this who claim to be saved are you really as sure on your salvation as what you think you are? I really would hate to see you close your eyes after having had the death experience and then open them again to find out you are in Hell.  The very same verses that describe the resurrection of the dead are being used by those that are pulling off the Rapture lie and in most cases mainly for there own financial benefit.  

There are only 5% of Christians who do not believe in the Rapture. How easy is it going to be for the Antichrist to come forth and deceive the nations, certainly the Christians are not going to stop him when all they are thinking of is escaping?  

The doctrine relating to the Rapture of the Church is nothing but pure witchcraft, sorcery or another form of occultism and those that believe in it and preach it are nothing more than False Prophets and liars doing the works of Satan and may go to where they belong, Hellfire. 

There never has been nor will there ever be a taking away of the church so through that garbage out and concentrate on what the Bible really teaches, the resurrection  of the dead, but do not mix the two up together as the hypocrites and the harlot churches do.

So my message to anybody that reads this that your simply wasting your time and energy by even thinking of a pre, mid or post tribulation let alone bothering to waste time and energy arguing amongst each other about something the scriptures do not even teach at all.  

Monday, March 1, 2010

The War Within the EU

The newly elected EU president Herman Van Rompuy. Note his right eye it looks very similar to the eye of Satan atop the pyramid on the American dollar bill, extremely scary stuff?

I know what my thoughts are on the end times but to put those thoughts into words that everyone who reads my postings can understand is an entirely another matter.

I made attempt to do so above but I feel that I have really succeeded, and so for the purpose of another shot at it I am submitting this revamped attempt. So basically just ignore most of the last effort as I have tried to simplify things a little better so that everyone can understand my point of view.

Basically all that I am saying is that I think Sarkozy maybe the False Prophet because he seems to fit the following verse to a tee. Also remember that it was Sarkozy and Merkel who choose the newly appointed EU president and so it looks as if Sarkozy has been supporting him all along even before he came to power. Also remember that Sarkozy does not have seat of power but has two horns like a lamb, therefore he may be fulfilling two jobs?

The verse I am referring to is Revelation Chapter 13 Verse 12 And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.

There have been so many that have been saying that Sarkozy could be the Antichrist because he has been acting in a manner similar to how we would expect the Antichrist to act.

However the verse above tells us as the False Prophet acts in a manner not dissimilar to the Antichrist as he exercises all of the authority of the first beast (before he even came to power) and causes the earth and those who dwell on it to worship the first beast, even though he does not seek authority for himself.

Sounds very much like Sarkozy to me?

I have now learnt that Van Rompuy is making a play for power within the EU with some even calling him the quite assassin. What is going on now within the EU is being called “a war in the EU” and that sounds to me very much like the rise and rise of the Antichrist - although I may be wrong?

National leaders are concerned Mr Van Rompuy, who had been expected to take a back seat role, is attempting to expand his position.

Germany and France backed his candidature on the understanding he would act as an EU “chairman” rather than a high-profile leader.

But the introduction of the Lisbon Treaty has triggered bitter in-fighting between Mr Van Rompuy, Baroness Ashton, the foreign minister, and the Commission over who is in charge of representing Europe on the global stage.

Diplomats are increasingly worried that amid the turf wars there is a danger of Brussels “mission creep” as squabbling EU chiefs try to enlarge their empires at the expense of each other and national sovereignty.

National governments, led by Germany, are incensed by an attempt by Mr Van Rompuy to take on new powers he claims were agreed at an informal summit two weeks ago.

There has been particular anger over a letter he sent to EU leaders following the chaotic Feb 11 meeting in Brussels that was dominated by the economic crisis in Greece and talk of a European bail-out.

Despite the fact that the meeting only lasted three hours, with Greece the main topic of discussion, Mr Van Rompuy insisted that eight to ten specific points were agreed, a view that has been disputed by most EU leaders.

One of the points of the classified letter, seen by The Daily Telegraph, gives Mr Van Rompuy the right to lead the EU’s negotiating team at G20 summits, usurping the role of national governments and the Commission.

“There was agreement to take better account of the international dimension. This includes a thorough preparation of the EU position for G20, allowing me to effectively and forcefully represent the EU’s positions in this important forum,” said the letter. End of quote

When I have the time to do so I will say more on the earthquakes at a later date, but they do tie in more than most realize with the end times. Your friend

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Who are Herman Van Rompuy and Nicholas Sarkozy?

