Part 1
Most of us who have been making a study of Bible prophecies over a number of years, know that ultimately the EU is going to achieve a full monetary and political union that is going to produce the Antichrist. Now, European Commission chief Jose Manuel Barroso has told the Chinese public that the EU will become a fully-fledged “political union” after the current financial crisis has been completely resolved. He then went on to state that because of the current financial restraints within the EU the resolution to those problems was going to further integrate and complete the monetary union with a fiscal union and then as a result of those moves, a complete political union. That main objective is only a matter of time, but in spite of the EU, being the most diverse continent on the earth a political union will, and must be, achieved. EU Council President Herman Van Rompuy highlighted a clause in the joint summit communique which says the EU is willing to “swiftly” give China market economy status—a move that would help it sell more cheap goods to Europe. “It’s the first time we put this kind of agreement with this kind of language after an EU-China summit,” he said., 14 February 2012: Europe is China’s largest customer. The EU represents the world’s biggest exporter and importer. According to Bible prophecy, Europe will continue to be the centre of the world. It is defined Biblically with these words, “Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces” (Daniel 7:23).
Part 2
I have noticed the use of the word "diverse." What does this diverseness consist of? Historically, a kingdom or any government operated independently for the well-being of its citizens; usually one ruler, one tax code, one language, with one goal for only its own people: peace, prosperity, and security. The European Union is different with that difference expressed within the general confines of their motto “United in Diversity.” The success of the EU is overwhelming, when one considers the fact that only 70 years ago; World War II devastated the continent. While economically as well as financially, the EU has been extremely successful, one thing is lacking a “political union.” However, it is only a matter of time before that complete Union is achieved and the EU becomes a complete government with one leader, who holds the ultimate reins of power, the Antichrist. Notwithstanding that fact, there are those who have been attempting to identify the Antichrist for a number of years, but most have failed in this quest. That is not to say that the quest for this knowledge does remain somewhat opaque, as it surely does? Just as soon as an individual thinks they have it all together in identifying the Antichrist there is someone else who comes onto the world scene who shatters those plans all together. However, there is really no one who is on the horizon that gives us a better example of someone the Antichrist maybe other than its first ever-elected full time president, Herman Van Rompuy. A virtual unknown before he came to prominence on the world scene after being appointed as the first ever full time president of the European Union Council of Ministers, a role that virtually holds power other than being able to address council meetings and EU summits. Van Rompuy is one to keep an eye on because as his current tenure as the president of the EU Council of Ministers has just been extended there is a very strong possibility he may line up as the president of the EU by being given more and more powers thereby equipping him to be the Antichrist. Needless to say, if the name of Van Rompuy were mentioned to the average person in the UK most would never ever have heard of him, let alone consider him the Antichrist. This seems to be just another one of the many and crafty plans of his master, Satan, start of slow and then work up to full momentum. God bless
Herman Van Rompuy is likely to be re-appointed president of the European Council at a European Union summit next week, an EU official has said.
A former Belgian prime minister, the 64-year-old was virtually unknown on the world stage when he was appointed as the council's first president in 2009.
But he has become highly regarded for his skills as a manager of negotiations among the national leaders - essential in an institution where unanimity is required for major decisions.
His term expires at the end of May. He can serve a maximum of one more two-and-a-half-year term.
An EU official said no objections were being heard to the reappointment.
Because of this latest news, here is one comment that I had made on one end times blog relative to that news. Yet there has been no reply to my comment, nor would I expect there will be, but only time will tell?
You have not posted the latest news flash that Van Rompuy is going to be re-appointed as the president of the EU Council of Ministers when there was a time when you had said that would never happen. Without prejudice, does that suggest that you are still in a state of denial relative to the possibility that he could be the Antichrist? Many who posted suggested Sarko could be the next one in line for the presidency of the EU; however, the likelihood of that now happening is almost nonexistent? Even though you never actually said so in so many words, there was even one stage when you appeared to think yourself that Sarko was going to be the next EU president, and now with this latest news this does not appear to have happened. What that also means is that Van Rompuy is going to chair the EU Summits, and that eventually he might receive ultimate power as the full time president of the EU, as per usual, only time will tell though? Now wait to see if Sarko is re-elected as I am now thinking that he will not be and that he was only there to ease Van Rompuy into the role as the first ever president of the E.U.
There is going to be a lot written over the next few days and weeks relative Australian Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd's decision to resign that position citing that he was a destabilizing influence on the leadership on the Australian government over leadership issues.
With his ultimate ambition to obtain a seat on the UN General Assembly, it seems that with his latest trip to the U.S. he obtained just that and as a consequence used the excuse mentioned above as the pretext to offer up his resignation.
