The world economy is tittering on the brink of a total collapse. The United States can see no way out of the dilemma other than to print more and more money, but even as the dumbest economist knows this is no real solution. The only effect this can have is to cause rampant inflation!
Now the EU has decided to up the ante a little bit and change the Lisbon Treaty, even if it is ever so slightly. However, by doing so all they are doing is handing more and more power over to the president of the Council of Ministers, Herman Van Rompuy.
Remember what the founder of the European Economic Community, Paul-Henri Spaak, or the EU as it is commonly known as on this day, had to say when he said "We do not need another committee. We already have too many. What we want is a man of sufficient stature to hold the allegiance of all people and to lead us out of the economic morass into which we are sinking. Send us a man, be he God or the Devil, and we will receive him."
Most fundamentalists Born Again Christians believe the man they will receive will not be from God but will be from the Devil. That said same man will be the president of the EU and will be the Antichrist.
Interestingly enough, A GLOBAL MONEY CRASH is how I see the Antichrist being given more and more power for the complete control for the running of the EU, and then the whole globe -- and that appears to be happening even as I write this piece?
Paul-Henri Spaak was NATO Secretary General at one time and even though there are many that do not know this fact but there is a very prominent connection between Spaak and the current first ever full time EU president as both were Belgian Prime Ministers.
If my assertions are correct, both are mentioned in the book of Daniel and seem to follow each other and may well indicate that Van Rompuy was the man that Spaak was referring to?
Now here are those verses: the first one quite clearly refers to Spaak as it gives us a very vivid description of his physical appearance as having a look that is more stout than his fellows meaning that he is overweight or fat, just as Spaak was.
Daniel Chapter 7 and Verse 20And of the ten horns that [were] in his head, and [of] the other which came up, and before whom three fell; even [of] that horn that had eyes, and a mouth that spake very great things, whose look [was] more stout than his fellows.
This verse refers to the Antichrist and the three kings that he subdues were Greece, Ireland and Portugal, those nations that were in dire need of assistance as a result of the Global Economic Crisis.
Daniel Chapter 7 and Verse 24And the ten horns out of this kingdom [are] ten kings [that] shall arise: and another shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings.
There is news coming out of the EU that there may be changes made to the EU Constitution, even if those changes are ever so slight and ever so small, and that effectively by doing so the 27 member nations are handing more and more power over to the President of the EU Council of Ministers?
We are not in the end times, not just yet anyway, and the reason that I say that is because there maybe a little while to go before we see the first horsemen of the apocalypse ride the White Horse and rubber stamp a seven year Middle East peace treaty.
Revelation Chapter 9 and Verse 27And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.
But that is not to say that I believe that the aforementioned event maybe right around the corner.
However, there is still a little work to be done before that momentous event that heralds in the end of this age as we know it takes place, such as the Antichrist taking full and total control of the Revised Roman Empire, but it now seems that may be happening even as I write this little piece?
The Bible says that when the Antichrist arrives and takes control of the EU even the very elect themselves will be fooled. In other words, those that are in positions of power, such as the presidents and the prime ministers of nations right around the world, will not even be aware of what is happening right under their noses.
As a consequence, the majority of the world's population they will not even be aware that he is on the world scene and has taken over the complete running of the EU until it is too late.
That would seem to indicate that his rise to power will not be dramatic and startling something along the lines of say Hitler for example.
Instead, what the Bible is telling us is that the rise of the Antichrist will more likely slow and gradual like manner without too many people even realizing what is going on?
As a side note: I am a little bit flabbergasted there should be some Christians that should be beginning to suspect that there is something that is going on within the EU in respect to the rise and rise of the Antichrist, but somehow I suspect that those that are aware of what is taking place are not letting on to many people if they are beginning to smell a rat, as I am sure that some are?
If for a moment I may sidetrack a little bit -- there is a current online pastor named David C Pack that is quite good as he has mentioned that the EU as being started by the Jesuits, when I have named the current non elected full time president of the EU as being a Jesuit in other articles.
If you are able to read between the lines relative to the attached, below formatted article, one may easily read into it as seeming to infer there will be greater and greater powers that are going to be being handed over to the president of the Council of Ministers. That will effectively be done by making a changes to the EU Constitution, or the Lisbon Treaty as it was originally known as, even if those same said changes are ever so small and ever so slight.
Remember what I had said above slowly and gradually is the key to this?
Quote: Leigh Phillips of EuObserver reports on the EU Leaders Summit Of October 28, 2010: “Heads of state and government agree on the need for member states to establish a permanent crisis mechanism to safeguard the financial stability of the euro area as a whole and invite the president of the European Council to undertake consultations with the members of the European Council on a limited treaty change required to that effect,” the draft conclusions of a two-day summit in Brussels read.
Ms Merkel’s government, leading the economic powerhouse and top EU paymaster, is also confronted with a population averse to being left with the tab for further debt disasters elsewhere in the eurozone.
A set of clearly defined default procedures would signal to investors that they, rather than taxpayers alone, would be on the hook for at least part of the costs of the bankruptcy of a country. Such a mechanism would also be designed to deal with sovereign defaults without setting off a cascading panic in the markets similar to the Greek debt crisis that shook Europe in spring.
“No country is opposed in principle to a moderate treaty change but they want to know what the political and legal consequences of this would be,” said one source close to the discussions.
Two moves have been tentatively agreed. EU Council President Herman Van Rompuy is to be tasked with exploring whether such a limited change can be done via a simplified revision procedure, in which EU leaders can make the change without having to call a full Intergovernmental Conference (IGC) – involving negotiations between the governments, consultations with the European Parliament and the participation of the European Commission, which could open a Pandora’s Box of other new proposals.
Mr Van Rompuy would also explore whether legally this can be done without the tweak having to be presented to national parliaments for approval, which would almost certainly grind down the process, or even further, whether such a move would provoke referendums in some countries, notably Ireland, which maintains a constitutional requirement that any shift in powers from Dublin to Brussels be approved in a vote by the people.
He would report back to the European Council in December.
The European Commission meanwhile is to be tasked with fleshing out the details of the structure of a permanent bail-out fund and crisis resolution procedures – a ‘crisis management mechanism’. End of Quote
There are some that have been saying that the ANTICHRIST comes to power by uniting the religions of the world together into a New World Order of types.
That would seem to infer that the Whore of Babylon, or the World Religion, based in Rome, and spoken of in Revelation Chapter 17 was the Antichrist.
For those that are old enough to remember the television series Lost in Space, when there was something that did not appear to be correct the robot in that series used to say: that not does compute, and that's what I need to say relative to the above statement: that does not compute.
However, given the fact that the Pope may be the one who is going to lead the World Religion there still needs to be some mention of him made here on this blog.
That is not to say that I believe that the head of the World Religion is going to be the False Prophet spoken of in Revelation Chapter 13 either.
However, the importance of the Roman Catholic Pope calling for peace in the Middle East cannot be underestimated when we take into account the fact of the Revised Roman Empire, or the EU as it is known as, being the power base for the Antichrist the reality of the Pope calling for peace in the Middle East may have a direct influence on the Antichrist to further the peace process if in doing so there was some benefit to be had in his own rise to power?
VATICAN CITY, ITALY - During a Mass Sunday, Pope Benedict called for urgent peace in the Middle East.
The mass marked the end of a two week summit of Bishops from the region. The meeting was called by the Pontiff to discuss the plight of Christians in the Middle East because of an exodus of members of faith from the birthplace of Christianity.
The region is largely Muslim, and the Catholic Church has always been a long standing minority. The Church's presence is continuing to dwindle because of war, conflict, discrimination, and economic hardship.
The Bishops condemned "terrorism" and anti-Semitism, and put blame on continuing conflicts on Israel.
The Pope has said in many Middle Eastern Countries there is "often little room for religious freedom."
By Wolfgang Münchau
It happened the day after a controversial decision to subject sanctions to a political vote. I was sitting in the office of a well-known European central banker, who was jumping up and down. The eurozone would now not have any means to control fiscal profligacy, he said.
That was in 1998. Not much has changed. The French and the Germans have once again been discussing whether sanctions should be automatic or not. And central bankers are just as furious. For Jean-Claude Trichet to issue an official note of disagreement – after European Union finance ministers last week drafted a watered-down sanctions package – is extraordinary on several levels. The president of the European Central Bank had demanded a great leap forward. But the French and the Germans are not leaping. They go round in circles. Since the start of the euro, the world has suffered its worst financial crisis ever and the worst recession in 70 years – and the eurozone’s political leaders are still obsessed with the minutiae of the stability pact, which is supposed to police government debt and budget deficit levels.