How strange it is how some of the Bible prophecies eventually pan out. Christians for centuries have been awaiting the arrival of the Antichrist thinking there was going to be some sort of a grandiose fanfare when he was finally appointed as the EU president.

Nonetheless it may have happened and yet most of Christendom has hardly blinked an eyelid. Even a UK Independence Party MEP Nigel Farage has shocked the European Parliament with a savage personal attack on the EU's new full-time President Herman van Rompuy. Mr Farage slammed the former Belgian Prime Minister's appearance, personality, pay packet and country, and accused him of plotting the overthrow of the nation state. Mr. Van Rompuy, who had just made his first speech to MEPs since being appointed by EU leaders to the newly created top job, sat in amazement and obvious discomfort, settling for a half-grin and grimace as the tirade went on. To gasps from other MEPs in the less-than-full chamber, Mr. Farage told Mr. Van Rompuy that he possessed "all the charisma of a damp rag and the appearance of a low-grade bank clerk". Afterwards the Socialist leader in the Parliament, Germany's Martin Schulz, condemned Mr. Farage for "trampling on the dignity of the House". And Mr. Van Rompuy, low-key and notoriously camera-shy, responded that he held Mr. Farage's remarks "in contempt", and refused to say more. Mr. Farage declared: "We were told that when we had a president, we'd see a giant global political figure, a man who would be the political leader for 500 million people, the man that would represent all of us all of us on the world stage, the man whose job was so important that of course you're paid more than President Obama." He continued: "Well, I'm afraid what we got were you... I don't want to be rude but, really, you have the charisma of a damp rag and the appearance of a low-grade bank clerk and the question I want to ask is: who are you? - I'd never heard of you, nobody in Europe had ever heard of you." Mr. Farage went on: "I can speak on behalf of the majority of British people in saying that we don't know you, we don't want you and the sooner you are put out to grass, the better." End of quote

As we can see by our friend above remarks when we saw the appointment of the EU president the EU did not receive the president they had bargained for.

However let’s go back to the Bible for a minute and take another look at Revelation Chapter 13. We know the Beast out of the sea is the Antichrist while the Beast out of the earth is the False Prophet.  In some senses both Beasts are really as bad as each other. Nonetheless, the scriptures tell us that both Beasts do certain things.

But does the Antichrist really hold the reigns of power within the EU as for so long so many people believed he would, or does the False Prophet really hold the reigns of power?  Even though he is not actively seeking authority himself, instead he hands his authority over the first Beast. When the Bible says he hands his authority over to the Antichrist does that really mean that he is controlling the first Beast?  

Because he has been acting in a manner that would be comparable to the way the Antichrist there have been many of this blog that have suggested that the current French president Nicholas Sarkozy maybe the Antichrist. However as Sarkozy does not hold the reigns of power to be the Antichrist is he not the Antichrist but could be the False Prophet?

Therefore the analogy that I had suggested above could apply to him even though it is the Antichrist who confirms the seven year Middle East peace treaty of Daniel Chapter 9, Verse 27 or is it the False Prophet; after all two horns like a lamb suggests he is a peace maker see Revelation Chapter 13.  

Even if you were to look at other portions of the Bible does the scripture really mean the Antichrist or the False Prophet?  Take for example Daniel Chapter 7, Verse 8:  I considered the horns, and, behold, there came up among them another little horn, before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots: and, behold, in this horn [were] eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things. This could refer to either the Antichrist or the False Prophet but not necessarily to the Antichrist as both have ten horns. 

The first ever EU president Herman Van Rompuy

Now consider the second horsemen of Revelation Chapter 6 the Red Horse.  Clearly that means a World War and yet were are told in Revelation Chapter 13 that the False Prophet causes fire to come from the sky in full view of men – that sounds very much to me like a nuclear war. The list goes on and on. Now can you see the cleverness of Satan and the game of deception he may have been playing all along?

Friday, February 19, 2010

Is the World Economy on the Brink of Collapse?

Even though the world greeted his appointment as the first ever full time president with slight misgivings Herman Van Rompuy may not be the non starter we originally thought him to be.

Alan Franklin of the website has said their will be an economic global collapse in 2011, and just yesterday while watching Sky News I had learnt that California is absolutely broke, and that if Barak Obama continues on with his uncontrolled spending the whole of America is also set to collapse.