What that means is that Kevin Rudd is nothing more than a blatant liar.
Even if the Australian Prime Minister Ju-liar Gillard was to have a ballot on Monday over leadership issues, and Rudd contests that ballot it is doubtful he is going to have the numbers to be able to get up and effectively claim victory.
Certainly, he will not go to the backbench as he has already lined up a job with the UN, which of course means that there is then going to be by-election for his seat in parliament.
Of course, that also may mean that there are going to be others who are in the Rudd camp who will follow suite and resign their positions in the Australian Government forcing a general election.
Because of his actions, Kevin Rudd is one of the most despicable and dishonest politicians that we have ever had to misfortune to initially elect as an Australian Prime Minister.
His latest act of betrayal, not just to the Australian government, but also to the Australian people in general testifies to that reality.
Consequently, He is guilty of no lesser charge than treason and should be put on trial for being the criminal that he is.
As for the comments of his daughter on Twitter, by dropping the F bomb and then adding well-done Dad, all that she has shown with that type of remark is what a foul mouthed lot of grubs this family really is.
Please note that in the making of the aforementioned remarks, I hold no affiliation to any political party whatsoever. Consequently, there is no self-interest involved at all in any statement that I have made in the above.
By Jacob Prasch
As was not unexpected, the Israeli and Jewish media has picked up on "Messianic Jewish Leaders" joining forces with anti zionists cum anti Semites at the biased and distorted "Christ at the The Checkpoint" conference.
At this conference the fact that Israel has the best human rights record, the best women's rights record, and the best Christian Rights record in The Middle East will be virtually overlooked most assuredly.
The brutal plight of Arab and other Middle Eastern Chrtistians fromEgypt, to Iran, to Saudi Arabia and the worse plight of Evangelicals suffering for the Name of Christ will be likewise overlooked with attention focused on Israel instead in order to divert Christian attention away from the genocidal dilemma faced by the Body of Christ in The Middle East.
Israel's absorption of thousands of Lebanese Christians driven out of their homes by Hizbollah in Lebannon and Israel's absorption of tens of thousands of Moslem refugees from Darfur denied asylum by Islamic countries will also be ignored as one liar and Jew hating bigot after another takes turns attempting to turn anti Zionism into a Christian cause.
Above all we may rest absolutely assured that none of the pro Zionist Arab Christian voices such as Joseph Farra, Brigette Gabrielle, Walid Shoebat, or Kamal Saleem will be heard and neither will the voices of former Moslems turned to Christ such as Dr. Patrick Sookedho appealing for the rights of the Christians being persecuted in The Middle East be heard.
It is easier to kick Israel than to deal with the real issue.
We have seen supposed Evangelicals from Stephen Sizer, who is a slandering liar (which I can prove in court if he wishes to sue me in the USA where this statement will be web served from on USA website protected under the First Amendment) to the bible smuggler turned hypocrite Brother Andrew and the wife of the deceiver Bill Hybels who had a moslem cleric preaching in his church in Chicago all party to this hideous charade.
Now we have supposed Messianic Jewish participation. Richard Harvey, who has been described as a "liberal Evangelical" who has twice addressed Sizer's church among them. Over the years I have watched Richard Harvey compromise with everyone from theological liberals such as Ron Lewis to de facto anti Semites. Now the Jewish community knows it.
The damage being done to our witness and testimony for Yeshua to Israel and The Jewish people is obvious. Richard Harvey has no witness and no testimony to Israel or The Jews and I publicly denounce his shameful actions as reprehensible.
It is my conviction that the Messianic community and the cause of Jewish evangelism should disassociate from this traitor to his people and to the persecuted Body of Christ crying out for help while facing massacre at the hands of radical Islam while Richard Harvey does his phony religious theocratic two step with the enemies of Israel.
Neither I nor our ministry Moriel agree with all of the policies of The Israeli government towards Arabs or towards Christians, but we thank God at least one country in The Middle East, Israel, guarantees their human rights despite the warped demands of some ultra orthodox Jewish organizations to curtail them.
We also affirm our belief in the clear and unambiguous teaching of Jesus that The Jews must return to Israel & Jerusalem to set the stage for His return (Luke 21:24, Matthew 23: 37-39, Zecheriah 12: 1-10).
J. Jacob PraschMoriel Ministres (USA)
The unexpected death of Whitney Houston reminds us all that life is but a vapor-a brief stint of time that cannot compare to eternity.
The good looks of a Miss World, coupled with the God given talent of someone who had the voice of an angel when she sang, Whitney Houston had it all.