The real irony is that the pact, in whatever form, is not even relevant to the eurozone’s future. This may be a shocking statement. But look at the evidence. Contrary to popular narrative, fiscal profligacy played only a minor role in the eurozone’s sovereign debt crisis. Successive Greek governments cheated, but on my information, this occurred with at least partial knowledge of the senior European officials involved in the process. They chose not to apply the pact for political reasons. When the full extent of the Greek deficit became public in the autumn of 2009, EU leaders did not want to impose sanctions on a newly elected government. Everybody wanted to give George Papandreou, the Greek prime minister, a last chance. That turned out to be a good decision.
As for Spain and Ireland, they did not breach the rules ever, and would thus never have been subject to sanctions, automatic or otherwise. Even Ireland’s shockingly large projected deficit of 32 per cent of gross domestic product this year will not be a breach. Ireland’s bank bail-out is considered an exceptional circumstance, and not subject to the pact’s sanctions procedure.
Portugal exhibited persistent bouts of fiscal profligacy, but the real problem, again, was the banks. In all three countries, the crisis was caused by private sector imbalances, which far outweigh the relatively small discrepancies between national budgets. Germany may appear a paragon of virtue, but its debt-to-GDP ratio is close to that of France. It is larger than Spain’s and only a little lower than Portugal’s. But Germany’s pre-crisis 8 per cent current account surplus and Spain’s 10 per cent current account deficit were large and real. They have improved, but on the projections I have seen, are deteriorating again.
So if you really want to fix the eurozone’s problem, the pact is not the place to start. Obsession with it does not come out of concern for the eurozone’s future, but from an inter-institutional battle in Brussels.
What about the various proposals on macroeconomic surveillance, including that of the task force chaired by Herman van Rompuy, president of the European Council? He is proposing an early warning system, in addition to the already agreed European Systemic Risk Board. At the very least, one would expect all those new rules and institutions to pass the hindsight test. Had they been there 10 years ago, would they have prevented the Spanish or the Irish housing bubble? I cannot see how. Would José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, Spain’s prime minister, have really imposed bubble-bursting real-estate taxes, after receiving a high-level delegation from Brussels or Frankfurt? Of course not. There can be only two explanations for Mr van Rompuy’s hubris about his macroeconomic surveillance proposals. Either he is naive, or he has a different agenda.
What about the proposed crisis resolution mechanism? When Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, gave ground last week on automatic sanctions, she gained the concession from Nicolas Sarkozy, the French president, that he would support Germany on crisis resolution. So the €440bn European Financial Stability Facility, set up in May to support eurozone countries with funding difficulties, will not be renewed. In 2013, it will be replaced by a tough crisis resolution mechanism to address the logical inconsistency of a system that rules out exit, default, and bail-out. The Germans continue to support the no bail-out principle; and have accepted that you cannot force a state to exit against its will. This leaves default. Having been very pessimistic on the default-probability of eurozone states, global investors may now be too optimistic again. If Ms Merkel gets her way – and I think she will – this means the eurozone’s future crisis resolution mechanism will be based on default.
The eurozone thus ends up with tough rules, poor implementation, no effective framework to deal with private sector imbalances, and an officially instituted mechanism that encourages default. The crisis was obviously not big enough to bring about genuine policy change. If, or rather when, that next crisis comes, it will probably be too late.
Remember the changeover from the year 1999 to 2000 when the computers were supposedly going to collapse and society as we know it was allegedly going to go into a meltdown with the resultant chaos that was supposed to follow.
This was known as the Y2K bug at the time and there was purportedly something like 640 billion dollars spent worldwide to combat the problem?
Basically, there was nothing that could be done to rectify the problem except to force everyone to update to the latest processors, which everyone right around the globe followed suite right on cue and did.
It was only after the changeover from 1999 to 2000 after nothing had taken place and the computers had not collapsed that the realization began to dawn the whole event was nothing more than a deliberately staged event to bring the worlds computers up to date in preparation for an electronic cashless society.
Basically, the Y2K bug provided a once in a lifetime opportunity to force everyone right around the globe to do just that.
Ever since that time the banks have been working quite feverously so that cash could be done away with and a cashless society could be foisted upon mankind.
However, before the new money system of cashless buying and selling can be brought to the fore there has to be a worldwide money crash so that the current system can be done away with and so that everyone can be given a very small amount to start all over again.
It's happened before and it will happen again, you may be certain of that.
The very recent global financial crisis, or GFC as it is known as, was stage one of the money crash, with stage two right around the corner that second attempt to bring the world's economy to its knees will be made within the immediate future and is sure to achieve the desired effect of a complete global money collapse.
The main aim being so that cash can be done away with leading onto an electronic cashless society.
Basically, what has happened in the US is rife to happen over here in Australia and when it does house prices will be sent plummeting to less than one third of their original values.
Already the banks are covering their bases in preparation for the crash, or the greater depression as it will be known as, by continually lifting their interest rates above the official cash rate of the Reserve Bank of Australia.
If you have any debt at all now maybe a very good time to get rid of it if you are able to.
If you doubt my word on this then why not ask Ross Greenwood of the Money Show on 3TR.
Satan is behind the electronic cashless society so that he can force the majority of the world's population to take a microchip implant so that he can lead those that are not aware of what it is onto eternal damnation.
So that the average person in the street is not even aware of what is taking place; Satan is a very clever planner he and operates in a manner that is highly secretive and clandestine so that everything that he is behind is always done in a approach that is both gradual and methodical.
That being the case it does not come as any real surprise that relative to the National Broadband Network currently being rolled out in Australia, that we as a nation are being kept in the dark relative to its true purpose.
The facts of the matter are that the Prime Minister of Australia, (a puppet of the planners behind the World Government named Julia Gillard) has gone to the Queens representative over here in Australia, the Governor General Quentin Bryce, and asked her to issue a decree that there be no information be divulged whatsoever relative to the real intent behind the NBN.
Currently we are being told that the NBN is all about increasing broadband speeds for the average consumer.
However I do not find it to be at all acceptable at all, that in the light of the information presented above 43 billion dollars, that's right 43 billion dollars, would be spent on faster broadband so that some pimple faced teenager somewhere could download a movie ten times faster.
The reality of the matter seems to be an entirely different matter?
Even though there will be faster data transfer for the home consumer of broadband, given the cost involved, the NBN can only have been designed to implement faster speeds for the electronic transfer of cash for the electronic cashless society, that leading onto the Mark of the Beast money system for buying and selling.
Revelation Chapter 13 and Verses 16 to 18
16 He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads,
17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.
Therefore what the NBN is all about is the control, and the total control, of the Australian society in general.
With something as critical as the electronic transfer of cash the best possible method of transfer had to be found, a system that could not easily be compromised, a system which could be subjected to either adverse cosmic conditions, or alternatively terrorist attacks such as is the case with wireless.
That can be the only reason the planners behind this insidious plan for the complete control of the nation of Australia and her people decided to run with Optic Fibre Cable.
Accordingly, AUSTRALIA may be the very first nation on the earth that is going to go completely cashless.
Welcome to the brave new world of a World Government.
A common tactic used to debunk questions surrounding the official 9/11 story is to claim that if there was inside involvement in the plot, whistleblowers would have gone public and exposed the conspiracy.
The claim assumes that conspiracies cannot be kept covered up, a fallacy disproved by the Manhattan Project. The development of the nuclear bomb was kept hidden for years before its announcement, despite the fact that thousands of individuals from all kinds of different disciplines worked on the project.
This proves that top secret, highly sensitive operations can be covered-up. In comparison to the Manhattan Project, 9/11 was miniscule in its reach, and only required the foreknowledge of dozens, not thousands of people, to be successfully carried out.
In addition, there have been numerous whistleblowers who have gone public and used the knowledge from their respective fields to dismiss the official 9/11 story.
FBI translator Sibel Edmonds, the most gagged woman in America, having the State Secrets Privilege imposed on her twice, went public last year to reveal that Bin Laden maintained "intimate" relations with the US right up until 9/11.
Another whistleblower is former Sergeant in the United States Army named Lauro "LJ" Chavez. Chavez was stationed at MacDill AFB where he claims he witnessed unusual preparations for a potential airplane hitting the base on the morning of 9/11 and distinctly heard officers talking about a stand down. This led him to go public in questioning the NORAD stand down and the demolition of the twin towers.
Indeed, the fact that BBC, CNN and others reported the collapse of WTC 7 before it fell was a form of blowing the whistle, as were the first responders and firefighters who have gone on record to say they saw and heard bombs tear down both Building 7 and the twin towers.