Now look what is also happening in Europe and Greece in particular.

BRUSSELS – Will the European Union use Greece's debt crisis to claw more economic power away from its member governments?

With the euro shaken by fears of a possible Greek default, the European Union's new president is seeking more authority over the economic sovereignty of its 27 members — which could limit member's spending on welfare and curb worker protection.

Such a push, eating into the economic sovereignty of its 27 members is sure to draw opposition.

It is a bold move for the unprepossessing President Herman Van Rompuy, a relative unknown whose ascension to the post last year was widely greeted with a yawn and as a signal that Europe was not prepared to choose a major figure who could outshine French, German or British leaders on the world stage.

The world economy is on the verge of disintegrating and isn’t a global economic collapse a perfect formula for the AC to gain the power to needs as he is able to claw the sovereignty and independence away from respective member nations by finding a solution to their economic woes just as Van Rompuy is trying to do at the moment?
The first ever full time EU President Herman Van Rompuy

I am not saying that Van Rompuy is the AC but Barry R Smith may have been right when he said the AC was the EU president, time will tell.

Remember Van Rompuy was chosen as the first ever EU president simply because of his genius in lifting Belgium out of the economic crisis that it had fallen into, and all in just 12 months, food for thought at least?

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Iran's Nuclear Capabilities

-->I find it to be incredibly curious that at almost precisely the same time as Iran has announced it now has nuclear capabilities the US has launched its biggest offence ever in the eight year long war against the Taliban in Afghanistan. Even though this may be a fair amount of conjecture at this stage It looks very much to me like the US is planning to complete their now looks like to have been a deliberately protracted war in Afghanistan so they can now move into Iran and attack the dictatorial reign there. Both the EU and Russia are very heavily back Iran and if what I have mentioned above ever does take place, batten down the hatches, because the result can only be a conflict of massive proportions and may even result in the Russian lead attack against Israel has been prophesied.

Friday, February 12, 2010

What Now For Tony Blair?

Even though Tony Blair did not win the approval of both France and Germany when it came to choosing the EU president there still remains some thing that is very out of the ordinary about Blair.

To be perfectly frank I am not entirely convinced that the French president Nicholas Sarkozy is the AC, and I still do not count Blair out of contention when it comes to correctly identifying the AC.

Even though I am now a middle aged man (and am now facing up to old age at a very rapid rate) I still tend to stick to the way I have been brought up in an ancient system of belief when it comes to the fulfillment of the Bible prophecies, and that is that we shall only know the correct identity of the AC by his confirmation of a seven year Middle East peace treaty.

I still believe that I am going to see that take place within my own lifetime and even though I cannot foretell the immediate future I still live in vain hope that we may see it take place very, very shortly.

The Middle East Peace Envoy for the Quartet (United States, European Union, United Nations and Russia) Tony Blair is optimistic. The former British Prime Minister said there is a great sense of hope and expectation in the Middle East after United States President Obama’s recent outreach to the Islamic world.

Blair says that if everyone would commit themselves to a two state solution, this peace deal could be in place within the year.

That Blair says there could be peace in the Middle East within the year is a page out of Bible prophecy for the end times”.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


As the owner of this Blog I am not a prophet but this man (David Wilkerson) is of God and is able to see things happen before they do. He is constantly being revealed of future events so that he can warn people what is going to come to pass in the near future so that they may prepare a way out. That being the case it may be good to head his warnings before it is too late.