The wretch that I am, it is not for the likes of me to suggest just where Whitney Houston is going to spend eternity.
However, at the end she sang praises to the Lord as if she sincerely meant it.
Therefore, my prayer is that God will say to Whitney Houston well done thy good and faithful servant enter into the joy of the Lord.
I would hope that statement would be applicable to everyone and not just in the instance of Whitney Houston because of what she gave to the world with her magnificent voice.
Whitney Houston became affiliated with gospel music at an early stage of her life as she cut her teeth singing church standards with her local New Jersey congregation's choir as a teenager, and then of course later went on to be as famous as what she did.
However, with her sudden and tragic passing of someone who was so famous it is a somber heart at this particular time that I would like to suggest that all those who yet are unsaved should reflect on their lives and ponder where they are going to spend eternity.
If you would now like to make sure that you are saved, you may do so right now and become a Born Again Christian by reciting the believers prayer of repentance in the privacy of your own home, as has been reformatted at the end of this page.
In Jesus Name Amen.
Events do not seem to be panning out all that well at the moment relative to Arab, U.S/Israeli relationships? The Pakistani High Commissioner to Britain has reiterated his country’s support for the Islamic Republic of Iran in case of an Israeli regime’s attack.
The Iranian president Ahmadinejad has quite recently made a statement to the effect of: "We have precise information that America wants to sabotage the Pakistani nuclear facilities in order to control Pakistan and to weaken the government and people of Pakistan."He added, The US would then arm-twist the UNSC "and some other international bodies as levers to prepare the ground for a massive presence (in Pakistan) and weaken the national sovereignty of Pakistan.
"It seems as if Ahmadinejad, whose is facing bit of a rough weather in his political space is now trying to strengthen his position by speaking out against the US. Alternatively, maybe, he is trying to further damage the US-Pakistan relation that has been on the boil ever since, Osama bin Laden was killed in Abbottabad, Pakistan.
The aforementioned may just have something to do with the recent announcement that by Pakistan that it is going to side with a nuclear Iran? That in itself spells big trouble for the likes of Israel if they ever had any intentions at all of ever attacking Iran?
Wajid Shamsul Hasan told the British The Sun newspaper that “Pakistan would be left with no option but to support Iran if Israel attacks it”.
“We wouldn’t like to be seen as part of Israel’s campaign against any country. If Israel attacks Iran, it will have an impact on Pakistan as well”, said the Pakistani High Commissioner to Britain.“
We will have to safeguard our own interests. We also have a Shia population in Pakistan who will not take it lying down”, he stressed.
The Pakistani official warned Britain to help stop the U.S. “Drone Wars” that are slaughtering hundreds of its innocent civilians. Wajid Shamsul Hasan said that his country’s relations with America are at their lowest ebb.
“Patience is definitely reaching exhaustion levels”, he said. Hasan said Pakistan backs the War on Terror waged by Britain and the US.
But, he urged British Prime Minister David Cameron to condemn US drone attacks on his country dubbing them as “war crimes” and “little more than state executions”.
“We know the damage – destroyed schools, communities, and hospitals. They are civilians – children, women, families. Our losses are enormous,” the newspaper quoted him as saying.“
I think time is running out until the Pakistan government can take a stand. They will have to at some stage take punitive actions to stop them. They have got means to take such actions to defend their own frontier and territories,” Hasan further added.
Hasan urged the British Prime Minister to convince the US that the drone attacks were counter-productive, making the American “the most hated people in the minds of the people in Pakistan.”
Now we have the announcement that Pakistan's Foreign Minister Khurshid Mahmood Kasuri has said that Pakistan is strictly opposed to any U.S. attack on Iran and will stand by Tehran if Washington takes this extreme step.
Afghanistan president Hamid Karzai's is also realizing that even though he is a "friend" of the United States... that is actually kind of rough on your life expectancy because Yasser Arafat was a friend of the United States... now he is dead... Saddam Hussein was a friend of the United States... now he is dead... Osama Bin Laden was a friend of the US back when the Soviets were in Afghanistan... now he is dead... Qaddafi was a friend of the US only 2 years ago... now he is dead.
Kharzi's beginning to realize that being a friend of the United States is only good for shortening his life so he is going to be friends with somebody else... and he is going to side with Pakistan... AS WILL China.
Remember... Pakistan is a nuclear-armed state. Accordingly, we can then see that things are really deteriorating for the U.S and Israel. Particularly in the light of recent announcements that The leaders of rival Palestinian factions Fatah and Hamas signed a deal in Qatar on Monday to form a unity government of independent technocrats for the West Bank and Gaza, headed by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.