Former NYPD officer Craig Bartmer was in the immediate vicinity of Building 7 before its collapse at approximately 5:20pm.
"I walked around it (Building 7). I saw a hole. I didn't see a hole bad enough to knock a building down, though," said Bartmer. "Yeah there was definitely fire in the building, but I didn't hear any... I didn't hear any creaking, or... I didn't hear any indication that it was going to come down. And all of a sudden the radios exploded and everyone started screaming 'get away, get away, get away from it!'... It was at that moment... I looked up, and it was nothing I would ever imagine seeing in my life. The thing started pealing in on itself... Somebody grabbed my shoulder and I started running, and the shit's hitting the ground behind me, and the whole time you're hearing "boom, boom, boom, boom, boom." I think I know an explosion when I hear it... Yeah it had some damage to it, but nothing like what they're saying... Nothing to account for what we saw... I am shocked at the story we've heard about it to be quite honest."
Other EMTs and first responders were also told that Building 7 was to be deliberately demolished, including Emergency Medical Technician Indira Singh - another whistleblower.
"After midday on 9/11 we had to evacuate that because they told us Building 7 was coming down. If you had been there, not being able to see very much just flames everywhere and smoke - it is entirely possible - I do believe that they brought Building 7 down because I heard that they were going to bring it down because it was unstable because of the collateral damage," said Singh.
Asked who told her that the building was to be "brought down," Singh responded, "The fire department. And they did use the words 'we're gonna have to bring it down' and for us there observing the nature of the devastation it made total sense to us that this was indeed a possibility, given the subsequent controversy over it I don't know."
Another EMT named Mike who wished to remain anonymous wrote in a letter to the Loose Change film crew that emergency responders were told Building 7 was about to be “pulled” and that a 20 second radio countdown preceded its collapse.
“There were bright flashes up and down the sides of Building 7, you could see them through the windows…and it collapsed. We all knew it was intentionally pulled… they told us,” he stated.
Following news reports in the days after the attack that Building 7 had collapsed due to fire damage, Mike fully expected this mistake to be corrected after the chaos had subsided, but was astonished when it became part of the official story.
Mike’s report of a countdown preceding the collapse of WTC 7 was backed up by Former Air Force Special Operations for Search and Rescue, Kevin McPadden, who said that he heard the last few seconds of the countdown on a nearby police radio.
In addition, the language used by firefighters and others at ground zero shortly before the building fell strongly indicates that the building was deliberately demolished with explosives, and not that it fell unaided.
“It’s blowin’ boy.” … “Keep your eye on that building, it’ll be coming down soon.” … “The building is about to blow up, move it back.” … “Here we are walking back. There’s a building, about to blow up…”
Just as was the case with whistleblowers who spoke out on the assassination of JFK, numerous 9/11 whistleblowers have been subjected to harassment, threats and even worse.
A dentist who met the alleged 9/11 hijackers before the attacks and warned the FBI was later poisoned to death.
A 9/11 toxic dust whistleblower, a ground zero hero and one of the individuals influential in the release of documents proving a government cover-up that deliberately put police, firemen and rescue personnel at risk, was raided by a New York SWAT team - who ransacked his home for three hours after he was arrested.
The many prominent military, government, scientific and legal officials who have all questioned the official 9/11 story are in their own right expert whistleblowers, and all to some extent have questioned or dismissed the official account.
9/11 COMMISSIONERSThe co-chairs of the 9/11 Commission (Thomas Keane and Lee Hamilton) said that the CIA (and likely the White House) “obstructed our investigation”.
The co-chairs of the 9/11 Commission also said that the 9/11 Commissioners knew that military officials misrepresented the facts to the Commission, and the Commission considered recommending criminal charges for such false statements, yet didn’t bother to tell the American people (free subscription required).
Indeed, the co-chairs of the Commission now admit that the Commission largely operated based upon political considerations.
9/11 Commission co-chair Lee Hamilton says “I don’t believe for a minute we got everything right”, that the Commission was set up to fail, that people should keep asking questions about 9/11, that the 9/11 debate should continue, and that the 9/11 Commission report was only “the first draft” of history.
9/11 Commissioner Bob Kerrey said that “There are ample reasons to suspect that there may be some alternative to what we outlined in our version . . . We didn’t have access . . . .”
9/11 Commissioner Timothy Roemer said “We were extremely frustrated with the false statements we were getting”
Former 9/11 Commissioner Max Cleland resigned from the Commission, stating: “It is a national scandal”; “This investigation is now compromised”; and “One of these days we will have to get the full story because the 9-11 issue is so important to America. But this White House wants to cover it up”.
9/11 Commissioner John Lehman said that “We purposely put together a staff that had – in a way – conflicts of interest“.
The Senior Counsel to the 9/11 Commission (John Farmer) who led the 9/11 staff’s inquiry, said “I was shocked at how different the truth was from the way it was described …. The tapes told a radically different story from what had been told to us and the public for two years…. This is not spin. This is not true.”
According to the Co-Chair of the Congressional Inquiry into 9/11 and former Head of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Bob Graham, a U.S. government informant was the landlord to two of the hijackers for over a year (but the White House refused to let the 9/11 inquiry interview him).
Current U.S. Senator (Patrick Leahy) states “The two questions that the congress will not ask . . . is why did 9/11 happen on George Bush’s watch when he had clear warnings that it was going to happen? Why did they allow it to happen?”
Current Republican Congressman (Ron Paul) calls for a new 9/11 investigation and states that “we see the [9/11] investigations that have been done so far as more or less cover-up and no real explanation of what went on”
Current Democratic Congressman (Dennis Kucinich) hints that we aren’t being told the truth about 9/11
Former Democratic Senator (Mike Gravel) states that he supports a new 9/11 investigation and that we don’t know the truth about 9/11
Former Republican Senator (Lincoln Chaffee) endorses a new 9/11 investigation
Former U.S. Democratic Congressman (Dan Hamburg) says that the U.S. government “assisted” in the 9/11 attacks, stating that “I think there was a lot of help from the inside”
Former U.S. Republican Congressman and senior member of the House Armed Services
Committee, and who served six years as the Chairman of the Military Research and Development Subcommittee (Curt Weldon) has shown that the U.S. tracked hijackers before 9/11, is open to hearing information about explosives in the Twin Towers, and is open to the possibility that 9/11 was an inside job.
MILITARY LEADERSDeputy Assistant Secretary of Defense under President Ronald Reagan (Col. Ronald D. Ray) said that the official story of 9/11 is “the dog that doesn’t hunt” (bio)
Director of the U.S. “Star Wars” space defense program in both Republican and Democratic administrations, who was a senior air force colonel who flew 101 combat missions (Col. Robert Bowman) stated that 9/11 was an inside job. He also said:
“If our government had merely [done] nothing, and I say that as an old interceptor pilot-I know the drill, I know what it takes, I know how long it takes, I know what the procedures are, I know what they were, and I know what they’ve changed them to-if our government had merely done nothing, and allowed normal procedures to happen on that morning of 9/11, the Twin Towers would still be standing and thousands of dead Americans would still be alive. [T]hat is treason!“
U.S. Army Air Defense Officer and NORAD Tac Director, decorated with the Purple Heart, the Bronze Star and the Soldiers Medal (Capt. Daniel Davis) stated:
“there is no way that an aircraft . . . would not be intercepted when they deviate from their flight plan, turn off their transponders, or stop communication with Air Traffic Control … Attempts to obscure facts by calling them a ‘conspiracy Theory’ does not change the truth. It seems, ‘Something is rotten in the State.’ “
President of the U.S. Air Force Accident Investigation Board, who also served as Pentagon Weapons Requirement Officer and as a member of the Pentagon’s Quadrennial Defense Review, and who was awarded Distinguished Flying Crosses for Heroism, four Air Medals, four Meritorious Service Medals, and nine Aerial Achievement Medals (Lt. Col. Jeff Latas) is a member of a group which doubts the government’s version of 9/11
U.S. General, Commanding General of U.S. European Command and Supreme Allied Commander Europe, decorated with the Bronze Star, Silver Star, and Purple Heart (General Wesley Clark) said “We’ve never finished the investigation of 9/11 and whether the administration actually misused the intelligence information it had. The evidence seems pretty clear to me. I’ve seen that for a long time.”
Air Force Colonel and key Pentagon official (Lt. Colonel Karen Kwiatkowski) finds various aspects of 9/11 suspicious
Lieutenant colonel, 24-year Air Force career, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs at the Defense Language Institute (Lt. Colonel Steve Butler) said “Of course Bush knew about the impending attacks on America. He did nothing to warn the American people because he needed this war on terrorism.”