I am compelled by the Holy Spirit to send out an urgent message to all on our mailing list, and to friends and to bishops we have met all over the world.AN EARTH-SHATTERING CALAMITY IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN. IT IS GOING TO BE SO FRIGHTENING; WE ARE ALL GOING TO TREMBLE - EVEN THE GODLIEST AMONG US.For ten years I have been warning about a thousand fires coming to New York City. It will engulf the whole megaplex, including areas of New Jersey and Connecticut. Major cities all across America will experience riots and blazing fires—such as we saw in Watts, Los Angeles, years ago.There will be riots and fires in cities worldwide. There will be looting—including Times Square, New York City. What we are experiencing now is not a recession, not even a depression. We are under God’s wrath. In Psalm 11 it is written,“If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?” (v. 3).God is judging the raging sins of America and the nations. He is destroying the secular foundations.The prophet Jeremiah pleaded with wicked Israel, “God is fashioning a calamity against you and devising a plan against you. Oh, turn back each of you from your evil way, and reform your ways and deeds. But they will say, It’s hopeless! For we are going to follow our own plans, and each of us will act according to the stubbornness of his evil heart” (Jeremiah 18:11-12).In Psalm 11:6, David warns, “Upon the wicked he will rain snares (coals of fire)…fire…burning wind…will be the portion of their cup.” Why? David answered, “Because the Lord is righteous” (v. 7). This is a righteous judgment—just as in the judgments of Sodom and in Noah’s generation.WHAT SHALL THE RIGHTEOUS DO? WHAT ABOUT GOD’S PEOPLE?First, I give you a practical word I received for my own direction. If possible lay in store a thirty-day supply of non-perishable food, toiletries and other essentials. In major cities, grocery stores are emptied in an hour at the sign of an impending disaster.As for our spiritual reaction, we have but two options. This is outlined in Psalm 11. We “flee like a bird to a mountain.” Or, as David says, “He fixed his eyes on the Lord on his throne in heaven—his eyes beholding, his eyelids testing the sons of men” (v. 4). “In the Lord I take refuge” (v. 1).I will say to my soul: No need to need to hide. This is God’s righteous work. I will behold our Lord on his throne, with his eye of tender, loving kindness watching over every step I take—trusting that he will deliver his people even through floods, fires, calamities, tests, trials of all kinds.
Note: I do not know when these things will come to pass, but I know it is not far off. I have unburdened my soul to you. Do with the message as you choose.God bless and keep you,In Christ,DAVID WILKERSON


The ratification of the Lisbon Treaty by default has created a position for a full time president of the European Council of Ministers.

There have for many years been numerous students of Bible prophecy that have said that whoever is appointed as the full time president of the EU will be the Biblical Antichrist (including this blogger)

Up until recently the former British Prime minister was the former favourite to fulfill that role. Up until recently that is, until the German Chancellor Angela Merkel set about to persuade the French president Nicholas Sarkozy to deny Blair the role.

Any candidacy for the EU presidency must be approved by both France and Germany. As the selection process is to take place by the 27 member nations of the EU on the 12th of this month the official results of just who is going to be the EU president should be known by the middle of the month.

As it is still too early to predict the outcome of the selection process it will be at that time and only at that time we will get a clear picture of just who the Antichrist is going to be.

Tony Blair’s lead as the favourite to take the presidency of the EU has now been replaced by another character that seems to be more devious than what Blair could have ever been. He is the current Belgian Prime Minister Herman Van Rompuy

Mr. Van Rompuy, who enjoys writing Japanese-style poetry, is regarded as the "safe" anti-Tony Blair choice for Germany and the smaller "dwarves gang" of EU countries.

He has discussed taking up the post with his family over Sunday lunch this weekend and appears to be on course to be picked as the least controversial candidate.

One European diplomat said: "There is a consensus around his name, which is rare among the 27 EU governments.

"No one is opposed to him and many are asking him to accept. Nobody else has unanimity."

Mr. Van Rompuy, 62, a Flemish Christian Democrat, is a reluctant Belgian leader who had to be persuaded by the country's King Albert II to become prime minister 10 months ago after the government collapsed amid the financial crisis and scandal.

After having only been in office for only 10 months as the Belgian Prime Minister for a very short period of time if he were to be selected as the President of the EU Council of Ministers his appointment would fulfill the criteria for correct identity of the Beast of Revelation when we are told in Revelation Chapter 13 that the Beast has 10 horns and 10 crowns. He has been in office 10 years and is of the inner tier of the governing nations of the EU Council of Ministers.

Unknown to many Christians, a 10-nation military alliance appeared in Europe in 1995, called the Western European Union (or the Brussels Treaty Powers.)

These 10 nations are members of both NATO and the European Union. What binds them together is a mutual defense obligation under Article Five of the modified Brussels Treaty, which means that an attack against one is an attack against all. They hold the rein of Europe’s growing military.

The 10 nations are: Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, and United Kingdom
Although not short in statue Mr. Van Rompuy would be the most impish looking man that I have ever laid eyes upon., if he is appointed as the full time president of the EU then it will only go to reinforce what I had believed would be the case for many years, that we would not really know who was going to be the Antichrist right up until almost the last minute, and that to keep on guessing his correct identity would be nothing more than an exercise in futility.