Furthermore, there is also news that the Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had said last Saturday that the country would announce great nuclear achievements in the next few days. The "silk road directive" was the initial plan to economically isolate Iran.
What we have today, is the development of that plan gone very wrong.
War can break out where-one least expects it, like in Europe where old hatreds are building very rapidly. The Middle East is also on fire; Syria is the next staging ground for final globalist prize that is Iran.
Should either Israel or the United States decided to do the unthinkable and attack Iran, then what we may be looking at is a lot more than some kind of brief conflict in the Middle East? There now seems to be a lot more at stake going on right now than what Israel could ever have imagined with the possibility of a an attack on Iran turning into global event unimaginable more and more probable as each and every day passes by. Come Jesus come.
As the main aim of this site is to take the word of God at its literal meaning, that is where we must go to source out the facts as to whether or not the Rapture doctrine has any Biblical authenticity, or if it is otherwise nothing more than a man made doctrine.
I have searched and searched and yet there is still is really nothing at all that I can find in the word of God that says anything at all about some mysterious event known as the Rapture of the Church.
Therefore, there is no reason to argue over the timing of the rapture as there is never ever going to be a time when I am going to argue over something that does not give scriptural consideration as being truthful and factual.
If there were a Rapture, then those who argue relative to its timing would not have to do so as to its timing as it would be as plain as the nose on ones face. However, as there as there is nothing in the scriptures with which to indicate the timing of an alleged Rapture, there never going to be a Rapture at all when the Bible teaches the Day of the Lord, and not a Rapture.
Please, let us look at the facts as they present themselves without having to make things up as we go along. The "Rapture" is a relatively new doctrine that has not historically held by any reference by any segment of the Church prior to the mid 1800's.
There are so many others who choose to argue over the timing of the rapture (Day of the Lord) should not that be a true enough sort of an indicator that there is something that is quite amiss relative to this whole misguided doctrine.
We do not know when the Lord is going to return there are still those who think they can lay claim to having access to that very privileged information and then label it incorrectly as being a Rapture and then say it is going to be a pre, or a mid or a post Rapture.
There are no doubts at all that Christians cannot agree on the question for the timing of the Rapture. Currently there are three populist views, Pre, Mid or Post Tribulation, mentioned above, so as there is quite obviously so much contention and argument over the timing of the Rapture, it then not that clear if it is even true or not?
There are clear statements in the Revelation and elsewhere that contradicts all three of the theorized periods for a Rapture.
Effectively, what they are suggesting is that there are going to two events, the Rapture of the Church and the Day of the Lord, when that is not the case at all. If that so, then what are the scriptures that refer to Rapture and what are the scriptures that refer to the Day of the Lord, as the scriptures that refer to a Rapture could refer to the Day of the Lord and vice-versa?
That is where the confusion seems to start and for the most part end? Now you can see where all of this argument over the timing of a Rapture is leading everyone, right down the garden path.
If the Rapture of the Church was such an earth-shattering event and was truly a Bible prophecy it then would have been made quite clear by the holy prophets, but as it has not, then it is not a prophecy at all.
One reason often given for why the Rapture must occur is that the Holy Spirit) must be removed from the Earth during the reign of the Beast. No biblical evidence for this view has ever offered, nor can any such view ever be offered because if God's Presence were ever to be withdrawn from the Earth all life would instantly cease to exist, we live, and move, and have our being..." (Acts 17:28).
Doctrinally, the idea that Gods presence would have to be removed from the earth is even more problematic because if this view were accurate their would be no one post Rapture that could be be "saved" nor have communion with God (to be directed by Him etc.)
Notwithstanding that fact, the biblical prophets clearly show divine intervention and inspiration throughout the entire final seven-year period of the last days. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were delivered but initially they passed through the fiery furnace (Daniel 3:19).
So too will the fundamentalist Born Again Christians pass through the final Seven Years or serve God's Will as martyrs.
Daniel was also delivered but initially he went through the Lion's den (Daniel 6:16). The House of Judah survived King Nebuchadnezzar but they also initially passed though their Babylonian captivity.
The House of Judah survived the wrath of Haman because Mordecai was inspired to say to Esther: "...who knows whether you haven't come to the kingdom for such a time as this?" (Esther 4:14).
They went through the experience and HaShem protected them. So too will the Born Again Christians pass through the final Seven Years or serve God's Will as martyrs.
Nowhere in Scripture has that God removed His people in this way. Noah passed through the flood but came out safe and well, and so shall the Christians GO THROUGH THE GREAT TRIBULATION or be martyred in the process.
We shall always pass through the "Red Sea" and continue in His service.