Two-Star general (Major General Albert Stubbelbine) questions the attack on the Pentagon
U.S. Air Force fighter pilot, former instructor at the USAF Fighter Weapons School and NATO’s Tactical Leadership Program, with a 20-year Air Force career (Lt. Colonel Guy S. Razer) said the following:
“I am 100% convinced that the attacks of September 11, 2001 were planned, organized, and committed by treasonous perpetrators that have infiltrated the highest levels of our government ….
Those of us in the military took an oath to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic”. Just because we have retired does not make that oath invalid, so it is not just our responsibility, it is our duty to expose the real perpetrators of 9/11 and bring them to justice, no matter how hard it is, how long it takes, or how much we have to suffer to do it.
We owe it to those who have gone before us who executed that same oath, and who are doing the same thing in Iraq and Afghanistan right now. Those of us who joined the military and faithfully executed orders that were given us had to trust our leaders. The violation and abuse of that trust is not only heinous, but ultimately the most accurate definition of treason!”
U.S. Marine Corps lieutenant colonel, a fighter pilot with over 300 combat missions flown and a
21-year Marine Corps career (Lt. Colonel Shelton F. Lankford) believes that 9/11 was an inside job, and said:
“This isn’t about party, it isn’t about Bush Bashing. It’s about our country, our constitution, and our future. …
Your countrymen have been murdered and the more you delve into it the more it looks as though they were murdered by our government, who used it as an excuse to murder other people thousands of miles away.
If you ridicule others who have sincere doubts and who know factual information that directly contradicts the official report and who want explanations from those who hold the keys to our government, and have motive, means, and opportunity to pull off a 9/11, but you are too lazy or fearful, or … to check into the facts yourself, what does that make you? ….
Are you afraid that you will learn the truth and you can’t handle it? …”
U.S. Navy ‘Top Gun’ pilot (Commander Ralph Kolstad) who questions the official account of 9/11 and is calling for a new investigation, says “When one starts using his own mind, and not what one was told, there is very little to believe in the official story”.
The Group Director on matters of national security in the U.S. Government Accountability Office said that President Bush did not respond to unprecedented warnings of the 9/11 disaster and conducted a massive cover-up instead of accepting responsibility
Additionally, numerous military leaders from allied governments have questioned 9/11, such as:
Canadian Minister of Defense, the top military leader of Canada (Paul Hellyer)
Assistant German Defense Minister (Andreas Von Bulow)
Commander-in-chief of the Russian Navy (Anatoli Kornukov)
Chief of staff of the Russian armed forces (General Leonid Ivashov)
Former military analyst and famed whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg recently said that the case of a certain 9/11 whistleblower is “far more explosive than the Pentagon Papers“. He also said that the government is ordering the media to cover up her allegations about 9/11. And he said that some of the claims concerning government involvement in 9/11 are credible, that “very serious questions have been raised about what they [U.S. government officials] knew beforehand and how much involvement there might have been”, that engineering 9/11 would not be humanly or psychologically beyond the scope of the current administration, and that there’s enough evidence to justify a new, “hard-hitting” investigation into 9/11 with subpoenas and testimony taken under oath.
A 27-year CIA veteran, who chaired National Intelligence Estimates and personally delivered intelligence briefings to Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush, their Vice Presidents, Secretaries of State, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and many other senior government officials (Raymond McGovern) said “I think at simplest terms, there’s a cover-up. The 9/11 Report is a joke”, and is open to the possibility that 9/11 was an inside job.
A 29-year CIA veteran, former National Intelligence Officer (NIO) and former Director of the CIA’s Office of Regional and Political Analysis (William Bill Christison) said “I now think there is persuasive evidence that the events of September did not unfold as the Bush administration and the 9/11 Commission would have us believe. … All three [buildings that were destroyed in the World Trade Center] were most probably destroyed by controlled demolition charges placed in the buildings before 9/11.” (and see this).
20-year Marine Corps infantry and intelligence officer, the second-ranking civilian in U.S. Marine Corps Intelligence, and former CIA clandestine services case officer (David Steele) stated that “9/11 was at a minimum allowed to happen as a pretext for war”, and it was probably an inside job (see Customer Review dated October 7, 2006).
A decorated 20-year CIA veteran, who Pulitzer-Prize winning investigative reporter Seymour Hersh called “perhaps the best on-the-ground field officer in the Middle East”, and whose astounding career formed the script for the Academy Award winning motion picture Syriana (Robert Baer) said that“the evidence points at” 9/11 having had aspects of being an inside job .
The Division Chief of the CIA’s Office of Soviet Affairs, who served as Senior Analyst from 1966 – 1990. He also served as Professor of International Security at the National War College from 1986 – 2004 (Melvin Goodman) said “The final [9/11 Commission] report is ultimately a coverup.”
Professor of History and International Relations, University of Maryland. Former Executive Assistant to the Director of the National Security Agency, former military attaché in China, with a 21-year career in U.S. Army Intelligence (Major John M. Newman, PhD, U.S. Army) questions the government’s version of the events of 9/11.
The head of all U.S. intelligence, the Director of National Intelligence (Mike McConnel) said “9/11 should have and could have been prevented”
A number of intelligence officials, including a CIA Operations Officer who co-chaired a CIA multi-agency task force coordinating intelligence efforts among many intelligence and law enforcement agencies (Lynne Larkin) sent a joint letter to Congress expressing their concerns about “serious shortcomings,” “omissions,” and “major flaws” in the 9/11 Commission Report and offering their services for a new investigation (they were ignored).
A prominent physicist with 33 years of service for the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington, DC (Dr. David L. Griscom) said that the official theory for why the Twin Towers and world trade center building 7 collapsed “does not match the available facts” and supports the theory that the buildings were brought down by controlled demolition
A world-renowned scientist, recipient of the National Medal of Science, America’s highest honor for scientific achievement (Dr. Lynn Margulis) said:
“I suggest that those of us aware and concerned demand that the glaringly erroneous official account of 9/11 be dismissed as a fraud and a new, thorough, and impartial investigation be undertaken.“
The former head of the Fire Science Division of the government agency which claims that the World Trade Centers collapsed due to fire (the National Institute of Standards and Technology), who is one of the world’s leading fire science researchers and safety engineers, a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering (Dr. James Quintiere), called for an independent review of the World Trade Center Twin Tower collapse investigation. “I wish that there would be a peer review of this,” he said, referring to the NIST investigation. “I think all the records that NIST has assembled should be archived. I would really like to see someone else take a look at what they’ve done; both structurally and from a fire point of view. … I think the official conclusion that NIST arrived at is questionable.”
The principal electrical engineer for the entire World Trade Center complex, who was “very familiar with the structures and [the Twin Towers'] conceptual design parameters” (Richard F. Humenn), stated that “the mass and strength of the structure should have survived the localized damage caused by the planes and burning jet fuel . . . . the fuel and planes alone did not bring the Towers down.”
Former Director for Research, Director for Aeronautical Projects, and Flight Research Program Manager for NASA’s Dryden Flight Research Center, who holds masters degrees in both physics and engineering (Dwain A. Deets) says:
“The many visual images (massive structural members being hurled horizontally, huge pyroclastic clouds, etc.) leave no doubt in my mind explosives were involved [in the destruction of the World Trade Centers on 9/11].”
A prominent physicist, former U.S. professor of physics from a top university, and a former principal investigator for the U.S. Department of Energy, Division of Advanced Energy Projects (Dr. Steven E. Jones) stated that the world trade centers were brought down by controlled demolition
A U.S. physics professor who teaches at several universities (Dr. Crockett Grabbe) believes that the World Trade Centers were brought down by controlled demolition
An expert on demolition (Bent Lund) said that the trade centers were brought down with explosives (in Danish)
A Dutch demolition expert (Danny Jowenko) stated that WTC 7 was imploded
A safety engineer and accident analyst for the Finnish National Safety Technology Authority (Dr. Heikki Kurttila) stated regarding WTC 7 that “The great speed of the collapse and the low value of the resistance factor strongly suggest controlled demolition.”
A 13-year professor of metallurgical engineering at a U.S. university, with a PhD in materials engineering, a former Congressional Office of Technology Assessment Senior Staff Member (Dr. Joel S. Hirschhorn), is calling for a new investigation of 9/11
A Danish professor of chemistry (Dr. Niels Harrit) said, in a mainstream Danish newspaper, “WTC7 collapsed exactly like a house of cards. If the fires or damage in one corner had played a decisive role, the building would have fallen in that direction. You don’t have to be a woodcutter to grasp this” (translated)
A former guidance systems engineer for Polaris and Trident missiles and professor emeritus, mathematics and computer science at a university concluded (Dr. Bruce R. Henry) that the Twin Towers “were brought down by planted explosives.”
A mechanical engineer with 20 years experience as a Fire Protection Engineer for the U.S. Departments of Energy, Defense, and Veterans Affairs, who is a contributing Subject Matter Expert to the U.S. Department of Energy Fire Protection Engineering Functional Area Qualification Standard for Nuclear Facilities, a board member of the Northern California – Nevada Chapter of the Society of Fire Protection Engineers, currently serving as Fire Protection Engineer for the city of San Jose, California, the 10th largest city in the United States (Edward S. Munyak) believes that the World Trade Center was destroyed by controlled demolition.
The former Chief of the Strategic and Emergency Planning Branch, U.S. Department of Energy, and former Director of the Office of Engineering at the Public Service Commission in Washington, D.C., who is a mechanical engineer (Enver Masud) , does not believe the official story, and believes that there is a prima facie case for controlled demolition of the World Trade Center.
A professor of mathematics (Gary Welz) said “The official explanation that I’ve heard doesn’t make sense because it doesn’t explain why I heard and felt an explosion before the South Tower fell and why the concrete was pulverized”
A prominent engineer with 55 years experience, in charge of the design of hundreds of major building projects including high rise offices, former member of the California Seismic Safety Commission and former member of the National Institute of Sciences Building Safety Council (Marx Ayres) believes that the World Trade Centers were brought down by controlled demolition (see also this)
Two professors of structural engineering at a prestigious Swiss university (Dr. Joerg Schneider and Dr. Hugo Bachmann) said that, on 9/11, World Trade Center 7 was brought down by controlled demolition (translation here)
Kamal S. Obeid, structural engineer, with a masters degree in Engineering from UC Berkeley, of Fremont, California
Ronald H. Brookman, structural engineer, with a masters degree in Engineering from UC Davis, of
Novato California
Graham John Inman, structural engineer, of London, England
Paul W. Mason, structural engineer, of Melbourne, Australia
Mills M. Kay Mackey, structural engineer, of Denver, Colorado
David Scott, Structural Engineer, of Scotland
Nathan Lomba, Structural Engineer, of Eureka, California
Edward E. Knesl, civil and structural engineer, of Phoenix, Arizona
David Topete, civil and structural engineer, San Francisco, California
Charles Pegelow, structural engineer, of Houston, Texas (and see this)
Dennis Kollar, structural engineer, of West Bend, Wisconsin
Doyle Winterton, structural engineer (retired)
Michael T. Donly, P.E., structural engineer
William Rice, P.E., structural engineer, former professor of Vermont Technical College
An architect, member of the American Institute of Architects, who has been a practicing architect for 20 years and has been responsible for the production of construction documents for numerous steel-framed and fire-protected buildings for uses in many different areas, including education, civic, rapid transit and industrial use (Richard Gage) disputes the claim that fire and airplane damage brought down the World Trade Centers and believes there is strong evidence of controlled demolition (many other architects who question 9/11 are listed here)
Former Federal Prosecutor, Office of Special Investigations, U.S. Department of Justice under Presidents Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan; former U.S. Army Intelligence officer, and currently a widely-sought media commentator on terrorism and intelligence services (John Loftus) questions the government’s version of 9/11.
Former Inspector General, U.S. Department of Transportation; former Professor of Aviation, Dept. of Aerospace Engineering and Aviation and Professor of Public Policy, Ohio State University (Mary Schiavo) questions the government’s version of 9/11.
Professor of International Law at the University of Illinois, Champaign; a leading practitioner and advocate of international law; responsible for drafting the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, the American implementing legislation for the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention; served on the Board of Directors of Amnesty International (1988-1992), and represented Bosnia- Herzegovina at the World Court, with a Doctor of Law Magna Cum Laude as well as a Ph.D. in Political Science, both from Harvard University (Dr. Francis Boyle) questions the government’s version of 9/11.
Former prosecutor in the Organized Crime and Racketeering Section of the U.S. Justice Department and a key member of Attorney General Bobby Kennedy’s anti-corruption task force; former assistant U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois (J. Terrence “Terry” Brunner) questions the government’s version of 9/11.
Professor Emeritus, International Law, Professor of Politics and International Affairs, Princeton University; in 2001 served on the three-person UN Commission on Human Rights for the Palestine Territories, and previously, on the Independent International Commission on Kosovo (Richard Falk) questions the government’s version of 9/11., and asks whether the Neocons were behind 9/11.
Bessie Dutton Murray Distinguished Professor of Law Emeritus and Director, Center for Human Rights, University of Iowa; Fellow, World Academy of Art and Science. Honorary Editor, Board of Editors, American Journal of International Law (Burns H. Weston) questions the government’s version of 9/11.
Former president of the National Lawyers Guild (C. Peter Erlinder), who signed a petition calling for a real investigation into 9/11. And see petition.
Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice at Troy University; associate General Counsel, National Association of Federal Agents; Retired Agent in Charge, Internal Affairs, U.S. Customs, responsible for the internal integrity and security for areas encompassing nine states and two foreign locations; former Federal Sky Marshall; 27-year U.S. Customs career (Mark Conrad) questions the government’s version of 9/11.
Professor of Law, University of Freiburg; former Minister of Justice of West Germany (Horst Ehmke) questions the government’s version of 9/11.
Director of Academic Programs, Institute for Policy and Economic Development, University of Texas, El Paso, specializing in executive branch secrecy policy, governmental abuse, and law and bureaucracy; former U.S. Army Signals Intelligence officer; author of several books on law and political theory (Dr. William G. Weaver) questions the government’s version of 9/11.
Famed trial attorney (Gerry Spence) questions the government’s version of 9/11.
Former Instructor of Criminal Trial Practice, Boalt Hall School of Law, University of California at Berkeley 11-year teaching career. Retired Chief Assistant Public Defender, Contra Costa County, California 31-year career (William Veale) said:
“When you grow up in the United States, there are some bedrock principles that require concerted effort to discard. One is the simplest: that our leaders are good and decent people whose efforts may occasionally warrant criticism but never because of malice or venality… But one grows up. … And with the lawyer’s training comes the reliance on evidence and the facts that persuade… After a lot of reading, thought, study, and commiseration, I have come to the conclusion that the attacks of 9/11 were, in their essence, an inside job perpetrated at the highest levels of the U S government.”
A common criticism of those who question 9/11 is that they are being “disrespectful to the victims and their families”.
However, half of the victim’s families believe that 9/11 was an inside job (according to the head of the largest 9/11 family group, Bill Doyle) (and listen to this interview). Many family and friends of victims not only support the search for 9/11 truth, but they demand it (please ignore the partisan tone). See also this interview.
Indeed, it has now become so clear that the 9/11 Commission was a whitewash that the same 9/11 widows who called for the creation of the 9/11 Commission are now demanding a NEW investigation (see also this video).
And dying heroes, soon-to-be victims themselves, the first responders who worked tirelessly to save lives on and after 9/11, say that controlled demolition brought down the Twin Towers and that a real investigation is necessary.
PSYCHIATRISTS AND PSYCHOLOGISTSFinally, those who attack people who question the government’s version of 9/11 as “crazy” may wish to review the list of mental health professionals who have concluded that the official version of 9/11 is false:
Psychiatrist Carol S. Wolman, MD
Psychiatrist E. Martin Schotz
Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Duke University Medical Center, as well as Radiology, at Duke University Medical Center D. Lawrence Burk, Jr., MD
Board of Governors Distinguished Service Professor of Psychology and Associate Dean of the
Graduate School at Ruters University Barry R. Komisaruk
Professor of Psychology at University of New Hampshire William Woodward
Professor of Psychology at University of Essex Philip Cozzolino
Professor of Psychology at Goddard College Catherine Lowther
Professor Emeritus of Psychology at California Institute of Integral Studies Ralph Metzner
Professor of Psychology at Rhodes University Mike Earl-Taylor
Retired Professor of Psychology at Oxford University Graham Harris
Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the University of Nebraska and licensed Psychologist Ronald Feintech
Ph.D. Clinical Neuropsychologist Richard Welser
The roster above is only a sample. There are too many Ph.D. scientists and engineers, architects, military and intelligence officials, politicians, legal scholars and other highly-credible people who question 9/11 — literally thousands — to list in one place. Here are a few additional people to consider:
The former director of the FBI (Louis Freeh) says there was a cover up by the 9/11 Commission
Former air traffic controller, who knows the flight corridor which the two planes which hit the Twin Towers flew “like the back of my hand” and who handled two actual hijackings (Robin Hordon) says that 9/11 could not have occurred as the government says, and that planes can be tracked on radar even when their transponders are turned off (also, listen to this interview)
Perhaps “the premiere collapse expert in the country”, who 9/11 Commissioner Timothy Roemer referred to as a “very, very respected expert on building collapse”, the head of the New York Fire Department’s Special Operations Command and the most highly decorated firefighter in its NYFD history, who had previously “commanded rescue operations at many difficult and complex disasters, including the Oklahoma City Bombing, the 1993 World Trade Center Bombing, and many natural disasters worldwide” thought that the collapse of the South Tower was caused by bombs, because the collapse of the building was too even to have been caused by anything else (pages 5-6).
Former Deputy Secretary for Intelligence and Warning under Nixon, Ford, and Carter (Morton Goulder), former former Deputy Director to the White House Task Force on Terrorism (Edward L. Peck), and former US Department of State Foreign Service Officer (J. Michael Springmann), as well as a who’s who of liberals and independents) jointly call for a new investigation into 9/11
Former FBI agent (Robert Wright) says “The FBI, rather than trying to prevent a terrorist attack, was merely gathering intelligence so they would know who to arrest when a terrorist attack occurred.”
Former Minnesota Governor (Jesse Ventura) questions the government’s account of 9/11 and asks whether the World Trade Center was demolished
Former FBI translator, who the Department of Justice’s Inspector General and several senators have called extremely credible (free subscription required) (Sibel Edmonds), said “If they were to do real investigations we would see several significant high level criminal prosecutions in this country. And that is something that they are not going to let out. And, believe me; they will do everything to cover this up”. She also is leaning towards the conclusion that 9/11 was an inside job. Some of her allegations have been confirmed in the British press.
There are very serious perversions of the truth being perpetrated by a certain group(s) of Zionists who are misrepresenting and masquerading as Christians who are deliberately setting out to misconstrue the truth by continually perpetrating myths about themselves and Israel as being the chosen ones over and above every other race, religion and nationality on the face of the earth.
The facts of the matter are that there is nothing anywhere in the Bible that describes the state of Israel or the Zionist Jews that inhabit Israel as being the chosen ones of God.
These said same Zionists could not be genuine Christians but are operating under a false umbrella by posing as Christians when their real intent is to further propagate the myth of the real importance of Jews and the real state of Israel in todays modern world.
There is nothing that is good, or pure, or wholesome, about Israel or the Zionist Jews that inhabit it at all.
JEWS HAVE BEGUILED Zionist-Christians into believing that they, the Jews, are God’s “chosen people.”
Jews tell Zionist-Christians that when God said to Abraham, “I will bless those who bless thee,” that He would withhold His blessings upon Christians unless they support Israel! How utterly unbiblical!
Are Christians to bless the murderers and blasphemers of Jesus Christ?
St John the Baptist did not teach an unconditional blessing upon the Jews when he rebuked them, saying, “Do not say you have Abraham for your father, for God is able to raise up from these stones sons of Abraham.” (Matthew 3).
St Peter did not teach an unconditional blessing upon the Jews when he rebuked them, saying, “You crucified the Lord of glory and must repent and be baptized.” (Acts 2).
THE BIBLE TEACHES that the Christian Church is the “Israel of God” *not* Jews. St Paul wrote in his Epistle To The Romans: “They are not all Israel who are of Israel.” The true Israel are the Christians who have embraced the coming of the Messiah Jesus. The false Israel are the Jews who rejected the coming of the Messiah Jesus.
St Paul designates 3 classes of people:
1) The Jews: Rejecters of God & His Promises.
2) The Gentiles: Rejecters of God & the Bible.
3) The Israel of God: The Christian Church. (I Cor 10; Galatians 6)
And St Paul teaches that the Christians are the seed of Abraham *not* Jews, saying, “If ye are Christ’s then are ye Abraham’s seed and heirs according to the promise.” (Romans 3)
ZIONIST-CHRISTIANS SUPPORT THE MURDER of Arab children. The Lord Jesus Christ warned: “Whosoever shall offend one of these little ones it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea.” (St Mark 9).
On January 31 2008, Amnesty International reported:
— “Of some 1,190 people killed in Israel’s Lebanon invasion of 2006, the vast majority were civilians not involved in the hostilities, among them hundreds of children. The majority of properties targeted in Israeli strikes were likewise civilian.”
To be a Christian is to care for Christ’s little ones. The Jews look upon Christ’s little ones as sub-humans, as taught by their hate-filled Talmud. We who confess to be Christians must rebuke the Jews and demand that they repent!
Does your blog fit into that category, if the hat fits them wear it? The links to the blogs that you favour seem to say it all.
There is news afoot that there may be dramatic changes made to the EU Treaty within a very short period of time. Those details are reformatted below in an article by Luke Baker, but from the perspective of the Bible prophecies what are the ramifications, if any, and what are the consequences for those Christians that still are alive at the moment?
There will be a very evil man that will take control of the EU firstly, and then the whole world in a coupe de France whereby there will not be a single shot fired and he will obtain control of the EU by the use of flattery and intrigue only and then afterwards go on to control the whole globe by starting and winning a third world war. The Bible calls this man the Beast, or the Antichrist as he is commonly known as.
Therefore with the latest news in the pipeline that there are going to be quite dramatic changes made to the Lisbon Treaty, the EU Constitution, the ramifications for this can only be too obvious. It can only mean that the whole of the powers for the running of the EU could be handed over to one man, and that man could only be the president that was appointed as a result of the Lisbon Treaty in the first place, Herman Van Rompuy.
Accordingly, if that were ever to become a reality then there could be no doubts whatsoever that in Van Rompuy we would be seeing the vile creature mentioned above - the Beast. However as that has not happened at this stage and may depend on the time that it takes for these changes to be firstly approved, and then acted upon, at this stage we are only able to surmise as to future events and how they will eventually turn out.
That is not to say that events are moving at quite an alarming rate towards the fulfilment of the remainder of the Bible Prophecies.
Q+A-What lies behind Germany's push to change EU treaty?
By Luke Baker
BRUSSELS, Oct 22 (Reuters) - Germany is pushing for changes in the European Union's fundamental framework -- the Lisbon treaty -- to set up a permanent system for handling financial crises such as a sovereign debt default.
Following a deal struck in the French town of Deauville on Monday, Paris supports the initiative, meaning the two biggest and most influential EU states back the idea.
But others in the 27-country EU are sceptical about changing a document that took nearly a decade to negotiate and bring into law, and caused deep internal debate in the process.
Here are some questions and answers on the idea:
When the Greek debt crisis exploded early this year and threatened to spread to other euro zone member states, the EU scrambled to come up with a way to handle the situation. The result was a crisis mechanism called the European Financial Stability Fund, a 500-billion-euro safety net put together in May this year with IMF help.
Germany was reluctant to set up the EFSF and remains uncomfortable about it, in large part because it comes dangerously close to violating a clause in the Lisbon treaty against financial bailouts, is taxpayer funded, and has led to legal challenges in Germany's highest court.
The EFSF will expire in 2013. Germany wants to have a more-structured, permanent crisis resolution mechanism in place after that. To do so, and to ensure it is legally sound, the Lisbon treaty would have to be changed.
While France has indicated it will back Germany in pushing for changes to the treaty, most of the remaining 25 EU member states are thought to be wary of such a move.
In many countries, such as Ireland, Britain, the Netherlands and the Czech Republic, it took a lot of political will and years of handwringing to win approval for the Lisbon treaty, which like all EU treaties had to be unanimously backed by member states and approved by parliament or by referendum.
Reopening the treaty to make changes would again prove divisive and politically dangerous. In countries such as Ireland, which is going through its own Greek-style debt and deficit crisis, there is almost no appetite for such a move.
However, signs are emerging that there may be more support for the idea than originally thought.
For example, Britain has indicated that it could support a change as long as any alterations pertain only to the 16 countries in the EU that use the euro. If that is the case, it would not mean any transfer of power from Britain to Brussels and therefore the move could be approved by parliament without the need to go to the nation for a referendum.
However, ordinary Conservative members of the British parliament are highly sensitive to any sense that the EU is interfering with British affairs and are likely to oppose treaty change, potentially destabilising the Conservative coalition with the centre-left Liberal Democrats.
In several other member states, such as Finland, Slovakia, Spain and Sweden, there is a sense that while governments would prefer not to change the Lisbon treaty, it may be the only way to guarantee a permanent crisis mechanism and stave off the threat of another Greek-style meltdown.
EU leaders will meet in Brussels on Oct. 28-29 for a summit at which they are expected to debate the treaty change issue. If they agree, they could give Herman Van Rompuy, the president of the European Council, a mandate to explore the issue further. In a statement made after their Deauville deal, France and Germany said they would like to have concrete proposals on treaty change prepared before an EU leaders' summit in March 2011.
EU sources have told Reuters that Van Rompuy has already held extensive discussions with EU leaders about the issue and appointed the leader of a treaty change team even before he secures a mandate -- a sign he is confident of getting one.
The biggest risk is that once the treaty is in play, every EU member state steps forward with its own proposal for changes -- the Pandora's Box scenario. This would risk unravelling the document that is supposed to hold the EU and its institutions together. The key is for any treaty change to be tightly and carefully defined, so that one tweak -- which in the Germany case could potentially be the addition of just one or two clauses -- does not lead to a destructive free-for-all.
If -- and it's a big if that has to negotiate a great number of hurdles first -- there is backing for treaty change and changes are made, they would have to be approved unanimously by all 27 member states and then ratified by each country, in some cases in a referendum. That process could take many months. In the case of the Lisbon treaty, it took two years between the signing of the treaty in the Portuguese capital on Dec. 13, 2007, and its entering into force on Dec. 1, 2009, after all member states had ratified it.
Gollum is the most mysterious and contradictory character in the fantasy adventure “The Lord of the Rings”. He got his nickname from a clicking sound he made from time to time with his throat which sounded like “gollum”. Such noises could express practically anything: excitement and delight, sadness and fury, and other feelings.'
Gollum’s life can be divided into several periods, although gathered information is not that reliable. Before the Ring came into his possession, Gollum was a hobbit of the tribe of the Stoors, who lived near the Gladden Fields. His actual name was Smeagol, a translation of his Westron name, which means “burrow-deep”. Once Smeagol with his friend Deagol went fishing and they fished the One Ring out of the Anduin. No one suspected its destructive force at that time. But the ring perniciously worked on the hobbit’s consciousness and Smeagol even strangled his friend in order to get the Ring. However he called the Ring his birthday present and said it came from his grandmother, who had lots of beautiful things of that kind.'
Smeagol came from a big and well-off family, where grandmother, strict and faithful to old customs, was a matriarch. Smeagol was rather strong and crafty. But he never aimed to be first at anything, “his head and his eyes were downward”. Possessing the Ring, it corrupted him in such a way that Smeagol even became an outsider and, hating the sun and its warmth ever more, took refuge in a cave under the Misty Mountains. His constant telling of lies became one of his main qualities, which he wouldn’t part with throughout the story. Only fear and Sauron’s tortures made Smeagol say something close to the truth. Here what Gandalf says about Gollum: “Gollum is a liar, and you have to sift his words”.
Being a hobbit, Gollum got a kind of absolute power which entirely seized his thoughts. He found that no one in his family could see him, when he was wearing the Ring. He was very pleased with his discovery and he concealed it; and he used it to find out secrets, and he put his knowledge to crooked and malicious uses. Because of this, his relatives were not too fond of him. “His grandmother, desiring peace, expelled him from the family and turned him out of her hole”. After that Gollum lived in a cave, dreading the sun light. The Ring made him its slave.
Gollum is a self-centred and egoistic creature. This is proved not only by the above-mentioned facts but also by his betrayal of Frodo and Sam. Gollum swore on “his precious” and broke his oath.
Gollum’s favourite food was fish and goblins, which could be found in the Misty Mountains. He dwelt on an island, as slithery as he was, near a mountainous cold lake. Although the Ring was sucking his energy out, it extended his life but changed his appearance completely. Gollum became wild, he himself looked black, with big shimmering eyes and big paddling feet.
More than anything he liked Riddle-games. Once, a very long time ago, before the Ring came into his hands, he liked to give them to his friends. When Bilbo accidentally met Gollum in his cave he gave Bilbo some riddles but eventually lost the contest. At that time Bilbo could easily do away with this creature, but didn’t do that. As though Providence itself prompted Bilbo not to kill Gollum.
Gollum played his own special role in “The Lord of the Rings”. He showed Frodo and Sam a secret way to Mordor. If he hadn’t been on Orodruin at the right time, Frodo would have become a new Master of the Ring. However, Gollum bit off Frodo’s finger along with the Ring, but, having slipped, fell into the fire.
It is difficult to judge Gollum and his acts unequivocally. “Even Gollum was not wholly ruined. He had proved tougher than even one of the Wise would have guessed – as a hobbit might. There was a little corner of his mind that was still his own, and light came through it, as through a chink in the dark: light out of the past. It was actually pleasant, I think, to hear a kindly voice again, bringing up memories of wind, and trees, and sun on the grass, and such forgotten things. But that, of course, would only make the evil part of him angrier in the end – unless it could be conquered. Unless it could be cured.” – says Gandalf; it is difficult not to agree with him.
His longing for the Ring made Gollum wander through the lands of Middle-earth. In T.A. 3017 he was caught by Sauron. Having being tortured, Gollum told him about the Ring’s fate. What Sauron learned from Gollum was the name of Baggins and the Shire.
Shortly after that Aragorn caught Gollum and brought him to Gandalf. Gollum was terribly afraid of everything and his tale was incoherent, “together with much snivelling and snarling”. He had strange hopes towards Evil and thought he “had good friends now, good friends and very strong. They would help him. Baggins would pay for it”.
Gollum’s primary objective was to take revenge on Bilbo Baggins and regain the Ring. During the journey of the Fellowship of the Ring, he followed them and traced “his precious”. Gollum even escaped from the realm of the elves, into whose guard he was given. Being a slave of the Ring, hating the sun, he stealthily followed the Company.
Gollum wormed himself into Frodo and Sam’s confidence. He did all that he was asked to do, although reluctantly, uttering creaking sounds. Gollum brought the hobbits to Shelob’s web, to a huge and wicked spider whom Gollum had promised to bring victims. He hoped that the monster would get rid of the things, including “his precious”. However, Sam saw a trap in that and everything turned out to be fine.
We cannot but admire Gollum’s restlessness. He reached Orodruin and there took “his precious” into his possession … that time forever.
Of course, Gollum is a negative character. Although, he hates both Good and Evil, he takes neither side. In the War of the Ring he plays for himself, strives to reach only his aims. He can be tamed, but, for the sake of what?
We can only sympathize with Gollum. During all his life he was under the Ring’s influence. Together with it, celebrating the regaining of his precious, he falls into the fire. This outcome is rather predictable. He successfully accomplishes the Company of Nine’s mission, although not desperately wanting to save the world.
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has told a foreign group of dignitaries that includes former U.S. president Jimmy Carter that Israel is not willing or able to achieve peace in the region.
Syria's state-run SANA news says Mr. Assad said only a "just and comprehensive" peace would bring security and stability to the Middle East and Israel's current government is not capable of achieving that goal. He commented Tuesday in a meeting with a delegation of former world leaders known as "The Elders."
The group, which is being led by former Irish president Mary Robinson, is on a tour of the region. The delegation also met Tuesday with Hamas chief Khaled Meshaal. After the meeting, Mr. Carter called the Israeli blockade of Hamas-ruled Gaza one of the "most serious human rights violations on earth."
He also said efforts to isolate Hamas are a basic cause of suffering in Gaza where over 1 million people are being held in a "cage or prison" with no human rights.
Israel imposed the partial blockade on Gaza after Hamas seized control in 2007. Israel says its goal is to prevent Palestinian militants from obtaining weapons.
Mr. Carter helped broker the 1979 Camp David peace accords between Israel and Egypt.
"The Elders" was founded by former South African president Nelson Mandela to impact world affairs. The group began its tour in Egypt and has stops in Jordan and Israel.
I had found the following article on the Internet and it was supposedly written by a man, if I may call him that, who professes to be a Born Again Christian; but what a phoney he turns out to be as l have never heard of an article that was written with so much hatred and contempt for another person in all my life, and particularly another Christian.
So there we are that is the type of behaviour that is so prevalent in those that call themselves Christian that it is a small wonder that the Antichrist has been allowed to rise and rise without the preponderance of those that call themselves Christian even being aware that he is.
Quote: The best news we have heard in a long time is that Robert Schuller’s palace of varieties, aka The Crystal Cathedral, has filed for bankruptcy! Great! Let’s hope their trashy TV programs go off air sometime soon. So much for the alleged “power of positive thinking.” Maybe Schuller and his buddies need to grit their teeth and pray more positively, to any assorted deities that they think may be listening. Unfortunately the begowned one- anyone bidding for Schuller’s robes?- is unlikely to be out of business- business being the operative word. His wealthy buddies range from Rupert Murdoch, who got his awful sham of a spiritual show onto British TV, to Rick Warren, C. Peter Wagner etc. But as Sandy Simpson wrote: “The point is that positive thinking is busted.
“ Why do I say that? Because I'm sure they weren't all sitting around positively thinking and confessing that they wanted to go bankrupt! Not only is this practice patently unbiblical, it also doesn't work outside of "Christendumb". All you have to do is tune into the cooking competition shows to see any number of ego-bloated people who positively think they are going to win and then take a well-deserved nosedive. That is one of the reasons I watch those shows ... to see people who are complete postmodern narcissists take a hard fall from pride. However, they never seem to learn their lesson as I am sure Schuller and his other heretical buddies won't either.”
I endorse our friend Jacob Prasch’s remarks on hearing the news of the crystal “catastrophe” (ho ho ho):” Fallen, fallen is Babylon The Great – may Saddleback, Willow Creek and TBN be next.”And so say all of us! I often wondered when Pat and I wrote our book ...... ...... what would happen to all the name it and claim it, positive confession, prosperity-teaching churches when the financial roof fell in, as it is now about to do in America. Will their God of prosperity get the blame when their cars and homes are repossessed? I think we will soon find out. I’m glad our church building is an old hut that should have been knocked down years ago. We don’t owe a cent on it. End of Quote
Of the seven church ages mentioned right at the beginning of the book of Revelation, in this article I intend to discuss the final church age, the Laodicean Church Age.
Most of the modern day Biblical scholars seem to agree that the Laodicean Church Age is the age of churches that we are currently living in.
Revelation Chapter 3 and Verses 14 to 16
And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God; I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.
Now the aforementioned verses are quiet interesting as it is in those verses that we are being told in the Christians in this modern day and age are lukewarm, that we are neither hot nor cold and for that reason I will spue them out.
That's what the word of God says; the modern day Christian is neither hot nor cold and for that reason I will spue them out.
So what does that mean, and how does it relate to the world that we are living in at the moment?
Basically, it means that the preponderance of those that call themselves Christian are neither here nor there relative to their faith.
The line of thought goes somewhere along these lines: maybe Jesus Christ is the son of God, but I am not too sure until it has been proven to me conclusively.
Maybe the Bible is the word of God but I am not too sure, so just to be on the safe side I will call myself a Christian, after all I can always change my mind at a later date if I choose to do so?
In other words, we are living in an age where most that call themselves Christian are half hearted about their faith, a state of mind that the Lord is not interested in.
That is why he has written in his word he will spue out, or disown, those Christians that have that state of mind.
There is some sort of a rumour floating around that this great nation of Australia that I live in is Christian, and that we have a Christian heritage?
But where the real Christians are is beyond me?
Wherever I go I am extremely hard pressed to find a genuine Christian?
Certainly I know a lot of church goers that call themselves Christian, but most are Christian in name only and are as I said above, Church Goers.
There is a direct tie in or correlation between those that falsely call themselves Christian and the deceptive rapture doctrine.
More than, that there is also a direct tie in with the pre tribulation theory of the rapture and the Laodicean Church Age as both are so heavily tied in that it is just not a laughing matter.
There is a warning here, not just from me, but from the word of God itself, that those that are lukewarm and are neither here nor there relative to the word and are looking for a cowardly means of escape before the tribulation period starts may fit into the category mentioned above?
Many may find themselves without a leg to stand on when the crunch time really begins as the Lord spues them out and they may not receive the reward that they thought they were going to after all.
So make sure that you are not one of those that hold fast to a doctrine that is not even mentioned in the Bible at all -- the rapture doctrine.
There is a very pleasing event that has taken place today in Rome that has been edifying to not only the Roman Catholics in Australia, but Roman Catholics right around the world.
What I am referring to is the Canonisation of Mother Mary McKillop as Australia's first ever fully certified Saint.
Yes, Australia has welcomed the nation's first saint, Saint Mary of the Cross McKillop, with cheers, tears of joy and enthusiastic applause.
St Mary was declared at about 7.45 (AEDT) during a canonisation ceremony at the Vatican in Rome led by Pope Benedict XVI.
Up to 8000 Australians, wearing yellow or teal coloured scarves, watched from the square of St Peter's, the centre of Roman Catholicism. Across Australia, many thousands more watched the live broadcast.
The Pope named each candidate in turn, ending with the declaration that their names be inscribed "in the canon (list) of the saints and establish that throughout the church they be honoured devoutly among all the saints."
"It was lovely I'm so glad I was here," Dianna Georges told AAP at Mary MacKillop Place where 2000 people had roared their approval and erupted with cheers and applause following the formal canonisation.
The mother of three from Croydon, in Sydney's inner west, was cradling her three-week-old baby Elyssa Anne Mary, named after Mother Mary.
"Hopefully, Mary MacKillop will keep her safe and protect her throughout her life."
Following the canonisation, dozens poured into the chapel to pray at St Mary's tomb.
Father Graeme Malone, priest to Mary MacKillop Place, said he was deeply stirred by the moment.
"It was a great privilege to witness it," he told AAP.
The ceremony was broadcast live on television and the internet and at various sites around Australia where thousands had gathered, including her birthplace of Melbourne and the rural town of Penola in South Australia where her religious journey began.
In Penola, there were cheers and tears among town residents.
"I have come because it is history in the making; this will never happen again you know: Australia's first saint," Coral Butcher said.
More than 15,000 people travelled to Mary MacKillop Place on Sunday, the mother house of the Sisters.
In Sydney, Acting Secretary General of the Sisters of St Joseph, Sister Monica Cavanagh thanked St Mary's many admirers for the enthusiasm they have showed for the order's founder.
"We are overwhelmed with the response," she said.
St Mary, a founder of the order of the Sisters of Saint Joseph of the Sacred Heart who died in 1909, was canonised along with five others blesseds from Spain, Poland, Canada and Italy.
About 50,000 people were gathered at St Peter's to hear the Pope conduct the rite during a two hour mass.
The Pope began with a formal greeting to the church universal before calling on the congregation to reflect on their lives.
The crowd was silent as the Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, Archbishop Angelo Amato, formally asked the Pope to proceed with the canonisations.
Archbishop Amaoto told of St Mary's early years during a short a biography, which he made for each candidate.
St Mary was born in Melbourne on January 15, 1842, the first child of Scottish immigrants Flora and Alexander.
Her childhood was humble and she grew up knowing what it was like to be poor.
She went on to found the order with Father Julian Woods to help educate and care for poor children in rural areas.
However, her journey was not easy.
St Mary's path to sainthood has taken 85 years, the church recognition of two healing miracles, the personal attentions of Popes, years of research, countless prayers and patience.
The title means she will be recognised around the world as a person close to God.
Australian clergy in Rome for the canonisation included Archbishop of Sydney Cardinal George Pell, Adelaide Archbishop Philip Wilson, Melbourne Archbishop Denis Hart, Brisbane Archbishop John Bathersby, and Perth Archbishop Barry Hickey.
However, this has not only provided a splendid opportunity for the nations of Catholics right around the world to celebrate something that is gratifying and edifying to their religion, but it has also given the many Australian public figures that had attended the event the opportunity to travel and spend lavishly at the expense of the taxpayers.
What a grandiose type of holiday they must all have had while the average Aussie battles to pay the bills and pay off the mortgage?
Oh for the privileges and advantages of power even though there is nothing at all mentioned in the word of God relative to this particular type of circus, and that's what it is a circus.
This event has nothing whatsoever to do with being a Christian, or indeed salvation, but instead has everything to do with making sure that we as a nation are rife for the time that the Antichrist gains total and complete control of the Revised Roman Empire - the EU - just as he is doing at the moment.
The Bible makes very clear that a man cannot inherit the Kingdom of God unless they are thoroughly Born Again in the spirit and that good works alone will not achieve that objective, meaning that by whatever works or miracles Mary McKillop allegedly achieved Sainthood they really count for nothing or very little unless she had been Born Again.
Of those circumstances, I cannot be certain though as she yet may not really be a saint in the eyes of God unless she had been Born Again.
Also, there is no doubting that anyone can achieve Sainthood if they are prepared to repent of their sins and accept the Lord Jesus Christ as their saviour and deliverer.
Therefore, as there are literally millions and millions of Born Again Christians alive here on the planet, even as l write this piece; in that respect there is nothing that is out of the ordinary about Mary McKillop except for the probability of her being a good women who lived a selfless life and went out of her way to help those that were less fortunate than herself.
In closing, the Canonization of a particular individual is simply nothing more than a recently invented add on to the Roman Catholic Church and was more than likely invented in quite recent times probably within the last few hundred years and has been put there purely for ecstatic purposes only.